What did the Cainites believe?

What did the Cainites believe?

The Cainites are sometimes called libertine Gnostics for believing that true perfection, and hence salvation, comes only by breaking all the laws of the Old Testament. The violation of biblical prescriptions was, therefore, a religious duty.

Who are the Gnostics?

The Gnostics were concerned with the basic questions of existence or “being-in-the-world” (Dasein)—that is: who we are (as human beings), where we have come from, and where we are heading, historically and spiritually (cf. Hans Jonas, The Gnostic Religion 1958, p. 334).

What is the cainite heresy?

The Cainite Heresy was a heretical belief during the Dark Ages that was practiced mainly by Christian Cainites, mostly but not exclusively by Lasombra vampires. It is steeped heavy in Gnosticism and counted with a flock of human priests and clerics.

Who are the Sethites?

The Sethite line in Genesis 5 extends to Noah and his three sons. The Cainite line in Genesis 4 runs to Naamah. The seventh generation Lamech descended from Cain is described as the father of Jabal and Jubal (from his first wife Adah) and Tubal-cain and Naamah (from his second wife, Zillah).

Who are the Sethites in the Bible?

Seth and Cain The Sethite line in Genesis 5 extends to Noah and his three sons. The Cainite line in Genesis 4 runs to Naamah. The seventh generation Lamech descended from Cain is described as the father of Jabal and Jubal (from his first wife Adah) and Tubal-cain and Naamah (from his second wife, Zillah).

Who are the Cainites?

Cainites, a name used for (I) the descendants of Cain, (2) a sect of Gnostics and Antinomians.

What was the punishment of the Cainites?

These biblical persons were said to have been punished by a jealous, irrational creator called Hystera (Womb). The Cainites also honoured Eve and Judas Iscariot and had gospels bearing their names.

What is the moral character of the Cainites?

So far as the moral character and conduct of the Cainites is concerned, there is no doubt that Irenaeus intended to represent them as shrinking from no vileness, but rather as deliberately practising it. He states that they taught, as did Carpocrates, that salvation could be attained only by passing through all experience.

Who were the Canaanites and where did they live?

Who were the Canaanites? These people lived long ago in the Middle East during the Bronze Age, roughly 5,000 years ago roughly 3300 BC. We first read about them in the Book of Genesis when Abraham (the patriarch of the Jews and Arabs) was traveling through from Mesopotamia, instructed by God to settle in that land;