Cover page of the report

The title page of the report is the face of all your work, so you need to pay special attention to it. Moreover, they see him first when they pick up your work, and if it is incorrectly designed, it immediately catches your eye.

What is the title page of the report for?

The main task of the title page is to convey information to the reader on the following points:

  • information about the topic of the study and the subject on which the report is being written;
  • information about the faculty and the department within which the work was performed;
  • information about who wrote the work and its leaders;
  • information about the institution itself,
  • information about the place and year of completion of this work.

In addition to the data listed above, there should not be any other information on the title page, since it will be considered superfluous and for this, even, the rating for all the work can be lowered.

Rules for designing the title page of the report

The whole report should be drawn up on A4 sheets of fluent color. At the very top in the middle you should indicate the full (without abbreviations) name of your educational institution.

Having retreated 3-4 lines, in the center write: REPORT (in capital letters).

On the next line is the name of the discipline in which this work is written. Further, the line below, we write – On the topic: “…” (the topic is in quotation marks).

After retreating another 2 lines, on the right side, we indicate our educational position (student, student), put a colon and indicate our full name (full name, first name and middle name – initials).

On the next line we write: The teacher, his academic degree, last name and initials.

At the very bottom of the sheet, in the middle, write the city, and the line below (also in the center) is the year the work was completed.

Indentation and title page frame sizes

Fields of the report: left margin – 3 centimeters, right margin – 1.5 centimeters, upper margin – 2 centimeters, lower margin – 2 centimeters;

Alignment must be performed in the center, except for the executor (that is, you) and the teacher;

  • Font for text “Times New Roman”;
  • Font color – black;
  • Font size – 12-14;
  • Interval – single
  • The subject of the work is highlighted in bold or in capital letters.

Additional and important information on the title page of the report

You should not come up with a long topic title for your report, as this, firstly, will take up a lot of space on the title page, and secondly, it will mean a commission, because the title should convey only the most important idea. And the disclosure of the topic should only be inside the work itself.

Scientists are very sensitive to their rank and their scientific degree. Therefore, do not forget to clarify these data at the department or your supervisor and insert them in the title page, otherwise you risk offending your scientific mentor.

If for some reason you can’t do the design of the title page yourself, you can download a ready-made template from the Internet. Here it is only worth paying attention to the fact that it was of the year when you write the work and meet the standards.

Also, it is worth clarifying at your department whether they have any special requirements for the design of the title page. It often happens that educational institutions put forward their requirements for some parameters.

List of references in the research paper

A research paper is a secondary work in its essence. The author of the research paper summarizes information from various sources, supplementing them with his conclusions. A mandatory requirement is the formation of a list of sources used, on which the research paper is based.

Why is the bibliography written in the research paper

Teachers require a research paper with a list of used literature. This requirement has a logical rationale:

  • From the point of view of scientific ethics, it is correct to indicate the list of literature in the research paper so as not to give out other people’s thoughts and developments as their own. To list the authors and their works is a kind of tribute to their achievements.
  • From the point of view of achieving the educational goals of writing a research paper, the list of references at the end of the research paper gives the teacher the opportunity to assess how authoritative and relevant sources were used.
  • The number of sources used in the research paper also matters.

Example 1

For example, if the list of references contains 1-2 points, it is doubtful that the topic will be considered multilaterally. For small essays on non-debatable topics, it is enough to use 5-7 sources, for more voluminous (or on topics that cause heated debate among scientists) – 10-20 sources.

How to write a list of references in the research paper

General provisions regarding how to properly drawn up the list of references in the research paper:

  • The list of references is placed at the end of the research paper, after the conclusion. If the research paper has applications, then applications follow the list.
  • The list starts on a new page. At the top of the page is the heading – “List of references” (sometimes the teacher requires that this section be titled differently – “Literature”, “List of references”, “List of references”).
  • The list lists all sources used in writing the work – both printed on paper and electronic.

Example 2

A common mistake is the inclusion in the list of sources to which there are no references in the work (the student looked at the book, did not find anything useful in it for his research, but included it in the list of references).

  • Sorting the list of references in the research paper is carried out according to the model provided by the teacher. Different options are allowed. The most common is a mixed scheme, when legislative acts are allocated to the first category being placed, and then they are followed by other sources in alphabetical order. Another popular sorting scheme is in the order in which the sources are mentioned in the text.
  • Each source in the list has its own number (1, 2, 3 …). These numbers can be used in links that are made according to the text of the work in square brackets – for example, [5, p. 16] means that the quote is taken from the fifth source, from page 16.

How to draw up literature in the research paper

For different types of sources (law, book, part of a book, an article in a periodical, an electronic resource, an archival document), their own description templates are provided that include different details. This is understandable: for the book, you can specify the year of publication and the publisher, but the site does not have such information.

You can draw up elements of the list of references in the research paper according to samples. But in educational works, simplification is usually allowed (some details are not indicated).

How to make a bibliography for research paper in MS Word

For a long time no one writes essays by hand, preferring to use text editors. The list of references provides for a similar design – print. In MS Word, on the “Links” tab, there is a special tool – “Links and References”. If you add used sources (filling is done by fields – author, title, year, etc.), then the editor will generate a list of references (moreover, there is a possibility to choose the way of designing this list).

A more familiar approach is to make a list of references in the research paper in manual mode. Then you just need to use a numbered list, and type the text (the description of the sources itself) yourself. Moreover, the use of a numbered list allows you to make automatically updated cross-references in the text to the specified sources.

The design of the title page of the research paper

Despite the fact that any university has its own requirements for the design of any type of work, there are basic standards that should be followed when writing the title page of a research paper. This is extremely important, because in case of incorrect design, the teacher can lower the grade. To avoid this situation, you can order all the work with us. After receiving the finished version, you will have as many as 20 days to check the essay for deficiencies and require revision. Well, or read the rules for the design of the title page of research papers below.

So, you wrote a research paper, what are the requirements for the title page of a research paper, and how does it differ from others? Let’s try to figure it out.

Clearance requirements

  • Because The title page is the first; it is not numbered. Typically, numbering begins only with the introduction.
  • Throughout the text of the work, including the title page, the same fields should be maintained. The standards are as follows: the left margin is 3 cm, the right margin is 1.5 cm, the upper and lower margins are 2 cm each. The need to leave such a large space on the left is due to the fact that usually all these works are attached to a folder just on the left side.
  • The contents of the title page should be aligned differently. The main part is aligned in the center, the column that begins with “completed work …” – on the right.
  • The font should be the same as in the whole work – Times New Roman. Italics cannot be used, but bold highlighting is often used to name a research paper. You can also highlight in capital letters.

The title page indicates:

Above: the name of the educational institution, the name of the department.

In the center: title of the research paper.

Below right: the work was performed by a student of the X course, Y group, his name and surname. Below: I checked the work.

At the very bottom: the city and below a year.

In fact, there is nothing particularly complicated in order to draw up the title page of the research paper. That’s right to draw up an essay – is much more complicated. Therefore, having taken up work, read all available information on this subject or simply order a research paper from us.

What is a research paper and how to write it

The mark for the essay is not included in the set off, but it is this type of work that teachers often use in intermediate certification and to allow final certification in the subject. Often – especially for correspondence students – to get a set-off, it is enough to write a good research paper. A research paper can also be considered as a preparatory stage for more serious scientific work.

What is a research paper

All pupils and students write essays, but few do it right. Often, students fail to write a research paper beautifully, and they slide into an ordinary report, which has little to do with real scientific mini-work.

Definition 1

A research paper is an abridged retelling of the contents of a primary document or documents with basic factual information.

Those. the essence of this work is to retell and summarize the information received on this topic. Training essays can be divided into two categories:

  • Research paper on one source. This may be an essay on an article, a book. Such work involves the study of one primary source, highlighting the main thoughts, presenting them (with reinforcement by quotes) and formulating conclusions.
  • Research paper on several sources, for the disclosure of a specific topic. In this option, the student must select several sources on the topic, preferably containing different author’s positions on the subject of research, analyze them and draw their own conclusions. Be sure to write the sources used in the research paper, and when quoting make links to them.

The research paper should not be reduced to copying a source or compiling material from two or three sources. Methods for writing an essay involve the processing of material by the author.

What are the parts of the research paper

To write a research paper, you need to include the following structural elements:

  • Title page.
  • Contents (table of contents).
  • Introductory part (introduction).
  • The main text, which can be divided into sections and subsections.
  • The final part (conclusion).
  • The list of used literature.
  • Attachments (optional item).

The rules for writing an essay suggest that the ratio between the volumes of the parts will be maintained. The title page and content occupy one page. About 70-80% of the research paper volume falls on the bulk, 5% on introduction and conclusion.

Example 1

Consider how to write a research paper of 20 pages. A sample plan (shown as an example) indicating the volume in pages:

  • Title page – 1 page.
  • Table of Contents – 1 page.
  • Introduction – 1 page.
  • The first chapter is 7 pages.
  • The second chapter is 8 pages.
  • Conclusion – 1 page.
  • List of sources – 1 page.

In this case, the introduction and conclusion account for 5% of the volume, and the bulk of 75%.

Stages of work on the research paper

The rules for writing an essay for students imply the sequential implementation of the following actions:

  • Selection of the topic of the research paper.
  • Writing a plan.
  • Literature selection and sorting.
  • Direct writing of a research paper.
  • Presentation of the research paper.

In order to write a high-quality essay, they must be carried out in stages, without missing any of the points.

Let us dwell in more detail on some stages, which are largely due to the requirements for the essay.

As for the choice of topics, most often for essays choose the most relevant topics. But no one has canceled the classics, so from year to year students write works on hackneyed topics that just need to be covered. It is common practice when a teacher gives a student a topic without leaving room for decision-making. But if you have a choice, no doubt, stop at something relevant and interesting to you personally.

Start writing a specific essay should be a plan. Many students neglect this (someone really can do without it, and someone is just lazy). The bottom line is that the lack of a plan can lead to a departure from the topic, which is a gross mistake.

At the stage of selecting literature, it is necessary to separate verified information from unverified information, sort out facts that are already beyond the scope of the topic, and leave only the most necessary and relevant. Further information is ordered in accordance with the points of the plan.

The correct spelling of the introduction in the research paper involves the substantiation of the relevance of the topic, an indication of the goals and objectives of the work, a review of the literature.

Information characterizing the subject of research should be written in the main part of the research paper.

The conclusion should contain conclusions on the topic.

How to write a research paper

When evaluating an essay, teachers pay attention to two criteria:

  • The content of the research paper.
  • Design research paper.

A few tips for writing a meaningful essay:

  • Do not delay writing the essay at the last moment. Although this type of work does not require such a thorough study of the material as the term paper, the margin of time will be very useful if there are problems with the selection of material.
  • The easiest way to select material is to write a report title in the search bar. But with this method, it is likely to get links to the database of finished essays, the quality and relevance of which are very doubtful. It may be useful to download a sample of the research paper, look at the plans and references, but it is better to take information from more authoritative sources.
  • When writing a research paper, you need to use not only textbooks, but also monographs and articles in periodicals. You can go to the university library or use the online libraries, many of which are free. It is optimal to use literature no older than 3-5 years, but exceptions may be made for classics (or when reviewing the history of the issue).

How to draw up a research paper

Writing a research paper correctly in terms of design will help the template, which should be taken from the teacher or at the department. If there is no such template, you can focus on standard requirements:

  • The title page contains information about the university, department, topic of the essay, discipline, student and teacher data, city and year of writing.
  • The table of contents indicates the parts of the research paper and the pages on which they begin.
  • The research paper is printed in 14 fonts with 1.5 spacing, without spacing between paragraphs, the indentation of the first line is 1.25 cm. Throughout the research paper, a single font design (Times New Roman) is used, highlighting in bold is unacceptable.
  • Each section begins with a new page. Subsections are written throughout the page.
  • The sources used must necessarily be referenced in the text of the research paper. As a rule, footnotes should be written in square brackets (source number and page from which the material was taken).

When writing an essay clearly follow all the requirements for its design. This will help you avoid mistakes not only at the moment, but also in the future, when writing term papers or theses. Indeed, the main task of the research paper is to teach you to work independently with literature and other sources of information, while highlighting from it the main thing that relates to the topic under study. Sloppy, incorrect design of the work is unacceptable.

Common mistakes when writing a research paper

When writing an essay, students make fairly typical mistakes:

  • Too much volume.

Example 2

The usual length of the research paper is 15-20 pages. But sometimes a student finds a lot of interesting information, and prints a research paper of 30-40 pages. This does not indicate a deep study of the topic, but the inability to highlight the main thing. Most likely, the teacher will not accept this work (or greatly reduce the grade).

  • Although a lecture is a secondary work based on the work of others, the author of the lecture must also express his opinion and draw personal conclusions. Material from books and articles should either be made out as a quote, or be processed, retold in your own words. Many universities check research papers using anti-plagiarism systems, and the detection of illegal borrowing can cause the research paper to be sent for rework.
  • Use of irrelevant information. In economics, jurisprudence, technical and many other disciplines, information quickly becomes obsolete. What was true 5-10 years ago has now become invalid. Therefore, when writing essays, you need to use not only textbooks (even if they were recently published), but also check them using more quickly updated sources.

Example 3

So, if in the research paper there are references to laws, they must be verified according to the current editions from reference legal systems, statistical data – according to the publications of the relevant services.

  • Using a small number of sources. Sometimes a student finds a book that, at first glance, looks perfect on a topic, and takes all the information from it alone. But in any topic there is room for scientific discussion, other authors may have a different position on the same issue, and it is advisable to highlight different points of view in the research paper (at least to indicate their existence).

How to write the main part of the coursework

Of course, it is difficult to write an introduction and conclusion of a coursework, but still the main information is carried in the first and second chapters, theoretical and practical, respectively. Therefore, if you have a well-written introduction of a coursework, and in the main part failure, a good grade from a responsible teacher will be difficult for you to get.

Main part plan

The main part of the course work, as a rule, consists of two or three chapters. The first chapter is a theoretical base, the second (if there are only three chapters) is the historical part, and the third is practice. If the topic is not so extensive, then it is quite possible to do with two chapters. It is important that each chapter should consist of at least two paragraphs. When formulating the names of them, you need to make sure that they do not repeat.

In order not to waste time on all these rules, you can order a coursework from us for a small amount of money. Our authors give guarantees that everything will be completed on time. In addition, after you have received the work, we give a 20-day guarantee so that you can finish your coursework, if necessary. So, if you have more important things to do, order coursework from us on the exchange.

Building the main part

The division into practical and theoretical parts is rather arbitrary and depends primarily on the course topic chosen. Suppose if your work is based on a comparison of two enterprises or publications, then you can describe the theoretical basis and create a comparison method in the first chapter, and carry out the analysis in the second chapter. And you can do it differently: give the first chapter under the first enterprise, the second under the second, and devote the third chapter to the comparison itself. In short, you decide. In this matter, it is best to consult with the supervisor. He will tell you how intelligent it will be to divide your coursework.

The composition of the main part

In this part, the theoretical data of various sources are analyzed, the arguments and the author’s approach to this problem are given, and various points of view are considered. In the practical part, it is necessary to describe the techniques that the student uses to study the problem. Techniques can be taken from other materials, and can be invented independently.

The volume of coursework

When writing a coursework, it is important to correctly determine how many sheets it should have. Course work should not be too small or too large.

How many pages should be in the coursework

Many factors influence how much course work is considered ideal. We indicate the main ones:

  • Scientific discipline. Coursework can be written as a humanitarian discipline and be abstract in nature, and on the technical, with the development of a device or program, numerous schemes and calculations. The volume in the pages in this case differs significantly.
  • Course of Study. From first-year students are usually expected as a course paper, and determining the amount of such a coursework should be, set the frame 30-35 sheets. Undergraduates can write serious studies, close to the diploma, their volume can reach 40-60 sheets.
  • The complexity of the topic. This is quite a controversial factor. There are topics that require a much larger volume for disclosure, and there are those that are enough and 25 pages.

The size of the course work on state standards

The amount of coursework in 2019 is not regulated. In other words, none of the many standards indicate how many sheets should be in the course. At the same time, they can draw useful information on the structure of the work, which will indirectly help determine the volume. Structural elements required for decoration:

  1. Title page. Always takes one page.
  2. Table of Contents (content). In courseworks, it is usually also placed on 1 page, but due to the large number of applications or long item names it can take 2 pages.
  3. Introduction to 2-3 pages.
  4. The main part of the work, divided into sections and subsections. The standard is the division into 2-3 chapters of 2-3 points in them.
  5. The conclusion is approximately the same volume as the introduction.
  6. List of sources used.
  7. Applications.

How to determine the amount of coursework

The required number of pages is not set according to the standard, but most often it is specified in the guidelines or oral recommendations of the teacher. Let us consider how to understand what a “coursework with 30-35 pages” is.

  • Applications are never included in the total.

Example 1

Some topics require huge applications: for example, when developing a program, the code listing can take dozens of pages, this does not free the student from writing the text part.

  • Structural elements such as a title page, a table of contents and a list of references may or may not be taken into account – different universities have different approaches to this issue. They are numbered.
  • The introduction, conclusion and main part are always included in the prescribed volume. The only exception is when the training manual specifies requirements not for the total amount of work, but specifically for the volume of the main part of the work. Then only pages in chapters are counted.

Volume Advice Tips

To avoid any claims to the volume of your course work, you need to do the following:

  1. Learn from the head, how many pages should be in the course.
  2. Subtract from the total page size, necessary for the required structural elements (all but the main part of the work) – approximately 8 pages (2 pages each for introduction, conclusion, list of references, plus the title page and content).
  3. Divide the remainder by the number of chapters and paragraphs: for scientific works, it is recommended to maintain a balance between the constituent parts, they should not be too different. So you will get what the approximate amount of the course work paragraph should be. When writing, try to keep it at least approximately.

How to make and arrange a list of references in the dissertation

An important part of the thesis is a list of references. The sources indicated in it make it possible to assess how deeply the topic was developed, how much relevant information was used, whether the latest developments were studied. Registration of the list of references for the dissertation is strictly regulated.

How to make a list of used literature for the dissertation

Definition 1

Thesis is the most extensive and serious research prepared by a student during his studies.

In this regard, the requirements for the list of references for the dissertation more stringent than for other types of work.

Example 1

For example, in the abstract it is usually enough to specify 5-10 sources used, in term paper – about 20 sources, while in the dissertation, at least 40 sources are usually required (and in the humanitarian disciplines the number can be even greater).

Basic requirements for sources of literature in the dissertation:

Sources should have a different character. It is necessary to use both books (monographs, collections, textbooks and manuals), and articles from periodicals, and electronic sources, and legal acts.

Sources must be existing. Do not invent the author or “correct” the year of publication, publishing house and other parameters. The manager may wish to familiarize himself with the source, and an awkward situation will arise.

Sources should be really used. This is expressed in the presence of references to them in the text of the work.

Example 2

It is impossible to rewrite an entire chapter from one textbook, and include 20 unused, and just seen in the library, list of references.

Sources must be relevant. As a rule, a requirement is established not to use books older than 5 years, articles older than 3 years (books of the 2015-2019 year of publication and articles of the 2017-2019 year of publication may be included in the list of literature of the dissertation in the 2019 academic year). If we are talking about a review of the development of the phenomenon or about the works of the classics, it is permissible to use older editions (especially if there were no reprints). In any case, “fresh” sources should also be listed.

Remark 1

For legal acts, there is no clear time limit in years – the edition must be valid (except for the case of analyzing historical documents).

Grouping and sorting sources in the list of references

There are several approaches to grouping and sorting sources in the bibliography:

All sources may be listed in the order mentioned in the text, regardless of their type.

Example 3

If on the third page of the work there is a link to a monograph, on the fourth to the site, and on the fifth to the law, then in that order they will be listed in the list of references.

Only the first reference to the source is taken into account; when reused, it is not duplicated in the list. The exceptions are different parts of the same composite document (two different articles from the same journal) – each element of this kind is considered separately.

Sources are sorted alphabetically. This can be grouped by type of sources (common grouping scheme: regulations, then books, periodicals after them and electronic resources last). A mixed scheme can be applied: the regulations are placed at the top of the list, and then all other sources are alphabetically distributed without category. At the same time, the normative acts themselves can be grouped by legal force, alphabetically or by date of adoption.

A specific method of sorting and grouping is established at the university and is prescribed in the guidelines for graduation design.

How to make sources in the list of references in the dissertation

This standard defines how bibliographic descriptions of documents and their parts are compiled. Bibliographic references, which are made in the text of the dissertation, are made out a little differently – the indicated refers to the list of references. A university may impose simplified requirements on how the list of references should look like – some fields of bibliographic description in this case are omitted.

The easiest to describe is a bibliographic description of a book with one author. The main specified details of the publication:

  • Author (surname and initials).
  • The name of the book (the title is written in full).
  • Type (text).
  • View (monograph, textbook, study guide, etc.).
  • City of publication, publisher name, year of release.
  • Number of pages.

Example 4

Example description:

Silvan, A. Criminal law in historical context [Text]: monograph / A. Silvan. – M.: PSC RAS, 2017. – 128 p. – ISBN 3-228-13852-0.

If there are several authors, then only one is indicated at the beginning, all the rest are indicated only in the second block of authors:

Example 5

Bashmack, D. The concept of marketing development [Text] / D. Bashmack, A. Peterson. – M.: Young Guard, 2016. – 390 p. – ISBN 5-287-39841-1.

The bibliographic description of a part of a document is drawn up as follows:

Information about the part of the document // Information about the document as a whole. – Information on where the component is in the document.

Example 6

An example of an article on this scheme:

Zim, A. Management as a basis for the development of a market economy [Text] / A. Zim // Management and Modernity. – 2018. – №4. – pp. 17-35.

Example 7

Example of the description of the material posted on the site:

Ministry news [Electronic resource] // Ministry of Education. – Access mode:, free. – Title from the screen.

Registration of references in a text editor

References are printed in the same font as the main text of the work (usually Times New Roman, 14 pt., line spacing is one and a half).

A handy tool for decorating the list of references – a numbered list.

Using a numbered list will allow shifting to the text editor control over the correct numbering, which is important when adding or deleting sources. If numbering is done manually, duplicate numbers or missing items may appear in the list.

An additional advantage when using a numbered list is the ability to correctly execute a link to the source. When making links in square brackets, you should not enter the source number on your own, but cross-reference it. This will keep the links between the source and the link to it, even if the source number in the list is changed, instead of thorough checking it will be enough just to update the fields with one click.

How to defend a dissertation

How does the dissertation usually go? The student comes with his papers, worries, starts to read his report in a monotonous and quiet manner (so that his knees tremble for fear and do not want to irritate the commission). At this time, teachers sit, drink mineral water, continually discuss their immediate problems and, in general, do not particularly delve into the report. Then comes the time for questions. But since nobody listened to monotonous mumbling, the questions usually concern the general curriculum, not the dissertation itself. As a rule, the student is not ready for this.

I will not teach you how to be brilliant speakers and keep the public for many hours, but based on my experience, I can give some advice on how to make the commission listen to you.

  1. Look

As a rule, answering to the public, we are afraid to look into the eyes. Therefore, the look usually rushes over the heads, which is completely wrong. Commission members relax and treat the student like a radio: you can listen, but you cannot. But when the speaker calmly looks into his eyes, it makes you strain and start working. In addition, the student can catch a glimpse of the reaction to the words and adjust, if necessary, his speech.

  1. Intonation

Monotonous speech puts the listener to sleep. Therefore, try to intonate the voice. Speak something louder, then quieter. Somewhere faster, and somewhere slower. Be sure to highlight important points and do not focus the attention of the commission on minor ones. Do not bother – then you get the impression that you are confident in your work …

  1. Gestures

It is important to accompany your speech with gestures. The statue will not be able to hold attention for a long time. However, you should not swing your arms in all directions, dilute your speech with smooth and slow gestures. It is best to rehearse speech at home in front of a mirror.

  1. Sincerity

At the end of the speech, you can express the deepest regret that you could not cover all the questions on this topic. You can also say that in the thesis you will cover the topic in more detail and take into account all the shortcomings and shortcomings indicated in the dissertation review (most likely they themselves will stop you and put an extra “plus” to your presentation). These are just some tips that will help to confidently keep on defense, but, besides how to talk, you need to know what to say. If, after the work done on the dissertation, there is no more time and energy left to write a speech, it is quite inexpensive to order it from us on the website. The author, who you choose, will analyze your dissertation and write the appropriate speech. Of course, if you do not like it, we will either send it for revision within 20 days, or refund your money. If you decide to write a speech yourself, then the information on how to do it, read the article “Speech for the protection of the dissertation”.

Format of footnotes in the dissertation

The dissertation (especially its theoretical part) is based on the study of various sources. The use of other people’s thoughts and data collected by other authors is accompanied by a link to the publication. For this are footnotes.

What are the footnotes in the thesis

Before describing how to make notes in a dissertation, you need to decide on the terminology.

Definition 1

The word “footnote” means the text that is placed at the bottom of the page after the feature that separates it.

The footnote may contain text of different content – notes and explanations of the author, translation of foreign words used by the characters, etc. In the thesis work, such objects are not provided, but bibliographic references are necessary.

Definition 2

Bibliographic references are an element of the document’s help.

Bibliographic references indicate information (of a bibliographic nature) about the document referred to, considered or cited (in whole or in part), which is sufficient to find and identify it.

Bibliographic references are of different types. The composition of the elements is distinguished:

  • Full bibliographic link. Such a link makes it possible to identify, search for a document, as well as to give its general characteristic.
  • A brief bibliographic link, focused only on the search document. It is made on the basis of the principle of laconicism.

According to the location of the links are:

  • Placed inside the text of the document – inline.
  • Placed in a footnote (bottom of the page) – subscript.
  • Rendered for the text (in the balloon) – endnote.

In order of mention links are:

  • Primary (when the source is mentioned for the first time).
  • Repeated (the above information can be specified in abbreviated form).

Bibliographic references (footnotes)

An example of bibliographic references in the final qualifying work is most often given in the training manual. It is usually recommended to use either inline links (in square brackets after the quotation), or subscripts.

To make footnotes in the thesis work is somewhat more complicated than inline links.

Example 1

Compare the examples: [5, c. 30] and 2 Talkien V. Logistics in the service sector: studies. for universities. – M .: Transport, 2018. – p. 30.

In the first case, just the source number is indicated, and after the comma the page number is difficult to make a mistake, in the second case there are quite a lot of details of the document, and the design differs from the design in the list of sources used (it will not work just to copy).

Standard 7.0.5 contains a list of elements included in the subscript bibliographic reference. In this case, you can omit some of them, so as not to overload the text with too voluminous footnotes.

How to make notes by standards

Standards regulate how to put footnotes. The standard is devoted to questions about what to write in a footnote (which elements to include in it, which separators to use between elements, etc.). Issues of formatting (technical design) attention is not paid. Not even the font of the footnotes is specified. Usually when making footnotes use the following rules:

  • The same typeface is used as for the main text of the work (headset Times New Roman).
  • The font size in footnotes is chosen 2-4 pt. less (if the text is written in 14 fonts, then footnotes are 10 or 12).
  • Line spacing for footnotes is selected single, without paragraph indent.

Not regulated by the standard aspects of the design of each institution of higher education or even the department decides at its discretion, so it is better to study the guidelines or ask for clarification from the department staff responsible for the standard control.

Presentation of the title page of the report

The title page of the report, like any other student work, requires proper design. Before writing it, you need to consider not only general recommendations, but also the rules that exist in a particular educational institution. To learn more about them, just go to the teacher in a particular discipline.

The design of the title page of the report meets all the requirements if there is information on it:

  • department
  • educational institution
  • Name of student
  • discipline
  • course number
  • Name of teacher and his position,
  • topic of the report,
  • the city.

It also indicates the year the report was completed and the student’s training form. It is worth remembering that information about the student, teacher and department is located on the right, and not in the middle of the sheet.

General requirements for a written report

To write a good report, you must follow a certain structure. Such work should include the following components:

  • title page,
  • table of contents,
  • introduction
  • main part,
  • conclusion
  • bibliography.

When writing each part, certain conditions are met. In the introduction, for example, it is necessary to provide general information about the topic and theses that will be disclosed in the main part.

So that the design of the title page of the report does not interfere with obtaining a good mark, you can order such work from specialists who will perform it taking into account all the requirements. In this case, the writing of the report takes place in a short time, so you do not have to constantly worry about submitting the written work on time.

Font and data layout features

The font features on the title page of the report are the same as when writing other types of written works. At the very top, the name of the educational institution, faculty and department is displayed. In this case, the font (Times New Roman) has a size of 14, and the inscription itself is located in the middle.

Below, the student writes the name of the discipline and the topic of the report. The first inscription is located in the middle of the sheet and has 16 font sizes. The topic is written below and is highlighted in bold. The font size in this case is 18 pt. The following is information about the student who wrote the report, as well as the teacher who checks the work. The features of this part of the title page are that the text is on the right. To accurately align this inscription, you can write it in the table and make its borders invisible.

Under the line “completed” the student writes:

  • full name,
  • form of training
  • faculty.

The surname, name and patronymic of the teacher are indicated under this information. This text is written in Times New Roman font size 14. On the bottom line of the title page of the report in the center is the city and year of writing of the report.

Design Recommendations

In order for the text to be displayed in the middle, in the Microsoft Word program, go to the “main” tab and find the buttons “left”, “center”, “right edge” and “width” there. Before you select a specific option, you should select the part of the text to which formatting will be applied.

To move the text of a specific block to the desired location on the sheet, you need to press the enter key several times. In this case, you should look at the samples in order to more accurately determine the distance between the lines of honey. It is worth remembering that there should not be hyphenations on the title page. Their presence will lead to a rewriting of this part of the work, which does not take much time, but can spoil the assessment.

To speed up the design of the title page of the report, before writing each block, you can immediately create a specific formatting. Thanks to this, you only need to enter text in a specific place on the page.