What is the significance of No-Shave November?
No-Shave November is a month-long campaign to raise awareness and funding for cancer prevention, research and education. This year, the Prevent Cancer Foundation® is one of three benefiting organizations of this incredible campaign.
What is November beard?
What is Movember? Movember is an annual event where men grow mustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. Since 2003, Movember has funded more than 1250 men’s health projects around the world. (
Why do people have beards in November?
No-Shave November has begun. The month encourages men to grow out their beards in order to raise funds and awareness for cancer research. No-Shave November, which is also the name of the foundation that created the month-long fundraiser, dates back to 2003, when it began in Australia.
Is No-Shave November just mustache?
And the “Mo” in “Movember” comes from “moustache” (Australians love extra vowels). Yes, sure, you can grow a full beard, but that’s No Shave November (or just, y’know, growing a beard). It’s not Movember.
Why do guys grow moustache in November?
Movember (a portmanteau of the Australian-English diminutive word for moustache, “mo”, and “November”) is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide.
What is the difference between November and No-Shave November?
No-Shave November is a bit more laissez-faire about the rules than Movember, which wants people to start the month completely clean-shaven and grow only a mustache.
Is November a no shave month for men?
It’s No-Shave November, also known as “Movember”, a time each year when many men put the razor away for a month in an effort to increase awareness and start conversations about men’s health issues. So, let’s start the conversation!
Do you shave before No-Shave November?
Just like Movember, No Shave November requires you to be clean shaven and 100% facial hair free on November 1. To be fully in compliance with the rules, no razor should touch your face before December 1st.
Can you start Movember with a moustache?
What are the rules of Movember? According to the charity’s website, the official rules of Movember are as follows: Rule one: Once registered at movember.com each Mo Bro must begin the 1st of Movember with a clean shaven face. Rule two: For the entire month of Movember each Mo Bro must Grow and groom a moustache.
When should I shave in November?
RULE #1: START WITH A CLEAN-SHAVEN FACE The goal is to start the month of November with a clean, shaved face. So, a few days before the 1st, grab your grooming tools, and get to work.
Is November a moustache month?
Can I shave in November?
The rules for Movember, according to the Charities website, are simple. You must begin the month of Movember clean shaven. For the whole month of November, you must grow and groom your moustache – shaving other parts of your face is of course still required.
Is no-shave November just another way to show off your beards?
Since the No-Shave November event has become a popular cultural institution, there is belief that some participants may have lost sight of the original purpose, namely, fighting cancer, and are instead simply using the month as a way to explore and show off their beards.
What is ‘no-shave November’?
The movement encourages people to “embrace their hair” – particularly their whiskers – to honor cancer patients who lose their hair during vigorous medical treatments. Even if you can’t grow a beard, either because of genetics or other roadblocks, you can still participate in No-Shave November.
Can you grow a beard in November?
If you want to grow a beard in November as part of the No-Shave movement, you put down your razor for 30 days and let your facial hair run free. You can donate the money you’d normally spend on hair maintenance to the No-Shave November cause.
Is your new beard patchy or too thin?
You may even notice that your new beard is a bit patchy or too thin. No worries, because you’re not alone, and it’s no time to panic. Most men have patchiness and thin roots at this stage of the game – patchiness and thinness that’s likely to go away as your beard becomes longer.