Which is an example of cell differentiation?

Which is an example of cell differentiation?

An example of cell differentiation is the development of a single-celled zygote into a multicellular embryo that further develops into a more complex multisystem of distinct cell types of a fetus.

What is an example of cell differentiation in humans?

Examples of differentiated cell types in the human body include neurons, the cells lining the intestine, and the macrophages that gobble up bacterial invaders in the immune system. Each differentiated cell type has a specific gene expression pattern that it maintains stably.

What is cell differentiation process?

Cell differentiation is the process by which dividing cells change their functional or phenotypical type. All cells presumably derive from stem cells and obtain their functions as they mature.

Which is an example of cell differentiation quizlet?

In multicellular organisms, the process of differentiation produces cells that are specialized to perform specific functions. For example, one cell may become a muscle cell whose function is to shorten or lengthen to allow movement.

What would be an example of the life process of differentiation?

In higher life forms like humans, as the cells multiply, they also change or differentiate. For example, some cells become skin cells while others become bone, muscle or other specialized cells.

What happens to a cell during the process of differentiation?

Cell differentiation, the fourth process, is a gradual process by which cells acquire different structure and function from one another, resulting in the emergence of distinct cell types, for example, neurons or skin cells. Differentiation is fundamentally about the different proteins cells contain.

What are the two main phases of the cell cycle?

The cell cycle has two major phases: interphase and the mitotic phase ([Figure 1]). During interphase, the cell grows and DNA is replicated. During the mitotic phase, the replicated DNA and cytoplasmic contents are separated and the cell divides.

What happens to a cell during the process of differentiation quizlet?

As cells differentiate, they become different from one another. They also form groups made of other, similarly specialized cells. These groups then form tissues and organs. Through mitosis and differentiation, the single cell becomes an organism with specialized structures.

What are the six steps in the cell cycle?

Interphase – This phase includes the G1 phase,S phase and the G2 phase.

  • M phase – This is the mitotic phase and is divided into prophase,metaphase,anaphase and telophase.
  • Cytokinesis – In this phase the cytoplasm of the cell divides.
  • What is the first type of cell to differentiate?

    Stem cells which can differentiate into entire organisms are known as embryonic stem cells and are said to be totipotent. By contrast, the body also has many cells which are only pluripotent. These cells have already undergone some cell differentiation. These stem cells can only divide into a narrow range of cell types.

    How do cells become differentiated?

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  • What do cells become through the process of differentiation?

    Why is cell differentiation an important process? A.

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  • If each stem cell divides into more specialized cells,where do you get more stem cells from?