Why did my rows disappear in Excel?

Why did my rows disappear in Excel?

Filtering will hide rows that remain hidden when choosing Unhide Rows, because the filter is still applied. To turn off filtering, select the Data menu, then select Filter, and see if either autofilter or advanced filter has a check-mark by it. If so, un-check it, and your rows should return.

How do I recover missing rows in Excel?

On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format. Do one of the following: Under Visibility, click Hide & Unhide, and then click Unhide Rows or Unhide Columns.

Why did my columns disappear in Excel?

It just means that you accidentally used the “Hide” feature on the missing columns. Fortunately, you can use the “Unhide” command to make individual or all hidden columns visible again.

Why will rows not unhide in Excel?

Go to the VIEW and FREEZE PANES buttons. If it says ‘Unfreeze Panes’ then this is the problem. Once you unfreeze them you will be able to scroll upwards and see the hidden rows.

How do I show hidden rows in Excel?

Select the entire sheet by clicking on the arrow in the upper left corner, then go to Home, and in the cells group, click “Format.” Then under “Visibility,” point to “Hide/Unhide,” and click “Unhide Rows” or “Unhide Columns.” This will hide the rows or columns of the selected cell or cells.

How do I unhide rows in sheets?

How to Unhide Rows in Google Sheets

  1. Open your Google Sheets file as you normally would.
  2. Find the arrows in the numbered column to the left, above and below the hidden rows, and hover your pointer over one of them.
  3. When the arrow bar appears, click one of the arrows, and the hidden rows become visible.

How do I get columns back in Excel?

Hover the mouse over column B’s header cell and move left. When the pointer changes from the selection arrow to a double arrow — this will happen as the mouse pointer nears the Select All cell — right-click and choose Unhide.

How do I unfreeze a row in Excel?

To unfreeze panes: To unfreeze rows or columns, click the Freeze Panes command, then select Unfreeze Panes from the drop-down menu.

How do you unhide rows?

How to unhide all rows in Excel

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + 9 (the fastest way).
  2. Select Unhide from the right-click menu (the easiest way that does not require remembering anything).
  3. On the Home tab, click Format > Unhide Rows (the traditional way).

How do you unhide a row?

Press Ctrl + Shift + 9 to unhide all rows or Ctrl + Shift + 0 (zero) to unhide all columns. If this doesn’t work, then right-click on a row or column identifier and select Unhide.

How do I unhide rows in Excel 2010?

Question: How do I unhide a row that has been hidden in Microsoft Excel 2010? Answer: Select the row above and the row below the hidden row. Right-click and select “Unhide” from the popup menu. Now the hidden row should be visible.

How unhide a column in Excel?

Unhide columns

  1. Select the adjacent columns for the hidden columns.
  2. Right-click the selected columns, and then select Unhide.

How do you find missing rows in Excel?

Press F5 > Special.

  • Press Ctrl+G > Special.
  • Or on the Home tab,in the Editing group,click Find&Select>Go To Special.
  • Why do rows disappear in Excel?

    – Click the PivotTable report. – On the Analyze tab, in the PivotTable group, click the arrow next to Options, and then click Options. – Click the Layout & Format tab, and then do one or more of the following: Change error display Check the For error values show check box under Format.

    Why is excel not showing all rows?

    – Selected the row before and after the ones I wanted to unhide. – Selected the Cells icon again from the Home tab. – Selected Visibility / Hide & Unhide / Unhide Rows

    How do you find hidden rows in Excel?

    – You can hide and unhide rows in Excel by right-clicking, or reveal all hidden rows using the “Format” option in the “Home” tab. – Hiding rows in Excel is especially helpful when working in large documents or for concealing information you won’t need until later. – Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.