Where should I put my second subwoofer?

Where should I put my second subwoofer?

Recommended Placement Locations for Dual Subwoofers

  1. Opposite diagonal front/rear corners.
  2. At the mid-points of the side walls.
  3. Front stage in the corners.
  4. Front stage flanking the center channel to the inside of the main speakers.

Can you put two subwoofers next to each other?

That’s right: if you want the smoothest, most even bass across your whole room, having dual subwoofers is the way to go. That’s because two subs, placed at strategic locations in the room, will help to smooth out bass modes and nodes (i.e. peaks and dips) throughout the room for more even low frequency distribution.

Can I use two subwoofers in home theater?

Yes. You can run two different subs. It’s optimal to run two of the same because in your case, the weaker sub may reach it’s limits before the stronger one. To build on what dstew100 said, try for optimal placement of the bigger sub up front with your mains.

How far apart should subwoofers be placed?

No more than 2/3 ! If we add one second subwoofer, it should not be placed over a greater distance than two-thirds of the wavelength of the maximum frequency that they are to played, measured from the center of a subwoofer to the center of the other.

Does it matter where you place a subwoofer?

In most cases, it’s actually better to not hide the subwoofer. Many vendors recommend that you place your subwoofer in a corner. This placement reinforces the bass significantly. However, in some rooms, you can get too much reinforcement of your bass in the corner, and you end up with boomy bass.

How do I set up multiple subwoofers?

What to Know

  1. Easiest: Connect one receiver output to one subwoofer and the second one to the other subwoofer.
  2. Next easiest: Use an RCA Y-Adapter to send two parallel low-frequency audio signals to two separate subwoofers.

Are two subwoofers louder?

It will be more powerfull, maybe +3dB, which may or may not be noticeable. But, it will create a better sound in your area. Two subs compared to one usually eliminate any dead spots you may have in your room. The bass should be smoother and more balanced, while being slightly louder and easier to feel.

How far apart should 2 subwoofers be?

Let the subwoofer close to the back wall, the centre of the subwoofer and take a quarter of the width of the space between them. According to my experiment on multiple subwoofer speakers in different ways, in terms of the placement of two subwoofer speakers, the ideal placements are Figure 4 and Figure 5.

What size room needs two subwoofers?

Dual (two) subwoofers are undoubtedly necessary for rooms larger than 2000 cubic feet.