How can I find a phone number for free?

How can I find a phone number for free?

AnyWho provides a free online people search directory where you can find people by their name, address or you can do a reverse lookup by phone number. The AnyWho People Search is updated weekly with phone numbers of individuals from across the nation.

How do I find someone in California?

White Pages Search — Find people in California with the California White Pages. Enter the first name, last name, or initials and the city to find the person in California you are looking for.

How do I find an address for someone for free?

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  1. Visit if the person lives in the United States.
  2. Search for the person’s name and city (if you know it).
  3. Try a reverse phone number search if the person has a landline.
  4. If the person moved recently, you can request an address correction from the post office.

Can you still phone directory Enquiries?

How to call directory enquires for free. The table at the bottom of this article gives a breakdown of the cost of calling a number of directory enquiry services. Amazingly you can use The Number for free if you call 0800 118 3733, as opposed to their widely advertised 118 118 number.

How do you lookup a phone number? is one of the most accurate options for landlines, but not all the information is free. Go to to see your options for a reverse address search or reverse lookup on a phone number. and are two other sites that do free reverse phone number searches for landlines.

How do I get someone’s phone number?

Simply head to the White Pages website and plug in a person’s name (or just last name) as well as their city, state, or ZIP code. If that person’s name and phone number would appear in a paper phone book in that geographical area, you’ll see it on this website.

Does California have free public records?

Californians have the right under the state Public Records Act and the California Constitution to access public information maintained by local and state government agencies, including the Department of Justice.

What records are public in California?

Criminal records, court records, and vital records are all present on California State Records. This includes over 350 million transparent public records. California public records started with the state’s creation in 1850, and usually include data from 58 counties.

How do I look up phone numbers on Google?

Just enter a person’s name and a city, state, or zip code in the standard web search box. You can also enter a phone number to find the person’s name and address. Then hit the ENTER key or click the Search button.

How do I contact directory assistance?

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What is the phone number for directory assistance?

– Within the U.S. – $1.99 per call, plus airtime. – Within Puerto Rico – $1.50 per call, plus airtime. – For AT PREPAIDSM, charges are deducted from your account balance immediately following the call.

How to get free directory assistance for phone numbers?

Find old associates. You may have an old friend or two you’ve lost contact with.

  • Locate lost or unknown family.
  • Verify contact information.
  • Look up new contact information.
  • Reverse lookup mystery callers.
  • Find where someone lives.
  • Get an idea of someone’s assets.
  • How to register a business with directory assistance?

    running payroll

  • paying for their National Insurance – but you can claim an allowance to reduce your bill
  • providing workplace pensions to eligible staff