Where does the phrase put the pedal to the metal come from?

Where does the phrase put the pedal to the metal come from?

This expression originated during the 1950s, when cars’ floorboards were made of metal and racers would put the accelerator all the way down to make their autos go as fast as possible.

How do you say pedal to the metal?

put the pedal to the metal

  1. accelerate.
  2. barrel.
  3. gather momentum.
  4. go flat-out.
  5. nail it.
  6. open the throttle.
  7. sprint.
  8. step on it.

Who said pedal to the metal?

Drive, She Said – Pedal To The Metal (2016, CD) – Discogs.

Is Put the pedal to the metal an idiom?

Meaning of Idiom ‘Put the Pedal to the Metal’ To put the pedal to the metal means to do something as fast as possible; to speed up one’s efforts in order to accomplish a task in a shorter period.

What does step on the gas mean?

Definition of step on the gas : to suddenly press down on the accelerator pedal of a vehicle to drive at a higher speed Step on the gas, they’re getting away!

Is pedal to the metal an idiom?

Put the pedal to the metal, or “floor it”, an idiom meaning “to accelerate to top speed” or “move at top speed”

What is the meaning of idiom play it by ear?

Definition of play it by ear : to do something without special preparation I don’t know how they’ll react to our proposal, so we’ll just have to play it by ear and hope for the best.

What does foot on the gas mean?

(also hit the gas, put your foot on the gas) to do something more quickly or with more effort and determination: We need to step on the gas in terms of how we’re performing in the market.

What the meaning of step on it?

Hurry up, go faster
Hurry up, go faster, as in Step on it or we are going to be late. This idiom alludes to stepping on a vehicle’s gas pedal. [ Colloquial; c.

What does peddle mean?

Definition of peddle intransitive verb. 1 : to travel about with wares for sale broadly : sell peddling without a license. 2 : to be busy with trifles : piddle. transitive verb. 1 : to sell or offer for sale from place to place : hawk broadly : sell They peddled fruits and vegetables from a truck on the side of the …