What was Ahom society divided into?

What was Ahom society divided into?

clans or khels
Ahom society was divided into clans or khels, who controlled several villages – among them were few castes of artisans in the Ahom areas who later made their ways to the nearby kingdoms. Khel often controlled several villages wherein all the adult males served in the army during the war.

What was the social set up of Ahoms Class 7?

The Ahom society was divided into clans or khels. A Khel often controlled several villages. The peasant was given land by his village community and even the king could not take it away without the community’s consent.

What were the main features of Ahom society Class 7?

Ahom society was divided into clans/khels….Ahom society was very sophisticated.

  • Poets and scholars were given land grants.
  • Theatre was encouraged.
  • Important works of Sanskrit were translated into the local languages.
  • Historical works, known as buranjis, were also written-first in the Ahom language and then in Assamese.

Who were Ahoms tribal group?

The Ahom (Pron: /ˈɑːhɒm/), or Tai-Ahom is an ethnic group from the Indian states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. The members of this group are admixed descendants of the Tai people who reached the Brahmaputra valley of Assam in 1228 and the local indigenous people who joined them over the course of history.

How was Ahom society divided 7?

Answer: Ahom society was divided into clans or Khels. There were very few castes of artisans, so artisans in the Ahom areas came from the nearby kingdoms. Kheloften controlled several villages. The peasant was given land by his village community.

Are Home society Divided?

The Ahom society was divided into clans. Explanation: The Ahom kingdom (in the present-day Assam) established by the Ahoms was divided into several clans or khels.

What were sections of Ahom society which generally held sway over several villages were called?

Our home society was divided into clans or skills which generally held sway over several villages.

Who were Ahoms give brief information about the Ahoms Class 7?

The Ahoms were another important tribe, predominant in Vedic India. They lived in Myanmar and migrated to the Brahmaputra valley in the early 13th century. The Ahoms did not possess their own kingdoms, but created their state by suppressing the older political system of the landlords, known as Bhuiyans.

How was the society divided in the large part of the subcontinent?

In large parts of the subcontinent, society was already divided according to the rules of varna. These rules, as prescribed by the Brahmanas, were accepted by the rulers of large kingdoms. The difference between the high and low, and between the rich and poor, increased.

What did Ahoms introduce?

The Ahoms brought with them the technology of wet rice cultivation that they shared with other groups. The people that took to the Ahom way of life and polity were incorporated into their fold in a process of Ahomization.

Who established the Ahom kingdom in Assam?

Chaolung Sukapha
Who was Chaolung Sukapha? Sukapha was a 13th-century ruler who founded the Ahom kingdom that ruled Assam for six centuries. Contemporary scholars trace his roots to Burma.

Who were Class 7?

The Mundas and Santals were other important tribes that lived in these states and also in Orissa and Bengal. The Kolis, Berads and numerous others lived in the Maharashtra highlands, Karnataka and Gujarat. Further there were large tribal populations of Koragas, Vetars, Maravars and many others in South.