What local government is Ikot Ekpene?

What local government is Ikot Ekpene?

Ikot Ekpene is known as a regional centre of commerce, with notable exports of palm products, especially palm oil, kernels, raffia products including raffia fibers and its wine, and ground crops of yams, cassava, taro, and corn….

Ikot Ekpene
State Akwa Ibom
• Chairman Hon. Unyime Okon Etim

What are the 31 local government in Akwa Ibom State?

Local Government Areas: 31 LGAs: Abak, Eastern Obolo, Eket, Esit Eket, Essien Udim, Etim Ekpo, Etinan, Ibeno, Ibesikpo Asutan, Ibiono Ibom, Ika, Ikono, Ikot Abasi, Ikot Ekpene, Ini, Itu, Mbo, Mkpat Enin, Nsit Atai, Nsit Ibom, Nsit Ubium, Obot Akara, Okobo, Onna, Oron, Oruk Anam, Udung Uko, Ukanafun, Uruan, Urue-Offong/ …

How many villages are in Ikot Abasi?

It has three political wards which together comprise twenty-three (23) villages namely; Atan Eka Iko.

Is Ikot Ekpene a town?

Ikot Ekpene, town, Akwa Ibom state, southern Nigeria. The town lies along the coastal highway between Calabar and Aba. It is the chief trade centre (yams, cassava [manioc], taro, corn [maize], and palm produce) for a densely populated area known for its export of palm oil and kernels.

When was Ikot Ekpene local government created?

This preview shows page 74 – 77 out of 240 pages. The Qua Iboe river traverses Obot Akara LocalGovernment Area from Nsaraa in Abia State throughUsaka, Atan Ibong, Nto Ekpe up to Ikot Amba.

What year was Ikot Ekpene local government created?

On the 11th day of April 1951, the first ever Election in Nigeria into the office of the Local Government Chairman was conducted in Ikot Ekpene. And Late chief R. U. Umoinyang (MBE)(1900 – 1972) was duely elected as the first council boss of Ikot Ekpene LGA.

How many local government are there in ibibio?

31 local government areas
Akwa Ibom was split from Cross River State in 1987 with her capital Uyo and with 31 local government areas….Languages.

Language LGA(s) spoken in
Ekid Eket, Esit Eket
Etebi Esit Eket
Ibibio Etinan, Ibiono Ibom, Ikono, Ikot Abasi, Itu, Mkpat Enin, Nsit Atai, Nsit-Ubium, Onna, Uruan, Uyo, Ini.
Ibuno Ibeno

Which is the biggest local government in Akwa Ibom State?

Oruk Anam
Oruk Anam is a Local Government Area located in the southwestern part of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. It may be ranked as the largest LGA in Akwa-ibom due to its land popularity.

When was Ikot Abasi Local Government created?

The present day Ikot Abasi Local Government emerged in 1996. Following the excision of Ogoni-land to Bori Division of Rives State in the 50’s, Siuthern Part of Oruk Anan and Ukanafun in 1975, the creation of Mkpat Enin Local Government area in1989, and Eastern Obolo in 1996.

What is the meaning of Ikot Abasi?

Ikot Abasi, also called Opobo, formerly Egwanga, port town, Akwa Ibom state, southern Nigeria. The town lies near the mouth of the Imo (Opobo) River. Situated at a break in the mangrove swamps and rain forest of the eastern Niger River delta, it served in the 19th century as a collecting point for slaves.

What is the name of the oldest local government in Nigeria?

The Lagos City Hall, established in 1900, is the secretariat of the oldest local government in Nigeria. It is located within the Brazilian quarters, right in the center of the Lagos business district.

What is Ikot Ekpene known for?

Ikot Ekpene is known as a regional centre of commerce, with notable exports of palm products, especially palm oil, kernels, raffia products including raffia fibers and its wine, and ground crops of yams, cassava, taro, and corn.

How many local government areas are in Akwa Ibom State?

Alwa Ibom state has 31 Local Government Areas. Major towns in the state include Uyo, Eket, Ikot Ekpene, Oron, Abak, Ikot Abasi, Ikono, Etinan and Mkpat Enin. Here is the list of local government areas and towns in Akwa Ibom state;

Why choose Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic?

The present administration of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic is determined to achieve laudable milestones in academic and infrastructural development of the institution Our Lecturers are Highly Train professional in their field of responsibilities. Dedication is Our Key word.

Who are the people of Alwa Ibom?

Akwa Ibom has a population of over 10 million people. These people belong to Ibibio, Annang, Eket and Oron tribes, with a few variants from these ethic groups. Alwa Ibom state has 31 Local Government Areas. Major towns in the state include Uyo, Eket, Ikot Ekpene, Oron, Abak, Ikot Abasi, Ikono, Etinan and Mkpat Enin.

How did Akwa Ibom State get its name?

Akwa Ibom state got it name after the Qua Iboe river, the major river in the state. It was created in 1987 from the former Cross River State.