Which is correct older brother or elder brother?

Which is correct older brother or elder brother?

Both are correct (as is “older brother”). The difference is in the formality of the language. Elder brother is formal English.

Which one is correct older or elder?

Elder and older are both adjectives that mean “more advanced in age.” Older can be used of people and things (‘an older sibling;’ ‘an older house’), but elder can only be used of people (‘the elder son’). Additionally, elder can be used as a noun (‘respect your elders’).

Can I say elder brother?

No, because here the reference is to age where as big and small usually refer to size. You should say: elder brother instead of big brother; and younger brother instead of small/little brother. Do not say: older brother.

What is an older brother?

(an) older (brother): (a brother) who has a greater age, who was born earlier. adjective. old: elderly, aged, the opposite of young or new. adjective.

Is it older or elder sister?

Elder and eldest mean the same as older and oldest. We only use the adjectives elder and eldest before a noun (as attributive adjectives), and usually when talking about relationships within a family: Let me introduce Siga. She’s my elder sister.

Is older than me correct grammar?

If it’s a preposition, “than me” is correct, because “me” is the object of the preposition. But if it’s a conjunction, “than I” is correct, because “I” is the subject of an understood verb: “He is older than I am.” Many writers on usage temporize, but Roy H.

Can we say guys to elders?

Sure, it’s fine to use it, guys! It’s fine as long as it’s informal. I use it all the time, even at work among colleagues of either sex.

Can we say elder than?

We need to remember older than is the correct form- e.g – She is older than all her friends. Usually, among siblings we generally use elder. For example- My son John is two years elder to my daughter. So remember the point- Older than / Elder to.

Is it older sister or elder sister?

How do you call elder brother in English?

Senior Member If you need a form of address, there’s nothing better than “elder brother”. Fluent English-speakers will understand that address even if they don’t ordinarily use anything like it when they talk to their own brothers.

Is the older of the two sisters?

Answer. She is the elder of the two sisters.

What is the difference between old and older?

As adjectives the difference between old and older is that old is of an object, concept, relationship, etc, having existed for a relatively long period of time while older is (old), elder, senior.

How to say I have an older brother?

– If you have to do chores together, keep commenting about how he’s slow, or can’t keep up with you because you’re older. – Assign him chores, even if it’s not your job to do chore-assignments. – Call him a baby any time he asks you for help, or doesn’t understand something.

What is it like to have an elder brother?

Younger sister will make you responsible,older brother will provide you security.

  • Younger sister will cry if you don’t do things asked by her,older brother beats the hell out of you if you do the same.
  • Young sister will come to you smiling,you will be scared to go near older brother.
  • How do I deal with my older brother?

    They may not be an inherently bad person,but they’re not the right person to be spending time with every day.

  • Toxic people often hide cleverly behind passive aggression.
  • They will try to bully you into submission if you let them.
  • Pretending their toxic behavior is okay is not okay.
  • You do not have to neglect yourself just because they do.
  • What are my responsibilities as an elder brother?

    Lead By example and not by discourse

  • Let the younger one commit mistakes,not everything can be learnt easily
  • Usually its the elder brother who comes to know about the smoking/drinking habits,help the younger one by making him/her aware of the hazards of it
  • Help the younger one with relationship issues only if they need it.