The relevance of the thesis

The relevance of the thesis topic is the first thing that the graduation attestation commission pays attention to. In fact, in this part you should explain why you chose this or that topic, and also why the study of this topic is important and relevant. Students and students consistently face the problem of how to correctly write the relevance of the topic of the thesis: it is this part of the introduction that causes many difficulties. This article will help to formulate the relevance of the theme of the graduation project.

Types of relevance

It is important to remember that the relevance of the thesis has several types:

Application of research in the future.

Unknown themes.

The first kind suggests that the relevance of your work consists in solving any existing scientific problem or practical problem using the data that you received during your work.

The second type is that your topic is relevant in that you managed to find answers to unexplored or discussion questions or to show an already known topic from a completely new, previously unknown side (in other words, the research has a scientific novelty).

Different types of relevance of the thesis, examples of which are given above, you can use both separately and together: it all depends on the chosen topic.

How to prove the relevance of the thesis

The relevance of the topic should be presented at the same time quite briefly, but at the same time reasonably. There are several ways to prove relevance, using which you can achieve the goal – to convince the commission that the study of your topic is of paramount importance. So:

Review and describe the issues that are the basis of your thesis, as well as argue their problems.

The evidence presented by you on the relevance of the thesis topic should be supported by examples of various life situations related to the topic of your work.

Tell us about the relationship between your topic and current events, which gave impetus to the study of the issue.

In conclusion, you need to justify how your work answers all the above questions and problems.

Proving the relevance of the work, it is also important to indicate the reasons why it is your work that has an important role that can help or improve the situation in the topic you are studying. Thus, you can also predict how much your topic will be in demand in the future.

Remark 1

Naturally, your every word must be argued: in order to confirm the relevance of the topic of the graduation project, you can give examples of possible applications in practice.

How to determine the relevance of the thesis

Sometimes it happens that even you yourself cannot explain for what reasons you have chosen this or that topic. There are also cases where you simply cannot articulate the relevance in your own words, do not understand how to write the relevance of the thesis. In such cases, there are several ways to solve the problem:

You can always ask for help from other theses or term papers on the same topic. Already protected works can be used as a model.

Review the publications that you are going to use in the process of writing your thesis. As a rule, the first paragraph of a chapter or introduction explains why the author began to write a book.

Example 1

Competently formulated information about the relevance of similar problems can be found in the introductory words to research conferences.

There is an option when you just do not break your head and seek the help of specialists. Thus, you can always carry out all the necessary research independently, without resorting to outside help, and you can use the services of professionals.

Formal requirements

The requirements for the thesis provide for the scope of the justification of relevance. It should occupy almost a whole sheet (based on the average volume of the introduction of 4-5 pages). Do not try to stretch the relevance by adding meaningless common phrases: teachers do not like this and will still force them to cut back. So that the commission does not have to look for relevance in your introduction, it must be clearly marked (this is true for other mandatory structural elements of the introduction). This can be done using the following phrases:

The relevance of our research is that…

The relevance and practical aspect of these problems are connected with…

Questions regarding such and such issues are relevant…

The relevance of the thesis is…

Example 2

Let us give an example of the formulation of the relevance of the thesis topic devoted to improving the financial management system: “The relevance of the topic of work is due to the fact that the financial management system is a complex formation consisting of blocks that, on the one hand, are distinguished by their relative independence, in close cooperation. The financial management system cannot be allocated as a kind of isolated division of the company, it permeates all departments, all business processes. The efficiency of the enterprise’s finances is determined by its financial stability, competitiveness, and profitability. The mistake made by a person in one operation can lead to significant distortions in the whole system. In this regard, automation of financial management is of particular importance.”