Sample speech to the thesis

Thesis is the logical conclusion of your educational process in the university and the first serious scientific work. Therefore, it is necessary to approach its writing very responsibly. Work on a thesis is very important. But it is equally important to be able to present it beautifully and competently on defense in front of the members of the State Attestation Commission. This is what your opening speech is for. If you do not know how to compose it correctly, find a sample speech for a thesis.

Where can I find a sample of speech to the thesis

To do this, you can use:

  • methodical recommendations of the department where you will defend;
  • using a teacher who oversees your project on the instructions of the department;
  • using the Internet;
  • using friends who have already defended.

What should the opening speech look like

Before proceeding to the drafting of the introductory report, remember that it is designed for a maximum of 10-15 minutes. The equivalent of a Word document is 5-6 sheets of A4. That is, the retelling of one page of text should take no more than 2 minutes.

Sometimes at the direction of the department opening speech is reduced to 5 minutes. This should be foreseen in order to know what exactly you can omit in your report, and what you should pay attention to. It follows that you must clearly know what is important in your speech and what is secondary.

There is a certain procedure for the compilation of the introductory word by the authors – graduate students. Sample speech to the thesis work here will be most welcome. It includes:

  • appeal to members of the commission with the presentation of the thesis topic;
  • connection to the reason for choosing this topic and explaining its relevance;
  • an indication of goals and objectives in the thesis work (must comply with the goals and objectives specified in the introductory part);
  • substantiation of the subject and object of research and their chronology;
  • an explanation of the construction of the work in the first two sections of the graduation project, which, as a rule, characterizes the theoretical and practical parts of the work;
  • as a justification, recommendations are made, these or other proposals aimed at increasing the efficiency of work, reasonable conclusions are drawn;
  • recommendations are given on the scope of the results obtained;
  • if after the submission to the defense of the graduation project, papers were published on its subject, a brief description is given indicating how they are coordinated with the work done and the conclusions made;
  • if in the process of working on the thesis project there were comments from the reviewer or the project manager, it is reported about the work done to eliminate the deficiencies;
  • in conclusion, the prospects for further study of the topic are given, and specific tasks for its research are indicated.

Here is a thesis by you already written and approved by a reviewer for protection. Ready and opening speech. It remains only the most important thing – to perfectly protect your work. To do this, rehearse your speech. And here you will again come to the aid of a sample of speech to the thesis. He will help you tune in to win. It would be great if the day before, knowing what audience the defense will be in, you will come there and, imagining that you are in front of the commission members, introduce yourself, loudly and clearly pronounce the title of the topic of the graduation project, voice the key points of your work, the conclusions made, and Finally, and very importantly, the final word. Remember that in your speech the beginning of the report and its end will be most remembered.

If you, nevertheless, have difficulties with writing a speech, contact our specialists. They can quickly and accurately help you. Successes!