10 Reasons To Attend Wharton Business School

The University of Pennsylvania offers 12 different schools, including The Wharton Business School. Here are just a few of the reasons the university’s business school is one of the best business colleges in the world.

Excellent Reputation – The Wharton Business School has successfully been educating students for many years now. It was established by Joseph Wharton in 1881 as the world’s first collegiate business school and is now known worldwide for its business program.

Beautiful Campus – The University of Pennsylvania’s campus in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is a great setting for a college. It’s in a major city on the east coast, which provides endless opportunities for students in their personal and professional lives, as well as easy access to several other major cities. The Wharton School of Business is located in the heart of campus and includes buildings such as the Jon M. Huntsman Hall (photos below), which is the campus’s newest building that houses 48 classrooms, 57 study rooms, lounges, and more that are all equipped with the latest technology.

Selective Admission Process – The university is known for its competitive and selective admissions process. Most students who get in are from the top 10% of their high school graduating class. Students who attend will be in the company of other excellent students and will get to take classes with, live with, and join extracurricular activities with students from all over the world and all walks of life.

Wide Variety of Concentrations – The Wharton School alone houses 22 undergraduate concentrations, 18 graduate majors, and 9 doctoral programs. These programs combined have an enrollment of about 5,000 students. One of the benefits of pursuing a business degree is that students can also combine the degree with any other undergraduate degree in the other schools. In fact, over 30% of students graduate from the university with more than one degree.

Education in the Future – In addition to their many undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs, the school also houses an executive education program. Over 9,000 students take part in the program each year. This is an excellent option for anyone who studied business in college and wants to further their education partway through their career.

Qualified Faculty – The school has one of the largest business school faculties, which includes more than 250 members. The faculty is also one of the most published – the faculty’s research is often cited in academic journals, periodicals, and the press. The schools online business journal, Knowledge@Wharton, has almost 2 million subscribers.

Innovation in All Areas – The Wharton Innovation Group was founded in 2010 to help harness the power of technological advancements in order to provide students with a better learning experience. They focus on finding the newest methods of teaching and explore options worldwide for bringing new, state of the art technologies into the university.

Research Centers – The Wharton Business School houses 25 research centers. They’re interdisciplinary and bring together students and faculty from Penn as well as outside members of businesses in order to learn about challenges in business from all perspectives.

Community Service Initiatives – The Wharton Program for Social Impact, or WPSI, aims to make an impact socially through both the courses of study and extracurricular clubs and organizations. It believes its size and influence as a leading business school gives it the responsibility and capability to influence social matters. The school wants to make sure its students leave with a broad view of the world and of how their business decisions can affect many different people.

Global Presence – The Wharton Business School boasts alumni of over 88,000 people now located in 148 countries worldwide. They are just one of the groups who support the Wharton Global Initiative, which also encompasses global research and education. They aim to educate and influence business leaders worldwide but also focus on teaching current students how to do the same so they’re prepared to work anywhere upon graduation.

10 Simple Marketing Tips to Guarantee You More Response

  1. Include a headline: Headlines are not just for ads. Your reader’s eye will be drawn to your headline. Make it Magnetic!
  2. Use effective words: Some effective words to include are FREE, Easy, New, Now, Save, Revolutionary, Today, You, Yes and Breakthrough.
  3. Make your paragraphs short: Limit them to seven lines or less.
  4. Use simple words: Make your copy familiar to your readers. Don’t use jargon or difficult words. Most people won’t know or care what you’re talking about.
  5. Focus on benefits: “Sell the sizzle, not the steak.” Focus on the benefits of your Offer, not your service or company, but what they’ll get.
  6. Be honest: Be honest, straightforward, upfront and true. Don’t ever mislead your readers.
  7. Use easy-to-read type: Use sufficient size type, easy-to-read type. Don’t use fancy font types.
  8. Include a P.S.: Call attention to a major benefit in your P.S.
  9. Use specifics: Make your Offer specific. Use “10 tips to eliminate…,” rather than “some ways to eliminate…”
  10. Don’t waste money: Don’t spend lots of money on expensive stationery. Expensive paper won’t get your prospects to respond. Your Offer is the key!

7 powerful tips to make your finances

Thanks in advance for further learning and especially for being convinced to change habits in your daily life.

Today I want to learn 7 powerful tips to make your finances.

We need to begin to change (if you have not) your financial habits and start to feed your financial IQ, if you know how to feed and grow, I invite you to read this article: Financial IQ

Well, let’s review the tips that I want to share.

  1. Take care of your business, your work or self-employment

The best purchase a business can have is you, you are the only person able to do to get fired, you close your business or go out of business in your self. Are your decisions and your actions dictate work which the future of what we’re doing right now, either as an employee or as a business owner.

When the crisis of a few years ago began to be felt in this country, the only people who trembled at the prospect of losing their jobs or their company closed were those who were unsure of their personal abilities and the power of his intellect to create new sources of income, so did those who were not doing properly the functions your company required. Hence the importance of “cultivating” your financial intelligence.

  1. Make your budget

The real power of a budget is something we had already reviewed in this space, click here for you to check carefully.

  1. Evita consumerism

In our culture of “I deserve to buy it” or “has reached the age of the material” is very common that end up buying things you do not really need. To show just a button: The department stores are saturated with “irresistible offers” of unnecessary things (disks Rigo Tovar to $9.90, portfolio gum flavor tutifruti to $12, well, you know what I mean, especially if you have a wife with nine pairs of shoes and says he does not buy much new ones).

Not to mention the dates “special” (and Christmas gifts, day of love and friendship and love details, Mother’s Day and appliance stores to burst, Father’s Day, etc.). Interestingly associate the show affection generous gift objects or details.

  1. Use your credit cards wisely

These plastics will help only for three things:

  • finance your purchases free some up to 45 days,
  • making shopping deals and 3 months interest,
  • anchoring and using a smart financing to create a business or take walk (if your credit limit is large.

From then on, apparently has no other appropriate use.

Minimum payments is better not to talk, just keep you literally “making a hole to fill another.” Your interests will increase so much, you end up paying (if that life reaches) to 10 times the value of the product or service you used your card.

  1. Save, but to invest

Allocates a proportion of your salary or cash flow (at least 5%) savings, why? for, if you want to spend on that, now if you deserve it or (personally I prefer more) to invest in a business, what? that you want, there are options for lots from minimum investments (multilevel, franchises, micro, etc) to larger (more name franchises, associations, etc.).

  1. Invest in your intellect

We talked about the financial IQ and how important it is to feed, the word “updated” you should sound familiar in your job or in your business, because in a world where globalization is our daily bread, that person that does not update this destined to become obsolete and “disappear” from the face of the earth.

  1. Find mentors

There are people who follow these tips apply and live, they, in small or large, have achieved things that ordinary people do not. “Stick” to them, read his books, articles, still life, what did, how they did it?.

5 tips to control your emotions in the development of your business

Nobody doubts that you invest in your education to be well prepared to start a business. But few will say you should also prepare yourself emotionally. If you ignore this part, your emotions may dominate and lead you to make bad decisions, including abortion of your project. Learn five key actions you can take to control your emotions during the implementation and development of your business.

Who said that a business is a purely rational life plan?

When starting a business, there is talk of plans, market research, numbers, future projections and targets to achieve. But very little is said of the emotions that arise in the process.

If you choose to ignore the importance and focus only on the analysis of future business that you do with your mind, your emotions and you can catch unsuspecting soil totter sure you thought to have under your feet.

Your emotions may come to exert such a strong influence on your decisions that you can even bring your project boycott. In fact, I assure you that every business failure is the result of a decision of surrender was preceded by strong emotions.

It is therefore very important to be aware of the emotional part of your business and prepare yourself properly to deal with the feelings that will inevitably arise as you build it.

What emotions are going to have to fight to take your business?

Apart from the most obvious emotion, which is the fear of failure, you will see you faced with rage, frustration, humiliation, exhaustion, feelings of rejection and disappointment.

It sounds nice, but it’s a fact:

Definitely have to have the stomach for doing business successfully!

The good news is you can learn to control your emotions and thus survive those difficult moments that are unique to each business, especially in the beginning.

What can you do to control your emotions and keep you boycott your business?

  1. Recognizes its importance:

The first step is to become aware of the problem. Your emotions are your enemies. God gave them to you so you can feel joy and peace. Jesus felt joy, joy, sadness and pain, but never let your emotions dominate.

Your emotions are a good servant but a bad master. Do not be controlled by them. When starting your business, you must be willing to invest time and effort to prepare emotionally in the same way in which you are ready to learn everything.

  1. Develop your faith:

Unlike what many people think, a business is a deeply spiritual. It will be much easier to cope with the difficult times that will live in your business if you have spiritual strength.

I’m not talking about a religion in itself, but a personal relationship with a God who wants to be the partner of everything you do, including your business.

  1. Control your thoughts:

Your emotions are a product of your thought processes. If you think bad things and constantly meditate on all that can go wrong, your emotions will be negative too.

Read your Bible and fill your head with good thoughts to which you can turn to in times of doubt.

  1. Control what you speak:

“Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45) If your thoughts are negative, negative talk. Apart from creating a negative atmosphere around you, you proclaim your own failure, because “life and death are in the power of the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21)

Discipline yourself and seal your mouth. Make a habit of saying only good things, even in the darkest moments. Or just do not say anything.

  1. Surround yourself with successful people:

Our medium and the vast majority of people we are bombarded daily with news and negative comments. It is important to find people who share your vision, you will build and spread their enthusiasm and winning attitude

9 Tips for Marketing

  1. Commit to creating your newsletter

A Web site without a newsletter is like a car without a motor. It may look nice, but you’re not going to get very far.

In order to market your business effectively you need a system to attract prospects and then you need a system to follow up with those prospects repeatedly to convert them into customers. An electronic newsletter is an inexpensive and very effective way to do that.

  1. Target a specific group of prospects

You can’t be all things to all people. Select a specific group of prospects to write your newsletter to. When reading your newsletter, your prospects should say, ‘They’re talking about me and my concerns!’

  1. Don’t spam people who don’t want your newsletter

Your subscribers should voluntarily opt-in to receive your newsletter. Describe the benefits of your newsletter, and provide a simple way for people to subscribe to it.

Don’t just add people to your list without their permission or send it out to people who didn’t ask for it. That’s called spam, and you’ll be building a bad reputation if you resort to it.

  1. Give your subscribers an easy way to unsubscribe

When people don’t wish to receive your newsletter any longer, they should have an easy way to unsubscribe.

Provide the information your subscribers need to unsubscribe, if they want to, right in your newsletter.

  1. Focus on a specific theme

Your newsletter should be centered around a theme that relates to your products or services and is of high interest to your prospects and customers.

Our theme for this Give to Get Marketing newsletter is focused around tips to help you market your business more effectively. That ties in perfectly with what you want, and it ties in perfectly with the marketing products we offer.

Maria’s theme for her Get Organized Now! newsletter is focused around tips to help you get organized. Her products are organizing products – a perfect match.

Someone who sells cosmetics would create a newsletter theme that focuses on beauty and fashion tips.

Get the idea? What would your theme be?

  1. 80% helpful content, 20% promotion

No one wants to receive and read a newsletter filled only with product promotions – and they won’t.

We teach the Give to Get Marketing philosophy – Give your prospects and customers what they want, and you’ll get what you want.

Fill your newsletter with helpful information that your prospects and customers would actually want to read, maybe even look forward to receiving

Of course, you also want to include information about your products and services, so be sure to provide one or two offers in each issue of your newsletter.

80% content, 20% promotion is a good mix.

  1. Deliver it on a regular schedule

You can deliver your newsletter once a month, twice a month, or once a week.

The more frequently you can send out your newsletter to your prospect/customer list, the more effective it will be. You’ll have to decide how often you want to commit to this marketing effort. The important thing is to be consistent.

  1. Ask your readers for feedback

Your newsletter should be written for your subscribers to address their interests – not yours.

To determine if you’re delivering what your subscribers want, ask them. Let them know that you want their feedback and suggestions on how you can improve your newsletter to make it a more valuable resource for them.

  1. Direct your readers back to your web site

The point of all your effort of creating and sending out your newsletter, is to follow up with your prospects and customers to gain their trust and their business. Give to Get.

If your product or service information is on your Web site, then you must direct your subscribers to your Web site in each issue.

You can do that by directing them to an article on your Web site that they may find appealing, or you can guide them directly to your product information pages.

The last thing you want to do, is just send out a newsletter filled with terrific content, and then fail to get the kind of action you need to grow your business.

4 Power Follow-up Ideas to Help Out With Efforts

Wouldn’t it be nice if every time you made a contact with someone you’ve been marketing too, that person ALWAYS said, “Yes, I’d love to purchase your services/products. When can you start?”

That certainly happens sometimes, especially when it’s the prospect who made the initial contact. But when it’s you who has been trying to get someone to purchase, the prospect is not always ready to buy at that moment.

The truth is, people buy when THEY want to buy, and that is not always when YOU want them to buy. Because of this, it is imperative that you keep an organized list of all people who have expressed an interest in your services or products. This way, even if a prospect isn’t interested in buying TODAY, you’ll have many future opportunities to follow-up with them later.

Some people like to keep a paper list, while others would prefer using their computer. My preference is always to use the computer. You can easily make updates, plus you can print out address labels over and over without having to re-write a single thing.

But, of course, that choice is yours. The important thing is that you always keep prospect names, contact info and any important notes on file.

Here are 4 power ideas to help you out in your follow-up efforts:

  1. Follow-up often and use a consistent system

Don’t allow too much time in between prospect contacts, otherwise your prospects will forget about and/or lose interest in your services/products. Every few weeks, or a minimum of once per month, is probably a good rule of thumb.

Only you can determine how many times you should follow-up with each prospect. Some people follow up 12 times, others 8. It really depends on your follow-up skills, the price of your service/product, and if the people you’re following up with are TRULY prospects for your business – that means they have a genuine interest in what you’re selling and can afford to pay for it.

  1. Always have something for your prospects

Calling your prospects and saying nothing more than, “Are you ready to buy yet?” is going just going to annoy them, and probably lose the sale now and for the future.

When you follow up, always OFFER something of interest. Perhaps you might want to alert them to a one-time-only deal, or maybe you want to tell them about a product enhancement, or perhaps you have a new information packet that you would like to send them, etc.

Always contact them with an enticing offer, or useful information that they would be happy to receive.

  1. Use various follow-up methods

You don’t have to always follow-up on the telephone. Perhaps you might send them an article in the mail. You can even send them an e-mail that directs them to your Web site to see something that would be of interest to them.

Or invite them to a special presentation, and follow-up with them in person.

  1. Show them you care

Find out when your prospects’ birthdays are, so you can send them a greeting card on their special day. Send them holiday cards. You might consider sending them a newsletter that includes helpful tips and ideas.

If you know your prospect enjoys golf, you may send him/her a recent golf article you came across. You do this to build a good relationship, and trust.

When your prospect is ready to buy, you’ll be the person who is uppermost in his/her mind.

3 Tips to find the best teacher of a course online job training

Job Training Course Profe Looking for a good online job training course? I’m glad you said yes. Now, what kind of online instructor should be the most appropriate, the most effective, so your best learning experience?

Job training courses multiply fast-paced Internet. More and more courses are offered job training, and more students enroll each time. And while learning a job training course online you can do it without leaving your computer side while still in pajamas, you need a good teacher, an effective online instructor, who has a good deal of practice and preparation.

I invite you to discover your ideal teacher in this article:

To portray your ideal teacher, you must remember that learning online job training course will take your “face to face” with your teacher. Nothing can take the place of seeing your teacher, that smile of satisfaction and approval when he discovers that you can finally understand a difficult concept.

But online learning course online job training can be even more rewarding than learning in a physical classroom, if done well, and a teacher is well prepared to use Internet technologies.

What do you do then, that an effective online teacher?

Good teaching task in a job training course online is effective if it considers the following three main points:

  1. The teacher should be clear in their presentations, and what we expect from you

Since you’re sitting right in front of him, it is very important that your teacher is very clear. He can not see your eyes with wonder, and how to nod your head when you agree with what he teaches. So how can you prove that he is being clear enough?

  • Permanently question asks you to answer him.
  • Evaluate carefully the quality of your answers and tasks, and makes considerations about matching your results with the instructions given to you at first.
  • Ensures that the written material has been reviewed by others before starting the course of training. We check that the manual you have in your hands is perfectly clear.
  1. The teacher will communicate frequently and effectively!

Many times you want the teacher is guiding you’re sitting at your computer every time you send him a question via email. That’s not at all practical and reasonable, and it would be impossible. Therefore, a good teacher will communicate the time frame you will use to answer your questions, which may be in 24 or 48 hours.

And not only be efficient when communicating with the frequency you set. Also communicate effectively. It is perhaps at first, as a student beginner, you will need to “take you by the hand” through every step. And their instructions and suggestions will be a great help for you, and check that your teacher does things well.

A good teacher training course work will know that your questions are not meant to disturb. You just want to be sure that what you are doing, according to his instructions, is properly executed. Therefore, your teacher will understand, even if your questions are very easy to answer for him, or appear unnecessary.

You must not be afraid to ask again and again that you do not understand, even if you’ve already asked several times, because with this data, a good teacher will warn the need to deepen a theme, and establish a list of frequently asked questions to make a proper tutorial for you and other students.

  1. The teacher will let your personality shine when you teach

Surely you do not want a canned content in a manual. Otherwise, you would have bought a manual. Is useless to a person with the title of professor who just read the content. Therefore, when you participate in a training course work online, want your teacher avoid the “easy way” to teach, just posting a bunch of readings.

Appreciate more if your teacher asks questions to answer, and then qualify.

We also find that the teacher has “pasta” good teacher if he:

  • Add some personality and history to present the issues, tasks and communications, even when you try to use humor behind the microphone (do not be so hard on him, it is difficult to remember online mood).
  • Give examples of real life, not just what you learned about it from other “experts”.
  • Create interesting and interactive work to actually help you learn the material.

You know that the best learning, that is, how to be good at something, it takes practice. And a good teacher knows it too, and will implement its methods of communication between you.

In short, if you find a teacher that is clear to maintain close contact with you and that creates an interesting learning experience, please do not let go, and enroll before you run out of places.

Then leave a comment. I help my teaching job, when you’re my student, and help others, for your comments smart stimulate your thinking and will make decisions.

5 Ways to Market

Whoever thought that a little piece of paper could have so much impact on growing your business?

Business cards are rarely used to their full advantage.

Here are 5 simple ideas you can begin to use immediately:

  1. Include an Offer on Your Business Cards

Rather than emulating ninety-percent of the business population, by merely putting your name, address, phone number and a few services on your business card, also include an enticing offer.

Perhaps you have a free report available. Or maybe you have a free sample of your product. You might even have a complimentary kit or package, filled with helpful tips and ideas. Include this offer on your card, and your prospects will have a compelling reason to contact you.

  1. Include Many Ways for People to Contact You

Of course, you should always include your name and phone number on your business card. But you might also include, your snail mail address, your e-mail address, your Web site and your fax number.

Give your prospects many ways to contact you, so they can choose the method that is most comfortable and convenient for them.

  1. Don’t Forget About the Back

If you have something important to say, or something enticing to offer, make use of ALL the space on your business cards–front and back!

  1. Use Your Business Cards in Your Referral System

Give business cards to your customers. Write that customer’s initials on the back of the card and ask him or her to pass your card on to their friends, family and associates.

Tell your customers that when they hand your cards out, the recipients can trade that card in for a free sample, or trial or report, etc. Put a description of that special offer on the back of your card, as we described above. When you get the card back, you’ll know who referred you, and more importantly, who you should thank.

  1. Hand Your Business Cards Out To Everyone

If you’re at a business function, and someone asks what you do for a living, immediately hand them a business card. When you’re at a networking event, trade cards with other business people – even if they’re not direct prospects, they may know someone who is! Include business cards in your sales literature.

Just make sure you apply the above suggestions to your card so you will be handing out a compelling marketing tool, and not just a plain business card, like everyone else.

Have business cards with you at all times, no matter where you are. You just never know when your card is going to get into the hands of someone who is really interested in your products or services.

5 Great Degrees for Online Learning

Some degree programs work better online than others. This has to do with the nature of the work that goes into the degrees. For instance, chemistry classes don’t work well online because professors cannot check the work virtually. Thus you may be stuck on campus if you are getting a degree like that. If you are set on going to school online though, there are some degrees that work really well for distance learning. And of course, we made a list of those for you here so you can know what to look for. We wouldn’t leave you hanging 😉

Here are five great degrees for online learning.

Criminal Justice

Criminal justice degrees can lead to a number of jobs, and they are really easy to go through online you may have trouble learning about forensic science on the internet, but you can definitely learn enough to be a paralegal, police officer, court reporter, or something else along those lines. This is one of the fastest growing training fields online, and it is something you can easily get involved with. All you have to do is find the right school for you.

English or Journalism

Most degrees related to writing are also great online. All you have to do for these is read, write, and discuss information with other students, so why can’t you do that on the internet? There is a reason why English Composition is the most popular online class of any school, campus based or otherwise. It is because people enjoy the ease of getting through English online. If you are planning on becoming a journalism, English teacher, or writer in the future, you might be able to get all the training you need online.


Nursing may not seem like an obvious degree for the internet, but it has become that over the years. Nursing involves dealing with patients in person, but the principles behind the career are all theoretical. In other words, you can learn about it without having to have someone there to guide you through the process. You could take your RN to BSN online, or you could just get a basic degree to start yourself off. As long as you plan on becoming a nurse, you can go to school online.


Mathematics does not require any hands-on training at all, which is why it is so fitting for the internet. You could go to school to become a mathematician and learn just as much or more online compared to the classroom. In fact, some math majors actually prefer the internet because it allows them to explore the ideas in their training even further. If you are planning to get a degree in math, you might as well go to school online.


Marketing degrees are all about learning how to plan a campaign. They don’t require in-person training because the work for the job isn’t very personal. A lot of marketers actually work online, which means that you could condition yourself for the real world by going to school on the web. That’s right – the internet may actually be better for you if you are getting a degree in marketing. That’s just something to think about.

Even though just about any degree can work online, there are some that just seem to work better there than others. Think about what you want to do in life and figure out if that is going to require someone else to train you in person. If not, welcome to the World Wide Web.

7 Low Cost Ideas for Promoting Your Business

You don’t have to empty out your bank account to market and grow your business. Here are seven low-cost ideas to help you increase your sales:

  1. Write articles

Newspapers and magazines are always looking for free, interesting stories and articles that would benefit their readers. You could write articles and submit them to publications for consideration.

Always include contact information at the end of your articles so that people will know how to contact you about your services or products.

  1. Offer to be a speaker

Business and civic organizations are constantly on the lookout for people to speak at their meetings and get togethers. Make yourself available by offering to speak to these groups, for free, about your area of expertise. Pass out contact information to all attendees.

  1. Ask for referrals

Referrals are an excellent way to grow your business. Proactively ask for referrals from happy customers, business acquaintances, friends and family members.

  1. Start a web site

It’s a great time to jump onto the information superhighway and start a Web site for your business. If you’re on a budget, there are many books on the market that will help you design a Web site on your own.

Once you have a Web site, you can use endless free methods to get people to visit your site!

  1. Send press releases

Do you have something to offer that would be newsworthy? Perhaps, you’re offering a free service to the public, or maybe you offered a service to an organization without charging a fee. Newspapers are always looking for interesting tidbits of information for their readers.

When you have something newsworthy, simply type up a press release and send it out to as many newspapers as possible. Be sure to always include contact information when you do so.

  1. Network

Every person knows at least 250 other people. And each of those 250 people, know another 250 people, and so on. This should give you an idea of how important it is to network. Tell everyone you know about your business, and always have business cards on hand to pass along.

  1. Try e-mail marketing

Rather than trying to reach people through the US Mail, you may consider reaching them by e-mail -which is practically free – just the cost of your monthly Internet Service Provider.

Just make sure you build an opt-in list. This means that the people on your list have agreed to allow you to send e-mail to them.

This form of marketing can be very cost effective. You can either send to 1,000 people at $0.39 each using the US Mail, or for practically nothing when you use e-mail!