What kind of art does kelcy Taratoa make?

What kind of art does kelcy Taratoa make?

Drawing from Māori iconography, Western modernist abstraction, and contemporary pop imagery, and often favouring bold vibrant colours, Kelcy Taratoa creates highly personal yet political paintings that examine notions of identity, the globalisation of culture, and the ambiguity of human existent.

Who am I kelcy Taratoa?

Kelcy Taratoa: Who Am I?… Episode 001 is a bilingual English and Te Reo publication written by Warren Feeney and translated by Hēni Jacob (Ngāti Raukawa). It traverses the artist’s life from growing up in the suburbs of Levin to Te Haka a Te Tupere, the artist’s wharenui at Rangiwaea marae in Tauranga Harbour.

Where is kelcy Taratoa from?

Kelcy Taratoa (b. 1972. Ngāi Te Rangi / Ngāti Ranginui / Ngāti Raukawa) is a New Zealand painter.

When was kelcy Taratoa born?

Kelcy Taratoa was born in Horowhenua in 1972 and grew up in New Plymouth. At the age of 18 he moved to Palmeston North. He studied at Massey University; in 2005, he completed Master of Maori Visual Arts. He is now 40 and is still living in Palmeston North.

What is a Māori whānau?

In the ancient Māori society, before the arrival of the Pākehā, a whānau consisted of the kaumātua (tribal elders), senior adults such as parents, uncles and aunts, and the sons and daughters together with their partners and children. Large whānau lived in their own compound in the pā.

What is the historical Whānau?

The historical whānau existed in a period of time when Māori lived a subsistence lifestyle and contributed labour to the welfare of the whānau. The historical whānau is also referred to as the ‘traditional Māori family’ – anthropologist Joan Metge described the whānau of the late 18th and early 19th century as the ‘classic’ whānau.

Where did Wiremu Taratoa live?

Hēnare Wiremu Taratoa was a leader of Ngāi Te Rangi of the Tauranga district. He was born about 1830; a photograph taken of him about 1860 shows a young man possibly in his 30s. His mother was Hera; his father’s name is unknown. He resided at Ōpounui, a settlement on Matakana Island.

What is the difference between Whakapapa and whānau?

In Māori society, the whānau is also a political unit, below the levels of hapū and iwi, and the word itself has other meanings: as a verb meaning to be born or give birth. Whakapapa is Māori genealogy. First on the whakapapa comes the waka, the canoe on which the people first arrived in New Zealand.