What is the reddest crape myrtle?

What is the reddest crape myrtle?

Dynamite Crape Myrtle
The Reddest Blooms You Can Get on a Crape Myrtle The Dynamite Crape Myrtle is the go-to tree for adding color to your landscape. You get amazing red blooms that last from late spring to early fall.

How tall does a red crape myrtle get?

Mature Size The red rocket crapemyrtle grows to a height of 10–15′ and a spread of 12–15′ at maturity.

What is the most beautiful crape myrtle?

These are among the very best of this group:

  • Arapaho Crape Myrtle. The Arapaho Crape Myrtle is a tall variety reaching around 20 feet with red flowers that are a true red, not just a dark pink.
  • Catawba Crape Myrtle.
  • Muskogee Crape Myrtle.
  • Natchez Crape Myrtle.
  • Tuscarora Crape Myrtle.

What crape myrtle has red leaves?

The Crimson Red™ Black Diamond® Crape Myrtle should be grown in full sun for maximum flowering and the richest leaf color. It will thrive in almost any soil, just so long as it is well-drained. Water regularly during the first season, but after that this tree will thrive in drought and hot, humid weather.

Which tree is better red rocket or dynamite crape myrtle?

The Red Rocket Crape Myrtle is your best choice for cooler zones as this variety goes into a zone 6. The Dynamite is an extremely popular variety for its cherry red color, pest and disease resistance, drought tolerance, and classic Crape Myrtle shape.

What is the darkest red crepe myrtle?

Crimson Red™
The bloom color is the darkest red of the Black Diamond® collection. Crimson Red™- We have found Crimson Red™ to naturally take on a shrubbier habit. The bloom color is the brightest red in the Black Diamond® crape myrtle collection.

Which crape myrtle grows the fastest?

The Crape Myrtle Company Basham’s Party Pink is the fastest growing Crape Myrtle Tree we have ever seen. It is not unusual for Basham’s Party Pink to grow 12 to 15 feet per year! It is a very full upright tree that grows to 30ft+ tall with a 20ft+ canopy.

Which crepe myrtle is the fastest growing?

Basham’s Party Pink
The Crape Myrtle Company Basham’s Party Pink is the fastest growing Crape Myrtle Tree we have ever seen. It is not unusual for Basham’s Party Pink to grow 12 to 15 feet per year! It is a very full upright tree that grows to 30ft+ tall with a 20ft+ canopy.

What is the longest blooming crepe myrtle?

If you are looking for the longest bloom time look to the lavender purple Muskogee or the white Natchez. You will enjoy flowers for months! The Muskogee is also one the few Crape Myrtles that is recommended into a zone 11. Howdy, hot states, this is the tree for you!

Why are leaves turning yellow on crepe myrtle?

If you’re noticing black spots on the leaves of your Crepe Myrtles, your trees are experiencing a disease called Cercospora. Initially displaying dark spots, these leaves eventually turn yellow, orange or red and fall off your trees, well before the hot Louisiana temperatures have dropped and fall has begun.

Where is the best place to plant crepe myrtles?

Crape Myrtles can be grown all over the USA, in any soil type. The site should be in the bright, hot sun: full or partial sun (6hrs min). No heavy shade for Crape Myrtles. If the site gets sun for part of the day then it’s fine.

Do Crepe Myrtles have invasive roots?

Crepe myrtle trees are lovely, delicate trees offering bright, spectacular flowers in the summer and beautiful fall color when the weather begins to chill. But are crepe myrtle roots invasive enough to cause problems? You don’t have to worry about this issue because crepe myrtle tree roots are not invasive.