Analysis of the financial condition of the company – an example of the thesis

Upon graduation, the student should confirm that the skills and knowledge acquired by him are learned and can be used in practice. It is for this and write a thesis. Of course, every year students are offered the broadest choice of various topics, and for students of economic specialties the analysis of the financial condition of the company is most popular. The graduation work of 2014 on this topic in its structure and design principles is not much different from the work of previous years. However, many students have some difficulties.

Work structure

To begin with, it is worth noting that the topic “Analysis of the financial condition of the company” of the thesis should be carried out in the form of research. In other words, the student will understand the work of a particular company or company. However, one cannot do without a general description of the analysis of the economic condition. Based on this, the approximate structure of the thesis will look like this:

  1. Introduction, which describes the goals and objectives of the study, the relevance of the described problem, as well as a brief description of the chapters of the thesis.
  2. The first part is considered more theoretical. Here you need to demonstrate your knowledge of the meaning and essence of the analysis of the financial condition of the company, the types of financial analysis and the like.
  3. The second part is practical, since in it the above knowledge is used directly during the consideration of the work of a particular enterprise.
  4. Conclusion in which you need to present your own conclusions, as well as propose and justify a strategy to improve and optimize the economic condition of the company.
  5. References, which contains not only the sources to which the student turned while writing a thesis, but also various legal acts regulating the activities of the company.
  6. The application in which all sorts of graphs, charts and tables. For example, the schedule of profitability, business diagram, a table with the structure of assets and so on.

Where to get information?

It is quite logical that not every company will easily admit a student to the documents that are necessary for writing a thesis. Another difficulty lies in the fact that many universities require the signature of the head of the company, as well as a “wet” seal on all accompanying documents. Naturally, you can always search for familiar, but there is another way out of the situation. For example, you can find the necessary information on the Internet, and then ask the management or the secretary to put signatures and stamps. As practice shows, if the company has nothing to hide, and the information is publicly available, they will not refuse you. Moreover, if you later need a document such as the “Act on the implementation of the results of the thesis,” you can get it in the same company.

Where to look for help?

Naturally, the first and main assistant should be your curator. However, it often happens that the curator is not too responsible about their work, and you remain in a hopeless situation. Let’s just say: in no way should you download finished work from the network. Believe me, it’s literally five minutes to track down such a job, and as a result you may simply not be allowed to protect. Agree, it is not worth it. If the situation is such that “analysis of the financial condition of the company” – the thesis on this topic was too complicated for you, then the best way out of the situation would be to resort to the help of our specialists. Authors working in our company can write a thesis on any topic, and our company will take care that all accompanying papers are in perfect order.

An example of research methods in the thesis work

For the first time doing a thesis, you may encounter difficulties understanding how to write one or another section of it. This can happen with an understanding of what research methods are and how they should be used and then described in their work. In this case, you will certainly be helped by an example of research methods in a thesis work.

Where can I find an example of research in the thesis

  1. In the scientific and methodical literature.
  2. On the website of the university.
  3. On other Internet sites.
  4. In the drafts of graduates of your university past issues.

Before you start work, get professional and high-quality advice from your supervisor (a teacher responsible for how you do your job). If you have any questions, contact him for complete information. In this case, you will be easier to navigate in the process of writing a thesis and quickly correct the mistakes made.

What are research methods and why are they necessary when writing scientific papers?

Before asking for help from different sources of information, study what the research methods are, how they are, and why they are needed when writing a thesis.

In order to write a professional-competent thesis, you need to consistently perform a number of necessary actions, as a result of which you can make a generalized, preliminary, and then the final conclusions. These include research methods. When studying something (phenomena, subject, topic, etc.) we use various methods (techniques, techniques) that help us understand their essence. These are the research methods. They can be divided into two groups:

  • practical (or in other words empirical research methods);
  • general theoretical.

Comparative analysis of two or more objects of the same type, phenomena, judgments, conducting visual experiments are vivid examples of practical research methods. The general theoretical methods include:

  • modeling (creating similar situations, creating models for individual characteristics of the object under study);
  • abstraction (conscious distraction of attention from the known properties of the object to detect unknowns until now);
  • induction method – deduction (from simple to complex and vice versa);
  • method of axioms and formulas;
  • analysis (decomposition of more complex into simple components);
  • synthesis (combining individual elements into a common one), etc.

Research methods must be included in the introductory part of the thesis, thanks to which your project curator, and then the members of the State Attestation Commission, will be able to conclude that the studies you have done are correct, and understand how you came to this or that conclusion. And with their help you can prove the correctness of the conclusions made in the thesis. Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine what type of research these or other methods are used by you. Here you can use the example of research methods in a thesis. It is very important to understand that you should not specify too many methods, and even more so methods that you did not use yourself in your research. This may lead you at the most crucial moment – when defending a thesis, since you may be asked to elaborate on one method or another described in more detail, to which you are unlikely to respond. And one more tip – describe the research methods used after writing the main part and the conclusion. In this case, you can accurately formulate and describe them. If you still have problems with writing this or that part of the thesis, contact our specialists. They will quickly and efficiently help you.

Topics for marketing coursework

Often, the department has a ready list of topics for coursework, but it is so poorly compiled that teachers themselves do not accept such topics and require the student to find their own. In this case, it does not matter, you yourself decided to write your coursework or act wiser and just order it from us, because we give guarantees of the quality of work and the safety of money – you need to choose the topic yourself.

First you need to decide on the type of course work. After this is done, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements for course work. And only after that – be determined with the topic. We decided to choose for you a list of interesting topics for a coursework on marketing.

  • Market research on bread and bakery products
  • Features of marketing on the example of the computer market
  • Optimization of the ratio of prices and production volumes
  • The image of the New York City in the minds of youth
  • Non-price factors to improve the competitiveness of the goods on the example of LLC “DNS”
  • Outdoor advertising as an element of the communicative environment
  • The purpose and content of the business plan of the company
  • Multimedia as a business and marketing tool
  • Modeling the range of the book-selling organization with a medical focus
  • Place and role of state trade organizations in the development of public services
  • Merchandising in the sales management system
  • Pricing Techniques
  • International Banking Marketing
  • Enterprise Marketing Plan
  • Consumer Market Research
  • Marketing research of the coffee house market on the example of the Coffee Life coffee house
  • Marketing research of the retail milk market and consumer preferences research
  • Apple and Samsung marketing research
  • Apple Inc. marketing activities
  • Healthcare Marketing
  • Lexical and stylistic means used to create language expressiveness in modern English advertising slogans
  • Logistic activity of an enterprise (on the example of Logistic Trans LLC)
  • Corporate development of the company and business
  • Control of marketing activities in the enterprise
  • Competition and competitive marketing methods
  • Product competitiveness

What is a course project

It often happens that a freshman is confronted with the fact that he must write a coursework. But they don’t say a word about what it is and how to write it. Sometimes, even the manuals are not enough for everyone, and the student has to write at random himself or, which is much more logical, to order a coursework from us. It is not expensive at all, because we do not use the services of intermediaries, so you will pay for the work as much as you want.

Course work

There is a difference between coursework and coursework, which students often do not notice. Course work is a student’s scientific writing, the purpose of which is the development of special skills, the study of scientific papers on one specific issue related to one of the subjects studied. Usually such work is written by students of humanities specializations (economics, pedagogy, journalism, law, philosophy, etc.)

The older the course, the more difficult the course work. Often, elementary students write such works in the abstract style. Senior students usually write term research papers. They are required to develop a detailed topic, create their own methodology and detailed conclusions. To write a coursework, you need to know its structure: title page, table of contents, introduction, main chapters, conclusion, list of references and applications. The number of pages ranges from 20 to 40. However, the standard coursework is considered 25-page work with several applications.

Course project

This work, unlike the course work, is usually performed by students of technical specialties. It implies a technical analysis of an engineering solution on a specific topic throughout the semester. It also often includes the economic part, which shows the effect of innovation, proposed by the student, on the enterprise.

Typically, the student performs 4-5 course projects for the entire period of study, which are complicated as the student moves to senior courses.

The structure of the course project is also clearly regulated. It consists of text and graphic parts. The first includes an explanatory note, which consists of theory and practical calculations. Graphic are drawings, diagrams, tables. The scope of the course project is approximately the same as that of the course work – 30–40 pages, plus 2–4 sheets of drawings, which are usually carried out on A1 sheets.

How to write an essay

An essay as an educational work enables a student to express his own thoughts more fully, to reflect his personal thoughts and ideas about the world – even if only others’ works, and not individual experience, are their source. It is good when a topic given by a teacher finds a response in the soul (or an essay on a free topic is given), but this is not always the case – and then there are problems when writing an essay. This article will tell you how to write an essay.

Essay structure

The essay is not quite a standard structure. It should not contain a table of contents, a list of references and, at times, even a title page. This is a free genre, which can be expressed by the author as he wants. The only condition that determines the structure of an essay is logic. Everything should be built according to the laws of logic. The scheme of writing an essay practically does not change regardless of its size and is maintained even in a mini essay. Despite the fact that the essay has a free form, its structural features are present. First of all, they are due to the requirements of this genre:

  • All thoughts of the author should be stated thesis.
  • Each thesis must be supported by arguments.

Arguments in this case are concrete well-known facts, events, phenomena, objects, scientifically proven facts, and the like. The phrase of the author cannot be considered an argument: “My grandmother told me about it.”

The average essay usually has a small size, starts with a problem, then goes a few (usually three) abstracts and 2-3 arguments to these abstracts. It ends with a common conclusion.

Plan of essay

Those who are wondering where to start writing an essay can be recommended first of all to make a plan for writing an essay. The drafted plan reflects the future structure of the essay; the plan determines how to make an essay, is his frame. It is impossible to understand how to write an essay without first making a plan. Although the plan may change (and quite significantly) during the course of work, it is necessary to write a plan before writing an essay. To make a plan, you need to explore the topic. After you are well versed, you need to review the literature that is relevant to the topic. Only after that you need to think over theses and arguments that you just need to display in the plan.

An example of how a social science essay plan is written:

  • Introduction (it is possible to substantiate the relevance of the topic, indicate the most pressing issues).
  • The main part of the essay – in fact, theses and arguments, which are the main content of the essay. How to write them in the plan – the author himself decides: you can use affirmative or interrogative sentences. Variants of the same item of the plan in different formulations: “Internet functions” or “What functions does the Internet perform in our life?”.
  • Findings.

Essay writing technique

One of the main tasks of writing an essay can be considered the conviction or motivation of the reader. When the author decides to sit down for an essay, this means that he wants to either raise some problem or show that the solution proposed by him is the right one. Even if this essay is not an impulse of soul, but the task of a teacher, in any case, everything comes down to these tasks.

The question of where to start writing an essay has a clear answer: a plan. Suppose that a plan has already been drawn up – then a new difficulty arises: how to start writing the text of the essay itself, with which words to start the essay.

Preparations for introducing problems when writing an essay do not end. After the introduction, it is necessary to formulate theses and choose the arguments for the main part.

Tips for writing a good essay:

  • Do not hurry.
  • Brainstorm. Just write down on a sheet of paper all the ideas about your essay.
  • Sample. Now take up your written sheet and pick out the arguments that you will use.
  • Structuring. Usually the main idea of each item is one thesis, which is revealed and confirmed.
  • Documentary. If possible, use official documents or articles confirming your point of view.
  • Try to make the last sentence of each paragraph go to the new argument.

These essay writing rules are most general, applicable to essays that affect any problems.

The final part should summarize the essay written in the main part. How to write conclusions:

  • Conclusions should relate to the issues outlined in the introductory part.
  • Conclusions should be based on theses considered in the main part. It is not necessary to introduce new, unproved theses in the conclusions.
  • Conclusions should be brief.
  • Conclusions should not literally repeat the sentences of the main part.
  • The essay is more artistic in nature than other types of student work, so you should not use template phrases (such as “I came to the following conclusions”, “Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn”).

How to design a report

The design of reports does not impose as stringent requirements as the design of larger-scale works (term papers, diplomas). However, negligence in design, non-compliance with standards can lead to lower grades.

What the report consists of

The composition of the report is similar to the composition of the abstract. The following structural elements can be distinguished:

  • The title page – often the report is not submitted to the teacher in print form at all (the student simply reads it to the audience), then there is no need to prepare this element. Upon receipt of the assignment, you can clarify the procedure for submission, but if you do not know how to make a report at your institute, it is better to prepare the cover page.
  • Content (table of contents) – it is allowed not to make content for works of small volume (and the report rarely exceeds 10 pages). If the report is large, or is divided into many questions, the content will be useful to the speaker himself.
  • Introduction – may not stand out as a separate structural element (do not have a heading), but some introductory design that allows you to interest listeners is required. The volume of introduction should be 5-10% of the total report volume, i.e. if the report has a volume of 5 pages – no more than half a page. In this part, it is necessary to indicate the relevance of the work, briefly indicate which side the topic will be considered in the report.
  • The main part is the actual disclosure of the topic of the report.
  • Conclusion – Like the introduction, it may not be highlighted. It may also be called, depending on the topic, “conclusions”, “results”, “results”.
  • References – if a source is used in the report without mentioning it, it can be considered plagiarism.

Proper presentation of the title page of the report

If the report is submitted for examination to the teacher, attention should be paid to the design of auxiliary elements (supplementing the main text).

The first thing a person sees when he picks up a report is the title page. Mandatory details must be indicated on the title page. We list them from top to bottom:

  • Higher organization – for most universities this is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Industry affiliation is also possible.
  • The name of the institution.
  • Name of faculty, department.
  • Type of work – “Report”.
  • “By discipline” and the name of the discipline.
  • Topic.
  • Information about the person who completed and checked the work.
  • City and year of writing the report.

Making the text of the report

A very common question is what font to write the report. There is a certain freedom of choice, limiting only the minimum font size (it must be at least 12 pt.). For the design of works, they traditionally use 14 fonts with one and a half intervals, the most popular font is Times New Roman.

When preparing a report, it should be borne in mind that its main purpose is a tip for the speaker. Therefore, the font should make it possible to read some fragment easily and quickly: the speaker should not peer into the text, painfully analyzing the words. It may be convenient to print the report in two versions – one with the standard 14 Times New Roman font (to be checked), and the other more convenient for the speaker to personally perceive (to peek during the story).

The text should be divided into paragraphs (perhaps structural elements, if the report is sufficiently voluminous). In the cheat sheet report, you can highlight key points for yourself with the help of effects – bold, underline, italics. In the teacher version, this is not recommended.

Enumerations are best written not in solid text separated by commas, but using bulleted or numbered lists (text editors such as Word or Writer have the necessary tools in their composition).

The use of figures and tables in the report itself is impractical: a large number of numbers are poorly perceived by ear, and the figures will be completely inaccessible to the audience.

Correct design of the list of references

The design of the list of references for the report is no different from the design of this element in any other form of scientific or educational work.

The specific elements of the source description depend on its variety – a book, an electronic source, an article in a periodical, etc.

The correct bibliographic description of the book can be taken on one of its first pages. Difficulties can arise only with old editions, which took shape before the advent of the new standard.

The greatest difficulty is the design of electronic sources, especially sites.

The order of sources in the list of references for the report is alphabetically. Since the reports usually do not make footnotes, ordering as they are mentioned in the text is inappropriate. It is possible to separate normative legal acts into a separate block (precede all other sources).

Handout for the report

To revive the report or illustrate some of its provisions, you can use visual materials. For a small audience, it’s easiest to prepare handouts.

Handout may contain various information that is worse perceived by ear than visually, or their perception by ear is completely impossible.

Example 2

Examples include graphs, charts, tables with numbers, reproductions of paintings.

The specific type of handout and the degree of support in it in the text determines the required number of copies.

Example 3

So, if the report is dedicated to the artist, you can convey reproductions of his paintings in one or two copies: the time for the speech is enough for the whole group (or even 2 groups) to see the paintings. If the report is based on the analysis of numerical information, a table with numbers should be in front of each listener’s eyes throughout the entire report.

There are no clear requirements for the design of handouts. The main thing is that the material is readable, the images are clearly printed, sufficiently bright and contrasting. The paper should be clean and not wrinkled, it should be nice to pick up.

How to make a presentation to the report

The development of multimedia technology allows you to replace handouts with a presentation. If the audience has the necessary equipment (projector, screen), and the teacher allows them to use it, this option is preferred for the speaker:

  • The presentation can be used as a hint to the speaker, if you put on the slides the key provisions of the report.
  • Slides are visible to the entire audience at once, no one has to wait until the material reaches him.
  • The speaker can point out some significant fragments of the picture (drawing, map and other types of images) to emphasize.
  • Printing costs are reduced (color printing of a large number of copies is a rather expensive event, and black and white does not always convey the necessary information).
  • Working with visual images can be supplemented with sound information (for example, music, if this helps to reveal the topic of the report).

The presentation should be well read (a dark font on a light background is recommended), not overloaded with animation and effects, not containing unnecessary decorations that distract from the content.

Essay for hiring with examples

Do not look for a good example of an essay for admission to work on the Internet. There are obvious answers to the questions. Try to approach the task creatively. Recall some interesting stories that happened to you in the previous place. If you just graduated from high school, you will come to the aid of student years and quotes teachers.

You can pretend that you are inspired by one of the teachers, or a relative. The author’s text, not impersonal and lively, filled with many examples and references, is undoubtedly better than an example of an essay for admission to work posted online.

If you are on the other side of the barricades, start preparing for the meeting with candidates for the position with the knowledge that there is an essay.

Which topic is appropriate for an essay: an example for an employer

It is important to remember that the maximum allowable amount of work should not exceed 3-5 thousand characters with spaces. Do not give topics that require a detailed response. Remember that a person in a stressful situation does not always manifest itself from the best side. Keep this in mind if you ask to write an essay for work, examples of it right during the interview.

What topic to give for the essay: an example for the employer

  1. Any topic related to the choice of profession, place of work, your organization;
  2. You can ask how the candidate relates to lateness, violations of professional ethics;
  3. Ask the person what goal they will achieve in the event of a successful outcome of the interview.

Essay on a job: an example of the topic and questions

HR managers like to approach non-standard personnel search, but there is a high probability that you will be asked to answer:

  • why did you respond to the vacancy;
  • why they chose this particular specialty;
  • what attracted you to the “name of the organization”;
  • what are you doing here and what do you expect from the interview.

An example of an essay is “Why do I qualify for a job?”

Possible answers to the question:

  1. I like the “name of organization” corporate culture. Next, give the facts that you know about the institution. Outline the dignity, but avoid exaggeration.
  2. I will be able to join the team because of experience / charisma / ability to communicate with people.
  3. I have the knowledge and skills necessary for a specialist of this profile.
  4. The anecdote from life which is directly connected with you and vacancy is appropriate.

Where to find an essay example? Going to work, visit the “Author 24”. The exchange is widely known because of the strict selection of authors. They once managed to prove that they deserve to enter our team. With this experience, writing an essay is easy.

How to write a report correctly

A report is called one of the types of homework of a student or student, in the framework of which he reveals in detail the topic (provided by the teacher or chosen independently). Usually the report has a small volume, but it is not just submitted for verification, but is told in front of the group.

How to choose a report topic

If a student has a choice on what topic a report can be made, it is better to proceed from the following principles:

  • Personal interest. Within any subject, some topics will be of interest to someone, and others to others.

Example 1

So, according to the “History of the USA”, someone is interested in preparing reports about wars and battles, someone about economic reforms, and someone about the development of culture and science.

If the topic is not interesting to the speaker himself, it is unlikely that he will be able to interest the audience – although it happens that the initially uninterested topic in the preparation process is revealed from an unexpected angle.

  • Relevance of the topic. It is better to choose a theme related to modernity. It is difficult to write a good report on obsolete issues (if this is not a historical aspect of the development of a process or object). Almost any topic can be connected with the present, to trace how the situation has changed, or what effect the object in question had on the formation of the phenomenon. Listeners should understand why they need voiced information, why a report on this topic is being made for them.
  • Availability of information. There may be little information on some relevant topics (if this is only a discovery), or it may be classified.

Example 2

It is difficult to figure out how to write a report at a university about closed military development – even if the fact of such a development was mentioned in the news, it would be almost impossible to find out the details.

If the teacher does not give a choice, you will have to make a report on an imposed topic.

Where to get the necessary information for the report

A few decades ago, the only way to prepare a report was to visit the library. Students took books (library catalogs and librarians helped in their selection), made extracts, then gathered information together at home. In libraries (especially large, regional or federal scale) you can find rare editions. The structure of the scientific report involves an appeal to many sources, but when writing an ordinary student message on the discipline, in most cases it is possible to do without a personal visit to the book repository.

Lenin said that the most important of the arts is cinema. You can rephrase and say that the Internet is the most important source of information. When using network resources, you need to be critical to their quality:

  • It is almost impossible to write a report correctly using examples from the database of finished works. In most of these collections, information does not pass any verification; it may be far from reality. In addition, works have been copied from one collection to another for years. Unverified and outdated information is not at all what a good report consists of.
  • Articles posted without attribution on websites and social networks should also not form the basis of the report. Anonymous authors may mislead readers – consciously, pursuing any motives, or by their own incompetence.
  • Valuable for use are online libraries and article aggregators. In them you can find digitized books published by reputable publishers and passed the control of competent editors, as well as articles from peer-reviewed journals. It is these sources that will be useful when writing a report. When using articles and digitized textbooks, there will be no problems with links and footnotes, since all output data are indicated.

Writing the main body of the report

After the topic is selected, and the literature is selected, you can proceed to the actual writing of the report.

First, make a report plan that you will follow in your work.

Example 3

Sample plan:

  1. The importance of space exploration for humanity
  2. The history of space exploration in the USA
  3. US international space exploration
  4. Prospects for the United States as a Space Power

It should briefly indicate the main idea and sequence of what will be considered and in what order. The beginning of the report in the given sample contains information about the relevance of the topic – this will help to interest the audience.

Then you can start writing a report according to the following scheme:

  1. Indicate the main idea of the report, which will be revealed in the future text. If specific terms are needed to understand the topic, they should be clarified (this is done either in the first part of the report, or after the first mention of the term).
  2. Describe the largest scientists and their research on the topic of the report. If the topic is debatable, do not limit yourself to one school or course, at least in general terms, describe the positions of several leaders.
  3. Write a conclusion containing an extract formulated in a few words from what was considered in the report earlier, and which conclusions can be drawn from this. Also in the last part of the report, you can voice the prospects for the development of the phenomenon or the possible directions for its further research.

How to make a report

The design of the report is much more lenient than the design of abstracts and larger works. The rules for writing a report do not contain any specific design requirements. This is due to the fact that usually the reports are not submitted for examination to the teacher in writing, but are presented in the form of a story to the audience. Therefore, you draw up a report for yourself, and not for someone, and it should be convenient for you. To make it most convenient to use a sheet with text as a cheat sheet, follow a number of rules:

  • Text should be printed, not written. No matter how legible the handwriting may be, in a hurry you can hesitate and misread the word.
  • Do not use drafts with corrections; it is better to prepare a neat final version so as not to get confused during the presentation.
  • The report sheet should look neat, not be wrinkled and dirty. The condition of the paper is clearly visible even to listeners sitting in the far rows.
  • Separately, you can prepare a summary of the report – only key points, main ideas.
  • If the technical equipment of the audience allows, the report may be accompanied by a presentation. The presentation should be sufficiently contrasting, well read from the audience.

Example 4

The presentation template should correspond to the subject of the report: for example, if the report is dedicated to art, it is inappropriate to use gear images in the design of the template.

  • If there is no projector in the audience, you can prepare handouts that listeners will receive at the beginning of the report.

Example 5

A sample of handout – printouts of the artist’s paintings, if the report is prepared on art criticism; charts for economics report.

Additional Report Writing Tips

The report should fit into the time schedule. It is necessary to check with the teacher how many minutes are given to each speaker: usually it is about 5-7 minutes. For 2 minutes, it is enough to cover the topic is unrealistic, but you should not delay the performance. To verify the appropriate volume of the report, you must first read it out loud at home, having measured the time.

You should not write a report with a size exceeding 10 pages, as the work will be more like an essay, from which it follows that you have completed the task incorrectly.

The report is perceived by ear. Therefore, unnecessarily complex and lengthy sentences, overloading with scientific terminology, and an abundance of numbers should be avoided. All this information will not be adequately perceived. If numerical data is still required, it is better to design it as a handout.

Do not delay writing the report to the last moment. Although the amount of work is small, and in theory the preparation does not take much time, calm and thoughtful preparation will allow you to find interesting (possibly not widely known) facts that will interest the students and demonstrate to the teacher a serious approach to the assignment.

Although the volume of the report is usually not done in small and clear sections, it should logically be divided into the introductory part, the main part and the final part (conclusions). The introductory part serves to attract the attention of listeners, to describe what will be discussed at all. The final part summarizes and contains the main ideas voiced in the main part of the report.

Report writing process

When selecting information, a situation may arise that you will find a book or article whose content is fully consistent with your topic. Great temptation to limit this source (if necessary – reducing its volume). Such a report will inevitably be “one-sided”, since it will reflect the position of only one researcher. It is reasonable to prepare a report in the following order:

  • Find sources of information on the topic of the report.
  • Critically weed out unreliable, obsolete and dubious sources.
  • To dwell on 5-7 fairly authoritative sources that consider the problem from different angles.
  • Compose a single text from the information contained in the sources. It’s better not to copy entire paragraphs, but to rewrite it in your own words. Written scientific speech and speech for live performance in front of an audience differ in their syntactic structure. Speaking with “your” text will be easier and more natural.
  • Read the text aloud, evaluate its volume and time taken. Reduce or add information if necessary. You can ask someone to read the text for you so that you can appreciate how easy it is to hear.
  • Prepare a presentation or handout.
  • To make a presentation.
  • Answer questions on the report, if students ask them.

Format of the research paper according to the requirements of 2019

An abstract is not considered such a large-scale work as a term paper or a diploma. Requirements for an abstract are softer, protect it without a commission. But the essay must be properly executed so that the teacher accepts it and puts a decent mark.

How to write an abstract

The main parts that should be part of the abstract:

  • Title page.
  • Content in which you indicate all sections and subsections of the abstract.
  • Start with the introduction (determine the choice of topic, the relevance of the topic, the purpose of the work).
  • Further, the main part (here you are relying on authoritative sources, analyze the topic, state your point of view).
  • Finish with conclusions (conclusions or conclusions summarize all of the above). Provide a list of sources used (list the literature, sites, etc. The more, the better, but for a standard essay, 5 or more sources are enough).

In terms of volume, the introduction should consist of 1-2 pages, the main part is 12-15, the conclusions are 1-2. You can include tables and diagrams, diagrams, etc. in the abstract. Sometimes large volumes of essay are required of students, but this is a teacher’s whim, unconditioned by state standards. In order for the work to be properly built, adhere to the following procedure. This will facilitate writing and design. First you decide on a topic, after which you study literature, choosing the most interesting thoughts and information. Carry out an analysis, and then present the information logically and clearly.

The correct design of the title page of the abstract in 2019

The title page is the first thing a person who picks up an abstract sees it. Errors in the design of the title page are striking in the first place. The title page should contain the information necessary for searching and processing the document.

The list of details that are written on the title page of the abstract is slightly reduced in comparison with the full list. It is enough to indicate:

  • The name of the parent organization in relation to the one on the basis of which this essay is performed.

Example 1

For most institutions of secondary vocational education, this is the Ministry of Education, for most higher education institutions – the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. For sectoral universities, a higher organization may be another ministry – this must be clarified before completing the essay. A sample can be any intra-university document (methodological manual, order, etc.), on which this attribute is also indicated.

  • The name of the organization in which the abstract is written. A sample design of this name is available for students on the university website or on a tablet in front of the university entrance.

Example 2

On the title page, the full name must be indicated, in addition, an abbreviated name can be indicated.

  • Type of document (Abstract).
  • Theme of the abstract. How to title the abstract is indicated in the assignment issued by the teacher?
  • The discipline within which the abstract is written.
  • Information about the contractor (s) and the work manager.
  • City and year of writing the abstract.

Proper presentation of the content of the abstract

The second page (after the title page) at registration of the essay is the content. Sometimes it is called a “table of contents”. There are requirements for what information should be indicated:

  • Introduction
  • Names of sections and their parts available in the abstract — having the name of subsections and paragraphs. Abstracts usually use one-level or two-level division (two sections, two subsections), the selection of the third level is impractical due to the small amount of work.
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources used.
  • Names of applications.

The content (if there are no applications in the abstract) looks something like this:


  1. Title of the first chapter

1.1. First paragraph

1.2. Second paragraph

  1. The second chapter

2.1. First paragraph

2.2. Second paragraph



On the sheet with the contents not only the names are indicated, but also the page numbers on which the corresponding structural elements begin. The requirements for how this abstract should look like differ in different institutions: somewhere they require the use of a placeholder (dots or lines) between the name of the section and the page number, somewhere they forbid it to be done.

To correctly draw up an abstract, it is best to take a sample prepared specifically for your university.

Design of the main parts of the abstract

The content is followed by an introduction in which the student should describe the goals and objectives of his research in such a way as to interest the reader. The volume of the introduction is from 1 to 3 sheets.

In the main part of the abstract, the student should describe the analysis of sources on a given topic, research methods and its results. It is not necessary to completely rewrite the sources, it is important that the text is unique, and there are no grammatical errors in it. All chapters should be approximately the same in volume.

At the end of the study, a brief conclusion should be made. In conclusion, the student’s task is to express precisely his opinion on the solution of the task. He must draw this conclusion after studying the publications of other authors. The volume of the conclusion should be slightly larger than the volume of introduction.

How to draw up abstract text

The design of the entire text has the same requirements:

  • To correctly print the abstract, you need to use A4 white paper. Printing is done on one side.
  • The text is executed in a single font. It is allowed to use other fonts only to highlight significant elements, but this is undesirable. Most often, an abstract is drawn up in Times New Roman font.
  • The font size in the abstract should be at least 12 pt., in most cases 14 pt. is used.
  • The requirements of the university for the design of the abstract contain the parameters of the paragraphs. A sample of such requirements: one and a half line spacing, indentation of the first line 1.25 cm, alignment in width, there are no indents on the right and left, the interval before and after the paragraph is zero. The correct paragraph indentation in the abstract is enough to configure once and use throughout the text.
  • It is forbidden to highlight bold headings (using bold in research reports is generally prohibited). The headings of the structural elements – introduction, conclusion, list of used sources and chapters – can be printed in capital letters. The headings of the subsections begin with an uppercase letter, followed by lowercase letters (as in the usual sentence). After the number of the section or subsection, as well as at the end of the heading, a dot is not put. The use of dots is permissible only if the name consists of two sentences.
  • Mandatory pagination in the abstract. The title page is considered the first, but the number is not put on it.

An example of the design of the list of references in the abstract

The list of references (or the “list of sources used”) is the most strictly regulated element of the essay. Each source should be described according to a specific template, which is determined by the type of this source (the requirements for the design of printed books, articles in periodicals, and electronic sources differ). These requirements should allow unambiguous identification of the source and correspond to reality: you cannot write the year of publication 2016 for a book published in 1996.

All sources indicated in the bibliographic list should be referenced in the text of the work. Links can be made either in square brackets with the number of the source and page, or footnotes.

Tips for writing an abstract in Word

Text editors – such as Microsoft Word and similar office applications – allow you to beautifully draw up an abstract using special tools. Despite their convenience and ease of use, it’s almost impossible to download a properly formatted essay: students still do everything manually, which leads to numerous errors.

If a typewriter had to press the space bar a certain number of times to make a “red line,” now only people who do not know how to use a computer do this. The correct indentation in Word for the abstract can be set in the “Paragraph” dialog box.

Substantially facilitated and design content. If the headings in the text are executed in the appropriate style (heading of the first or second level), then just insert a special object – an automatically collected table of contents. Word will determine the page numbers of the relevant sections and update them when changes are made (if you add or reduce one of the sections).

Automation has affected both the formatting of lists (bulleted and numbered), and the implementation of links and footnotes. All these tools allow you to automate the update as much as possible when making changes, which reduces the likelihood of making a mistake: for example, in a numbered list, numbers are guaranteed to go in order, without omissions and duplications; an automatically installed link will always lead to the desired source in the list of references.

Format of applications in the research paper

Applications in the research paper are quite rare, so finding a design sample can be difficult. Moreover, the requirements are no different from the requirements for the design of applications in other scientific papers.

What is placed in the annex to the research paper

Before considering the design of applications in the research paper, you need to understand what can fit in them. This directly depends on the content of the research paper.

Research papers are of two types:

  • Productive.
  • Reproductive.

Productive essays suggest that the author makes a critical reflection or comparison of several positions, points of view of different scientists or schools, directions, and draws his own conclusions. Alternatively, a critical analysis of one source of information may be carried out. Reproductive essays are a summary (brief retelling) of the primary source, which can be a book, article, study.

The easiest way is with applications in reproductive research papers: if there were important applications in the original source, they can also be placed in the research paper.

Example 1

For example, a research paper is written on the basis of an article on art history, as illustrations of which reproductions of paintings are given – they can also be placed in the research paper’s appendices.

In productive research papers, borrowing applications from sources can be performed, as well as adding own applications.

Example 2

Let us give an example of the logic of adding an application: one scientific trend claims that inflation is connected with the money supply, the second – that it is mainly influenced by other factors. The author of the essay gives both points of view, and then takes real statistics for verification, taking statistics figures (voluminous tables) into the application.

The general principle of how to write the application correctly in the research paper: large (more than 1/3 – 1/2 sheets) pictures, tables, intermediate calculations and documents of an auxiliary character are taken out of the text from the application.

How to draw up applications in the research paper

Registration of applications to scientific documents – including research papers – is regulated by certain standards. The main provisions of this standard are:

  • In most cases, the appendices form a single whole with the main text, acting as a continuation (after the list of references). Page numbering is not interrupted.
  • All applications must be referenced in the text. If the application is really needed, there are no problems with this. If the link is not inserted anywhere, it is better to simply remove such an unnecessary application.
  • The order of placement of applications is determined by the order of their first mention in the text.
  • Each application is printed from its page (even if there is a lot of space left on the last sheet).
  • In the upper line of the first sheet in the center it says: “ANNEX” and its designation, for example, “ANNEX A”. On the next line (also in the center), a heading is placed that reflects the contents of the application.
  • For designation of applications use letters, but not numbers. The first application is designated A, the second B, etc. If the application is only one, it still has its own designation (APPENDIX A).
  • Appendices are indicated in the table of contents (contents) of the document.

Design individual elements of applications

Applications can be “heterogeneous” – that is, within the framework of one application, both text and tables with illustrations and formulas can be used. In this case, the inserted objects should be executed according to the rules similar to their design within the main text:

  • After the illustration, the name and explanation are written. The peculiarity is that the numbering includes the designation of the application and the number of the figure within this application: “Figure D.2 – Worm robot”. The caption text is placed in the middle of the line.
  • Application tables are also indicated in a double way (application number, then dot, table number), but the signature is placed not after the table, but before it: “Table A.1 – Monthly exchange rate of the dollar against the euro in 2010-2018.”
  • Formulas are written in the middle of the line, and their numbers (also double) are right-aligned and are framed by parentheses. No special words (formula, equation) are used in this case: (B.4).

All inserted objects must be referenced in the text. This requirement is also not application specific.

How to technically design applications in a research paper

After completing the list of references, you need to insert a page break (this is better than using a lot of jumps to a new line using the Enter key, because after making the changes the applications will not slip), set the center alignment, the font format is all uppercase, and type “APPENDIX A “. After pressing Enter, type the title of the application, and then its text.

Difficulties arise with applications that the author of the essay does not write himself, but takes from some source. Materials may be issued on paper. To design an application in a research paper, you can do the following:

  • If applications are textual (numerical, tabular) in nature, they can be re-enumerated.
  • If it is precisely the images (drawings, diagrams, financial statements with signature and seal) that are valuable, you can scan them and paste them after the heading as a picture.
  • If the image quality is not very good and when scanning and printing deteriorates to unreadable, or the document has a larger format (A3, A2 …) than the available scanner can handle, you can directly sign the title and heading in black letters in black letters on the document, and below – page number. In this case, you will have to take care of the correct inclusion of such an application in the table of contents of the research paper.

Requirements for the font (headset and size), as well as paragraph parameters, are more loyal for the application than for the main document.