Who is inga beale?

Who is inga beale?

About. Dame Inga Beale is a British businesswoman with nearly four decades of experience in global financial services. She is also a speaker and role model for driving the inclusion agenda. Her Damehood was awarded in 2017 for her services to the UK economy during her 5-year tenure as CEO of Lloyd’s of London.

Why did Inga Beale leave Lloyds?

Inga Beale, the first female chief executive of Lloyd’s of London, is to step down as the head of the insurance market next year. Her departure comes amid concerns that despite a modernisation drive, it is losing ground to rival centres such as Singapore and failing to stem losses.

What is Inga Beale doing now?

Beale is the Chair of the HIV Commission established by UK AIDS charities the Terrence Higgins Trust and National AIDS Trust. The year-long Commission will publish its recommendations in spring 2021.

Who was the first female CEO of lloyds of London?

Inga Beale
In 2013, Inga Beale took on a big job: as the first female CEO of Lloyd’s of London, she wanted to radically change the 325-year-old company.

How old is Inga Beale?

Inga Beale. Dame Inga Kristine Beale (born 15 May 1963) is a British businesswoman and the former CEO of Lloyd’s of London.

Who is Inga Inga?

Inga’s career began in 1982 with Prudential, where she trained as an underwriter, specialising in international treaty reinsurance. Joining General Electric in 1992 as an underwriter in their insurance division, she eventually rose to a central management position in 2001.

What happened to Inga van der Waals?

Remaining with GE until 2006, and undertaking senior leadership roles in Paris and Munich, Inga then moved to Swiss reinsurance firm Converium. Here she led a major turnaround of the business before it was acquired by SCOR in 2007. In 2008, Inga joined Zurich Insurance Group as a member of their Group Management Board.

What happened to Inga joining General Electric?

Joining General Electric in 1992 as an underwriter in their insurance division, she eventually rose to a central management position in 2001. Remaining with GE until 2006, and undertaking senior leadership roles in Paris and Munich, Inga then moved to Swiss reinsurance firm Converium.
