What was Francisco Goya known for?

What was Francisco Goya known for?

Francisco Goya was one of the greatest painters and printmakers of the late 18th and early 19th centuries in Europe. He is regarded as one of the latest of the Old Masters and one of the earliest of the modern artists. His works reflected contemporary upheavals and influenced important later artists.

Why did Goya create The Disasters of War?

But it was the turbulence, hardship and depravity of the Napoleonic occupation of Spain during the Peninsular War (1808-14), when Napoleon’s brother Joseph Bonaparte was proclaimed Kingking, which actually prompted Goya to make the series.

Did Goya fight in the Spanish Civil War?

Throughout the War of Independence, Goya retained his position as court painter to the Spanish Crown, though he remained neutral during the conflict. Once French forces were expelled from the country and Spain’s King Ferdinand VII was restored in 1814, Goya denied any involvement with the French.

What is Goya’s ‘Disasters of war?

A Closer Look at Francisco Goya’s ‘Disasters of War’ (Los Desastres de la Guerra) Haunting, macabre, and poignant, the series of 82 etchings by Spanish artist Francisco Goya known as “The Disasters of War” is a powerful reminder of the inhumane consequences of warfare.

What happens in the first part of Goya’s series?

In the first part of Goya’s series we witness the scenes of war: wounded soldiers, rapes, executions and mutilated corpses. These searing episodes are followed by images of the famine in Madrid in 1811-1812.

What is Francisco Goya best known for?

Goya was known to his contemporaries chiefly as a court painter but today he is best known for his outspoken vision of society, which he expressed in prints and drawings. The series ‘Los Desastres de la Guerra’ (The Disasters of War) depicts events during the Peninsular War of 1808 to 1814.