Why was Fujifilm Pro 400H discontinued?
The manufacturer surprised photographers around the world with its announcement, as this was one of the best selling films in their lineup, and the only professional-grade color negative film. Fuji’s reason for discontinuing the film was because of rising materials costs for the film’s fourth layer.
What is Fuji PRO 400H good for?
FUJIFILM Pro400H – Film Review. When it comes to color negative film, Pro400H, has the best exposure latitude meaning that it can be over exposed often up 3 stops without blowing out the highlights. This film is known for its cooler look with beautiful magenta and green tones.
Will Fuji replace 400H?
Fujifilm has announced that they are discontinuing the production of their film stock PRO 400H which is the most favorite film stock amongst wedding photographers.
Will Fuji PRO 400H come back?
It seems that so many photographers have wanted it, and Fujifilm listened! Today, Fujifilm is announcing the return of Fujifilm PRO 400H. Back in January 2021, Fujifilm discontinued the film.
What is pro 400H?
For those looking for quality film with superb color reproduction, we offer the FUJICOLOR PRO 400H brand. This product is available in an ISO speed of 400 sensitivity, providing everything from versatility and highly flexible film with enhanced color reproduction to sharpness and smooth, fine grain.
Should I overexpose Fuji pro 400H?
Jose Villa’s entire fine art work is based on Fujicolor PRO 400H… This roll shines when you overexpose by 2 stops. The kind of rendering it gives on skin tones when overexposed by 2 stops can never be achieved by digital sensor. With film the more you expose the more contrast you get in the shot…
When was Fuji Pro 400H discontinued?
Back on January 15, Fujifilm announced that they would discontinue the lovely Fujicolor PRO400H film by March 22. After that, the demand for the last stock skyrocketed and Fujifilm is forced to discontinue it much earlier than expected. The new date is June 2021.