What strategy is making connections?

What strategy is making connections?

reading comprehension strategy
Making connections is a critical reading comprehension strategy that helps students make meaning of what they are reading. When students make connections to the texts that they are reading, it helps them to make sense of what they read, retain the information better, and engage more with the text itself.

What is making connections in comprehension?

Teaching topic: Literacy (defined reading comprehension strategies): Making connections. “Making connections involves the activation of prior knowledge in the process of evoking personal connections with the text. Connections may be text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-word.”

What is a making connection question?

Making connections is linking what the students read, to what they already know. This strategy helps students comprehend text, by activating their prior knowledge and making meaning of what they read.

What are the 3 types of connections?

Introduce the three types of connections: text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world. Read the text aloud. Use the Think Aloud strategy to model one of the three types of connections. Emphasize connections that add to the understanding of this particular text.

What are the three kinds of making connections?

Using the Making Connections Posters (Text-to-Self Connection, Text-to-Text Connection, and Text-to-World Connection) as visual aids, introduce the three types of connections: Text-to-Self Connection, Text-to-Text Connection, and Text-to-World Connection.

What are the examples making connections?

Making Connections – Reading Strategy

  • text to self, which could sounds like: This reminds me of my own life… I can relate to this character because…
  • text to text, which could sounds like: This reminds me of another book I’ve read/movie I’ve watched…
  • text to world, which could sounds like:

Why is it important to build connections?

When you create connections based on shared interests and goals, you’ll be more successful at your job, because people want to work with people they know and like. I’ve always felt that building relationships is the most important aspect of building a business.