Participating in Class

If you’re like every other student in the classroom, then you may have difficulty when it comes to participating in class. Why is that? Is it a fear of rejection? Unfortunately, there’s a lot of intellectual competitions in the classroom which should be avoided at all costs. That is the very reason as to why we don’t want to participate. It may be that we are deathly afraid of speaking in front of others in a classroom. All eyes are on us and judging our train of thought, a thought that is being forced out of you by a teacher or student. It is hard to think under pressure, isn’t it?

Participating in class is something that, as a student, you have to force yourself to do. Once you make that first step in participating then you will find that you have gained interest in the topic because you are now a part of it. You have a right to speak your mind, and you have the right to criticize another student’s opinion- but, not if it means that you’re putting them down or disregarding their intelligence. Fear is such a useless emotion if you think about it. We fear rejection, but we will never gain and grow if we do not take a risk.

While some of us may lack the common sense in taking a risk, there is a difference between risk and not thinking about your decision or statement before you make it. If the statement that you want to make in class is rightly yours and is justified without hurting anyone else in the classroom than what is the mind? Actively participating in class is you presenting your true colors to a group of students who are attempting to regain the same fabric and information as you. You may be helping someone out in the process of asking questions, and it may be an answer that makes or breaks your test grade.

Look at it this way, anyone who is incapable of not judging you and how you figure things out is totally unworthy of your time. Judging people based off the information that they don’t know is a self-esteem issue in itself. A teacher is THERE to teach you and answer your questions. Participating in class also means that you are conversing with other students as they are expressing their feelings as well. This will expand your ideas. It’s important to be unbiased in the class room; but, like anything politics will be involved.

There will be students who want to shine off of their knowledge for self-gratification purposes. These are unworthy students who cannot feel satisfied with who they are because they feel the need to show off or argue with anyone who illustrates an opposition in the classroom. Word of advice, don’t be afraid to speak your mind because if it weren’t for questions, we wouldn’t be where we are in the world with technology intelligence and communications.

What To Do When Your Parents Want To Choose Your Career Path

If you find yourself in a tough position because your parents have decided a career path for you, you’re not alone. My best friend comes from a long line of doctors. Her parents are both doctors and her grandparents and so on and so on. They wanted her to major in premed but she hated math and really wanted to major in political science and focus on the psychology part of it. Her parents were pushy but in the end she convinced them that, although, she wanted to please them she wouldn’t be happy. It wasn’t an easy feat for her but definitely a victory she felt was worth fighting for.

It wasn’t a decision she made over night. There were a lot of things for her to consider, and as her close friend and confidant I tried to listen and support her as she explored her options. On one hand, she knew that becoming a doctor meant secured employment and income. As for most young adults keeping the tradition of career can mean job security if you have the option of working in the family business. She would also have her family to rely on for support and feeling the camaraderie of sharing the same field of work was appealing because she valued the close relationship she had with her parents. On the other hand, pursing her true passion meant she would like her day job and she could enjoy her online course material because it interested her. The idea of being successful was easier to imagine if she was working and researching something she loved.

As Shakespeare once said, “we are masters of our fate.” Our own happiness rests in our hands. If choosing a career path goes against your families wishes you may be up for some resistance. Weigh the pros and cons carefully and always choose to follow your heart.

How To Save Money On Dining When You Travel

If you are someone who loves to travel then you know that in addition to the cost of the travel itself the cost of food can be a major expense for your vacation. It is very easy to tally up expenses for food that can easily exceed the cost of your vacation if you are not careful. We have put together some helpful hints to assist you with planning your trip and saving money on dining while on your trip.

First off, the age old advice of eating a good breakfast applies here as well. Always eat a balanced meal consisting of protein and carbohydrates such as traditional bacon and eggs with toast instead of a sugar laden breakfast of donuts. Complex carbohydrates including whole grain cereal, oatmeal, or wheat toast will also help keep hunger away and make you feel satisfied longer.

Endeavor to make lunch your biggest meal of the day since most restaurants usually have specials during lunch hour that can save you a great deal of money. Be friendly with the employees at the hotel you are staying and ask their advice for local eating establishments that have lunch specials. I always enjoy trying the food at little cafes that the locals love.

It is always smart to take along some snacks with you while you are out running around, especially if you are on some kind of tour with a lot of other people. You may be hungry before any scheduled stops for food, so be prepared by having a few snacks like fruit, crackers, nuts, or maybe some trail mix. Get your snacks at a local store instead of from a machine to keep the cost down.

Although many people look at going grocery shopping on vacation as taboo this is really not smart thinking. Anytime we go on vacation I always make sure that we have accommodations that have a kitchen and refrigerator so that we can prepare some of our own meals. There is absolutely no reason to eat out for every meal when you are traveling, especially if you are on a vacation that is a week or more. If you have a family of four you can probably save at least $50 a day just from eating one meal in.

Another good idea especially if you need to lose a few pounds, and most of us do, is to plan to diet a little while on vacation. You could do something like the Slimfast diet where you drink a shake for breakfast and lunch and only eat dinner. Another thing that dramatically increases the cost of dining out on vacations is the addition of alcoholic beverages. Not only are they just empty calories but you are charged for every drink as opposed to drinking a regular beverage where you are normally only charged for one glass and then get free refills.

Forwarding Your School Email to Your Other Email Accounts

Most college students get tired of having to log into their school’s email system every time they want to see their emails. This can definitely be a hassle over time, especially if the school uses the same email server as you use for personal emails. By that, I mean that the school is using Gmail for the basis of their email system and you use a Gmail account for personal emails as well. In that case, you literally have to log off and on every time you want to switch between the two. Luckily, there is an easy solution to all of this. It’s called mail forwarding. Let’s take a look at how this system works and what you would have to do to use it.

How to Mail Forwarding Works

The concept of mail forwarding is pretty simple. You just have to setup an email account to pull all of your messages from another account when they come in. the messages will still go to the second account, but they will also come to the first one for you to see. That will save you from having to go to your second account in order to check your emails. Everything will be accessible right there for you.

If you setup your account correctly, you can actually send messages from one account using the email address on another account. In other words, you can be logged in as [email protected] while you send a message to someone as [email protected]. The recipients will never know that you are using a different account, so you can keep your professional emails and your personal emails separate. This will save you from revealing your [email protected] account to your bosses, professors, colleagues, and peers.

I have a Gmail account that I use for business, and then I have another that I use for my family. I check everything on the family email, but I send info to my clients with the business address. As long as I remember to choose my business address before I send something, no one knows what my personal account is. I’ve only messed up on that one time, and that client already had my personal email. It didn’t turn out to be that bad in the end. You can do all of this to help yourself manage your life in one simple location, so you might as well give it a try.

How to Setup Mail Forwarding

Setting up mail forwarding will vary based on the email account you like to use. You can either have your email from one address forwarded to another address, or you can import emails from one account to another. Either way, you should be able to setup a connection that takes emails from one account and puts them on another one. Look for a “forwarding” option somewhere in your account settings, and you should be able to figure things out from there. It’s not a software engineering process, so you should not have trouble understanding the procedure when you get into it. You just have to follow the steps as they come.

You could also set a filter on your emails so that only certain ones get forwarded to you. If you have one professor that writes you all the time, you can make sure that those emails get to your personal account. Then you could just check back in every once and awhile on the other emails you get. I like this option because it prevents me from getting a bunch of random school announcements in my personal email. If you want to minimize the clutter, this is a great option for you. Check out your mail forwarding opportunities, and you’ll be able to manage your life better in no time.

What You Can Do With An Entrepreneurship Degree

A degree in entrepreneurship is quickly becoming one of the most sought after by business school students. The degree program teaches students everything they need to know about turning an idea into a new business. It provides knowledge about planning a business along every step of the way, including how to trademark ideas, incorporate a company, build an image around a business, and manage the financial aspects of a business.

What kind of classes does an entrepreneurship degree program at one of the best business colleges include? Here are just a few examples of what business students learn about when pursuing their degree:

Business Plan Development – A course in this subject at a good business school will cover how to write a business plan based on the idea a student has for his or her future business.

Marketing Business Ideas – This course teaches business students how to figure out who their customers are and how to sell products to this target market.

Venture Capital and Growth Strategies – A course like this covers how to find investors for a business in order to obtain money for startup costs.

Launching New Technologies – This course teaches students how to create technologies for each of their markets and then distribute each of them.

Accounting and Financials – A course in this subject covers how to handle the financial workings of a business, including various accounting practices.

Global Market Opportunities – This course helps business students learn how to expand their business into other countries.

While any entrepreneurship degree from one of the best business programs can educate students on how to turn their ideas into a real product, service, or other company and successfully compete in a marketplace full of other businesses, each degree program tends to focus on a different area. Some are focused solely on starting a business, while others may focus on a specific area of business, including finance, marketing, or management. The best way to determine whether a degree program focused on a wide range of business topics or on one specific area is to look into the program’s curriculum offered by the business school.

Test Taking Strategies

Do you tend to get nervous amidst a test and end up forgetting all the information that you studied hard the night before? There are certain strategies to perform that are going to help you regain the information that you need to do well on a test. Although studying is an obvious solution, it isn’t the only resource that we have available to us when we are attempting to receive a better grade or just relax.

The following test taking tips and tricks will help you to do better on your tests and understand the right way of going about, studying and making a routine the week before. If you tend to feel anxiety and that nerves are getting in the way of your recalling upon test answers, then your problem may lie in yourself. To feel relaxed during a test is the key to doing better. There are certain things that you can do before a test so that you rid of your nerves while still regaining the mental stimulation that you need to think with assurance.

Nerves can be eliminated if you get enough sleep. If you tend to have that “type a” personality where you stress and get a little obsessive compulsive about your work, then you may be stressing yourself out the point that you were destructing your work. Meditation is a form of order, and if you can relax your body, your thoughts and your mind before a test then you are going to come across your study information a lot easier than if you were tense and anxious. Learn how to meditate so that you can prepare your mind, body and spirit connection for an effective test taking.

Test-taking strategies run in all shapes and forms depending on how you work best. Acknowledge what type of learner you are before you make any assumptions. Do you remember information better if you do all of your studying the night before or must you study for weeks before the test to get a better understanding of the test material? Find the answer to this question and study accordingly.

This is important and it will determine how you remember math equations, vocabulary words or science abbreviations. It seems like common sense but many students tend to let their personal lives and their optimism get in the way of what they subconsciously know they should be doing. There are certain foods that will stimulate your brain and your memory.

Try eating these foods a few days before your test and see if it helps your level of concentration or focus. Do know that caffeine will energize you and improve your sense of focus for only a short period of time. You should only drink the caffeine right before the test and make sure that you are drinking enough water. Try to have a food or drink contain ginseng, which will improve your memory and your level of concentration. Also, have a small snack that has enough protein in it before the test. This will give you the energy that you need to concentrate.

Proven Speed Reading Strategies

Nowadays more and more numbers of people around the world, from different fields, are looking for ways which can help them to improve their reading speed. At the same time, there are various products available in the market, ranging from software and ebooks, to Audios and DVDs, which claim to reveal the best speed reading strategies. While many of these products do teach people how to improve their reading speed through techniques such as data gathering, improving the comprehension etc., all of them do not work equally and efficiently. Moreover, one technique might work greatly for a given individual, while another person may find some other technique to be much more useful.

If you too want to improve your reading speed and are looking for some proven speed reading techniques, then first of all you need to know that speed reading does not only mean reading fast. It is also about having a good understanding and improved comprehension. Reading fast essentially needs to have a balanced combination of comprehension and speed both.

There are numerous practical ways through which you can improve your reading speed. You can begin by trying some of the things mentioned below.

First of all, learn to skim the text before you begin with your actual reading. If you have an idea about what is present in the text that you are about to read, you will automatically be able to read faster.

Secondly, learn to read the text according to priority. Identify which section of the text is most important or carries vital information. You need to lay more stress on that part while reading the text. At the same time you need to learn to classify and divide the entire text into most important and less important segments, so that you are fully alert while reading the most important segments.

Next, one of the most important speed reading strategies is to choose a place to do your studies very carefully. For fast reading, concentration is very important, which can be absent in a place with too many people and noise. Therefore, you should select a cool and quite place to study.

Equally important is that time during which you read. According to studies, early morning is the best time for studying as you will be fresh and at the same time the surroundings will be quite and calm.

Other things that can help you to read faster include using a highlighter, being flexible and reading from different materials and finally, following a regular study routine.

How To Play Music By Ear

For most, the idea of playing a musical instrument can be baffling from the start. Especially if you have never played a musical instrument in your life! Even if you do not have musical instrument, you can always begin with voice. Piano is excellent for the beginner to start learning.

But what about those with just enough experience to go beyond and venture out into more extensive musical territory? What about the one who perhaps did not make it in musical theory class in college yet still has the desire to play music. Well, this information and the available book are good news for you! What about the guitar player, the sax man, the drummer, the flautist, the harmonica, harp player, rhythm and bells! What about the one who desires to play music by ear for an adventure in self-expression?

You have come to the right place! Being a musician who plays by ear while next to a musician who reads and plays classical music adeptly can be intimidating. We`ve come to think of a person who plays by ear as a non-studious musician, when we might in fact be overlooking a creative genius in the making! Not to discredit those who have spent years in study, even earning Masters and PHDs. The ear is actually a musical instrument. Sound waves strike the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and cause it to vibrate. These vibrations are then passed through the tiny bones in the middle ear and on to the hearing nerve in the inner ear which sends them to the brain. So, listening, hearing or playing by ear should not be discounted.

Take an individual who has perhaps never played a musical instrument but listens to hours and hours of a wide variety of music. Now take another individual who has spent many hours, days and nights studying, learning and performing with ease from sheet music. If we were to put these two in a room, we would have one outstanding listener and one outstanding performer. But what if the listener was asked to perform without sheet music? Would the listener be able to perform at all?

Absolutely, simply from the acute hearing already developed in their brain. And what about the reader of music, who sees the notes and plays them to perfection, what would the reader do if asked to improvise a new song? Could they create one with ease or would it take a lot for them to creativity compose on the spot? It`s simply a question for you to think about. This leads us to further questions…

When we learn to talk, do we all begin with the same words? Of course we don`t. We learn most easily the words that have to do with our chief interests. Similarly, in playing by ear the student should follow his own inclinations rather than the order of this book. Does one really need a text to learn to speak a language that he hears several hours every day? Grammar and a dictionary can be of great help. Does one really need a text to play music that he hears on the radio and on CDs several hours each day? This book will help. The ear player must practice, just as the note player must practice. But practicing does not need to be drudgery. The most effective practice means having a good time with the instrument each time.


Learning to play a musical instrument by ear does not have to be a drag! If you want to play it, play it! Don`t let an inability to read music keep you from enjoying your dream instrument. Pick it up and play today by ear!

How to raise obedient children?

“Is that my child will never obey me.” If you are someone who repeats the phrase, eye, is in trouble may be that their child-rearing patterns are not working or that your child has health problems.

The first thing you should do is check the child’s age, to confirm it is in the process of understanding words and sentences. This usually occurs from 3 years old. That is why it is normal before this age the child does not follow the recommendations given by adults.

According to pediatric neurologist Alvaro Izquierdo, from 9 months children heed to simple commands. However, on occasion flout the order, because they are at the stage of exploration and knowledge, which is manifested by touch.

From age 2 children begin to understand the orders of the parents, but is only to be 4 they understand the true meaning of obedience.

At 3 years, children begin to understand that the word does NOT change the structure of the sentence. It is therefore necessary for parents to talk to affirmative sentences. For example: instead of saying “do not grab it,” should say “still leaves it.”

Making it happen

To get the child to be obedient, it is also essential to explain to the children always should heed adults who are in charge, parents should deliver what they promise at an early age and instill routines.

With habits, children are disciplined in their activities and, in the same way, they learn to obey orders of the elderly.

However, the fact that a child does not comply with an order of the father, does not mean they are disobedient. If, however, the child always revolts, review the cause of this attitude.

The specialist Alvaro Izquierdo explains other reasons why a child may disobey “may have mental retardation, poor language comprehension, attention deficit disorder or challenging position.”

If the case is that the house is terrible and the school a ‘holy’, or vice versa, should review education strategies. In some of the places are failing with child rearing.

How to recognize it?

A disobedient child is one who makes tantrum, rage, anger situations, who ignore the rules that put you at home or at school.

Nurseries are in high demand

Many families are forced to change their way of life because of the many economic and social influences of modern life. The mothers, who usually stayed home to care for their children are now forced to seek employment outside their homes to supplement their income husbands. Moreover, the high divorce rate in the country, the situation bears mothers are forced to accept jobs to feed their children. These scenarios and many others make child care a necessity for pre-school age children, who otherwise would not everyone who takes care of them remain at home. Older children may also be included if they are not in school. You still need to be active in summer school or before and after school.

Industry experts consider the request for assistance will likely increase as the country continues to financial hardship and major social changes that the experience of the family. They say that opening a day care is a profitable company in the coming years as more and more parents, especially mothers find it necessary to have a regular job.

You can start your own profitable day care center and benefit from the increasing demand for day care and trust reliable. Sociologists have found that mothers already know: A child between one and six years as the most important development of an individual. The child’s exposure and experience, where he or she lives, habits, he develops and the child will receive lessons are factors that a child’s ability to adapt their behavior and learn new things that children in need in the future, will be affected. For this reason, it’s important that day care centers offer more than a babysitting service. Kita is possible in order to provide a proper learning environment for children in their custody. This is a very profitable business, as you learn to help children learn new skills and important. Many of those who are with children who will benefit much more often because they have their own communication and learning skills witnesses have worked better.

Many companies are establishing their own nurseries in their efforts to attract and retain the best people in your business. These companies have recognized that the lack of child care a major obstacle for many parents who want to work, and money, you’re a long way to improve productivity and morale of employees to go to all qualified women. However, some studies have shown, among married workers with children, who might have had with their children in day care who are closest to their care at home instead of care in their offices. This should ensure that even if companies offered in your community, your business operates day centers, will be owned by private days ago, do not suffer from the lack of parents are willing to leave your children with you.