What word means to divide into parts?

What word means to divide into parts?

To partition is to divide something into parts.

What word means to divide into three parts?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for DIVIDE INTO THREE PARTS [trisect]

What is the word for divide into two parts?

What is another word for divide in two?

bisect cross
halve bifurcate
cut separate
split cut in half
cut in two dichotomize

What word means to destroy or separate into parts?

Definition of disintegrate transitive verb. 1 : to break or decompose into constituent elements, parts, or small particles water disintegrates the limestone. 2 : to destroy the unity or integrity (see integrity sense 3) of The lies disintegrated their marriage.

What word means to divide into groups in science?

1 bisect, cleave, cut (up), detach, disconnect, part, partition, segregate, separate, sever, shear, split, subdivide, sunder.

What does tripartite mean in history?

1 : divided into or composed of three parts. 2 : having three corresponding parts or copies. 3 : made between or involving three parties a tripartite treaty.

When something is not divided into parts it is known as?

Something that cannot be divided are called _____. Answer: indivisible numbers.

What is the synonym of the divide?

Some common synonyms of divide are divorce, part, separate, sever, and sunder. While all these words mean “to become or cause to become disunited or disjointed,” divide implies separating into pieces or sections by cutting or breaking. civil war divided the nation.

What does ternary mean?

1 : having three elements, parts, or divisions. 2a : being or consisting of an alloy of three elements. b : of, relating to, or containing three different elements, atoms, radicals, or groups a ternary acid.

What does tripartite mean in literature?

Definition of tripartite 1 : divided into or composed of three parts. 2 : having three corresponding parts or copies.

What is the synonym of divide?

Synonyms for divide break up, decouple, disassociate, disconnect, disjoin, disjoint, dissever, dissociate, disunite, divorce, part, ramify, resolve, separate, sever, split, sunder, uncouple, unlink, unyoke

What is it called when you divide into equal parts?

Verb. Divide into two parts of equal or roughly equal size. halve. bisect. divide. cut in half. divide equally. share equally. sever in two.

What is the synonym of separate?

Synonym Discussion of divide separate, part, divide, sever, sunder, divorce mean to become or cause to become disunited or disjointed. separate may imply any of several causes such as dispersion, removal of one from others, or presence of an intervening thing. part implies the separating of things or persons in close union or association.

What is the difference between part and divide?

While in some cases nearly identical to divide, part implies the separating of things or persons in close union or association. When would separate be a good substitute for divide? In some situations, the words separate and divide are roughly equivalent.