Is Music Helpful for Studying?

Most students listen to music while studying. With either iPod in ears, iTunes through the computer or even “old fashioned” DVD player going, students across Australia tonight are listening to anything from Beyonce to Good Charlotte while they do their homework. In addition, inevitably parents in these houses walk past, wondering: “can they really concentrate with that going on in their ears?”

The truth is that there are significant advantages of listening to music while studying.

First, most students say listening to music helps them study for longer. This makes sense: homework can be boring. If something can make it slightly less boring, students are slightly more likely to keep doing it for longer. Advantage number two: listening to music has been found to be LESS distracting than listening to random office/household noise. Therefore, if the noise of the house is high, then having music to block that out can help students concentrate. Finally: research shows music usually puts students in a better mood. This is helpful because the better mood we are in, the longer we persist on hard tasks and the better we do at difficult tasks: good news for students.

Overall, listening to music when studying depends on your personality and preferences. Some people prefer no music saying they get distracted, cannot concentrate and start singing along or they listen to the music rather than studying. Other people may prefer to have light background music to fill as background noise and allow you to concentrate more on studying.

Ultimately, it is up to you if you want to have music while studying. Try it out by listening to your favorite tunes, searching ‘study music’ on YouTube or ‘calming music’ on Spotify.

Is it Scientifically Proven?

Did the music affect the students’ comprehension? Well, yes and no. Comprehension decreased only for the fast and loud music condition.

Well, it is difficult to draw absolute conclusions on something so subjective. This is partly because there are so many other factors at play, including personality type, the type of work you are doing, personal preferences and the mood the music induces.

Perhaps the reason why music does not affect our thinking as much as it should is that music has the ability to put us in a better mood, which therefore increases our IQ.

However, before you start blasting music into your ears, ask yourself this:

How often do you listen to a Mozart piano sonata on your iPod when you study? Would a slow classical piece of music even get you in the mood to do some solid work?

If Mozart does not make your playlist, that is OK. It does not mean you must suffer in silence.

Here is our recommendation: if you find music motivating, if it helps you to study and sustains your attention on a task for that little bit longer, then you should not deprive yourself. Listen to music but choose your music carefully.

How to Memorize Anything

Effective methods or how to memorize everything throughout life we perceive a lot of information, we learn verses, learn new languages, understand the formulas and theorems. And thanks to what? Thanks to our memory!

The brain is the organ that must constantly train and develop, then everything you perceive will be firmly fixed in memory. So, there are several ways that will tell you how to remember things better, to learn a large amount in a short time, to be able to store in memory received data.

Why use memorization techniques? According to experts, the status of dates, facts and any other information will not bring anything good. It doesn’t help anyone get smarter or learn the required information. These methods are ineffective, and they are more likely to hinder, rather than help us.

How to memorize quickly and effectively

Accordingly, the more senses in the perception we will use the better of memorized material. For example, if you need quick memorizer for the names of exotic birds, it is best to read their name, picture, and ideally, to find in the Internet the song or watch the video. And if you happen to touch it, to forget that hardly ever happens. Presentation on theme: “Laws of memory” Download presentation PDF or PPTX file for free! We will assume that you are interested in this presentation.

To view or download it, recommend this presentation to your friends on any social. So, to download:

Step 1. View, below are buttons for all popular social networks. Surely, you somewhere was. Use one of the buttons below to recommend your friends presentation (for the like button be sure to click on the link “tell a friend”).

Step 2. After you left a recommendation in any of the social networks, you can view or download the presentation. Thanks for the feasible help to our portal! I like tweet share Bondage art Due to the fact that the subconscious mind is stimulated by a great variety of items and artwork can be great to learn and remember essential.

Best way to memorize a speech

This method consists in different interpretation of the data. Create phrase from the first letters of the received data. For example, I received a letter and the first line reads Good day. Take the first three letters “EXT” in any form, create a new very cheerful. Bundle. As the name suggests, you can understand that we are talking about information coupled with a vivid illustration. How do you remember things? For example, those items that you seek to memorize in the English language can be linked to actions. For example, the fat cat model for large size cat. Leads.

Easy ways to memorize things

The essence of the technique of substituting numbers for items. For example, 0 – bagels, 1 – stick, 2 – Gus, etc. Technique of Cicero. Is the presentation of objects to remember in a familiar environment. For example, to memorize the words-objects in a foreign language, you need to place them in your bedroom. If you need to remember a particular word Association goes with a familiar setting.

This approach allows you to learn new words by heart, using a minimum of effort. We would not be surprised that some of the mnemonics methods will be familiar to you. However, it is a science that helps to strengthen memory. Tips readers we receive a lot of reviews and recommendations from readers, so we decided to publish them. To this article we have selected the best way to memorize something.

Hearken to read. If you have difficulty in memorizing the material, it is often the cause of this misunderstanding read. A lot of people to remember, you need to understand them. It is necessary to use logic and associations that will remain in memory. Abstract. Don’t stop writing, and preferably in thesis. For example, there is an important meeting and need to memorize large amounts of information, write the thesis, i.e. the main highlight. This will allow you not to miss the nuances and have complete information. Structure. If you do not like to write, then this technique will suit you exactly. Read the information, pay attention to her and now paint in the form of a diagram. It’s simple before you will always be beacons.

Drawing. Perhaps the most common method of memorizing. How it will manifest itself for you personally it’s hard to say because we all individuality. Importantly, the pattern was consistent with the data obtained. Slideshow. Such presentations are an effective method in the field of business. For a competent, interesting and effective flow of material sufficient to form the outline of the text using smart cards. There are a lot of online programs. Note that to describe in one article all of the ways to remember things. Therefore, we give simple advice theory and practice is the basis of an excellent memory

How to write and review your exam notes

Therefore, you have an exam coming up, and the front cover of the exam says something along the lines of special items: drawing instruments, templates, notes on two unfolded sheets of A4 paper, and up to three calculators approved for use in the examinations.

That means you do not need to remember anything, right?

Relying too heavily on notes sheets in an exam could be a sign that you have not prepared, and it is not good if you have to juggle the front and back of those, two sheets in the exam itself.

When writing notes you should write down key concepts, organize your notes and actively listen. Try to write quickly to keep up with the teacher so you do not miss key points. If you find symbols help you remember and translate your notes, that is fine and a lot quicker too.

The key is to design a note taking system that helps YOU to:

  • Review subject content
  • Repeat – write out key concepts and repeat them
  • Connect – connect your notes to improve how you recall information

Generally, study notes are notes made progressively throughout a topic, term or even year. They tend to be long, in-depth and cover all of the information learned. The key indication that a set of notes are study notes is that they cover everything – key points and concepts, class work, extra information and general learning. They also usually go into the same amount of detail on every topic. This is why they tend to get so long.

On the other hand, exam notes are all about prioritizing information and working to a time schedule. These notes are usually focused on key ideas, using brief points, mind maps and shorthand to quickly express topics. Usually exam notes are much shorter and will only focus on one or two topics of study, typically the ones about to be tested on. Exam notes are usually concise, to the point and cut out any information that isn’t absolutely essential.

In the end, what you include is entirely up to you. You can even put some motivational quotes/smiley faces on to keep going during the exam. However, the most efficient way is to use the process of writing notes as a study technique, rather than spending time you could be using to study to copy everything out perfectly – remember, if you are relying on your notes too much, you will probably take longer to do the question.

Get Motivated Right Now!

We have had a look around the net and made these top 5 tips to help you get motivated. This can be applied to a whole range of things, we have simply based it more on exam preps and studying.

  1. Set yourself goals

It is hard to get motivated about anything if you have not set up yourself some goals or objectives (what do you want). Set yourself a goal and how you are going achieve this goal/s. Break them down into small sections so that your overall goal doesn’t seem so overwhelming. Here is a simple example:

  • Study for exams
  • Check what subjects I need to take next year if I want to study to be a primary school teacher

It really helps to write your goals down, here are some popular options that have worked for my friends and I:

  • Favorite notebook
  • Whiteboard
  • iPhone or iPad app – trial the free ones to see which one suits you
  • Post it notes on your bedroom mirror

Try each one and see what works best for you.

  1. Create a realistic goal and schedule

Having an achievable goal can help you stay motivated. Imagine that if a task is too hard for you to accomplish, you would feel tired and exhausted over time. A good and manageable schedule would help you to control your energy within a certain amount of time so that you don’t spend too much time on doing unnecessary tasks.

There are a few things that you should know in order to make a realistic goal:

Plan your schedule daily, weekly and monthly.

Make sure that the goals that you set can be achieved within a certain amount of time.

Have a plan A and a plan B. A plan B is a slightly modified version of plan A. A plan A might contain three smaller specific tasks that you need to complete. On the other hand, a plan B contains 2 tasks only. This would help you to have a feel of fulfilling something, especially in case plan A is a plan that overtakes your ability. You will feel motivated even when you just finish the backup

Divide the big task into smaller tasks for effective management. You might have a big goal of getting into your favorite school. In order to achieve that, you need to pass exams with good results. In this case, your smaller goal would be getting good results in the next exam.

Finally, you should make weekly checkpoints to track your progress.

  1. Get creative about where you study

Can you find a different or perhaps less comfortable place to study?  Instead of studying at your desk in room surrounded by lots of distractions and comforts, find another less distracting room to study in.  What about moving outside to a shady area and setting up for a day of study or heading off to a different library. Being creative about where you study can change your flow and make you feel more inspired to start working.

  1. Enlist family support: Your family can help you stay on track, encourage you when motivation is low and provide positive reinforcement. Simple things like making sure dinner is served at the allocated time; driving you to and from school or co-curricular activities so that you can maximize your study time; or helping you with revision can all make a significant difference to your productivity and mood.
  2. Remind yourself that this will not go on forever

We saw many students that are really overwhelmed and want to throw in the towel at this point in the year in regards to their studies. If you are a student, remind yourself that this will not go on forever, that everything changes and all you need to do is just keep taking action.

College Powerpoint Hints

Notes this application to the slide. They do not appear on the slide, and are shown separately. Every college ppt presentations slide is associated a separate page of notes.

How to print PowerPoint with notes on side

In normal mode notes hidden at the bottom of the screen in a separate panel notes. To work with notes in normal mode, you must first expand the panel notes.

In PowerPoint there is also a special mode for notes mode notes Fig. 5.1. To enter this mode, go to View => Page notes. At the top of each page of notes is a reduced copy of the slide.

Of course, for comfortable work in the notes mode, you must zoom in.

Unfortunately, to switch to notes mode, you will not be able to use the keyboard shortcuts. In previous versions of PowerPoint in the lower left corner of the program window was located, along with the buttons the other modes, and the mode button notes. But for some inexplicable reason in the last version the button is gone from the screen, So the only way to go to memo mode use the video page of notes.

How to take notes on PowerPoint

Add PowerPoint notes to a slide. To add notes to a slide, follow these steps.

  1. While in normal mode, navigate to the slide for which you want to create notes.
  2. Click on the border of the notes pane and drag it so that appeared on the screen the text notes.
  3. Click in the field labeled Notes to a slide.
  4. Enter text. The entered text will be located in the field notes. Creating them, you can use the standard functions for working with text, supported by PowerPoint with notes, for example copy, cut, paste. To create a new paragraph, use <Enter>.

Powerpoint guidelines

  1. Come up with a plan (script) of your presentation.
  2. It is very important how, not what, – remembered only the impression, not words and numbers.
  3. Use emotionally positively stained images (photos) related to your activity visualize what you want to convey. If information is nicely decorated, the information to take much easier and more pleasant.
  4. Charts and graphs a good example lead, Director of Mercator:

Good infographics depict the figures, she represents the Idea. Here is a simple PowerPoint examples for college students.

The idea of the movie: 91th year of the was one of the largest importers of grain, and after 91 has become one of the largest exporters.

The designer has consistently depicted two graphs: the import of grain to the for years, and the second chart export from (after 91). Not to be bored, one graph he showed the columns and the second line. It was a totally different slides.

Powerpoint tips for students

What is the trouble? That this rendering completely killed the Idea. Turned out just two graphs that visually in any way among themselves not because the decision here lies on the surface only need to combine them.

How to make an effective PowerPoint? Why the designer did not? Because he was thinking about beauty and diversity, not about how to convey the Idea.

  1. Select neutral, the one, but the background slides in your presentation.
  2. Permanent style slides throughout the presentation, you must use a constant style, color, 1-2 font, animations, slides and company logo, for example in the upper right corner or the footer a “salad” complicates the perception.
  3. Each slide should have a title non-standard, shaped and short (ideally 1 line), because it begins the acquaintance with the information on the slide. Avoid boring, overused names, invent interesting and motivating (can be in the form of questions).
  4. The recommended font size of 28 PT. To 48 (in PowerPoint).
  5. Do not write too much text. “War and peace” no one will read!
  6. Use “cutaways” – screensaver (for example, solid background with the company logo and section name) before each new logical partition to include (“Assembly”) attention.
  7. Help the audience to digest your information – draw conclusions in the page footer or on a separate slide.
  8. Adapt the content for the target audience (customers, potential customers, partners).
  9. A little humor never hurts. One should not treat themselves very seriously.
  10. Consider the ending. It is best to remember the beginning and the end of the presentation.
  11. Swipe to “test drive” presentation to colleagues or friends and incorporate comments. It is a good idea to postpone the presentation for a while and then return to her to look at it with fresh eyes.

Dealing with bullying

Bullying is repeated, unreasonable behavior that is intimidating, degrading or humiliating. Bullying has the potential to create a risk to health, safety and wellbeing, including psychological, emotional and physical health. It may take place face to face on campus, via phone or email, on-line or within residential colleges.

Bullying may be discriminatory, based on someone’s race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or religious beliefs or have no apparent cause.

Bullying may occur between individuals or groups or between students and staff.

Being bullied is a stressful experience – in fact, it is one of the most stressful experiences we can face. International research shows bullying occurs in every school. We now better understand that bullying is physically, socially and psychologically damaging, with the hurt extending beyond just the victim to the bully and the bystanders who witness the activity as well.

How to cope with bullies

“Coping” describes how we deal with stress, including the everyday stresses we face in life. Coping strategies may be described as positive strategies that can decrease the likelihood of continued victimization, such as seeking help or support from others to stop the victimization.

If you are being bullied, there are some things you can do:

  • Tell someone you trust – your parents, a teacher, an older sibling or grandparent;
  • Stay in the busy areas of school where there are lots of people;
  • Keep a diary of who does want and who witnessed it;
  • Ask your parents to write or phone your teacher;
  • Change your phone SIM card if you get nasty messages;
  • Walk home with other people or catch a different bus;
  • If you see someone else being bullied, tell someone.

The impact of bullying

Bullying can have a negative effect on mental and physical wellbeing. People who are being bullied may experience decreased self-esteem, which can lead to reduced attendance at University and withdrawal from social activities. They may experience depression, stress related illnesses, substance abuse and display self-harming behaviors.

When bullying is not stopped or challenged by anyone it can create an environment where bullying is accepted and where everyone feels powerless to stop it.

Know your rights

You have a right to feel safe and to be treated fairly and respectfully. Bullying is a serious problem with serious mental and physical impacts. Bullying can violate many of your human rights including:

  • your right to be free from mental, emotional and physical violence;
  • your right to education;
  • your right to a safe work environment.

People bully others for lots of different reasons: they may have a strong desire to control other people or to look cool in front of others, or even to feel better about themselves. They may bully because it is the only way they know of to deal with their own anger and frustration. Typically, they do not seem to care about other people’s feelings. A significant number of young people who bully others have been bullied themselves. They often do not even realize that what they are doing is wrong.

Does this excuse their behavior? Absolutely not. There are no excuses for bullying, but it can be helpful to understand that people who bully usually have some personal issues going on. In other words, in order for them to change (and to stop their bullying behavior), they need help, too.

What can I do now?

  1. Think about how you will respond next time you are facing a bullying situation. Just do not respond or try to stand up for yourself.
  2. Talk to someone about what you are going through.
  3. It is really important to look after yourself.

Advice on your study place organization

Setting up a space that helps you study is fun! Whether you need 5 different coloured post-it notes, three computer monitors, or every avenger figurine; if it helps you focus and reduces the number of distractions around you, it’s perfect.

Here are some top tips to help you set up your study space.

Suitable study space locations

It is all about finding a place you feel comfortable and can solely focus on studying with no distractions and little noise. Places like this can be:

  • Your local library
  • Your school

Remove distractions

Your study space should be a No Phone Zone. Make a poster to stick above your desk to remind you.

Enforce a time-controlled block on social media and any other distracting websites on your computer during study times. If you find it difficult to self-enforce this, there are some great apps to help! SelfControl is a great example (for Mac users), or Freedom is a similar app for other PCs.

Get comfortable

Invest in a comfortable and supportive chair, a desk that has enough space for you to open up all of your books and computer and some form of storage (think shelves for folders or baskets).

Ensure you have a good light source, either natural or from a lamp, to keep your eyes in good health!

You want to make your study time as productive as possible so it is crucial that your study environment gives you every opportunity to concentrate.

You will need a place you can dedicate entirely to study. You will need a desk or table with room to work. Consider the lighting – as much natural light as possible is best during the day and a good, strong study lamp for nighttime. You will need easy access to your notes so they should be near you. The environment should be free of distractions – no phone, TV, radio, magazines, etc. You should be comfortable, but not too comfortable… tempting as it can be to study in bed it can prove counter-productive! Your study timetable can be pinned to the wall to help keep you focused. Other helpful things to pin up around your desk are your goals and dreams, motivational statements, theories, formulas, quotes etc.

Try to surround yourself solely with books/posters etc. that will motivate and inspire you. Minimize the noise levels in your study space, situate yourself as far away from other family members as possible and close the door if it helps.

Advice for Students: Taking Notes that Work

How to take good notes in college

Many students want to go to College for the reason that there will be less paperwork and more fun. Not so, my little friends. If you think that abstract management at the University is optional, then you’re seriously mistaken. Of course, check notebook will not be strictly (although there are different teachers), but you will understand that without notes simply can not learn. The right information is not always found in textbooks and even the Internet. That is why you have to listen carefully to the teacher and best way to take notes that will help you on the exam.

So, here are some simple note taking techniques on how to take pretty notes:

  1. Shrink the mother of learning, here’s how you can paraphrase the famous proverb. When the teacher says something long enough, you just need to learn how to capture the essence of and reduce. For example, the teacher says something about the Commonwealth of Independent States. You should write it. These reductions are standard, so you are not confused, if will then take detailed notes.
  2. The end of words in most cases does not affect the understanding of written. That is why you can feel free to throw them away. However, you should not try to reduce the word to a minimum, because then you will be incredibly difficult to read and understand his writings.
  3. The phrase from the title of the topic can easily be replaced by the abbreviation. For example, “the Political system of the States” can be turned. And it is clear and short, agree.
  4. In math we constantly use abbreviations. Why not use the same trick in the economy where the numbers and formulas, not less. If you can come up with your own abbreviations, you will not have to share formulas with lazy classmates. If you are not greedy, try to reduce the formula so that other students could catch the flight of your thoughts.
  5. It so happens that the teacher dictates very attentively, because it is constantly interrupted, says something very important your notes then decorated like a sloppy diary of a madman. To avoid this, you need to leave some space after each paragraph on case teaching of “enlightenment”.
  6. The school has always taught that notebooks with the fields is good, right and carefully. It is worth saying that here we are not deceived. The field will be very useful for the numerous marks to the information that you heard from the teacher. For example, you did not understand what wanted to tell the teacher. So you put on fields to the question mark and looking for right information home. If the teacher said, in his opinion, something important put an exclamation point. It’s very simple, but at the same time effective.
  7. The enumeration of any information should not be written in continuous text, because you can’t understand when reading. Better carefully a new row to select all sub-items. Besides, the most difficult of enumeration you will be able to pull out from your notes and make some sort of bomb, which are useful if you know how to correctly write off.
  8. If you are an artist at heart it is not necessary to hide it. Draw on the margin if thus you retain the information. In addition, you will be able to apply their creativity in the graphs that will definitely help you memorize the necessary material.
  9. Some students (especially girls) like to use different handles for selection of material. I would like to note that this technique is never much use to anyone not brought, and some even a hindrance to focus. I would recommend you by answering the question of “How does note taking help students”, to forget about the colored pens. If you need to allocate something, you just emphasize. This efficient note taking way less time will it take and will look more available.
  10. It is not necessary to outline all the course subjects in one notebook. Then you simply will not be able to understand the material, and teachers may be dissatisfied with this approach to their subject. Better buy yourself one book on one subject is much easier.

And last don’t throw away your notes after you have passed the exam. First, this information may be useful also in other branches of knowledge. Secondly, if the note organization are neat and well-written, it easily can sell that will bring you more profit and the buyer a good.

What to Enjoy On the Semester Break

Let us face it; every student looks forward to the semester break. It’s one of the few times when you can really let your hair down, escape for the weekend or catch up on the TV shows you were forced to record during exams.

The mid-semester break tends to remind us that even in the land down under, old man winter can make you feel the chill. Luckily, there are still a few havens around the country, which will allow you to beat the cold snap. American Travelling Agencies offer many exclusive deals to students, which include tours, flights and meals. This is a good option for those wishing to make a group booking or those just wanting assistance planning the perfect trip.

If you don’t mind the wet or the cold weather then a trip to cultural capital of the U.S., might provide you with a much needed R&R. Get lost in the inner city laneways, satisfy your impulsive shopping needs, feast on delicious food or relax at one of the many trendy bars in town. With companies such as American Airlines offering daily low fares to major American cities, escaping for the weekend doesn’t have to break the bank.

For the more adventurous at heart, you can skip the cold all together by heading to the north of America. Brightspark offers students an affordable rental option. They offer various campervan options and can help you seat anywhere from 2-11 people comfortably. The roof tents are extremely easy to operate and reliable. This is a good option for anyone who is looking to explore the outback at their own pace. With the wicked campers one can easily take a road trip to The Grand Canyon and The Blue Ridge Parkway, two amazing spots in the USA that are necessary see for anyone. If this is an option that excites you, be weary of hazards in the outback, plan your trip in advance to make sure you are not stranded without fuel, always obey road signs and never drive at night.

An adventure through the outback might be something you want to try but your budget just does not allow it. One good option students have found is relocating rental vehicles. These vehicles are offered through various rental agencies, which need the cars to be moved from one city to another. They can be rented for as little as $5/day in most cases, which can significantly increase your disposable income on your trip.

One does not necessarily need to even leave the city to have fun. During the semester break, there are a number of festivals and events, which are put on private companies. Festivals such as the Korean Film Festival are more than capable of entertaining you throughout the break. While the semester break is sure to be full of fun and games, another point to keep in mind is the break is a great opportunity to gain some work experience. This can be through a part time internship or a part time job.

An important point to remember is that semester breaks are meant to be exactly that; a break. So take the time to do whatever it is that makes you feel reenergized. Organize a coffee with a friend, read a new book, try a new sport or activity and rest up. The possibilities are completely up to you.

How to Ace Your Finals Without Studying

If you study all the tickets the night before the exam not your option, this article is for you. We have collected suggestions that will help you better memorize the material and how to pass a test without studying, not making supernatural effort. It will help you whether you in a high school, college or university.

Determine your learning style

We are all different, so the strategy of exam preparation will vary. Proceed from their individual characteristics. If you’re auditory, read textbooks and notes out loud if write their summaries of the crib and make a plan of response.

Another effective method map of thoughts. This is a great way to structure the information to refresh knowledge and quickly grasp the essence of the subject even after a long time. Read more about how to make mind maps and how to work with them, we are told here.

What kind of questions to teach first? If during the semester you well understood the subject, proceed with the questions, which have at least some idea.

If each new unit cannot be understood without the previous, the one option: learn everything strictly in order.

It also makes sense to start with the hard questions, allocating enough time to study them. You even might ask yourself: “Are finals hard?”. It is better to deal with them until you are tired and lost concentration. Light leave questions for later.

And be consistent. Stick to the chosen strategy, even if you start to panic with the approaching exam.

How much should I study for finals

Delve into the ticket and not try to memorize it. Learning is a losing strategy, and there is also not enough time to study for finals. Find logical relationships in the questions, invent Association.

Of course, in every subject there is information you need to know by heart: dates, formulas, definitions. But even to remember them easier if you understand the logic.

How to study for math finals

Tell me the exam material in your own words, conjecture that the answer was expanded.

A good method when the exam need to prepare in a short period of time. It only takes three days, but a lot of work. Every day we need to work through all the material, but on a different level, constantly going. It also applicable for biology finals.

The first day you read your entire syllabus or training manual to refresh knowledge on the subject, roughly speaking to get involved. Conventionally you can take the exam a three.

The second day dealt with the same issues, but according to the tutorial to learn more details and subtleties. If you prepare diligently, you can count on a four.

On the last day you have to bring your answers to the ideal: again, fill in the blanks, remember. After the third day you are ready to take the exam perfectly.

Two day learning, one on repeat

The system is very simple: all the material should be split into two equal parts and to learn it in two days. The third day entirely been on repeat.

Put a time limit

To delve into each topic can be infinitely long, so don’t try to remember all the details. Of the great chapters in the textbook highlight the main idea: the structured material of a small amount easier to perceive.

In College years we shared all the tickets between classmates and each prepared a brief synopsis of its parts. If your mutual aid group is not developed, you can request materials and cheat sheets from students.

Do not get stuck

If you feel that you are sitting too long on one question, skip it. The best motivator in the preparation timer. Decide how much time you can devote to one ticket, for example 30 minutes, and upon expiration, continue to the next. Select a few hours before the exam to deal with missing issues.

Make a plan for the response to the ticket

Even the most broad question you can describe in a few words. Each thesis should evoke.

Such a plan can be quickly viewed before the exam to tune in a working mood. Known method of three sentences: write out each question, problem, main idea and conclusion.

The study depends on the subject

Individual characteristics is not only you, but also in subject matter. For example, exact Sciences mathematics, physics require practice. For the Humanities is important to the ability to process large amounts of information, memorize dates, names, definitions.

But again, to the study of any subject should be approached actively to understand the question and seek to understand.

Important and exam format. If you are preparing for the oral examination, pronounces your future answers aloud. My favorite tactic is to repeat the material to someone from home or when they are not enthusiastic, herself in the mirror. Even better, if someone will not just listen but also ask questions when something is unclear.

If you are preparing for testing, is to complete ten model tests, to write your mistakes, and to repeat problematic themes and complete all over again.

If the exam is written, you need to think in advance the structure of the answer.

Prepare two or three

Write down the most difficult, in your opinion, themes collective intelligence to help deal with them faster. It is better to cooperate with classmates, who are determined to study, or the preparation for the exam can go into the usual pleasant encounter with friendly conversations.

No, this does not mean that the joke and the rest forbidden. Just don’t forget the main purpose of the meeting.

How to pass a test you know nothing about

Take breaks. This will help you relax and put new information on the shelves. Turn off the phone, don’t check social media, do not approach the TV. If you can’t handle the temptation, read about how to deal with distraction. Get enough sleep.

Don’t forget about the food: it will give extra strength to your body. However, do not overeat. Usually after an overly hearty lunch starts to get sleepy, and learn does not want.

Avoid stressful situations and negativity from other people. The atmosphere in the classroom should be as favorable.

Don’t rely too much on the crib and the option to cancel. But if you don’t know how to write off (see, it is also necessary to be able to), you shouldn’t even start.

Organize a place to study: bright, comfortable, with all necessary materials at hand. Bed not the best option: it is likely to fall asleep on a boring topic. Make bulleted lists: they are easier to remember.

Distracted and stiff to stretch during prolonged sitting, the muscles will help of exercise. In addition, while running, Cycling or similar physical activity you can take time to reflect on complex issues.

If you feel that you are not configured to study, start with the topic that seems most interesting. This will help to get on track. Someone says that when you pass a test you didn’t study for. Go in the evening for a walk. During the preparation of the nerves are usually on edge, so you need to relax a little. Make a clear plan of preparation.