How do you graph interactions in Minitab?

How do you graph interactions in Minitab?

Example of Interaction Plot

  1. Open the sample data, SinteringTime. MTW.
  2. Open the Interaction Plot dialog box. Mac: Statistics > ANOVA > Interaction Plot. PC: STATISTICS > Exploratory Plots > Interaction Plot.
  3. In Response, enter Strength.
  4. In Factors, enter SinterTime and MetalType.
  5. Click OK.

What is interaction plot in Anova?

Interaction plots are used to understand the behavior of one variable depends on the value of another variable. Interaction effects are analyzed in regression analysis, DOE (Design of Experiments) and ANOVA (Analysis of variance).

How do you graph an interaction?

Making Interaction Plots using Excel

  1. Step 1: Select the data and insert a line chart. This is simple, just insert a line chart from the data.
  2. Step 2: Go to the line chart “data” and change rows to columns. You require this step only if your data is oriented differently.
  3. Step 3: Format the interaction chart.

What does an interaction plot tell you?

An interaction plot displays the levels of one variable on the X axis and has a separate line for the means of each level of the other variable. The Y axis is the dependent variable. A look at this graph shows that the effect of dosage is different for males than it is for females.

How do you interpret an interaction in a two way Anova?

Complete the following steps to interpret a two-way ANOVA….

  1. Step 1: Determine whether the main effects and interaction effect are statistically significant.
  2. Step 2: Assess the means.
  3. Step 3: Determine how well the model fits your data.
  4. Step 4: Determine whether your model meets the assumptions of the analysis.

What is the interaction factor?

The interaction factor method is an analysis approach originally proposed by Poulos (1968) for conventional piles subjected to mechanical loads that has been extended to energy piles subjected to thermal loads by Rotta Loria and Laloui (2016).

What does interaction mean in a two-way ANOVA?

ANOVA Output – Profile Plots An interaction effect means that the effect of one factor depends on the other factor and it’s shown by the lines in our profile plot not running parallel. In this case, the effect for medicine interacts with gender. That is, medicine affects females differently than males.

When would you use an interaction plot?

Use an interaction plot to show how the relationship between one categorical factor and a continuous response depends on the value of the second categorical factor. This plot displays means for the levels of one factor on the x-axis and a separate line for each level of another factor.

What is the difference between main effects and interactions?

In statistics, main effect is the effect of one of just one of the independent variables on the dependent variable. There will always be the same number of main effects as independent variables. An interaction effect occurs if there is an interaction between the independent variables that affect the dependent variable.

How do you interpret an interaction in a two-way Anova?

How does Minitab display the interaction between the factors?

By default, Minitab displays one plot for the interaction between each pair of factors. In the full matrix, Minitab displays the transpose of each plot so that you can see each factor displayed on the x-axis and on the plot.

How do you do an interaction plot in ANOVA?

The researchers create an interaction plot to display the effect of the factors on each other and on the response. They also perform Fit General Linear Model to determine whether the interaction is significant. To create an interaction plot, choose Stat > ANOVA > Interaction Plot. This plot displays data means.

How do you use interaction plot in research?

Use Interaction Plot to show how the relationship between one categorical factor and a continuous response depends on the value of the second categorical factor. This plot displays means for the levels of one factor on the x-axis and a separate line for each level of another factor.

How do I use the interaction plot in SolidWorks?

Open the Interaction Plot dialog box. In Response, enter Strength. In Factors, enter SinterTime and MetalType. Click OK. The interaction plot shows the mean strength versus sintering time for each of the three metal types. The nonparallel lines on the interaction plot indicate interaction effects between metal type and sintering time.