Why did old houses have shutters?
They were used for security, provided privacy from outsiders passing by, added an extra layer of insulation during winter weather (with wood having a high R value) and blocked out the sun, preventing damage to furniture. Louvered shutters allowed a breeze to enter a home, keeping the room cool on a hot summer day.
What style of shutters are popular?
The most common shutter style installed on Ranch homes is the panel shutter. This gives the exterior a bit more formality. Board and batten shutters, on the other hand, can give Ranch homes a cute, country feel. Mission Style shutters can also add a nice touch of personality to a generally unornamented exterior.
When did shutters become popular?
Until the 18th century, shutters were only used inside the house. It was only as windows weren’t built as deep that exterior shutters came into fashion. By the 18th and 19th century, interior shutters were being used frequently in large homes in the American South, where they became known as Shutters.
When did shutters become decorative?
Soon in the 1700s, once windows commonly began to feature glass on both the top and bottom panels, interior shutters would be used increasingly as a decorative element that covered the top and bottom panes, in addition to being functional.
Why do Italian houses have shutters?
They grace most windows, offering security, direct sun blockage, and a way to use up all that green paint that Italians would otherwise have absolutely no use for. Besides, it’s sexy to throw your shutters open to the sun-drenched Lunigiana landscape in the morning.
What are cafe style shutters?
Cafe style shutters are half the height of full height style shutters with panels covering the bottom half of a window only. You can design your shutters online, get an instant quote, save your cart or place your order with an easy two-step procedure.
When did shutters become fake?
In the 60’s, colonial style project homes began to appear with fake shutters screwed tight to the façade, purely for visual effect, often to set off the wagon wheel propped against the fake wishing well in the front yard. In the 1970’s timber “tree house” style shutters were used like timber curtains.
What kind of shutters were used in the 1930s?
Early 20th century architecture such as Arts and Crafts and Bungalow were without shutters. During approximately 1915 – 1930’s, Colonial and Cottage style homes had mostly solid panel shutters with cut-out designs. Louvered and the rustic Board & Batten shutters were also used occasionally.
What are shutters on a house?
Shutters were either single board, or board-and-batten shutters (vertical wood slats) which were used on cottages and primitive buildings. Solid raised paneled shutters then appeared and provided a lighter, more elegant look. Fixed louvered shutters then came into use during the second half of the 18th century.
When did they stop putting shutters on houses?
Keep in mind that your house may have been built in 1800 and the shutters replaced in 1900 with a style popular at that time. Shutter styles and hardware are also regional to your part of the country.
What are French country shutters?
These exterior French country shutters cover more than half of the window but still allow room for the wrought iron feature at the bottom of the window. The use of exterior shutters is France is reflected in other parts of the world.