Plan of writing a thesis

The thesis plan for the 2019 academic year must comply with certain requirements. Specific criteria are established by the graduating department, and the general requirements are formulated in the state standard.

Thesis structure

The thesis should contain a set of mandatory elements that set the basic requirements for the plan of its writing. A typical thesis consists of:

  • Title page.
  • Introductions.
  • The main part is divided into chapters.
  • Conclusions
  • List of used sources.
  • Of applications.

The structure of the final qualifying work as a whole does not differ from the structure of other scientific and educational works (which is regulated at the state level), it should only be borne in mind that each part should be quite bulky (the total size of the thesis is about 50-90 pages depending on the specialty and education levels – bachelors write more concise work than masters).

How to make a plan of the thesis

The plan of the thesis is drawn up immediately after the approval of the topic and serves as a kind of target guideline, which generally should be the result. Based on the plan, literary sources are selected, developments and experiments are planned. This allows us not to cover too wide an area, but to build a logical coherent study.

Writing a plan at the very beginning of work on a thesis has a drawback – the student does not know the subject very well (he is just starting to explore it), he does not know which aspects are most important and interesting. In this regard, you can give some tips:

  • Do not forget about your graduate leader. It is not prescribed for purely nominal mention on the title page. A graduate leader with much more experience can help to write a thesis plan correctly, choosing the most promising areas of research.
  • Most of the topics offered at universities are repeated (with minor changes) from year to year. You can search for work graduates of past years and look at their plan. You should not engage in direct plagiarism, but it is quite advisable to use other people’s work as a guideline. You cannot be limited to theses – course and dissertation will do.
  • It does not always work out from the first attempt to correctly draw up a plan for a thesis. There is nothing terrible in the changes: the plan is not approved anywhere, everything is in your hands (you just have to remember to coordinate the changes with the manager so that there are no unpleasant surprises for him).

How to formulate points for a thesis plan

There are a lot of examples of theses on the Internet, but far from all the plans are formulated successfully. It may be useful to study the names of paragraphs in serious scientific literature, or at least in textbooks – they give an idea of how the headlines should sound.

Among the general requirements, we note:

No title should repeat the theme of the thesis.

Example 1

If you are writing on the topic “Improving the efficiency of use of working capital”, then the first chapter can be devoted to theoretical aspects of assessing the efficiency of using working capital, the second – analyzing the current state of the situation in the enterprise, and the third – developing a project for improvement. It looks very tempting to call the third chapter the same as the theme sounds – but then a natural question arises as to why we need the first two chapters at all.

Headings should not be interrogative sentences.

Example 2

It is impossible to name the clause: “How is the accounting organized in the enterprise?”, We need to reformulate this question – for example: “The organization of accounting in the enterprise”. Question headers are valid only for journalism.

All titles should be designed in a scientific style, without the use of colloquial vocabulary.