Cause and Effect Essay: Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity problems and solutions

For loving parents is a measure of the health of their child? Right, good appetite. Halloo to one another is difficult postwar childhood of our grandmothers. In the difficult postwar years of food and calories really needed a lot. But since it took half a century, conditions of life have changed. Today’s children don’t have from dawn to dusk to plow in the garden, go for miles on foot to get to school. But they all day sitting at a Desk first, then the lessons, then at the computer. Proceed the essay on childhood obesity if you are interested in topic.

Before the onset of the XXI century was not today’s high-calorie and cheap fast food. It is naive to think that children only get it in fast food restaurants. Many families have not prepared food buy foods, stuffed with flavor enhancers, which only serve to inflame the appetite.

Obesity causes and effects

By the way, school meals, which parents love to blame all the sins, maybe not always delicious, but by its usefulness balanced. And the harm to children affects school Lunches, but what our children instead of buying them hamburgers, chips and soda.

Fast food is one of the main reasons for virtual hub is one of the main causes of obesity. “The only country which has reduced the incidence of obesity among adolescents is France. The French have launched a special state program. In the framework eliminated all school vending machines with chips and soda. But most importantly have for Teens and parents educational classes on food culture. Students were regularly examined by a doctor, worked with them psychologists, nutritionists, endocrinologists”.

Thus, in 3 years the number of incidents of obesity in France has decreased. But are you ready for our parents to such drastic measures? Something tells me our grandmother will not allow their Pets “starved”.

During the regular clinical examinations of schoolchildren all children who have found overweight or obesity, has offered to come again with parents. Alas, this visit has made only 20% of parents with children the rest of the problem was ignored. Someone thought that with age, the baby will stretch myself thin.

Someone extra pounds of their child simply does not notice. As a result, in most cases to an endocrinologist teenager gets when his weight is over 100 kg! While his medical history is literally full of doctors, but parents are firmly convinced that the child eats little, moves a lot once a week goes to the sports section, but somehow swollen. Probably something to do with hormones.

Solution for child obesity

If the child is involved in sports, the simple definition of body mass for him will not work, higher figures may be due to muscle mass. This method is not suitable and children with deficiency of growth. Then, weight is determined by the thickness of the folds.

Now there is new research that can identify the percentage ratio of muscle, fat and bone tissue. The child gets up on the device, resembling scales, inserted his height, weight, and the apparatus produces an accurate result.

Don’t want your child fat and sick? Easy solution to child obesity: clear fried potatoes, chips, sausage, burgers and soda. And need daily exercise for at least an hour a day.

Argumentative Essay: Pro-Choice Abortion Reasons

Pro choice abortion arguments

Sometimes it hurts that people are governed by the terms and trying to cover up the thinly veiled words what is called murder. Yes, because otherwise abortion will not name. Trying to justify himself in circumstances, hopelessness, poor financial situation. But all this is just excuses. Everyone should know that from the moment of conception, the child is alive and wants to be born. You can find a ton of information in the essays on abortion. Pros and cons are needed to weighted to make right decision that suited better for your mindset.

The term physicians “embryo”, which they call children, it’s just the ability to stay away from problems and not take responsibility for the infanticide. The surprising thing is that in the modern world women still have not learned to appreciate their health and life. It is no secret that cases of infertility after abortion to happen now. This irreversible process does not bother most women, most importantly for them to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. At this point, nobody thinks about the child.

There are two kinds of abortion, mini-abortion (regulation) is carried out before twelve weeks, and the abortion can be done up to twenty-four weeks. None of these methods are humane as killing can not be.

Mini abortion small terms is considered less painful and does not entail serious consequences. These are the pros of abortion. But this view is mistaken. Any interference in the natural process can lead to serious complications. Can open or bleeding fragments remain, leading to inflammatory processes, and for women it could end very badly. The process involves the sucking of the child from the uterus with a special tool, and then, if you still find the remains, scrape.

Arguments in favor of abortion

How much was a film about abortion, with micro cameras, and the film clearly shows that the fruit resists the action of the doctors, he is trying to hide and curl up in a ball. Wait, nowhere, because the native people, mother, betrayed. But how can such a little life to resist.

Abortion at later terms is a crime that should be prohibited by law. In fact living child torn to pieces and removed as something extra and unnecessary. These babies, fully formed and ready to overcome difficulties. At the time when the parents are fighting for the life of the same is a premature baby.

Others simply kill. The consequences after a late abortion is horrible. Infertility, inflammation, which may lead to infectious processes. Physical condition is not the worst. How hard it is to live with a child under the heart of quite a large amount of time, he already feels and knows your voice. Hormonal changes in the body is already happening, mood swings, desires change every minute. And in an instant nothing. The body prepared for nurturing a baby, childbirth and breastfeeding. And abruptly everything changes. Emptiness not only within, but in the soul. Most women know what killed her child, only after an abortion. But it’s too late. Persuasive speech on abortion pro choice already gave us a science.

Doctors conducted an experiment, before treatment, showed that same video on abortion, and at least half of the pregnant women refused surgery. What does it mean? It only proves that we don’t know or don’t want to know the whole truth. Unawareness of his actions, trying to protect itself from the horrible reality, continuing to kill people’s kids. You must realize that “fetus”, “embryo”, is not something distant and unfamiliar. This is a child who lives under the heart. There are a many research papers on abortion pro choice written by famous doctors. Just try to find them on the Internet and help yourself.

Such films should be shown to teenagers in order to get them to think before making a mistake. And maybe then they will begin to make the right decisions, it is better to be safe than to be subjected to such torment little life, which certainly does not deserve such treatment. Thus, preserving your health for the future of the family and for the birth of unwanted children.

What does “The Persistence of Memory” mean?

All the art of Dali is paradoxical and difficult logical analysis. All the direction of surrealism – challenge of logic and natural order of things.

“The Persistence of Memory” analysis

This work attracted the attention of critics. No other painting has not survived so many attempts to explain the image and to perform the maintenance.

The master claimed that the idea came to him over Breakfast when he watched as his wife put melted cheese on hot toast. But this statement cannot explain the whole complicated symbolic language of the paintings.

Salvador Dali “Melted Clock” painting – the main character of the work can be explained by the attempt to convey in the picture is a complex and nonlinear nature of time, relativity and the intricacy of the process. The author claimed to have written a picture during a migraine attack. Hence the allegorical image of the sleeping head, my longing for healthy sleep and a hint of complex images that caused suffering.

“The Persistence of Memory” meaning

Favorite for Given symbols: the egg (life), the sea (immortality), olive (wisdom), ants (decay, decomposition) is here collected in a single composition. Yield hours contrasted with the clear and tough shape of bases for details. The picture evening, hot sun lights another Cape running into the sea, but a large part of the area of work – in the shadows. The evening as a symbol of sadness and melancholy that defines the overall mood of the work.

Brown scale, the pressures in the color work, creates an atmosphere of moderate pessimism. Given, as usual, very accurate in the picture and many details. Simply a number of individual items forming the composition, at first glance happens. The harmony of the work, its lightweight nature and ease of perception provides an abundance of “empty” space. Miniature size of the picture – also the undoubted advantage of the work of convincing evidence in favor of the personal nature of the work, revelation of deeply personal experiences of the author.

Attention to the work caused by the fact that the author issued a clarification regarding the content of their work. Usually laconic and terse comments on the artist, this time was unusually talkative. Every word of the great hoaxer used by art historians to analyze all the other works of surrealism.

For many it may seem strange that this miniature work of “The Persistence of Memory” artist has become his most famous painting. But the author treated this fabric with a special warmth. She was always the object of his pride.

Analysis Essay: Things Fall Apart

One of these discoveries is the modern literature of the African continent, more accurately, literature in English, French, Portuguese, languages Aahus, Yoruba, Hausa and others with whom we are only beginning to get acquainted. As the development and improvement of African literature deeper, grow into global culture, becoming its component as an integral part. These literature stand from the depths of the being of the peoples of Africa all that is the originality of them historical, and spiritual experience. African literature in the majority. its back. Not happened their development in different countries and regions of the continent, comparable, in General, occurs in different ways, depending on the specific socio-historical situation subject to the internal logic the literary process, logic, and sometimes paradoxical. Our essay on “Things Fall Apart”.

Reviews so, the facts: the most widely read and translated today book of the African writer, Booker prize 2007 (the first published novel in 1958). I learned about this product from the list of “100 best books of all time” (Yes, the application is alarming and scares), compiled as much of the Norwegian book club in collaboration with the Institute of Nobel.

The list is organized alphabetically, so the affair Chinua Achebe in it between Andersen’s fairy tales and “Father Goriot online” Balzac. To be honest, fell for the exotic: a bold title, and even African literature. Google says that in some countries this book is recommended reading for students. A small novel written in English.

Themes for “Things Fall Apart”

The original name sounds like “Things Fall Apart”. Tells of the collision of two worlds – African and indigenous world of the white man, the colonizer. The main feature of this piece for me is brevity. The author cheerfully works as the Occam’s razor, cutting out unnecessary words, details and images. As a consequence, easy to read, the book in action (or less action). Some of the details of traditional life and the social order, but as much as you need. No fine metaphors, similes, no clutter of words. Understood the text easier other articles from “Around the world”. The plot is quite unsophisticated, I will not retell.

Symbols in “Things Fall Apart”

The Nigerian writer talks about the life of tribal a brave warrior who is unable to adapt to the new time and life in a changing colonial society.

The main character is a man occupying a prominent place in traditional society. He was stern, but not devoid of humanity, although many of the laws of his world undoubtedly seems to us wild. An ambiguous figure is something repellent, something called empathy. Perhaps this is the value of the novel – the author quite cleverly managed to show the life of African villages before the arrival of the British.

Religion in “Things Fall Apart”

On the one hand, the undeniable cruelty (from the point of view of our moral), on the other – all the same concepts of duty, responsibility, even feelings (though very stingy). There a lot of conflicts in “Things Fall Apart” because of religion. I was interested in another point: the identity of culture, how people see it from the inside and look at it from the outside, through the eyes of aliens, it is alien to African traditions.

That is arriving to us from Mars, it is likely that for him, our morality, concepts of good and evil, and other absolute and indisputable to us things would have seemed an absurdity and a nonsense. So, is it worth it to read. It is clear that this is only my personal opinion and recommendation based on my perception.

A masterpiece this book is not called, in my personal list of the 100 best books of the world, it would hardly have entered. But due to its small volume, ease of reading, cognition, and also due to the fact that the novel makes us think about interesting things, the attention he deserves.

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Argumentative Essay: Why Should Marijuana Be Legalized

Last week a relative told me about how she managed to beat cancer. If not for marijuana (cannabis), which she used during treatment, she would not have survived all this hell of irradiation and chemotherapy. Read this research paper on marijuana.

We live among many people who suffer from serious illnesses cancer diseases, Parkinson’s disease, etc. they All say in one voice this plant has significantly improved their quality of life. In many cases cannabis helped them to survive the severe side effects of a complicated course of treatment and, ultimately, defeat the disease.

This substance, which for many years was considered a heavy drug contains about 25 items, a wonderful way to help reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures, greatly reducing the level of anxiety and depression. Cannabis significantly reduces pain in people suffering from chronic pain. They do not help pain synthetic drugs to which their bodies have long adapted.

Why marijuanas should be legal? Essay covers this topic as much detailed as possible. Deputy health Minister also realized the medical value of cannabis, and approved its sale in pharmacies. From this moment on, pharmaceutical companies will earn billions less on our pain. We will no longer hostage to the drug industry. Stop aggressive campaign of delegitimization of medical cannabis. In all likelihood, the pharmaceutical company will lose a lot of money.

Pagan idol in the image of the drug industry received a serious blow and cracked. It is already known that for many years our trust traded in favor of a colossal industry, the turnover of which amounts to $800 billion a year. We learned about famous scientists, who secretly received a huge salary from the pharmaceutical companies only to speak out against cannabis and to support the outdated notion that we are talking about a dangerous drug. Similarly, at the time, the defenders of the tobacco received huge bribes from the tobacco companies for his silence. No one was supposed to know how Smoking is dangerous to health. Was so struck by the health of millions of people in nicotine addiction.

Reasons weed should be illegal?

Research suggests that marijuana has many medicinal properties. At the same time, there are caveats: about 10 percent of those who use cannabis, may become dependent on this plant. However, it should be remembered that dependent on painkillers gets a much larger number of people. And these drugs cause enormous harm. Psychiatrists warn that the use of cannabis at a young age increases the chances of illness with schizophrenia, and can also lead to panic attacks. Excessive use of marijuana has side effects memory problems, impaired cognitive abilities, changes in the level of consciousness.

Despite this, the properties of cannabis to help sick people fight the disease and ease their pain, justify the need for the legalization of this substance.

Marijuana is not a deadly drug that is much safer than alcohol

The fact that marijuana is not toxic to humans is a proven scientific fact. Overdose of this substance is almost impossible. Mild psychological dependence can develop, but it pales in comparison with the dependence, which is caused by alcohol and cigarettes. Therefore, the prosecution of marijuana smokers, at least unfair, given that consumers of alcohol and cigarettes from such bias is not affected.

Illegal marijuana is too costly for the law enforcement system

Legalization would not only eliminate the cost of investigation, arrest and confinement of detainees on charges related to marijuana, but will allow the state to obtain additional income in the form of tax revenues from trading in derivatives of cannabis. Instead, every year in the United States for marijuana arrest about 750 thousand people, making justice more expensive and less effective: prisons are overflowing, the attention of the police, judges, prosecutors diverted from more serious offenses, the judicial system is “clogged”.

Should marijuana be legal for medicinal purposes?

The positive effects from eating marijuana can be successfully used for medical purposes. However, this material has relatively mild side effects. Many Americans to treat serious diseases use medical marijuana. Research papers can prove it efficiency. Cannabis has proven to be an effective drug in the treatment of: chronic pain, nausea, seizures, and other unpleasant symptoms, get rid of them not responding to conventional medication. It is proved that the use of cannabis as a sedative and relaxing remedies for stress are much safer than regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. There are a lot of more pro medical marijuana facts.

Analysis Essay: Who is Responsible for the Deaths of Romeo and Juliet

At the beginning of the tragedy, Shakespeare introduces us to Juliet Capulet, the usual careless girl (like many other at her age), surrounded by the love of a caring father and mother, cousin, Tybalt, to whom she is strongly attached, friend of the Nurse that Juliet confides all the secrets, because that, having lost his own daughter and nursed it from infancy. Juliet lives in abundance, her dear noble Verona family.

Who is to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s death?

She’s almost fourteen, however, of marriage she still thinks, deep down hoping to meet his love, although so far this feeling has not visited her heart. Parties and dancing is one of some entertainment studious young girl on the background of ordinary everyday life.

Juliet always submissive to the will of the father and mother – in those days parents were more revered children than in our time. Therefore, at the unexpected offer of the mother to look at the ball to the young count of Paris as a possible suitor, Juliet responds unquestioningly consent.

The girl in the course of hostile relations between his family and the family lady Montague, but this topic was a little worried about her, she remains neutral; the crazy hatred of the Montagues, imparted to her since childhood, (such as, for example, her brother Tybalt) Juliet does not feel, she just means it as a self-evident fact. Juliet that Shakespeare gave not only a big heart but also a great mind, a more reasonable and has his own opinion: it is foolish to try to hate people just because they are “some of the Montagues”, because it is not familiar with them, and for her memories of her personally and her family, initially, they are no hard feelings inflicted!

For the first time Juliet had to really consider that, after the ball, when she managed to fall in love with young Romeo of the Montagues, and expressed on the balcony of thinking out loud on this.

Heart falling in love with Romeo, her mind and parents had instilled in me the realization that the Montagues are evil for their family, enemy, fight each other in her young head. But Juliet still listens to the voice of your heart and common sense wins out over silly superstitions – it is not so dry, not so blind to hate only at the behest of the parents. Who told Romeo that Juliet was a capulet? The Nurse.

There is no affectation, immorality or false virtues, she is sincere in her feelings, which can not hide what immediately recognizes Romeo, but recollecting himself, afraid that he might find her impulse, as the levity. She’s afraid to make a wrong impression.

Juliet offers Romeo the secret marriage, legal marriage in her opinion, a proof of love. Just so and not otherwise, she can be with him so she behaved.

In the power of new feelings and blind love, she does not think about the consequences; young justify his actions by hope (voiced by father Lorenzo) – naive believing that families learn in the future about their marriage, reconciled for the sake of their happiness. The idea that the spirit of hatred can be stronger and condemn their love to death they are not allowed.

In a rainy day, when Juliet learns from the Nurse of the death of a beloved brother Tybalt, who fell at the hands of her husband, she definitely falls into despair. With her lips frustrated words of reproach to the address of Romeo, as she immediately regrets the love and life of the beloved are much more expensive than my brother’s life and even the lives of her parents together.

This speech, uttered from the lips of such a young and lovely creation a bit of a shock. Juliet is so obsessed with his feeling that they are ready to sacrifice everything dear to her. Maybe she said it in the heat, the rush of emotions and her mind did not think clearly. Because in the end she will sacrifice only myself.

Who dies in Romeo and Juliet?

For the first time Juliet has its own character, prone to a desperate fight when going up against parents and dares to contradict the angry father, thanks, but denying it has received the honor of becoming wife and husband of their choice. For her it is a difficult moment of life, she realizes that the family try for the sake of her happiness, but to reveal the truth can not. Always a loving father threatens to kick her out of the house in the event of cancellation of the wedding, and the mother has the words “leave me alone, you’re not my daughter.”

So many blows straight down on the head of the poor girl, more recently, who knew no worries and unrest: the death of his brother, the exile of her husband, the future shame, betrayal of her love. In desperation, she tries to find understanding from his faithful Nurse, but she do not end up aware of the strength of feeling of his ward, from the heart advises her to “follow graph.” How old is Juliet in Romeo and Juliet? In this work, Juliet is a young girl of 16, while Romeo is somewhat older.

This was the last straw: the only one who always supported her throughout, came suddenly, Juliet chooses death marriage. Thus, it will remain clean before God, himself and his lover.

Juliet does not consider the options of escape with Romeo, recognition in all parents (in this case, they will be forced to refuse such a noble groom, as Paris) as it can drop a shadow on the honor of the family Capulet. To disgrace his name never!

She readily drinks the potion of friar Laurence, although he suspects that it might be poison. But we have no other choice, Juliet must use the last chance, even if fears are not vain she’s already decided on death, preparing the dagger under the pillow waiting in the wings. All the doubts, the horror overwhelmed her, splashed in her famous soliloquy, what could be worse than suspense: will die or will live worse can only be separated from Romeo. And with the words “Love, give me strength,” she boldly drinks.

In our eyes this girl grows into a heroine! The courage of the young Juliet is manifested at the end of the tragedy when she did not hesitate, remains in the crypt, refusing the salvation which she offers father Lorenzo.

It seems that subconsciously Juliet already knows that he wants to stay here forever, dying with the one you love. She sees no point in its further existence without Romeo, she lived and breathed. How many people died in Romeo and Juliet? Six. Mercutio is killed in a sword fight with Tybalt in Verona. Tybalt is killed in a swordfight with Romeo, who is seeking revenge for the death of Mercutio. The county Paris is killed by Romeo in a swordfight at the entrance to Juliet’s tomb.

Who killed Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet kill themselves, Romeo with poison and Juliet with a dagger.

And, if it finds the guardian a mystery to be solved, your family will be a disgrace, the parents turn away from it. But hardly the girl thought about it, she acts impulsively and with confidence: finds Romeo’s dagger, enjoying such luck, and pierces himself.

But it’s just a little girl, circling in the dance at the ball in her beautiful dress, among the smiling faces of delighted guests the Juliet’s Love really is stronger than death.

We believe that they are Romeo was found in heaven and smiled, holding hands, watching from above as their parents forever put out the fire of an old feud.

Juliet is a complex character. She was the epitome of loyalty, devotion, courage and eternal youth. Love is indivisible and Juliet, Juliet is love itself. Many tourists in Verona (Italy), where is the House of Juliet, the balcony, where supposedly our heroine exchanging phrases with ardent young men, a bronze statue of Juliet, some see it the Verona. “The wall of Juliet” carefully paste small colorful notes that are written by the tourists, so they came to the luck in love, believing that the goddess of this pure feelings of the young Juliet Capulet will help them find her.

You can even visit Juliet’s Tomb where, according to legend, was buried her remains. Also in Verona what is known as the Juliet Club, an organization made up of several activists who engaged in “mail of Juliet” answer to letters sent from all over the world, with appeal directly to the heroine. Thus Juliet continues to live among us.

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Analysis Essay: Theme of Violence in “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding

Novel by William Golding is a vast field for the study of social psychology. William Golding creates special conditions for their heroes, resulting in greatly changed their socio-behavioral norms. In our essay on “Lord of the Flies” we want with max precision describe a novel. On a desert island, the children begin to behave as would behave in a civilized English society, perhaps throughout life. A dramatic change in their behavior in respect to what is allowed to do and what not, can be explained (to some extent) from the point of view of social psychology. I’m talking about a certain proportion, as, despite the great experimental base, some old theoretical apparatus and the desire of scientists to apply the theory in practice, yet human nature has not been investigated and explained 100%, so we can only with some degree of probability that personality at that moment.

But it would be very stupid to fall “in nothing Veyrier”, on the basis that knowledge is not dogmatic and has not been proven fully at this point of development. So we ruin any undertaking, and nowhere will come. Moreover, reading a novel, we are horrified by what can a seemingly harmless child under the age of 12. We, the people, trying to find any reasonable explanation of any phenomenon or phenomenon. The last scene on the shore and remembering everything that happened, we wonder, how could this happen, how could this make children? So in his analysis of the artwork I would like to apply the conceptual apparatus of social psychology to answer these questions. In more detail, I would like to focus on the dynamic processes in small group and leadership theory.

The main theme of “Lord of the Flies”

In the beginning of the novel tells how the children in the crash of an airplane find themselves alone on a desert island. Common trouble and fear of the unknown forced them to join the group to work together to solve pressing problems. Also this group need a home that will be both a leader and Manager. It becomes the oldest of the children named Ralph. It should say that in the explanation of why Ralph is initially chosen leader, I will use the “situational theory”. She tells us that in a particular situation, the group needs a leader with a certain quality and set of qualities, which will help to solve actual problems.

So at that time the group needed a strong leader, literally and figuratively, with unquestioned authority, which could protect kids from danger, feed them, and find the path to salvation. Ralph, calm, tall, strong, relatively adult, possessing a certain attribute of power in the form of seashells, the sound of which was heard at a great distance, it seemed, could perform all of these functions. It is the presence of force was decisive as to that situation.

So, for example, in another time and in another place the leader could be a piggy and Ralph because it is rightly noted that piggy is smart and sensible, and it is an important quality in our lives.

After becoming the President, Ralph has established group norms and constraints, which help the normal functioning. As rightly said piggy, “We need rules and we need to obey them. We are not savages any. We are British”. His style of leadership, in my opinion, the opinion was democratic, as all his decisions were explained and submitted to public discussion. Everyone can make a suggestion or arguments to disagree with Ralph. For this and arrange General meetings. The most important task, according to Ralph, was the organization of a permanent fire, because it was possible to count on salvation. In this sense he was undoubtedly right, as the best place to sleep and undernourished, but not to miss the chance to go back home. A second important task would be shelter and sleep, to be able to sleep without fear of nightmares and rain, in a tent.

But the effectiveness of the performance depends entirely on the interest of group members in their implementation. So on the first day of the fire were all filled with enthusiasm and joy, deeming the fire a very important lesson. There is even manifested the effect of “facilitation”, when the almost universal practice of encouraging children even more. But gradually the revival subsided, the children stopped believing in the urgent necessity of constant fire, and mass ignition was gone, maintaining the fire became a daily routine for several people, which led to the fall of interest in this lesson and one day, his abandonment and fateful delay of rescue from a deserted island.

Very similar situation was observed in the construction of the huts. As we know from the words of Ralph, first altogether undertook to build shelters, then the participants gradually began to tire and lose interest and, ultimately, completed the shelters some of the most conscious and intelligent man. Ralph really admired, “Few of them turned up for joy naked, not backed by anything the simple statement, now this was Ralph’s authority”. But it was not enough to rally the group and to retain power.

Ralph could not persuade the group of the importance of the performance of the main task could not interest. The panel therefore implicitly listened to, but did not fulfill his orders, so there was no cohesion, the participants did what you thought was right at its sole discretion, its leadership has ceased to matter, it few people had need of, so officially, Ralph had leadership post, and in fact he already wasn’t. But his main rival, Jack, has long dreamed of becoming a major, was able to rally the group.

What is the theme of “Lord of the Flies”?

He was guided by physiological instinct, believed that hunting is much more important, as people need meat. Being endowed by nature skillful skills he was able to establish a hunt for pigs. The smell of roast pork was attracted by all members of the group, Ralph as well couldn’t resist, they enjoyed the meal and lasted no longer boring Ralph with his fire, and Jack with his fun and exciting hunting. Was also another reason why children turned to Jack.

The fact that the guys were afraid of the monster island (actually there was never any monster, it was just a dead man), first Ralph denied it, but then, as if they saw him, they recognized that it is, but what to do with him didn’t know. Jack, with his team of hunters was ready to repel this monster, that is for him felt strong, especially since he lived in a stone fortress, which defended the huge stones, that is, for him it was powerful. This, Jack is slowly lured into their camp boys and became their leader. The leadership style Jack, unlike Ralph, was an authoritarian leader. He wanted complete obedience to themselves, took all the important decisions alone, does not tolerate dissent.

He demanded that he publicly had signs respect. As it is, in some sense is sad, but it is the leadership style of Jack proved to be the most effective. Democracy Ralph is not able to unite and rally the children, but on the basis of hard authoritarianism of the Jack to make the group United, to force them to obey the leader and follow his orders. Of course, Jack’s methods for attracting and retaining people was sometimes too cruel, if we recall the bound of an exhausted boy waiting what it will do Jack or public beatings. But apparently, the only way was to force children to obey and execute public tasks.

It seems to me that in any case it is impossible to ignore the two horrible murders that happened on the island. What made the children shows that people can turn into a wild, predatory animal that knows no mercy, if it is not curbed social and ethical standards. That is to say that children were killed, I felt complete freedom and are not afraid of responsibility and of punishment by law enforcement, and wilderness were given the opportunity to forget about morality and ethics. Simply put, in the fresh air, the kids blossomed. But our judgment need to be specific.

All children without exception have become so. There was another circumstance that contributed to “the outbreak of hand”. In social psychology this effect is called the gist of it is: “the Group is able to excite people. If the excitation is superimposed on a lack of personal responsibility, and accepted norms of behavior are eroded, the consequences can be very unexpected. In such situations, people capable of the most different actions from acts of misconduct to destructive social explosion.”

At the time of the first killing members of the group Jack was in emotionally because of the song and dance. Of course, it would be a great folly to call it a passion or even any mitigating circumstance already in the proceedings before the court, but because our task is to find out what the circumstances are stronger or weaker influence on the appearance of aggressive behavior. An important component of the effect is a physical anonymity.

LotF themes

That is, if the individual can merge with the group, and thus “depersonalize” itself, it feels less responsibility for their actions. In both cases, military camouflage allowed them to achieve such anonymity. It’s said Ralph, when said masking much easier to close his social I, and instead to release the animal. But you should still focus on the fact that just by themselves, the camouflage and the animal dance in a normal civilized life with a very small probability might lead children to commit excessive atrocities, this requires special conditions, data from the outside.

Analysis of “Lord of the Flies”

After reading the novel “Lord of the flies” I was first in turmoil with a mute question on his lips: Life whether it’s true or a talented fiction writer. And only now, while writing this conclusion, I came up with the idea that a fiction writer about real life. I think, as the children of the author understood people in General, as it is very much older, at times, seem their actions. In the novel many fabulous coincidences and weaves a story that bears little resemblance to our life, but if you break this down into components and consider them separately, we get quite a realistic picture. I do not think that the novel, as a whole, should be taken seriously, but on the individual moments it is worth considering to take them on Board in daily practice.

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