Where does Mississippi rank in teen pregnancy?

Where does Mississippi rank in teen pregnancy?

Teen Birth Rate by State

Location Rate (Click for Rankings)
Mississippi 27.9
Missouri 18.8
Montana 13.2
Nebraska 15.1

Which state has the highest teenage pregnancy rate?

According to the latest available data, the District of Columbia the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the U.S., followed by Arkansas and Mississippi….U.S. states with the highest teenage pregnancy rates in 2017 (per 1,000 women)

Characteristic Rate per 1,000 women aged 15-19
District of Columbia 47
Arkansas 44

Which town has the highest teenage pregnancy rate?

The cities greater than 100,000 population rated with the highest teen birth rates, adjusted for education level, from high to low, are:

  • Tulsa, Oklahoma.
  • Charleston, West Virginia.
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
  • Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Kansas City, Missouri.
  • Fayetteville, North Carolina.
  • St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Columbus, Georgia.

What is the death rate in Mississippi?


Fertility Rate 61.0 (births per 1,000 women 15-44 years of age)
Drug Overdose Death Rate 21.1 (per 100,000)¹
Firearm Injury Death Rate 28.6 (per 100,000)¹
Homicide Rate 20.5 (per 100,000)¹
COVID-19 Death Rate (Q3, 2021) 262.3 (per 100,000) ²

What is the background of teenage pregnancy?

Different literature reported that factors associated with teenage pregnancy include living in rural areas, not attending school, early marriage, lack of communication between parents and adolescents about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) issues,20 educational level of the teenagers,21 and family history of teenage …

What race has the highest pregnancy rate?

Taiwan Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander women had the highest fertility rate of any ethnicity in the United States in 2019, with about 2,178 births per 1,000 women.

What is the leading cause of death in Mississippi?

Stats of the State of Mississippi

MS Leading Causes of Death, 2017 Deaths Rate***
1. Heart Disease 7,944 231.6
2. Cancer 6,526 183.1
3. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 2,037 58.3
4. Accidents 1,738 56.3

How much is a Covid test in Mississippi?

Anyone can be tested for COVID-19 at an MSDH site if they have COVID-19 symptoms, or if they may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. There is no charge for testing.