Argumentative Essay: Negative Effects of Globalization

Globalization brings us positive and negative effects of globalization. The first threat of globalization due to the fact that its benefits that people understood, will, however, be distributed unevenly. In the short term, it is known that changes in the manufacturing industry, the service sector because the sector benefiting from foreign trade, and industries related to the export experience more capital inflows and skilled labor. At the same time, the number of industries significantly lose from globalization processes, losing its competitive advantages due to increased market openness.

Such industries have to make extra efforts to adapt to the changed not in their favor economic conditions. This means the possibility of an outflow of capital and manpower of these industries, which will serve as the main reason for the adoption of adaptation measures with very high costs. Adaptation means for people with loss of employment, need to find another workplace, retraining, resulting in not only family problems, but also requires large-scale social spending, and in a short time. Eventually there will be a redistribution of the labor force, but at first, the social costs are very high. This applies not only to industry, which in Europe has been considerably transformed in the last thirty years.

Positive effects of globalization

It should be recognized that such changes pose a serious threat to the existing economic structure, and governments need to take on the heavy burden of social costs associated with the payment of compensation, retraining, payment of unemployment benefits, support to low-income families.

A second threat many believe the deindustrialization of the economy, since global openness is associated with a decrease of employment in processing branches both in Europe and in the United States.

In fact, however, this process is not a consequence of globalization, though, and runs parallel with it.

In connection with a reduction of employment in the manufacturing sector in comparison with the scope of services performance will depend primarily on this sector, which traditionally differs in its lower level. This means that if a country wants to increase its GDP, it should use all opportunities to raise productivity in the service sector.

The difficulty is that this area always been focus on workforce. So if the country really intends to use all opportunities to increase productivity in the service sector will require deregulation and development of competition, including the banking and financial sector.

Currently, this process has already started and it concerns not only changes in the policy of employment in the coal mining, steel and shipbuilding industries. Today, it is clear how the rapidly changing technologies lead to a very moving changes in the practice of contractual services in the financial sector.

Negative impacts of globalization

However, if we talk about foreign direct investment, against them said above is not quite true. The money invested strongly tied to local agriculture, their liquidity is negligible, they are difficult to withdraw and return to the home country. With regard to securities, it would be more free, the mobile form of capital, but the holders of the securities in any country, whether the Czech Republic or Malaysia, in principle, do not want their capital was completely free.

They want to make the full investment for a relatively long period to obtain a guaranteed profit. Capital in the form of securities cannot be considered completely free. Therefore, references to the fact that as a result of globalization there is a threat to macroeconomic policy due to the presence of large masses of “free” capital, it is hardly wealthy. That’s making this the most important among globalization negative effects.

It should, however, recognize that large-scale capital flows require States to observe to a certain extent macro-financial discipline. This means that if the Finance Ministers and political leaders of any country know what their policy is, for example, is too risky or insufficiently flexible, threatens the stability of the currency or the economy as a whole, they must realize that be punished for it by the international capital market (which, for example, will deprive them of necessary funding). Such steps can be regarded as a form of critical attitude of foreign investors to the country’s politics, expressed in the refusal to provide her with the necessary funds.

In general, it should be recognized that global capital flows are, in a sense, a great advantage of globalization, though countries impose a certain discipline and rules of the game.

This is because the competition from labor intensive goods, released in countries with low wages and low skills workers, entails a reduction of the price of similar products of European companies and reduce their profits. In such circumstances European companies to discontinue unprofitable products, and transferred to the production of goods requiring highly skilled personnel. As a result, workers with lower skills are not in demand, their incomes fall.

At first glance it may seem that this question is emotional, however, the IMF always gave him a rather empirical: do the prices of labor intensive imports produced in countries with unskilled labor, are lower in comparison with the prices of labor-intensive goods produced with the use of more qualified personnel?

Practical data hardly confirm it. The prices of industrial goods in the industrial countries hardly changed so much under the influence of imported products. Changes in wages and unemployment are caused not primarily by the impact of trade, and are the result of shifts in the structure of domestic consumption and technological changes in the sphere of production and sphere of services.

Therefore, the danger of globalization, is apparently only prospective in nature and is by no means inevitable.

The fifth threat note translation firms in countries with high labor cost of their production capacity to countries with low wages. The export of jobs might be undesirable for the economy of several States. However, this threat is not too dangerous.

Workers of foreign affiliates and the workers of the parent company are not serious competitors, rather, they complement each other. If the company opens a branch in another country, it does not mean that it only does it at his own expense and bear the irreparable loss. Often the parent company is able to increase output due to the capacity of your branch, and use its other advantages. These relationships are an important element in relations with new partners. Therefore, the relocation facilities in other countries can only be considered as a potential danger.

So, that are positive and negative aspects of globalization. In conclusion, we see that globalization is a good idea, but there are a lot of obstacles such as national governments and traditions. This and other globalization negative effects make process very controversial.

Cause and Effect Essay: Child Abuse

Abuse of children is not only beating, wounding, sexual harassment and other ways that adults maimed child. This humiliation, bullying, different forms of neglect that wound a child’s soul. We strongly recommend to read our short essay on child abuse to avoid problems.

The neglect may be that the parents did not provide the child the necessary amount of food, clothing, sleep, hygiene care. In addition, the neglect manifested in the lack of parental respect, attention, affection, warmth.

Ill-treatment of children (juvenile citizens from birth to 18 years) includes any form of ill-treatment, permitted by the parents (other family members), guardians, caregivers, teachers, educators, representatives of law enforcement.

Child abuse examples

Physical violence deliberate infliction of physical damage.

Sexual violence (or corruption of) – involving a child with his consent and without in sexual acts with adults for the purpose of receiving the latter of the satisfaction or benefit.

Mental (emotional) abuse – periodic, long-term or permanent mental effects on the child, hindering the development of personality and leads to the formation of pathological character traits.

Four speeches on child abuse for wise parents

The child needs not only love, this is not enough. We have to respect and see him as a person. Do not forget also about the fact that education the process is long-running, instant results should not wait. If the kid doesn’t meet your expectations, do not boil. Calmly think about what you can do to make the situation has changed over time. Below we write advices based on research paper on child abuse for parents who haves children

  1. Do not try to make the child the very

It doesn’t happen to people equally well all knew and could. Even the adults and the wise are not capable of. Never say: “Here 4 years reading, are you?!” or “I in your years on the bar 20 times push-ups, and you the mattress is a mattress”. But your Bob glues paper boats, “cuts” in the computer. Certainly there is at least one case with which he copes better than others. So praise him for what he knows and can do, and never scold for what others can!

  1. Don’t compare out loud the child with other children

Think of the story about the success of other people’s children just as information. After all, you own the message that the President of Uganda (your age, by the way) awarded another order, not overwhelmed with shame and resentment? If the conversation is about, “entrance of the unmatched plays the violin” occurs in the presence of your child, and in response have nothing to boast better still say something.

  1. Stop blackmail

Permanently eliminate from your vocabulary the phrase, “I tried, and you”, “I raised you, and you”. This, dear parents, in the language of the Criminal code called blackmail. The most unhappy of all the attempts to shame. And the most ineffective. On a similar phrase 99% of the children say, “I love you bear me, do not ask!”

  1. Avoid witnesses

If indeed there is a situation, plunging you into the paint (baby got nasty with the old man threw a tantrum in the store), you need to firmly and decisively to get him away from the scene. Self-esteem is not limited to adults, so it’s important that the conversation took place without witnesses. Then calmly explain why you cannot do it. Here baby call for shame is appropriate.

Of course, that is only the one research. But if you care about topic you can go through other papers on child abuse on the Internet. Do not forget that everything should be the measure.

The ways to access a child your love

Don’t aim for his masterful performance in the maternal role. In communicating with the child there can not be prohibited emotions, but on one condition: he must not doubt the unconditionality of your love. The baby needs to feel your discontent, frustration or anger caused by his act, not his own. Your child can not be bad, because he’s a kid and because he is your.

Three ways to open a child your love:

The word

Name your baby pet names, invent homemade nicknames, tell tales, sing a lullaby, and let your voice the tenderness, gentleness and only gentleness.


Sometimes it is enough to take the child by the hand, stroke their hair, kiss, so he stopped crying and cranky. And because as much Pat of your child, paying no attention to the advice of experienced parents. Psychologists came to the conclusion that physical contact with the mother stimulates physiological and emotional development of the child. Psychologists say, it is impossible.


Do not talk to the child, standing with my back to him or sideways, not shout from the next room. Walk up, look him in the eye and tell me what you want. Also, that is topic need for more research questions on child abuse to be solved.

What Motivates Students to Cheat While Studying

Cheating is truly an amazing phenomenon, almost universally common in our universities. First, one decides to spend 4 to 6 years of his life to study in University. Then scored and is engaged in anything except school. Coming session and the student decides to cheat on an exam, not to strain, but still get a diploma.

Which is then not worth absolutely nothing – as every employer already knows that blamed the universities totally and that reason alone is enough to devalue a diploma. And employer rights: in 2014, we conducted a survey of nearly 2,000 people, according to which 50% of the students top universities of blamed on half or more exams – and that’s not counting the “tips” friend, sitting at the same desk.

Why students cheat

Because they can. People, in General, always strive to avoid unnecessary effort that is incorporated in us initially. To condemn it is absolutely meaningless. If you write off – saves a lot of time and effort. Not written off – your degree still worth nothing due to the total prevalence of cheating others. Remains the only motivation to write and to teach – if pairs give knowledge, which in practice will be useful after graduation. But that’s what often in universities almost never meet.

How to deal with cheating students?

What is the solution? For starters, get expelled for cheating, as is done in Western universities. As soon as the risks of cheating exceed the benefits from it, to write off will be just silly. But this is not enough – one only coercion here is meaningless. So the students had motivation to learn, we need to drastically improve the relevance and quality of teaching academic subjects. And finally to ensure the right of students to choose their subjects in the framework of free choice of disciplines, and conduct an anonymous assessment of the teacher before writing the exam.

Historians say that the question of Alexander I on the situation in the country said laconically: “they Steal, sir!”. If you apply this phrase to the situation in higher education, the learning process can be expressed no less concisely: “Blamed!” The more that cheating in some kind of theft. However, not only blamed, but also entirely borrow the work of others, manipulated the results, etc. Why do students cheat? What are the dimensions of this phenomenon? What is its nature? It can be caused by? Where more is revealed and why?

In our country there has been no major study devoted to this problem. Although the numbers speak for themselves: almost everyone who studied in universities, or they themselves were actively students cheating on tests, wrote for other people papers, essays, term papers and theses, or have witnessed this phenomenon. Moreover, the population of the country refers to this very loyal, considering it’s almost the kind of student tradition (remember gaudiesque short film “Obsession”). Some even believe that cheating is developing some very important skills that in the future the person will certainly need.

Meanwhile, it is worth remembering the obvious negative aspects of this phenomenon.

First, the dishonest behavior of students greatly reduces the effectiveness of investing public and private resources in higher education. What is the sense to invest in learning if, in fact, he learns wrong, and the tests and exams “leaves” due to plagiarism, through deception and cunning?

Second, the decline in economic potential due to low qualification of trained personnel, the obstacle to economic development. Not surprising, since losers dropout, which is good, ought to be expelled from the University, however, receives a diploma and goes to work, little to her understanding.

Third, “the bad example is infectious”: according to foreign studies, widespread in the educational environment of academic cheating leads to the fact that highly motivated students are also beginning to use this practice in their studies.

It is interesting that the attitude to all this lawlessness the students themselves can best Express the degree of hardness expected in the case of being caught red-handed punishment. So, two-thirds believe that cheating or providing another summary, the teacher should be limited for the first time simply remark: “Like, good, go and sin no more!”

One in five is ready, it can reduce the final grade. Every tenth configured that if he gets caught, it expects a true “couple”. However, there are those who are convinced that the teacher should not have any way to respond to the facts of unfair treatment of students for studies or even, on the contrary, to allow them to use cheat sheets, “bombs”, books, etc. But there is only a few percent.

There is another very subtle point, which noted present at the event. If the teacher wants to hear from a student what he once read in lectures or given on the record at the workshop, the learner is required only to reproduce mechanically the desired. And it is easier to resort to a cheat sheet or a notebook with the lectures than to hammer down some amounts of information.

How to avoid academic dishonesty

Meanwhile, a creative teacher usually gives their students such tasks for which they must find the answer yourself, and for this they are allowed to use any available sources, including the Internet and the textbook. Because a ready answer is there is still there, and it needs to formulate itself. But this approach is very time consuming, though very effective.

As noted, commenting on the speech, scientific Director of the Center for monitoring the quality of education, it would be very interesting to find out whether there is a connection between dishonest behavior of students at the University and the subject on which they resort to cheating. Indeed, in some cases, teachers do not clearly understand: for the future mining engineer or Metallurgist is much more important core subjects strength of materials, technical drawing, theoretical mechanics, but all sorts of other, General, type safety, history, ecology, foreign language, etc. more than secondary, and there you can write off, not deadly.

But the main value of conducted research is still obvious: it allows you to understand what exactly should be changed in the system of higher education to improve its quality and efficiency. Because the fact of the anywhere learning system cheats is only a symptom that indicates the presence of the disease. And the disease is known to be treated.

Cause and Effect Essay: Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity problems and solutions

For loving parents is a measure of the health of their child? Right, good appetite. Halloo to one another is difficult postwar childhood of our grandmothers. In the difficult postwar years of food and calories really needed a lot. But since it took half a century, conditions of life have changed. Today’s children don’t have from dawn to dusk to plow in the garden, go for miles on foot to get to school. But they all day sitting at a Desk first, then the lessons, then at the computer. Proceed the essay on childhood obesity if you are interested in topic.

Before the onset of the XXI century was not today’s high-calorie and cheap fast food. It is naive to think that children only get it in fast food restaurants. Many families have not prepared food buy foods, stuffed with flavor enhancers, which only serve to inflame the appetite.

Obesity causes and effects

By the way, school meals, which parents love to blame all the sins, maybe not always delicious, but by its usefulness balanced. And the harm to children affects school Lunches, but what our children instead of buying them hamburgers, chips and soda.

Fast food is one of the main reasons for virtual hub is one of the main causes of obesity. “The only country which has reduced the incidence of obesity among adolescents is France. The French have launched a special state program. In the framework eliminated all school vending machines with chips and soda. But most importantly have for Teens and parents educational classes on food culture. Students were regularly examined by a doctor, worked with them psychologists, nutritionists, endocrinologists”.

Thus, in 3 years the number of incidents of obesity in France has decreased. But are you ready for our parents to such drastic measures? Something tells me our grandmother will not allow their Pets “starved”.

During the regular clinical examinations of schoolchildren all children who have found overweight or obesity, has offered to come again with parents. Alas, this visit has made only 20% of parents with children the rest of the problem was ignored. Someone thought that with age, the baby will stretch myself thin.

Someone extra pounds of their child simply does not notice. As a result, in most cases to an endocrinologist teenager gets when his weight is over 100 kg! While his medical history is literally full of doctors, but parents are firmly convinced that the child eats little, moves a lot once a week goes to the sports section, but somehow swollen. Probably something to do with hormones.

Solution for child obesity

If the child is involved in sports, the simple definition of body mass for him will not work, higher figures may be due to muscle mass. This method is not suitable and children with deficiency of growth. Then, weight is determined by the thickness of the folds.

Now there is new research that can identify the percentage ratio of muscle, fat and bone tissue. The child gets up on the device, resembling scales, inserted his height, weight, and the apparatus produces an accurate result.

Don’t want your child fat and sick? Easy solution to child obesity: clear fried potatoes, chips, sausage, burgers and soda. And need daily exercise for at least an hour a day.

Argumentative Essay: Pro-Choice Abortion Reasons

Pro choice abortion arguments

Sometimes it hurts that people are governed by the terms and trying to cover up the thinly veiled words what is called murder. Yes, because otherwise abortion will not name. Trying to justify himself in circumstances, hopelessness, poor financial situation. But all this is just excuses. Everyone should know that from the moment of conception, the child is alive and wants to be born. You can find a ton of information in the essays on abortion. Pros and cons are needed to weighted to make right decision that suited better for your mindset.

The term physicians “embryo”, which they call children, it’s just the ability to stay away from problems and not take responsibility for the infanticide. The surprising thing is that in the modern world women still have not learned to appreciate their health and life. It is no secret that cases of infertility after abortion to happen now. This irreversible process does not bother most women, most importantly for them to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. At this point, nobody thinks about the child.

There are two kinds of abortion, mini-abortion (regulation) is carried out before twelve weeks, and the abortion can be done up to twenty-four weeks. None of these methods are humane as killing can not be.

Mini abortion small terms is considered less painful and does not entail serious consequences. These are the pros of abortion. But this view is mistaken. Any interference in the natural process can lead to serious complications. Can open or bleeding fragments remain, leading to inflammatory processes, and for women it could end very badly. The process involves the sucking of the child from the uterus with a special tool, and then, if you still find the remains, scrape.

Arguments in favor of abortion

How much was a film about abortion, with micro cameras, and the film clearly shows that the fruit resists the action of the doctors, he is trying to hide and curl up in a ball. Wait, nowhere, because the native people, mother, betrayed. But how can such a little life to resist.

Abortion at later terms is a crime that should be prohibited by law. In fact living child torn to pieces and removed as something extra and unnecessary. These babies, fully formed and ready to overcome difficulties. At the time when the parents are fighting for the life of the same is a premature baby.

Others simply kill. The consequences after a late abortion is horrible. Infertility, inflammation, which may lead to infectious processes. Physical condition is not the worst. How hard it is to live with a child under the heart of quite a large amount of time, he already feels and knows your voice. Hormonal changes in the body is already happening, mood swings, desires change every minute. And in an instant nothing. The body prepared for nurturing a baby, childbirth and breastfeeding. And abruptly everything changes. Emptiness not only within, but in the soul. Most women know what killed her child, only after an abortion. But it’s too late. Persuasive speech on abortion pro choice already gave us a science.

Doctors conducted an experiment, before treatment, showed that same video on abortion, and at least half of the pregnant women refused surgery. What does it mean? It only proves that we don’t know or don’t want to know the whole truth. Unawareness of his actions, trying to protect itself from the horrible reality, continuing to kill people’s kids. You must realize that “fetus”, “embryo”, is not something distant and unfamiliar. This is a child who lives under the heart. There are a many research papers on abortion pro choice written by famous doctors. Just try to find them on the Internet and help yourself.

Such films should be shown to teenagers in order to get them to think before making a mistake. And maybe then they will begin to make the right decisions, it is better to be safe than to be subjected to such torment little life, which certainly does not deserve such treatment. Thus, preserving your health for the future of the family and for the birth of unwanted children.

What does “The Persistence of Memory” mean?

All the art of Dali is paradoxical and difficult logical analysis. All the direction of surrealism – challenge of logic and natural order of things.

“The Persistence of Memory” analysis

This work attracted the attention of critics. No other painting has not survived so many attempts to explain the image and to perform the maintenance.

The master claimed that the idea came to him over Breakfast when he watched as his wife put melted cheese on hot toast. But this statement cannot explain the whole complicated symbolic language of the paintings.

Salvador Dali “Melted Clock” painting – the main character of the work can be explained by the attempt to convey in the picture is a complex and nonlinear nature of time, relativity and the intricacy of the process. The author claimed to have written a picture during a migraine attack. Hence the allegorical image of the sleeping head, my longing for healthy sleep and a hint of complex images that caused suffering.

“The Persistence of Memory” meaning

Favorite for Given symbols: the egg (life), the sea (immortality), olive (wisdom), ants (decay, decomposition) is here collected in a single composition. Yield hours contrasted with the clear and tough shape of bases for details. The picture evening, hot sun lights another Cape running into the sea, but a large part of the area of work – in the shadows. The evening as a symbol of sadness and melancholy that defines the overall mood of the work.

Brown scale, the pressures in the color work, creates an atmosphere of moderate pessimism. Given, as usual, very accurate in the picture and many details. Simply a number of individual items forming the composition, at first glance happens. The harmony of the work, its lightweight nature and ease of perception provides an abundance of “empty” space. Miniature size of the picture – also the undoubted advantage of the work of convincing evidence in favor of the personal nature of the work, revelation of deeply personal experiences of the author.

Attention to the work caused by the fact that the author issued a clarification regarding the content of their work. Usually laconic and terse comments on the artist, this time was unusually talkative. Every word of the great hoaxer used by art historians to analyze all the other works of surrealism.

For many it may seem strange that this miniature work of “The Persistence of Memory” artist has become his most famous painting. But the author treated this fabric with a special warmth. She was always the object of his pride.

Analysis Essay: Things Fall Apart

One of these discoveries is the modern literature of the African continent, more accurately, literature in English, French, Portuguese, languages Aahus, Yoruba, Hausa and others with whom we are only beginning to get acquainted. As the development and improvement of African literature deeper, grow into global culture, becoming its component as an integral part. These literature stand from the depths of the being of the peoples of Africa all that is the originality of them historical, and spiritual experience. African literature in the majority. its back. Not happened their development in different countries and regions of the continent, comparable, in General, occurs in different ways, depending on the specific socio-historical situation subject to the internal logic the literary process, logic, and sometimes paradoxical. Our essay on “Things Fall Apart”.

Reviews so, the facts: the most widely read and translated today book of the African writer, Booker prize 2007 (the first published novel in 1958). I learned about this product from the list of “100 best books of all time” (Yes, the application is alarming and scares), compiled as much of the Norwegian book club in collaboration with the Institute of Nobel.

The list is organized alphabetically, so the affair Chinua Achebe in it between Andersen’s fairy tales and “Father Goriot online” Balzac. To be honest, fell for the exotic: a bold title, and even African literature. Google says that in some countries this book is recommended reading for students. A small novel written in English.

Themes for “Things Fall Apart”

The original name sounds like “Things Fall Apart”. Tells of the collision of two worlds – African and indigenous world of the white man, the colonizer. The main feature of this piece for me is brevity. The author cheerfully works as the Occam’s razor, cutting out unnecessary words, details and images. As a consequence, easy to read, the book in action (or less action). Some of the details of traditional life and the social order, but as much as you need. No fine metaphors, similes, no clutter of words. Understood the text easier other articles from “Around the world”. The plot is quite unsophisticated, I will not retell.

Symbols in “Things Fall Apart”

The Nigerian writer talks about the life of tribal a brave warrior who is unable to adapt to the new time and life in a changing colonial society.

The main character is a man occupying a prominent place in traditional society. He was stern, but not devoid of humanity, although many of the laws of his world undoubtedly seems to us wild. An ambiguous figure is something repellent, something called empathy. Perhaps this is the value of the novel – the author quite cleverly managed to show the life of African villages before the arrival of the British.

Religion in “Things Fall Apart”

On the one hand, the undeniable cruelty (from the point of view of our moral), on the other – all the same concepts of duty, responsibility, even feelings (though very stingy). There a lot of conflicts in “Things Fall Apart” because of religion. I was interested in another point: the identity of culture, how people see it from the inside and look at it from the outside, through the eyes of aliens, it is alien to African traditions.

That is arriving to us from Mars, it is likely that for him, our morality, concepts of good and evil, and other absolute and indisputable to us things would have seemed an absurdity and a nonsense. So, is it worth it to read. It is clear that this is only my personal opinion and recommendation based on my perception.

A masterpiece this book is not called, in my personal list of the 100 best books of the world, it would hardly have entered. But due to its small volume, ease of reading, cognition, and also due to the fact that the novel makes us think about interesting things, the attention he deserves.

Where to Start in Essay Writing Preparation

Essay preparation

Before you starting an essay, it is necessary to prepare a draft. Some students do not know what a draft, and write it as “clean” (i.e. final) version of the work is densely filled sheet, almost borderless, but written more carelessly. This draft leaves no space for improvement thought, makes it impossible to work creatively.

“Wrong” drafts are suitable for work compilation character, thus training practice the lack of independent thinking. In effect, this method leads to a panic fear of self-expression. Sheets draft is better to leave half-empty and write on one side. When working with a draft, rereading and editing are gradually being filled and the fields, and on the back page space to specify, confirm their thoughts with examples and quotes.

How to start writing a paper? With write essay topics, while the subject must be recorded accurately, and necessarily in the draft. Theme this is a condition in which it is necessary to think about it. And the task we must understand, realize. The wording of the theme the same problem, only infinitely more voluminous and complex with no one solution. Getting a grasp in the topic, you enter into the creative space that it defined. If separate words, thoughts, in extreme cases, the entire wording are repeated in the text of the essay, opening or completing pieces of work or just essays in General, is not a disadvantage.

After all, the main task is to understand and develop a theme, and not to leave her. Working with essays, from time to time need to re-read the wording of the topic. Essay topics for social studies on the exam are offered a choice of the student of the six options, the relevant sections of the course social science: philosophy, cultural studies, Economics, sociology, political science, jurisprudence.

It is advisable to choose a topic most close and understandable, the disclosure of which to demonstrate their knowledge, erudition, creativity.

How to start an essay

The important point is the identification of social problems. Indeed, in the essay you are asked to Express their point of view on the issue, which is figuratively expressed in the form of statements. This means that you need to translate “encrypted” problem into the language of philosophical categories, concepts of the course.

For example, the theme “we don’t Have time to be yourself” (A. Camus) involves working in the context of self-knowledge, self-consciousness, “I concept” inconsistency of the real and the ideal self, of existential of human existence. Otherwise, open perspectives of personal development. The theme “Not by bread alone” (the Bible) inherently contains the problem of contradiction between material and spiritual needs of man. This means that you need to recall the material exactly according to the indicated problem, and write a series of concepts with which it is possible to work within the framework of the topic.

So, the main thing to grasp, to think about the topic as read into the problem to determine the border (space) the topics and the ways of its disclosure.

What are the steps to writing an essay

The subject is chosen, understood, comprehended. Usually, essay topics on social science philosophical content have problematic nature, the author’s interpretation and are presented in the statements. Therefore, initially working with social science problem, it is necessary to allocate the main idea and to identify a theme or topic of the course social science will be followed by reasoning.

This is necessary in a free form to make an outline of the essay, that is, to give vent to all that “wants” to be written, including concepts, controversies, associations, quotations, theses, examples, opinions, arguments, scientific and social nature, names, events, unfinished thoughts is There a grain of truth in the phrase: “Writing is not in the head, and fingertips.”

The next task is to consider the chaos, to relate with the subject then displayed with an idea, way of thinking. Now the main thing to find a phrase, a thought, a quote that could be a conclusion to the work.

Yes, the conclusion, like the introduction, is an important part of the job. The introduction focuses the problems of the essay, poses the problem, reveals the contradictions, starting an essay with a question, outlines field work the framework of social science topics, and the conclusion is a summary, a summary of all arguments.

The structure of the essay flows logically from the requirements. Because an essay is a short presentation of his own thoughts by the author on a particular issue, the idea expressed by the author in the form of a thesis (T). But the idea needs to be supported by evidence, arguments of a scientific or of a social nature.

Therefore, the thesis followed by arguments (A). Arguments are facts, phenomena of social life, events, life situations and life experience, literary situation, scientific evidence, references to opinions of scholars, etc. It is better to give two arguments in favor of a particular thesis, as one can be inconclusive, three arguments can overload all the “little” genre.

Thus, a circular composition of an essay: introduction, thesis, arguments, thesis, arguments, thesis, arguments, conclusion (conclusion). The number of theses and arguments depends on the plan, the logic of development of thought of the student.

The name “ring composition” is not accidental, as the introduction and conclusion focus on issues of theme, only in the introduction problem set, and in conclusion I appeal to their own point of view.

It should be noted that the logic of the presentation and structure contribute to the selection of paragraphs and the red line. Each of the elements of composition (introduction, thesis, arguments, conclusion) should be indicated by a red line. Each paragraph of the previous and subsequent related. This achieves the integrity of the work.

When writing an essay you must pay attention to the style of presentation. Yet we must not forget that the essay inherent emotionality and artistry of presentation. The expressiveness of the style very good quality of writing. This is achieved mainly due to the short, simple sentences, varied in intonation, and skillful use of the “modern” of all the punctuation the dash. Dash makes to offer a special intonation, to Express their opinions. The style of speech carries with it features of the person. Advancing the style, improve yourself!

Remember: essays must be “emotionally charged”, but it is important to exercise external restraint of the narrative.

Of course that is easy and free to possess the skill of essay writing, you need a training period to train this skill, and above all, the skill of categorical analysis. Categories are concepts of a scientific discipline. Work with the concepts, you can give creative.

Systematized problem, creative and reflective assignments, developing the skill of categorical analysis, we got their typology.

The first type of tasks and philosophical assessment. This type of task allows you to create the ability to recognize and distinguish the problem, to Express their own point of view.

The second type of tasks categorical analysis. This is a translation of the text into the language of philosophical categories. It allows you to determine the presence of philosophical laws and categories in specific statements, develop the ability to analyze the content of the text. The language of philosophical categories, you can translate the meaning of Proverbs, quotations, excerpts from literary works.

The third type is awareness of the problem and attempt its solution. The proposed text is contained in the explicit or implicit formulation of the problematic issue. You need to offer a solution to it.

The fourth type logical operation of finding and comparing concepts, positions of authors, viewpoints, opinions. The results of the comparison can be made in the form of a table.

The fifth type the construction of a coherent philosophical statements on a particular set of social science terms.

The sixth type the definition of philosophical concepts based on the game of creative tasks (puzzles, crosswords, chainbody, anagrams and cryptograms, mazes, magic squares). Such tasks arouse interest in philosophical concepts and contribute to their conscious assimilation.

The seventh type role tasks, involving the development of cultural material and its personification. Purpose of the job are learning new social roles, mastering of cultural experience.

Eighth type the individualized reflective assignments aimed at indirect indirect introspection, self-control. This can be achieved by:

  • creating situations of migration, that is a kind description of his life and activities in a given time and arbitrary space (or Vice versa);
  • the creation of situations of moral choice, when implemented moral position of the student;
  • writing philosophical essays on their own behalf or on behalf of the philosopher, whose work is of interest;
  • writing imaginary dialogues with famous philosophers, when the student has to define the problem field and the name of the philosopher responds to a question.

The ninth type making situations, dialectical and logical contradictions. They are based on material enclosing the connection of opposites. To work in situations it is necessary to select the teaching material enclosing the connection of opposites, to determine the moment when the situations in course, elect to implement a specific kind of situations.

Why Do Students Hate Essay Writing

If you frequently tell yourself: “I hate writing papers”, you definitely need to read this article. Decided to write my next article specifically for educators to understand why students do not go in pairs? Indeed, there is a problem, as contractors, and the public sector, and some of the audience in pairs and is empty.

I hate writing essays

This thought often pops up in students’ heads. Everyone can say What are these gaps, and how the teacher reacts to them, try to understand together. Most importantly, it is important to understand is the motivation of the student, otherwise, to instill in him a sense of diligence, punctuality and responsibility is unlikely. So let’s reason together.

Causes of truancy pairs of students

Many teachers do not want to know why a student misses a couple, and in his absence not just start loudly complaining in front of the entire class or stream, but also to threaten. As a rule, the menacing promise of not putting the forthcoming session, so there is nothing original in these moments will not hear.

However, it is incorrect and non-pedagogical approach to the problem, because showdown needs to take place in a purely individual basis, and, before shouting, you should understand the causes, which, incidentally, can be a good or disrespectful.

Family circumstances. Sometimes in a student’s life be matters that can be settled only during the learning process. These “unexpected circumstances” may affect all aspects of life, requiring immediate response.

Of course, in such a stalemate moments it is best to find a teacher and take time off, but it often happens that every minute counts.

Problems on the personal front. Sometimes students skip the pair by reason of mental trauma, for example after rupture of relations with the beloved. At such moments, not what to learn, is to breathe don’t want to.

Even the most diligent and responsible student can consciously “score” to study and spending meaningless days in mental anguish. Here the teacher is little independent, but the help of friends and fellow students certainly useful and needed.

Part time job. Some senior students during the learning process manage to earn. This increase scholarships, of course, will not prevent, but could significantly damage relations with the principal teachers who do not agree with the systematic absences of the students in their pairs, especially lectures.

The first you need to know: why do we write essays?

I advise you to read: How to write the outline? It is best to compromise, otherwise the next semester, the scholarship may not be.

Personal irresponsibility. Of course, you can say: “Essays are a waste of time”, but you can do this infinitely. In this case we are talking about student’s lack of discipline and systematic absenteeism without good reason. Even if you think: “I hate my writing”, do not give up. Teachers don’t like hard-core troublemakers on their pairs, so in this case, not attending University, not only “fly” with a scholarship, but easy to be on the verge of expulsion from the University.

So here it’s not the teacher, and the student must understand why he entered the University to study or walking. The last motivation is a failure.

Antipathy to the teacher. There are those students who, for one reason or another don’t perceive to the teacher, responses on paired turn into bickering and conflict.

This situation is unpleasant neither student nor teacher, so the first chooses to ignore the pair. To do this he can and with malicious motives to create teacher trouble in the Department, but such cases are in teaching practice, rather isolated.

This is probably the most common reasons that hinder normal learning and regular attendance at the University. It is desirable to eliminate, or the performance of the student will be significantly reduced, as a promising and optimistic plans for the life remote.

If a student skips his classes, we first must understand that nothing good attitudes to learning will not end. It needs to configure itself, and unloved of the teacher to perceive the principle: “this too will pass this”!

Why writing is difficult for students?

You just need to be patient, to try to grasp the essence of the subject and to love the unloved teacher. And how is he going to do, tell you intuition. To give any advice in this matter is meaningless, because all teachers are different and each requires a different approach.

In those cases, when the normal school interferes with work, it is best to talk with the teacher on the topic of public access. Convincing him will be difficult, but in principle, really (in my experience); but the main thing then your knowledge, grades and overall academic performance to make it clear that the work did not affect interest in learning and a particular subject.

Here I’ll tell you my example: to get a free visit on the 5th course, begged individual teachers almost every week. They went incredulously to me to make concessions, but with the requirement of the presence of the full abstract.

Had hard times, and rewrite the “Doodle classmates” I only get sleepless nights. But claims never happened, and grades and my scholarship did not hurt.

In cases where absences caused by a love drama, take yourself in hand and focus on the studies very difficult. And to escape from depression and painful memories yourself will not be easy.

But here must come the friends and activities that will help shift your mind and customize the suffering to further his studies. I would like to add: none of the relations are not higher education, so we should not abandon our future for the sake of imperfect and doomed to failure relations.

In the event of marital circumstances of his absence is required to notify the instructor so that such important information is not learned from a third party In a personal conversation can all be explained and, as if to ask, not to put the teacher before the fact of his absence from its subject matter. Disease also desirable to remind, otherwise the error can cause the impression ditch, ignoring the knowledge.

What to do to the teacher?

Because this article I dedicate more teachers, that’s just about their behavior I would like to talk more. Students are different, but the teacher is not just a teacher and mentor, but above all, a subtle psychologist.

That is why the question of absenteeism should be treated especially carefully, then among the students not to get a bad reputation or some persistent nickname.

So, your student is not on pair? The first step is to write his name and to go to the Dean’s office to find out, not if he is sick, and if he has respectful family circumstances.

If the reasons for the lack of vapor is really good, serious conversation it is best to defer temporarily. But, if teachers report that other lectures short visits, it’s time to think.

To get in his position, of course, is not necessary, because all students know what decided to study at the University. But again the circumstances are different, but first is recommended by the elder to give him a “heartfelt greetings”. You can then wait for the slot 2-3 pairs, and if the situation persists, to proceed to more radical action.

You can find and stop him at recess, but are also encouraged to visit the couple, where he is clearly present. In this case, without a serious conversation and warning cannot do, but still try to understand the arguments. If the reasons are disrespectful and you are faced with the usual lazy, then threaten to problems the session will not prevent.

When such beliefs will be useless to make one last attempt, which might make him think. If not, then its fate can no longer survive, and the exam may ask for full.

No, I certainly can’t teach and give recommendations deserved and qualified professionals, but just know that the method of shouting and intimidation are not initially working. However as students are people too, with their reasons and circumstances that sometimes you can understand an adult, even a teacher.

On the other hand, the teacher should not chase the students and to persuade them to attend, but from a purely human point of view to ask about their grades will not be superfluous.

So you do not have any problems with the teachers for the systematic absences in their pairs, it is possible to formalize a free visit or to transfer to distance learning.

The first option is ideal because the student loses the scholarship, maintains the duration and skillfully combines two useful things. The second option is more radical, since the correspondence course lasts a year longer (5.5 or 6 years), carried out exclusively on a contract basis and has a number of nuances. So it is best to use the first option.

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