Where did the Milgram experiment take place?

Where did the Milgram experiment take place?

Milgram’s experiment, conducted at Yale in the early 1960s, was one of the most controversial studies in the history of psychology and remains so today — 50 years since the experiment took place. “This was a landmark study in psychology and in Yale history,” said psychology professor Jack Dovidio.

When did the Milgram experiment take place?

July 1961
Milgram began his experiments in July 1961, the same month that the trial of Adolf Eichmann—the German bureaucrat responsible for transporting Jews to the extermination camps during the Holocaust—concluded in Jerusalem.

What was the point of the Milgram experiment?

Aim: Milgram (1963) was interested in researching how far people would go in obeying an instruction if it involved harming another person. Stanley Milgram was interested in how easily ordinary people could be influenced into committing atrocities, for example, Germans in WWII.

Was Milgram’s experiment replicated?

Burger, a professor at Santa Clara University, replicated one of the famous obedience experiments of the late Stanley Milgram, PhD, and found that compliance rates in the replication were only slightly lower than those found by Milgram.

Is Milgram experiment real?

In 2012 Australian psychologist Gina Perry investigated Milgram’s data and writings and concluded that Milgram had manipulated the results, and that there was a “troubling mismatch between (published) descriptions of the experiment and evidence of what actually transpired.” She wrote that “only half of the people who …

Who was the learner in Milgram experiment?

The learner was an actor working as a cohort of the experimenter. “Teachers” were asked to administer increasingly severe electric shocks to the “learner” when questions were answered incorrectly. In reality, the only electric shocks delivered in the experiment were single 45-volt shock samples given to each teacher.

Did Milgram actually shock his participants?

The volts ranged from 15 to 450. The shock generator included verbal markings that vary from Slight Shock to Danger: Severe Shock. The subjects believed that for each wrong answer the learner was receiving actual shocks. In reality, there were no shocks.

How many participants were in the Milgram experiment?

In Milgram’s experiments, conducted at Yale University in the early 1960s, around 780 people took part in what they were told was a study about learning and memory.

How did Burger replicate Milgram?

Like Milgram, Burger had participants experience the electric shock for themselves; while Milgram’s experiment called for a 45-volt test shock, Burger’s participants received a 15-volt shock.

When did Burger replicate Milgram?

Milgram’s original procedure is very reliable because it can be replicated. In 1974, Milgram published the results of his 19 Variations, which all replicated his baseline 1963 study….

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