Which fracture type is an isolated fracture of the ulnar shaft?

Which fracture type is an isolated fracture of the ulnar shaft?

Isolated fracture of the ulnar shaft (nightstick fracture) is caused by a direct blow. A classic nightstick fracture occurs when the forearm is raised to protect the head from a blow from a blunt object such as a policeman’s nightstick.

What is an isolated fracture?

Isolated fractures of the shaft of the ulna, without other fractures, often result when the forearm is raised to fend off a blow. Such fractures are fairly rare, but can result in significant disability. Most people are treated in outpatients with plaster casts or arm braces. Some are treated surgically.

How is a fractured ulna treated?

Nonoperative Treatments A stable, simple and isolated fracture of the ulna (secondary to a direct blow) can be treated with a cast for about four to six weeks. Your doctor will closely follow your progress with X-rays to assure nondisplacement of the fracture and proper bone healing.

What is ulnar shaft fracture?

Summary. Isolated ulnar shaft fractures are rare fractures of the forearm caused by either direct blow to the forearm (“nightstick” fracture) or indirect trauma (fall).

What is a Capitellum fracture?

Background: Fractures of the capitellum are rare injuries of the elbow usually seen in the adolescents. This fracture is often missed in the emergency room if a proper radiograph is not available. Recent reports have described many modalities of treatment favoring headless screw for fixation.

How do you immobilize a fractured ulna?

Isolated ulnar fractures can usually be managed with a short arm cast or a functional forearm brace. Mason type I radial head fractures can be treated with a splint for five to seven days or with a sling as needed for comfort, along with early range-of-motion exercises.

Is your ulna easy to break?

Because of the strong force required to break the radius or ulna in the middle of the bone, it is more common for adults to break both bones during a forearm injury.

Where is the ulnar shaft?

The ulna is one of two bones that make up the forearm, the other being the radius. It forms the elbow joint with the humerus and also articulates with the radius both proximally and distally. It is located in the medial forearm when the arm is in the anatomical position. It is the larger of the two forearm bones.

What is the radial shaft?

Anatomy. The radius is the shorter of the two bones in the forearm and it lies lateral to the ulna. The radial shaft is mostly round in cross section with the exception of the interosseous margin or crest where the interosseous membrane attaches to the shaft.

How long does it take an ulnar fracture to heal?

Rest: When UCL gets torn,it may heal better in a neutral position.

  • Ice pack: Applying ice to the elbow daily might help soothe the pain and reduce swelling at the site of the ligament.
  • Pain relievers: Your doctor may suggest some pain relievers,such as Aspirin,Ibuprofen,or Naproxen.
  • Do you need a cast for an ulnar wrist fracture?

    Treating broken bones involves trying to get the bones to heal back to their original position. This can be done both with or without surgery. Mild ulnar styloid fractures often just need a basic wrist cast. In some cases, your doctor may have to realign bones before adding a cast.

    What are the symptoms of a radius fracture?

    Symptoms. When you have a distal radius fracture, you will almost always have a history of a fall or some other kind of trauma. You will usually have pain and swelling in the forearm or wrist. You may have a deformity in the shape of the wrist if the fracture is bad enough. The presence of bruising (black and blue discoloration) is common.

    What does ulna fractures mean?

    It is commonly known as the Ulna. The fracture of the ulna extends from the distal tip going all the way up to the styloid base. If there is no displacement during the fracture, this fracture may go unnoticed in an X-ray. If the fracture has been caused near the base, then it may make the distal radio-ulnar joint unstable.