What is Iota Phi Theta known for?

What is Iota Phi Theta known for?

The Fraternity’s purpose is, “The development and perpetuation of Scholarship, Leadership, Citizenship, Fidelity, and Brotherhood among Men.” Additionally, they conceived the Fraternity’s motto, “Building a Tradition, Not Resting Upon One!”

Are any Iota Phi Theta Founders alive?

Currently, only founding members Lonnie Spruill, Jr. and Louis Hudnell are surviving. Today Coakley joins 8 other line brothers in transition into the posthumous Alpha Iota Omega Memorial Chapter.

How much does it cost to join Iota Phi Theta?

# Membership Price
3 Undergraduate Chapter Annual Dues Fee 400.00 USD
4 Undergraduate Chapter Charter Fee 125.00 USD
5 Alumni Member Annual Dues Fee 300.00 USD
6 Life Member Annual Maintenance Fee 55.00 USD

Is Iota Phi Theta Divine Nine?

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. is the youngest of the “Divine Nine” Black Greek organizations and the last to be accepted into the National Pan-Hellenic Council.

What are Iota Phi Theta pledges called?

Although it is slightly outdated by the fact that Iota Phi Theta has moved away from “pledging” to a “Brotherhood Intake Process”, the spirit is still the same. Quite simply, the process you undergo before becoming a Brother is secondary to the responsibility you accept once you become a Brother.

How many chapters does Iota Phi Theta have?

250 chapters
Today, Iota Phi Theta® consists of over 250 chapters located in 40 States, the District of Columbia and the Republic of Korea. The scope of the organization extends throughout the nation, from California to New York; from Wyoming to Florida; and from Wisconsin to The Bahamas Islands.

Which fraternity has most members?

Currently, the largest fraternity by number of members is Sigma Alpha Epsilon. You can also rank frats by the number of active chapters across college campuses. Tau Kappa Epsilon holds this distinction with 290 chapters in colleges and universities.

What black fraternity brands their members?

Omega Psi Phi traditionally has been the fraternity that most commonly received brands. Half of the Omega brothers in most campus chapters have been branded, according to From Here to Fraternity, a guide to life in fraternities and sororities.

What is the Iota Phi Theta mascot?

Centaur and Yellow Rose
Iota Phi Theta (ΙΦΘ)

Chapter name Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
Colors Charcoal Brown and Gilded Gold
Symbols/Mascot Centaur and Yellow Rose
Call Ow! Ow! Ole!
Philanthropy St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

How many members does Iota Phi Theta have?


Iota Phi Theta
Members 30,000+ collegiate
Nicknames Iotas, Centaurs, Outlaws, Thetaman
Headquarters Founders Hall 1600 North Calvert Street Baltimore, MD 21202 USA
Website www.iotaphitheta.org