What is the role of the European External Action Service?

What is the role of the European External Action Service?

The European External Action Service (EEAS) is the EU’s diplomatic service. It aims to make EU foreign policy more coherent and effective, thus increasing Europe’s global influence.

Is the European External Action Service an EU institution?

The European External Action Service is not technically speaking an official institution of the EU. The role of the EEAS is to serve the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, currently Federica Mogherini.

What is EU action?

The European Union can only act in those areas where its member countries have authorised it to do so, via the EU treaties. The treaties specify who can pass laws in what areas: the EU, national governments or both.

Who heads the European External Action Service?

Josep Borrell
European External Action Service

Agency overview
Agency executives Josep Borrell, High Representative Stefano Sannino, Executive Secretary-General
Child agencies EUMS SitCen
Key document Treaty of Lisbon
Website http://eeas.europa.eu/

How many EU delegations are there?

140 EU Delegations
The EU is represented through some 140 EU Delegations and OfficesSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• around the world.

Who represents the EU abroad?

Josep Borrell Fontelles

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Emblem of the EEAS
Incumbent Josep Borrell Fontelles since 1 December 2019
European External Action Service European Commission
Abbreviation HR HR/VP

How do you become a European ambassador?

How can I become an Ambassador?

  1. Applicant fills in the online application form.
  2. European Commission confirms selected applicants as Ambassadors.
  3. Each Ambassador is endorsed for a period of one year.

What are competences EU?

the EU has competence to support, coordinate or supplement the actions of the Member States (article 6 TFEU) – in these areas, the EU may not adopt legally binding acts that require the Member States to harmonise their laws and regulations.

What is the EU action plan on sustainable finance?

European Union Action Plan on Sustainable Finance: Disclosures Regulation. The EU Action Plan on Sustainable Finance (the “Action Plan”), is an ambitious package of measures aimed at directing private sector finance towards the mitigation of climate change and other environmental threats.

Who do EU ambassadors report to?

Technically, an ambassador reports to the president, though in fact he or she does so through the secretary of state. Ambassadors are accredited as representatives from one head of government to another.

Does the European Union have embassies?

The EU member states have their own diplomatic missions, in addition to the common EU delegations. On the other hand, additionally to the third-state delegations and offices the European Commission maintains representation in each of the member states.

Do the EU have embassies?

The EU has developed an extensive (but little-known) worldwide network of embassies, each Head of Delegation accorded full ambassadorial status and the staff full diplomatic privileges and immunities.