Theoretical part of the dissertation

This part of the thesis is one of the most important. It is the leader who checks it in order to understand how the student has mastered the skills of searching for information, its processing and composition. This part will serve as the basis for the research described in the practical part of the dissertation.

Base for analysis

Before you start writing the theoretical part, you need to develop a certain base. You need to study a huge number of textbooks, a variety of books, periodicals, scientific papers, online resources and much more. During the study it is best to record the necessary moments, so that later they will not be lost in the pile of literature. This part must also be spelled out terminological apparatus, which will be used throughout the work. This case must be approached thoroughly. The terms can be taken from the works of scientists, from materials that are analyzed during the collection of information, as well as from lectures on this course. The main distinguishing feature of the dissertation: in spite of the fact that the theory is taken from scientific works, it must be passed through itself. After all, a graduate student is almost a specialist, which means that he is capable of his own ideas, his own terminology.

The content of the theoretical part

The most important requirement for a dissertation is to follow a common topic. Very often, graduate students, plunging work, moving away from the main idea. As a result, a dissertation is obtained about everything and about anything. Therefore, such a correspondence must be constantly monitored. It is best to make a detailed plan that will help keep yourself within the framework. Another important point: a dissertation is a solid work, it examines and solves some serious problem. Therefore, it should not be considered one-sided. It is impossible to write the theoretical part of the dissertation, based on 1-2 textbooks. The topic should be debatable. As a result of its study, you must take a point of view, or create your own.

Structural features

As well as the practical part of the dissertation, the theoretical should be divided into chapters and paragraphs. After all, this is quite a lot of work, and it should be consistent and logical. Even when drawing up a work plan, it is necessary to prescribe all the components of the theoretical part. However, when working with it, you will certainly have additions and changes. You will achieve the final version only after the supervisor approves all the work. This is a long and laborious process, so sometimes it’s better to just order a dissertation. Here you can not only choose the author, but also personally agree with him about the price. The work will be done exactly the way you want it, but if not, then it can be sent for revision. In any case, you will only win.

The relevance of the thesis

The relevance of the thesis topic is the first thing that the graduation attestation commission pays attention to. In fact, in this part you should explain why you chose this or that topic, and also why the study of this topic is important and relevant. Students and students consistently face the problem of how to correctly write the relevance of the topic of the thesis: it is this part of the introduction that causes many difficulties. This article will help to formulate the relevance of the theme of the graduation project.

Types of relevance

It is important to remember that the relevance of the thesis has several types:

Application of research in the future.

Unknown themes.

The first kind suggests that the relevance of your work consists in solving any existing scientific problem or practical problem using the data that you received during your work.

The second type is that your topic is relevant in that you managed to find answers to unexplored or discussion questions or to show an already known topic from a completely new, previously unknown side (in other words, the research has a scientific novelty).

Different types of relevance of the thesis, examples of which are given above, you can use both separately and together: it all depends on the chosen topic.

How to prove the relevance of the thesis

The relevance of the topic should be presented at the same time quite briefly, but at the same time reasonably. There are several ways to prove relevance, using which you can achieve the goal – to convince the commission that the study of your topic is of paramount importance. So:

Review and describe the issues that are the basis of your thesis, as well as argue their problems.

The evidence presented by you on the relevance of the thesis topic should be supported by examples of various life situations related to the topic of your work.

Tell us about the relationship between your topic and current events, which gave impetus to the study of the issue.

In conclusion, you need to justify how your work answers all the above questions and problems.

Proving the relevance of the work, it is also important to indicate the reasons why it is your work that has an important role that can help or improve the situation in the topic you are studying. Thus, you can also predict how much your topic will be in demand in the future.

Remark 1

Naturally, your every word must be argued: in order to confirm the relevance of the topic of the graduation project, you can give examples of possible applications in practice.

How to determine the relevance of the thesis

Sometimes it happens that even you yourself cannot explain for what reasons you have chosen this or that topic. There are also cases where you simply cannot articulate the relevance in your own words, do not understand how to write the relevance of the thesis. In such cases, there are several ways to solve the problem:

You can always ask for help from other theses or term papers on the same topic. Already protected works can be used as a model.

Review the publications that you are going to use in the process of writing your thesis. As a rule, the first paragraph of a chapter or introduction explains why the author began to write a book.

Example 1

Competently formulated information about the relevance of similar problems can be found in the introductory words to research conferences.

There is an option when you just do not break your head and seek the help of specialists. Thus, you can always carry out all the necessary research independently, without resorting to outside help, and you can use the services of professionals.

Formal requirements

The requirements for the thesis provide for the scope of the justification of relevance. It should occupy almost a whole sheet (based on the average volume of the introduction of 4-5 pages). Do not try to stretch the relevance by adding meaningless common phrases: teachers do not like this and will still force them to cut back. So that the commission does not have to look for relevance in your introduction, it must be clearly marked (this is true for other mandatory structural elements of the introduction). This can be done using the following phrases:

The relevance of our research is that…

The relevance and practical aspect of these problems are connected with…

Questions regarding such and such issues are relevant…

The relevance of the thesis is…

Example 2

Let us give an example of the formulation of the relevance of the thesis topic devoted to improving the financial management system: “The relevance of the topic of work is due to the fact that the financial management system is a complex formation consisting of blocks that, on the one hand, are distinguished by their relative independence, in close cooperation. The financial management system cannot be allocated as a kind of isolated division of the company, it permeates all departments, all business processes. The efficiency of the enterprise’s finances is determined by its financial stability, competitiveness, and profitability. The mistake made by a person in one operation can lead to significant distortions in the whole system. In this regard, automation of financial management is of particular importance.”

The practical significance of the thesis

Any scientific work, whatever it may be, must contain a novelty. If this topic has already been worked out to such an extent that you cannot bring anything new – it means that such a topic does not require research significance. That is why in the introduction of the thesis it is necessary to indicate the practical significance and novelty of the work.

This process can take a lot of time, so it’s better to order all the work entirely on our website. Experienced authors will make a thesis for the term that you need, so that you cannot worry about the deadlines.

The degree of novelty of your research project is more or less, but in any case it should be. Therefore, when choosing a thesis topic, consider in advance whether it is possible to develop something new. Your work should make some contribution to the science in which you specialize. This contribution is called practical value. It is to ensure that the results of your research bring at least a small practical benefit to this scientific community. The student must show how the results can help society.

How to reveal the significance?

Clearly indicate to whom the results obtained by you can help when you write the introduction of the thesis.

Try to pick up such a vocabulary, so that it already clings to the reader.

You can also back up your words with the results of the introduction at the enterprise. This will provide 100% disclosure of significance.

What could be meaningful?

If we are talking about the thesis in the humanities, then the importance may be the development of new methods, methods, techniques that can be applied in their respective fields.

Practical significance can also be justified by introducing various programs, documents, instructions, regulations, etc. Among other things, the social, economic, and scientific effectiveness of your results is assessed. What it is?

Scientific effectiveness is a new knowledge about society, which helped to reveal new patterns and connections.

Economic efficiency is a new way of saving money and resources.

Social efficiency is the way to improve the working and living conditions of people.

The practical significance of the thesis: an example

None of the graduation projects or papers will be accepted and admitted for protection unless the value of the achieved results is determined. Therefore, the practical importance of the thesis (an example can be taken from the teacher) must necessarily be identified and clearly substantiated in the information materials to the project.

Types of practical value of the thesis / project

Varieties are determined by the direction of graduate training. In the humanities we are talking about the development of new methods of studying a particular object or phenomenon. In the exact sciences, practical value is understood as the economic effect that can be achieved as a result of the implementation of the proposed graduate studies. In thesis projects of research topics, practical value implies the existence of an application for an alleged patent.

Regardless of the type of result achieved, it must be confirmed by a special expert, whose functions are usually performed by the reviewer of the graduation project. He is appointed by the graduating department, which oversees the work of a graduate student on the project. Often, the practical significance is confirmed by a certificate from the base enterprise where the pre-thesis practice was conducted.

Examples of practical value of the results of the graduation design

If you need to highlight the practical significance of the thesis, an example of a review will help highlight it correctly. For example:

  1. Help of an enterprise or organization about acceptance for consideration of the results of technological or design development.
  2. Patent information about acceptance for consideration of a patent application. It would be ideal to get the patent itself, but this process is quite lengthy, and most of the authors of student patent applications do not have time to be considered in full.
  3. Signal copy of the profile journal in which the graduate published (independently or in collaboration) a scientific and technical article on the profile and topic of the graduation project.
  4. Electronic publication of research fragments in online publications or in electronic versions of print media.
  5. Theses of reports at student scientific and technical conferences or Olympiads of the desired profile.

All difficulties can be overcome

Of course, it is far from always possible to fulfill the above requirements qualitatively and fully. But without them, a graduate student may not be allowed to protect at all. For example, when the amount of experiments performed was too large, or there was not enough time for the qualitative formulation of the practical significance of the thesis, an example of which can be obtained at the department. What to do?

In such situations, it is worth asking for help from specialists of the appropriate profile. All the authors cooperating with our site have a great practical experience, and it is not difficult for them to quickly and efficiently formulate the achieved results in the form of conscious and logical conclusions. At the same time, they are guaranteed to ensure the interconnection of practical results and theoretical concepts presented in the thesis project, as well as help in the processing of information and the preparation of printed publications.

For the correct execution of data relating to the practical significance of the work, you must provide:

  • initial information (results of experiments, analysis of publications, etc.);
  • data on the required type of results – publication, patent application, text of the message at the conference;
  • indicative requirements for the quality of conclusions and / or the amount of expected practical effectiveness of the results.

Based on these data, experienced consultants will always be able to help a graduate in a timely manner not only to prepare the necessary practical conclusions and formalize them in a graduation project, but also to adequately present materials during defense.

Coursework defense

When it comes to course protection, there is always the fear that you will not be able to do it successfully. After all, it’s a shame to get a bad grade, especially when I wrote the work myself. You can, of course, buy a course paper from us, and even a speech to defend the course, and then absolutely not be afraid of failure. All works that are sent by the authors undergo a mandatory plagiarism test. So do not worry, your work will be unique. In addition, it will cost you exactly as much as you want. On our site, customers themselves set prices for work.

If your coursework is already ready and you want to finish everything yourself – here are a few secrets of how to protect your coursework as “excellent”.

  1. Making contacts

Course work is checked by one person – your supervisor. Before the defense, he saw her many times and knows everything about her. Of course, he sent you more than once for revision and proofreading of various moments. This is an unspoken rule of teachers – do not take the course one from the first time. So try to find a common language with the head. Frequently contact him, maybe not even always on the chosen topic of coursework. Remember, if he likes you as a person and he respects you as a student, he will never fail you in defense.

  1. Immersion in work

On the defense course teacher will certainly ask questions. To be ready to answer them – you need to know your work thoroughly. Therefore, before the defense be sure to once again study the course. Small details are often forgotten – and this may adversely affect the assessment.

  1. Introduction and conclusion

If you did not work with the supervisor at the time of writing the coursework, then, most likely, he saw your project only on the night before the defense. In this case, most likely, he did not read it properly. Try to make a good introduction and conclusion – he will become familiar with these parts. All the rest – tell him in your own words on defense. And he will surely believe!

If the manager starts asking questions to which you do not know the answers, calmly explain to him that this aspect of the problem is, of course, very interesting for you, but it is not considered in the work. The most important thing is not to stop talking. The teacher will feel that you really know a lot about the problem, and will quickly want to move on to the next student.

Topics of coursework in psychology

Course work involves writing a detailed study on a particular topic. Usually in the departments there is a ready list of topics to choose from. However, he is so beaten up that the teachers, seeing the old topic once again, do not particularly read, do not carefully check and do not exactly try to “pull out” the student.

You can always contact us for help in writing your coursework, our experts will write a work on absolutely any topic. Moreover, you set the price yourself, so your exchange rate will cost you exactly as much as you want. You do not have to suffer with the title page of course work or with the introduction for coursework. You just need to leave a request and choose the author. But in any case, you have to choose a topic yourself.

Do not be upset. We could not leave you alone with the problem, so we prepared for you a small list of approximate topics that you can use for your work.

  • Sources and prerequisites for the emergence of Conflict Resolution Studies as a scientific theory and educational and practical discipline.
  • Conflict as a social phenomenon of social life: concept, structure, typology.
  • Negotiations as a way to resolve and resolve social conflicts.
  • Intra-personal conflicts: causes and ways of settlement.
  • Generic conflicts.
  • Interpersonal conflicts: causes and motives of occurrence.
  • Interpersonal conflicts: methods of settlement.
  • Family “pedagogical” conflicts and forms of their manifestation.
  • Factors of conflict in family relationships.
  • Family conflicts: causes, dynamics of development, classification, functions and consequences.
  • Diagnosis and prevention of marital conflicts and their resolution.
  • Conflict factors in domestic education.
  • Varieties of motives for conflict behavior in a group.
  • Conflicts in organizations: causes and forms of manifestation.
  • Prevention and prediction of organizational conflicts.
  • Diagnosis of the level of social tension.
  • Affect and its criminal law assessment in court proceedings on crimes against the life and health of citizens.
  • Forensic psychological examination of legally significant emotional states.
  • Psychological problems of sanity and insanity.
  • Actual problems of complex forensic psychological and psychiatric expertise.
  • Psychology of participants in the civil process.
  • Psychological characteristics of the lawyer at various stages of communication with the client.
  • Psychology of criminal liability.
  • Psychological personality traits of violent criminals.
  • Psychological rubb offender.
  • Typology of serial killers.
  • Victim behavior.
  • Psychological features of the professional activity of a lawyer (with reference to a particular legal profession).
  • Psychological aspects of professional communication lawyer.
  • Psychology of interrogation.

The choice of the coursework topic

All students sooner or later sit at the course. It’s unavoidable. As always, the most difficult thing is to start, i.e. choose a topic. Often the department provides a large list of topics. Then the selection process is greatly simplified. But it also happens that you have to break your head over the unfortunate topics. And in fact, and in another case, the choice must be approached seriously. Why? Read on.

When choosing a topic for a coursework, the most important thing to remember is that soon you will have to write a diploma. Because it is much larger and more thorough, why not prepare for it in advance? The most winning option – themes from one area. Subsequently, it will be possible to take for the diploma material from your own coursework. Therefore, ease your task from the first course.

Your personal interests

In addition, an important criterion for choosing a topic is your personal interest. Try to determine the scope of your interests and look for a topic in it. After all, if the work does not bring pleasure – it will be done carelessly, and the diploma will not flow out of it. Why, then, waste time and energy at all?

If you are not at all interested in the subject matter, then you can simply order a coursework. With us you decide on the topic, the price and the delivery time. The author will do whatever you want. If there are any shortcomings, he will correct them in the warranty period. So think carefully. There are so many more important things to spend time on.

Variant Monitoring

If you are faced with the problem of choosing from several options, you can proceed as follows:

Divide the page in half and brainstorm. In the left part write down all the topics of interest to you that come to mind, the right – not interesting. You can also search for topics on the Internet and ask around older students.

After you finish the list – carefully re-read it. Maybe what you attributed to uninteresting topics, now you enjoy. And in the end, select the 10 topics on which you would like to write a coursework.

Study these 10 topics. Rate how, easy or difficult, will look for information. Explore other work on these topics. And leave 3 threads. Show these 3 topics to your supervisor. He will help with the choice.

How to arrange a title page of a research paper

Each research paper begins with a title page. This is the first page, the face of your work. Therefore, you need to issue it carefully and correctly. Many students, especially in the first year, have difficulties. Of course, each educational institution can slightly change the rules for registering a title page, but we will take state standards and describe in detail how to draw up a title page of a research paper.

The structure of the title page of the research paper

The title page has one feature – each line here has its own place and simply aligns it with the width of the sheet, as the research paper itself will not work here.

It will be easier to understand if we conditionally divide the sheet into four parts:

  • top
  • central
  • right
  • lower.

How is the title page

Initially put the fields, as in the entire essay: 2 cm above and below, 3 cm to the left and 1 cm to the right.

In the upper part you will have the name of the Ministry of Education, the name of the educational institution and the department.

The name of the ministry is spelled according to the rules of spelling, the name of the educational institution – in all capital letters, the name of the department – as in the sentence. Font – Times New Roman, size – 14pt. Select these words in bold and align them to the center of the sheet. Line spacing set single.

The central part includes the word “research paper”, the name of the subject, the topic of the research paper. From the last line of the upper part, double indent (press Enter twice) and begin to print this part of the information.

The word “research paper” is written in full capital letters, it can also be distinguished using the font size and put it 12 pins more than the main text. On the next line write the name of the subject and even below the topic of the research paper. Font – Times New Roman, size – 14pt. Select these words in bold and align them to the center of the sheet.

Line spacing is also single.

The right part is typed through a double indent from the last line of the central part. It indicates the data of the student who completed the work. You type in this way: the word “Completed”, a student of such and such a course, full-time (correspondence department), group No., full name. Each data from this listing is written from a new line.

Font – Times New Roman, size – 14pt. Only the word “completed” is highlighted in bold. Align the right side of the sheet. Some universities allow the usual alignment on the right side, and some require that all lines begin at the same level. Line spacing is single.

The latest information on the title page is in the bottom block. It is a city and a year. Font – Times New Roman, size – 14pt. Select these words in bold and align them to the center of the sheet.

These lines are written on the last lines of the sheet.

Sometimes on the title page they require the data of the teacher. In this case, they are placed immediately under the student’s data and drawn up in the same way. Before you draw up your essay, ask at the department if they have manuals with recommendations. If yes, then you only need to adhere to them, because they will check you on them.

In no case should there be punctuation or spelling errors on the title page! This will significantly lower your grade for work!

We hope our information on how to draw up a title page of a research paper helped you figure it out.

Instead of a conclusion

If you still have difficulties, you can contact our specialists, and they will be happy to help you cope with any scientific work of the student.

We have rich experience and a sea of desire to help you with your studies! Leave your applications, and we will do all the boring work for you!

An example of a table of contents of a research paper

Usually a research paper is a small volume of work. However, it is believed that it is necessary to make a table of contents for any works that occupy more than ten pages of printed text. The structure of the essay implies the presence of a list of all the constituent parts with the indication of page numbers, so we decided to show you with examples how to write the table of contents of the essay. In other articles, we described the difference between the content and the table of contents (recall that the table of contents is compiled when all parts of the work are united by one topic). Therefore, for the research paper it is also inappropriate to use the term “content”.

There are three ways to create a table of contents:

  • Manual way. You manually collect all parts of the work, put down the “points” and indicate the page. It is not so difficult, but rather troublesome. In addition, there are some rules that describe how to write a table of contents correctly. For example, all chapters and paragraphs should have a unique title. There is no dot after the names. You need to start the table of contents with an introduction, etc.
  • Autocomplete table of contents. This method is good because you do not need to turn over all the work yourself. However, for this method, it is necessary in advance, before writing the essay, to determine the styles of headings of the first, second and third levels.
  • Work order. This is the easiest and most proven way of all. You simply leave an order on our website, and within ten minutes the authors will begin to offer you their candidacies. You just have to choose a suitable author, according to his rating and rate. Choose which method is most convenient for you and, guided by our examples, compile your table of contents.

Contents of the research paper

To make it easier for the reader to navigate in a large volume of text, a table of contents is added to various printed works, in which page numbers are indicated. The content of the research paper is required by the standard if the number of pages exceeds ten.

How to write a table of contents in the research paper

The contents of the research paper include all structural elements of the work, starting with the introduction (the title page and the table of contents are not indicated in the list). We list what should be in the table of contents of the research paper:

  1. Introduction
  2. Title of the first chapter.
  3. Title of the second chapter.
  4. The title of the third chapter (if there is one. If there are more chapters, the names of the fourth, fifth and other chapters must also be written in the contents of the report).
  5. Conclusion
  6. Bibliography.
  7. Applications

In the research paper, chapters can be divided into paragraphs (although due to the small amount of work you can do without this) – in this case, the table of contents takes on a two-level hierarchical structure (for each chapter, the paragraphs included in it are indicated).

When compiling the table of contents, the components of the main part of the research paper are numbered (no dot is placed after the number), but the introduction, conclusion and list of references are not. There is no dot after the name, even if the name is a complete sentence.

Example 1


  1. The concept of demand
  2. Law of demand
  3. Factors determining the demand in a market economy


In addition to the names of the structural parts of the work, the pages are indicated on which these parts begin – this is where the table of contents differs from the plan. Accordingly, before you draw up the contents of the research paper, you need to write the research paper itself.

How to draw up a table of contents of the research paper

How you need to make a table of contents in the research paper directly depends on how the research paper itself is drawn up. When making the table of contents, the same font is used as in the main text, and the same indents.

Example 2

So, if the text is typed in 14 type Times New Roman font with line spacing one and a half spacing, with zero spacing before and after the paragraph, with indentation of the red line 1.25 cm – exactly the same parameters are used for the table of contents.

If in the text of the work headings are highlighted in capital letters (INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION), then they should also look in the table of contents. The exception is the use of effects for the font – bold, italics, underline. They are not used in the table of contents, even if they were used in the text.

The names of the elements are aligned to the left, and the page numbers are aligned to the right (numbers should not “jump”). A placeholder (most often dots) can be used between the title and the corresponding page to facilitate readability.

Whether to use a placeholder is determined by the department, the standard does not contain clear requirements. Therefore, in order to make the table of contents of the essay correct, it is best to ask the teacher for a sample.

Example 3

Often students have the question of how to write the heading correctly – “Table of Contents” or “Content”. In the research paper, the word “table of contents” is more appropriate, since “content” refers to collections consisting of dissimilar parts (collections of conference materials or control, including separate tasks), and not to holistic research.

How to make a table of contents of the research paper

You can manually type a table of contents and specify pages. But this method has disadvantages:

  • It’s difficult to carefully align the titles on one edge and the pages on the other. One of the sides of the sheet is uneven. You have to use auxiliary tools – present the table of contents in the form of a table, in the first column of which the name is written, and in the second – the page number.
  • When you make changes to the text, as a result of which the beginning of the element is transferred to another page, the table of contents ceases to correspond to reality. There is a need to carefully double-check page numbers before printing. A mistake is widespread when part of the numbers is corrected and part is overlooked (the first chapter has increased – you need to change the page number not only for the second chapter, but also for the third, and for the conclusion, and for the list of sources).

In text editors (MS Word, OpenOffice.Org Writer and their analogues) there are tools for preparing an autocomplete table of contents. In order for the table of contents to be compiled by itself, you must first set styles for the headings (headings of the first and second levels).

The “Table of Contents” block in MS Word is located on the “Links” tab. By opening the drop-down list, you can see examples of the contents of the table of contents and choose from them suitable for the research paper. If none of the proposed options meets your needs, you can specify your own font and paragraph parameters, or download additional templates from the site.