What is a mudline hanger?
The mudline suspension system is a series of hangers that provides landing rings and shoulders specifically to transfer the weight of the casing string to the main conductor and the sea bed. It also allows the well to be “disconnected” once the drill bit has reached the required depth.
What is mud line?
Line of demarcation between fairly clear supernatant water and settling solids in a thickener or other sedimentation vessel.
What does KB mean in oil and gas?
kelly bushing
1. n. [Drilling] An adapter that serves to connect the rotary table to the kelly. The kelly bushing has an inside diameter profile that matches that of the kelly, usually square or hexagonal.
What is the difference between TVD and Tvdss?
True Vertical Depth (TVD), is the absolute vertical distance between a datum, such as the rotary table, and a point in the wellbore. True Vertical Depth Sub Sea (TVDSS), is the absolute vertical distance between mean sea level and a point in the wellbore.
What is kelly bushing elevation?
Kelly Bushing Height (KB): The height of the drilling floor above the ground level. Many wellbore depth measurements are taken from the Kelly Bushing. The Kelly bushing elevation is calculated by adding the ground level to the Kelly bushing height.
What does TVDSS stand for?
TVDSS is True Vertical Depth SS. This is measured from mean sea level (MSL).
What is the rat hole on a drilling rig?
A rathole is a hole in the rig floor, 30 to 35 feet deep, lined with casing that projects above the floor, into which the kelly is placed when hoisting operations are in progress. This is either done by the portable rig that drills the conductor hole or can be done by the primary rig after rigging-up.
What is RKB in drilling?
Rotary kelly bushing – an adapter that serves to connect the rotary table to the Kelly, which turns the entire drillstring. Depth measurements are commonly referenced to the RKB, such as 10,000 ft. RKB, meaning 10,000 feet below the rotary kelly bushing.
What is KB in drilling?
Kelly Bushing (KB) is the height of the Derek (drill rig) measured from the MSL.
What is the difference between a mousehole and a rathole?
Rat & Mouse Hole Drilling The mouse hole is used to hold the next stem of drill pipe during the drilling process. The rat hole is used to store the “kelly” when the the drill pipe is being hoisted out of the hole.
What is the purpose of a mudline hanger?
MUDLINE HANGER SYSTEM • Each mudline hanger landing shoulder and landing ring centralizes the hanger body, and establishes concentricity around the center line of the well. Concentricity is important when tying the well back to the surface.
How do you install a mudline hanger?
As each hole section is drilled and each casing string and mudline hanger is run, the hanger is positioned in the casing string to land on a landing shoulder inside the mudline hanger that was installed with the previous casing string. Each of the mudline hangers have casing and a mudline hanger running tool made up to it.
What is a mud line suspension system?
MUDLINE SUSPENSION SYSTEM • A casing suspension system that allows a well to be drilled using a surface BOP, surface wellhead and surface drilling equipment. The mud line suspension equipment provides for individual casing hangers to be installed with each casing string that interconnects with each other at a pre-set point below the mud line. 5.
Can a subsea production tree be attached to a mudline suspension system?
The mudline suspension system has been designed to accommodate tying the well back to the surface for surface completion, and it also can be adapted for a subsea production tree. A tieback tubing head can be installed to the mudline suspension system at the seabed, and a subsea tree can be installed on this tubing head.