How will your language skills help you find a dream job, and what you need to do for this?

If you like foreign languages and dream about a job that will suit your language skills, we suggest you read an article on how to find and get the “same” job.

  1. So, first, combine your knowledge of the language with a specific subject of specialization

If you are going to use the language in a particular field, linguistic education alone can not help: the language must be linked to the knowledge of the subject to be worked on. Adam Marshall, executive director of the British Chamber of Commerce, says: “Many companies view the language as part of a broad base of necessary skills – very few people hire only on the basis of language skills. Purely linguistic education is often considered less valuable than what is combined with other subjects and skills.”

  1. Set career goals in advance

Do not leave such questions at the end of training, when it’s time to submit a resume for work. Darren Paffe, a teacher of Spanish and an employment officer at the University of Southampton, I’m sure that thinking about employment is necessary throughout the training period. Thus, you will clearly see the tasks of the upcoming studies. Adam Marshall adds that “from the very beginning it is necessary to see the potential return on the costs of training.”

  1. “Sell” your experience of studying abroad

The experience of studying in a foreign country will help you to get ahead in the face of other job seekers. “Show what” soft skills “you have acquired during your life abroad: this includes understanding the specifics of intercultural communication, and being independent and adaptable to solving non-standard issues,” suggests Jack Porteus, a language and culture adviser in the UK.

In addition, it is important to show how the skills that helped you speak freely in a foreign language are used in a professional environment. These include multitasking and rapid perception of information.

  1. You do not need to speak as freely as a native speaker

Many employers do not seek to find a person who speaks at the level of the carrier. If there is such an item in the requirements – let it not frighten you! Many employers are enough that you are able to communicate on a specific topic. If they see that you can potentially develop language skills, you will be accepted.

  1. But do not exaggerate your language abilities in the summary

Do not overestimate the level of your knowledge. Marshall believes that honesty is the best policy. If you have the basic knowledge, and you can show them at the interview, but the company gets maximum benefit from you, the language requires additional practice, – report it. The employer your honesty is likely to impress.

  1. And tell me about your experience working with the language

Lizzie Fain, the founder of the thirdyearabroad and globalgraduates programs that help young people find work in international companies, advises: “you probably wrote in the summary of the level of language proficiency. But did they add information that they already worked on this language 5 days a week? And that your language skills helped in attracting new customers? Do not forget to mention this fact. ”

  1. Look for companies focused on the international market

If you are looking for an application for your language skills, consider international companies. In American companies operating in the domestic market, your language is most likely not in demand. “Companies focused on the international market, understand the importance of owning foreign languages and check the relevant skills at the interview stage”.

  1. Look for work on the Internet correctly

Do not drive into the search word “languages” – the choice will be narrow. Conduct research first – what is in demand today? In which area do you need specialists? Where would you like to work? Do not think that the set of your skills is in great demand – see for yourself what business needs. Perhaps the candidacy will be suitable.

  1. Expect the unexpected

Finally, we offer to be ready for unexpected suggestions: language can take you, in the truest sense, very far. For example, Japan is a key player in the export market of the fashion industry. Knowledge of the Japanese language, along with effective communication and other skills and knowledge, can be in demand anywhere in the world. Popular today and the German language: in sales, marketing and even the gaming industry. Be open to new opportunities!