Does View-Master still exist?

Does View-Master still exist?

Beginning November 1, 2019, View-Master™ VR Starter Pack & Deluxe VR viewer will be discontinued, and various apps and services associated with the toy will be discontinued.

What does a View-Master do?

The View-Master is a vintage tool that presents three-dimensional images. Although the stereoscope had been the chosen source for viewing images for learning and entertainment for decades, the invention of the View-Master meant that people put their stereoscopes aside in favor of a newer form of virtual reality.

Who made original View-Master?

A mass consumer device marketed as a toy, the original View-Master came with thin cardboard disks, or reels, containing stereoscopic pairs of small Kodachrome photographs that when viewed through the apparatus created the illusion of three-dimensional scenes.

When was View-Master released?

What year did View-Master come out?

Invented, manufactured, and sold by Sawyer’s Photo Services in the United States (a company specializing in scenic postcards, slides, and slide projectors), the contraption debuted at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York.

What do I need to get started with View-Master®?

Our awesome virtual reality experience requires simply three items: a View-Master® viewer, a View-Master® Experience Pack/App, and your compatible smartphone running on iOS or Android. It’s user-friendly VR at an accessible cost. Start your virtual journey with View-Master® today!

What is the difference between the View-Master® apps and experience packs?

Downloading the View-Master® apps allows access to the same virtual reality content as the View-Master® Experience Packs. Physical reels from View-Master® Experience Packs are required to view Augmented Reality content

What is View-Master into the Labyrinth™?

View-Master®: Into the Labyrinth™ is an innovative multiplayer game in VR. One player is trapped in an elaborate labyrinth using the View-Master® viewer. The other player uses the Into the Labyrinth™ book of puzzle-solving tools.