Where can I find Dreugh armor in Morrowind?

Where can I find Dreugh armor in Morrowind?

There is an enchanted version of this armor that can be obtained by offering a sample of Dreugh wax to the Shrine of Valor in the Koal Cave after having slain the Dreugh Warlord situated within.

What is the best medium armor in Morrowind?

Your highest possible armor rating when wearing the best medium armor available at maxed skill is 145, vs. 168 for light armor or 266 for heavy. Also, the best-rated medium armor available (Indoril armor) is lacking greaves, so if you want the best you can get, you’ll have to use Orcish Greaves, which don’t match.

Where can I find Dreugh in eso?


Dreugh (lore page)
Location Bogmother, Vivec’s Antlers, Davon’s Watch, Fungal Grotto I, The Matron’s Clutch, Dreugh Waters, Dreughside, Rkhardahrk, beneath the eastern bridge in Port Hunding Northwestern shore of the Gold Coast Bitter Coast, Dreudurai Glass Mine, Khartag Point, Mallapi Cave
Species Dreugh

What is a land Dreugh?

Land Dreugh (colloquially called Billies), are the adolescent phase of the Dreughs found in Morrowind and in the Illiac Bay. In Cyrodiil, they can be found at Crayfish Cave, near Leyawiin, and near the White Stallion Lodge. They have also been encountered in the areas around Bruma.

How do you get Ebony Mail in Morrowind?

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Archcanon Tholer Saryoni for your duties.
  2. Travel to Mount Assarnibibi to visit the shrine there.
  3. Find the shrine at the top of the mountain in a ring of seven large stones and activate it to receive the Ebony Mail.
  4. Return to Tholer to complete the quest.

Who trains spear in Morrowind?

Trainers[edit] The Master Trainer of Spear is Mertis Falandas at the Tower of Dusk Lower Level in Ghostgate. There is only one other Spear trainer in the game, Flaenia Amiulusus, at the Guild of Fighters in Balmora (up to 44); see also Spear Trainers.

What do you refine to get Dreugh wax?

What is the easiest way to get dreugh wax?…The only ways to get them are:

  1. Buy them from other players.
  2. Farm Rubdeo Leather Scraps and refine them for a chance for one.
  3. Equipment crafting writs for the clothing line.

How do you get Dreugh wax?

Dreugh Wax is an ingredient added by the Rare Curios Creation. It can be purchased from Khajiit caravans.

Was Molag Bal a Dreugh?

That notion is explored in Vivec’s lessons, where it is stated that, “when the dreughs ruled the world, the Daedroth Prince Molag Bal had been their chief.” The sermon gives details of the form Bal took at the time, describing it as “spiny and armored and made for the sea.”

Who is the ruddy man?

Ruddy Man, also known as the Father of the Dreugh, was the Dreugh that Vivec fought inside the Koal Cave. The cave is located near the town of Gnisis, in Vvardenfell.

Who is gaenor?

Gaenor is a Wood Elf pauper, who claims to be “an entrepreneur of sorts”. He stands in front of the Mournhold Temple, approximately halfway between the large steps outside the palace and the double-doors to the palace courtyard, asking people for increasingly outrageous sums of money.

How do you get adamantium armor in Morrowind?

Overview[edit] Adamantium Armor is available for sale from Dandera Selaro in Ald’ruhn, Hodlismod in Caldera, Meldor in Balmora, and Ralen Tilvur in Vivec. In addition, Selaro, Hodlismod, and Meldor each have a chest containing a complete set of the armor (aside from the helm).