Who owns CaringBridge?

Who owns CaringBridge?

All CaringBridge sites are free and CaringBridge is funded by donor support. Since its inception, over 740,000 CaringBridge sites have been created by people all over the world. CaringBridge Inc….CaringBridge.

Type Non-profit Social Network and Health Crisis Information Portal
Structure 16 Board Members 66 Paid Staff as of 2012

How does CaringBridge make money?

The CaringBridge mission is to amplify the love, hope and compassion in the world, making each health journey easier. CaringBridge is a nonprofit organization funded by donations. CaringBridge services are available online 24/7 to anyone, anywhere at no cost.

Is CaringBridge legitimate?

CaringBridge is an approved Accredited Charity with BBB Wise Giving Alliance, Give.org. From the launch of the very first CaringBridge site in 1997, we’ve been working toward a single vision: a world where no one goes through a health journey alone.

How do you find someone on CaringBridge?

If the site is searchable by name, you can find the site by starting on our home page, www.caringbridge.org, enter the person’s name or site name, where it says Visit a Friend’s Website and click on the search button. There is also a “Search” option in the upper right corner of most CaringBridge pages.

Is CaringBridge private?

We Have Your Privacy at Heart Every CaringBridge Site comes with these important privacy guarantees: Personal data is protected and not sold. There’s no outside advertising. Your news and updates are as private as you make them or as public as you want them to be.

Who founded CaringBridge?

Sona MehringCaringBridge / Founder

Can you raise money on CaringBridge?

Article Details. A donation to CaringBridge is a tax deductible donation used to power our mission, while a personal fundraising donation is a direct donation to an individual or family for financial support. Tribute Donations: As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, CaringBridge is donor-funded.

Can you donate through CaringBridge?

Monthly Donations Please join CaringBridge with a monthly gift of $10 or more. This convenient, ongoing contribution is automatically charged to your credit card and is the easiest way to provide a safe online place for sharing health stories.

Can you see who visits CaringBridge?

Visitor Details A. On your homepage, under your name, click on your number of visits. B. Scroll down your homepage and click “See who has visited your homepage.”

Is CaringBridge free?

Make Your Health Journey Easier with CaringBridge CaringBridge is your free online tool for sharing health updates. It is an easy and ad-free way to communicate health news to family and friends—all in one place.

Can you post videos on CaringBridge?

Only one of these options can be added per post. Visitors can add photos, videos, and CarePosts to the Thoughts and Well Wishes section. Only Authors can add media into the Journal and Gallery.

Can you donate money on CaringBridge?