References in term paper

Student research is not entirely copyrighted — it relies on sources and literature. In the course work it is necessary to specify where the information came from – for this is a list of references.

How to make a list of references for the course

To correctly write a list of references in the course, you must work on it in parallel with the writing of the main text. As soon as you quote a text from some source in the text, add it to the list – it is much easier than later (when the entire text is ready) to remember what was used and look for the necessary publications.

Course work – quite a lengthy study. Although the standard does not define for the list of references how many items it should include, teachers most often require at least 20-25 sources of different types.

Course bibliography usually includes:

  • Regulations.
  • Textbooks and tutorials.
  • Monographs.
  • Abstracts of dissertations.
  • Articles in periodicals (magazines, newspapers).
  • Articles in collections.
  • Electronic sources (sites).

It is important that in the course list of references was given on the topic, which is indicated in the title.

Example 1

If in the course on web programming, dedicated to the creation of the site, there will be textbooks on Assembler, or in the coursework on accounting – textbooks on family law, this will cause many questions for the teacher.

Coursework with a list of references should form a coherent whole, all sources should be referred to in the text.

How to make a list of sources in the course

The list of references begins with a new page, at the top of which is placed the title. You can find such spellings of the title:

  • Bibliography.
  • List of used literature.
  • List of sources used.
  • Literature.
  • Literature and sources.

References in the course should be located in a specific order. There are several approaches to the location of records:

  1. Sources are not divided into types, first indicate the sources on the letter A, then on the letter B and further to the end of the alphabet. At the end are placed sources in foreign languages.
  2. By categories. First, all regulatory acts are written out, then books (monographs, textbooks, manuals, dissertation abstracts), followed by articles (in journals, scientific collections) and the list is completed with electronic sources. Within each of the groups, an alphabetical ordering is performed.
  3. In order of use. Sources are arranged in the order they are mentioned in the text. If several references are made to one source in a term paper, then the first reference affects the number in the list of references.

In 2019, a unified approach to the order of sources was not developed. Each department independently determines how to write a list of references in the course, and indicates this in the training manual. Mixed schemes are also common: for example, first all regulatory legal acts are written out (by legal force, alphabetically or chronologically), and then all other sources without division into types.

References on standards in 2019

Examples of bibliographic descriptions can be found in the 2003 standard. He determines how in the course work should look like each of the elements of the list of references:

  • What parts are included in the description of each type of source.
  • What punctuation marks are divided parts.

In the term paper the list of references can be issued on the above samples.

Example 2

Description of the book, which has one author and is a one-volume edition:

Lattern, V. The impact of computer work on the health of the nation [Text] / V. Lattern. – M .: Biophysiology, 2018. – 172 p.

Example 3

Description of the book, created by a team of authors (one-volume edition):

Cole, A. Frogs in the food chain [Text] / A. Cole, V. Dyer. – SPb .: Reaction, 2017. – 360 p.

Example 4

Description of a multi-volume edition, if only one volume was used:

Kasey, D. Diseases of kittens [Text]. In 3 hours. Part 2. Infectious diseases / D. Kasey. – M .: Zvezda, 2018. – 503 p.

Example 5

Article: Samsen, A. Current Issues in Victimology [Text] / A. Samsen // Sociology and Life. – 2017. – №6 (58). – p. 17-25.

Argumentative essay: how to write correctly

Argumentative essay. How to prepare and what you need to know?

Writing an essay-discourse on a topic chosen by the author gives argument to reason, persuade and convey a certain thought to the reader. The writing is based on thesis statements, which need to be convincingly (argued) with the use of literary works. The conclusion is written at the end.

The basis of the evidence base is the work of art with which the author of the work should be well acquainted. Without knowing the material, it will be difficult to prove anything. The text should reflect the problem, how the writer sees it, how it relates to this issue. The evidence in the essay-discourse on the statements of the writer or the heroes of his work can be cited as a partial citation. You should avoid retelling the text.

Everything goes according to plan

In order not to get confused in one’s own thoughts and to state them correctly, one needs to draw up a detailed plan before starting writing. It must contain:

  • theses;
  • arguments;
  • findings.

The beginning of the argumentative essay can begin with a brief introduction that introduces the reader to the topic. For this, a couple of sentences are enough. After the topic go to the question (problems). In this part of the argumentative essay it is necessary to explain the thought of the writer from a single literary source, which, in your opinion, best reflects the problematic of the topic. The author of the work of reasoning understands the meaning of the writer’s statement in its own way. Therefore, he reflects his understanding of this thought in the form of a thesis.

In the argumentative essay it is important to see exactly your point of view, so you should not pay full attention to the position of the writer. In his work you only find confirmation of your convictions. The validity of your statements are confirmed by literary arguments. They require at least two, preferably with examples. These arguments should be convincing, detailed and fully reflect your point of view in this matter. You can also make arguments, referring to personal experience. Each argument needs to be written from the new paragraph.

The output summarizes all of the above. The conclusion returns the reader to the problem, answers the questions that the author of the essay set himself at the very beginning.

Of course, one should not make grammatical and spelling errors in the text. Distortion of facts, names, dates is also considered unacceptable.

Essay writing techniques

The basic techniques of writing essay-reasoning

Writing in the form of reasoning is an opportunity to convince the reader of a particular issue. How to write an essay-reasoning on the text, as well as to get acquainted with literary techniques, we will describe in this article.

Writing-reasoning involves the presentation of the author of his thoughts on a given topic. In this case, the idea should be concise, competent. To write an essay-reasoning person must be well acquainted with the material in order to skillfully defend their point of view in this matter. The author expresses his position and argues it, gives examples. Before you write an essay, it is important to familiarize yourself with its basic rules.

How to start a writing-reasoning?

The structure of the composition looks like this:

  • thesis;
  • arguments (including examples);
  • findings.

The introductory part should be started with a description of the problem that rises in the text, its relevance, to familiarize the reader with key concepts. The introduction contains abstracts that require evidence, and the position of the author. You can use quotes from works of authoritative sources, if they are directly related to the text. Or start with rhetorical questions that will lead to the disclosure in the essay-reasoning of the meaning of the main topic.

Correctly argue your thoughts

When the thought and judgments are formulated, in the main part we turn to the arguments that the author suggests in order to confirm the theses suggested above. You should not retell the work on which write an essay, it is absolutely useless. Here only your reasoning and point of view are important. The number of induced evidence (arguments) must be at least two. Their main function is to convince the reader. In turn, the arguments must be supported by at least one example for each. These can be examples from fiction, from the lives of famous people or from your personal experience. Consider for writing essay-reasoning examples of expressing the author’s own position. It can begin with the following phrases:

  • “I will give one example …”;
  • “Let us recall the statements …”;
  • “This can be proved as follows …”.
  • “Firstly Secondly”.

Conclusions as thought completion

After the main part go to the conclusion. The conclusion should contain short, but succinct results of all the above stated by you. It should not contradict the above theses and arguments. In conclusion, it is better not to make categorical conclusions, but only to put forward our assumptions and forecasts, encouraging the reader to think independently.

Types of research papers

All students write a large number of written works, including essays. But only a few know the differences between the research paper and the report. In the latter case, we are talking about petty work in which the student copies information from various sources, mainly without analysis. In the research paper, processed information, relevant analysis and conclusions are important. This work is much more complicated and many students prefer to order it from us. After all, we provide the opportunity to communicate with the author directly, which makes it possible to get such a research paper as if you wrote it yourself. In addition, we give a twenty-day guarantee for your work, during which you may request amendments and changes.

To write a research paper yourself, get acquainted with the species into which they are divided based on the tasks:

1) Productive

  • Research paper report
  • Research paper Review

2) Reproductive

  • Research paper
  • Research paper-summary

A reproductive research paper reproduces information from a source, mainly this type is suitable for some technical areas where it is difficult to convey text in your own words. The productive type contains a creative understanding of the source.

A research paper review is written based on several sources. The main thing in this essay is to show various points of view on this issue. In the research paper report, in addition to the analysis of the source, there is also an objective assessment of the problem. The structure of the essay of this kind is different from others.

The research paper contains information in a generalized form. And also it has illustrative material, showing research methods, results and conclusions. And in the research paper-summary there are only the main provisions of the topic.

Based on the topic that you have chosen for your essay, you can decide on its appearance. You just need to determine what should be and what can be omitted in connection with the topic under consideration.

Research paper structure

When writing an essay, it is very important to structure it correctly. Otherwise, inconsistent and illogical storytelling can lower the rating for the work. Indeed, a research paper is a collection and generalization of ready-made material, therefore, in principle, a student is only required to competently structure it and analyze the information.

Most often, the research paper has a completely standard structure: introduction, main part and conclusion. Already in this scheme, various changes can be added. For example, an introduction can be broken down into logical parts, such as, for example, relevance, history, modernity, etc. Similarly, the appearance of other parts may change.

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Standard structuring

Despite the fact that the structure may be different, any research paper should have:

  • Title page. How to formalize it in a classic way, you can read in the article “How to properly draw up a research paper? “. And if your university has a manual on this issue, then it is better to contact her.
  • Table of contents. All sections and paragraphs into which you are going to divide your essay should be written in the table of contents with the page numbers on which they are located.
  • Introduction The introduction can be of any kind, but usually in this part the author reports on the relevance of the topic, identifies goals and sets goals.
  • Main part. Here the author has complete freedom. You can do 2-3 chapters, but you can at least all 10. And they, in turn, can still be divided into paragraphs. The main thing is that the number of chapters is justified by the amount of information.
  • Conclusion Here you need to draw conclusions, but how you decide. It is possible to approve several conclusions thesis or to express some general result with one thought, or you can even come up with your own way.
  • This is the only mandatory part of the essay, which should be drawn up in a certain way. How to do this, read the article “References for research paper”

Little trick

The teacher is also a person. And if research papers are submitted in writing, imagine how much work he needs to check with the whole group. Usually happens how? He reads the first 3-4 works thoughtfully, thoroughly, and the subsequent ones begin to simply scroll through. So if the essay is clearly structured and all the paragraphs with titles that reflect their essence are written in the table of contents, the teacher will see that, like, you organized everything like that – that means that the work is of good quality. Closes – and puts the five.

Help with a history essay?

Help with a history essay?
According to the Brookings Institute, the trust in government reached an all time high in 1958 and a all time low in 2006. Use three specific examples to explain this change over time.

I assume that the all time low is referring to Bush’s presidency, but I’m having trouble figuring out what the all time high would have been in 1958. Any guesses / suggestions on how to write this essay?

Clearly the essay must be cronological. But for the hight in 1958 look at the events of the previous 30 years. During the great depression Roosevelt lead the nation with confidence towards a better future. Rosevelt adressed the nation roughly every few months giving the people a straight-forward and honest review of the nation as well as how the administration was planing to make the nation stronger socially and economically. During the second world war newsreels portrayed american conduct with a bright attitude. Newspapers even went so far as to give troop movements for what was happening in europe and the pacific. Also I must note that the second world war unified the nation by a clearly defined us versus them, any homefront newsreel will give a good example. The newsreels fueled a patriotic spirit in america showing the might of American industry and army, the resolve of its people, and the righteous sacrifice the war was placing upon them.

When the 1950s came around the American economy was the most productive the world had ever seen. The war had effectively left the United States with the only strong factories. Germany, England, & Japan the pre-war giants were bombed to rubble and The Soviets were inefficient and too far behind to compete, this left the world dependant on American goods. With this boom Americans were happy. They had won the War (rationalized as having a superior government), they were the center of manufacture and commerce, and were moving to an even more egalitarian society after Brown v Board. So they were proud and believed the Government was good as they had brought them to this point.

Things in between then and now, The hippies questioning everything and causing a great divide in american society, Lies by the government about the Vietnam was, Nixon conspiring to control the government, Clinton and his misdoings, little progress and incompetent fellings toward the army in the Iraq Conflict. and the feeling of curruption in the American system.

Hope that will start you off well enough. I would write more, however my expertise is in the 1950s.

Presentation to the thesis defense

Thesis is not enough to write; it must also be protected. The requirement of most universities was the preparation of not only the speech, but also the presentation of the graduation project – this allows not to print bulky posters and handouts, at the same time using visual images.

What should be in the presentation to the thesis

The presentation should reflect the content of the thesis, making any new information (compared with the text of the work itself) is unacceptable. A thesis is a volume work that takes 60-80 sheets; it is impossible to place them completely on the presentation slides. When preparing a presentation, it is better to focus not on the thesis itself, but on the speech to it – it is precisely between these elements that the connection is the closest, it is they who form a holistic presentation.

The main parts of the presentation:

  • Title page. In the presentation, it can be made out a little differently than in the printout of the thesis itself, but the basic information for the commission should be reflected on it: the topic of the work, its type (“Graduation qualification work”, “The graduation project”), student and manager data.
  • The purpose, objectives, subject and object of study.
  • Justification of the relevance of the work. It is recorded briefly, not as fully developed as in the introduction.
  • The basic theoretical position of the topic. In the presentation, as in the speech, it is carried out very little from the first chapter. You can put on the slides a few definitions of the most important concepts, or some meaningful scheme.
  • The results of the analysis – tables, charts.
  • Justification of proposals and recommendations.
  • The final slide – “Thank you for your attention.”

The usual presentation volume is about 15 slides.

Presentation of a thesis

If the drawings and posters are prepared strictly, then the presentation gives the student a certain freedom to choose the design. A mandatory requirement is the design in a business style, because the protection of a thesis is a formal event, limited by business etiquette. Tips for the design of the thesis presentation:

  • The presentation template should correspond to the thesis topic. It is preferable to completely abandon the meaningless images in the design (of various ornaments and stripes – floral, technical and geometric). It is enough to accentuate the title of the slide.
  • The background for the presentation is better to choose light (and the font is dark) – this combination is perceived on the big screen more easily than inverse. If the commission will have to peer into the text and suffer in attempts to disassemble it, the performance will cause negative emotions.
  • The font should be large – at least 28 points for the main text and 32 points for headings. This requires a reduction in the amount of text on one slide. You do not need to strive to put the speech in the presentation: the main information should be told, you can put some key points on the slides (as a hint for yourself) or information that is poorly perceived by ear (tables with numerical data, charts, graphs).
  • Do not abuse the text. Everything that can be designed as a scheme should be made that way. This makes the presentation more visual.

A presentation for the protection of a thesis, for example, may contain an organizational (tree) diagram.

  • Presentation programs allow you to add various animation effects and transitions. In a presentation to defend a thesis, they are irrelevant; a sample of a presentation that is comfortable for perception does not contain “manifestation”, “fading”, “departures” and other ways of the appearance and disappearance of slide elements.
  • Scrolling through slides should be done manually, not by timer. It is impossible to predict exactly how long it will take on a particular slide. Scrolling on the projector is carried out either by the remote control, or with the help of an “operator” sitting at the laptop (as a rule, someone from the group’s defendants).

How to prepare a presentation for the protection of the thesis

Presentation preparation is the final stage of work on the thesis. By the time work begins on it, the text should have already been verified and agreed with the supervisor. An exception is the presentation on the pre-defense, which allows you to rehearse the performance.

A few tips on how to make a presentation to the thesis:

  • The main information to be presented in the presentation is contained in the introduction and conclusion of the thesis. They can be supplemented with illustrations from the chapters, but the text itself from these structural elements is sufficient.
  • The presentation is more convenient to prepare in parallel with the speech. This will make in the speech references to the slides, place the slides in a logical order and echoes the speech. Looks ugly when a presentation slide on a speech is not accompanied by verbal comments. It should be borne in mind that if a slide contains a lot of information (it takes a lot of time for consideration), the accompanying speech should be of suitable duration. Otherwise, either the students will not have time to familiarize themselves with the slide, or there will be a pause (which makes an unpleasant impression).
  • A common program for preparing presentations is Microsoft PowerPoint. A similar product exists in the OpenOffice.Org system, but compatibility is not absolute. It is better to clarify what system is installed in the university, and make a presentation in its format, to be sure that nothing will slip. In addition, it is possible to save the presentation in a special format for demonstration: it does not require the installation of special programs on the computer on which the demonstration is performed. You can take a file with you in protection in this format, as well as in a regular, editable one, in case you notice a typo at the last moment and want to correct it.

Footnotes in the research paper

The research paper involves the active use of sources of information (rather than personal research and conclusions of the author). In order to refer to the author and not be accused of plagiarism, you need to correctly make footnotes in the research paper.

In what cases do you need footnotes in the research paper

A study of examples of student work shows that footnotes are not always used in essays. It is necessary to use “bibliographic references”, and their type is at the discretion of the university (or the author). Bibliographic references are:

  • In-text, which are placed inside the text of the document.
  • Subscripts that are located at the bottom of the page (they are called footnotes).
  • Endnotes, which are placed in special callouts.

Often in manuals require the use of in-text links. Footnotes are issued only if your department prefers this option.

The footnotes in the research paper are drawn up not in arbitrary places, but after citation. Quotes can be classified for various reasons:

By appointment:

Quotes with subsequent author interpretation.

Quotations cited as confirmation or as a complement to their own reasoning.

In appearance:

Direct – the author’s words are reproduced verbatim.

Indirect – the thought is paraphrased by the author of the research paper.

After direct quotes, the link is required (and such a quote is enclosed in quotation marks). After indirect – it depends on the depth of processing of the material and the well-known facts.

How to draw up footnotes in the research paper

Footnote registration rules:

  • After the quotation, a small number is placed at the top (footnote number), and at the bottom of the page, under the separating line, this number is repeated with a “decryption” (source description).
  • The source description is made according to a scheme similar to the description scheme in the list of references, but there are differences. The list of described elements is the same, but not all are allowed in footnotes, omitting part of the information. It is necessary to indicate the author, title, place and year of publication – and information about the publisher, the volume of the document, series, etc. can be omitted. In the footnote, it is necessary to indicate the page in the document from which the information was taken so that the incredulous reader could easily find it (without re-reading the entire book).

A little differently than in the bibliographic list, punctuation marks are located in the description. Surnames of authors are not duplicated, all co-authors are indicated before the title.

Repeated links to the same source may be even more concise. If the primary and secondary links are arranged in succession on the same page, the words “Ibid.” Are written in the repeated instead of a full description. If the source is the same and the page is different, the page number is indicated: “Ibid. S. 190. ”

How to make footnotes in the research paper

MS Word in its composition has tools that solve for the author the problem of how to make footnotes in the research paper. For example, in the 2016 version, on the “Links” tab there is a special button – “Insert footnote”.

Using it is very simple:

  1. Set the cursor after the quote – to the place where the footnote should be.
  2. Click “Insert Footnote.”
  3. A footnote is automatically inserted, the cursor itself moves to the description input field.

If you wish, you can configure whether footnotes will be numbered anew on each page or continue throughout the document (on the first page 1, 2, on the second one, either starting from 1, or starting from 3).

By default, footnotes are made in 10 fonts (the same typeface as the main text). This is a standard requirement, but if necessary, the font size and typeface can be changed.

Research methods in the thesis

When you write the introduction of the thesis, you have many tasks. Developing your own methodological base is one of them. It is necessary in order to demonstrate what research methods you used as you wrote your thesis. To write a thesis, the student often lacks the list of empirical and theoretical methods that already exist, and you have to develop your own. This is a rather complicated process, so sometimes it’s easier to just order a thesis from us. Unlike agencies, we do not use intermediaries, therefore prices are much lower.

In order to proceed to the classification of scientific research methods, you must first understand what it is. The scientific method is a set of basic ways of obtaining new knowledge and methods for solving problems in any science. The method includes methods for studying phenomena, systematization, adjustment of new and previously acquired knowledge.

Classification methods

All methods can be divided into two types: special and general scientific. Specials are used only in a particular field of science and are not applied to others. General scientific are subdivided into 3 types: theoretical, experimental and theoretical-empirical, which combine the features of theoretical and experimental methods. These methods are mainly used when writing the practical part of the thesis.

Theoretical methods:

  • The method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete (the object of study is conventionally divided into many parts, analyzed, and then assembled back, according to the results of the analysis);
  • The method of idealization (used to simplify complex tasks; objects are created for it that do not exist in reality);
  • Method of formalization (used to display information in symbolic form).

Experimental methods:

  • Method of observation;
  • Experiment;
  • Comparison;
  • Simulation (building a model of the object, which is investigated).

Empirical-theoretical methods:

  • Method of abstraction;
  • Deduction method (from general to specific);
  • Method of induction (from the particular to the general).

Plan of writing a thesis

The thesis plan for the 2019 academic year must comply with certain requirements. Specific criteria are established by the graduating department, and the general requirements are formulated in the state standard.

Thesis structure

The thesis should contain a set of mandatory elements that set the basic requirements for the plan of its writing. A typical thesis consists of:

  • Title page.
  • Introductions.
  • The main part is divided into chapters.
  • Conclusions
  • List of used sources.
  • Of applications.

The structure of the final qualifying work as a whole does not differ from the structure of other scientific and educational works (which is regulated at the state level), it should only be borne in mind that each part should be quite bulky (the total size of the thesis is about 50-90 pages depending on the specialty and education levels – bachelors write more concise work than masters).

How to make a plan of the thesis

The plan of the thesis is drawn up immediately after the approval of the topic and serves as a kind of target guideline, which generally should be the result. Based on the plan, literary sources are selected, developments and experiments are planned. This allows us not to cover too wide an area, but to build a logical coherent study.

Writing a plan at the very beginning of work on a thesis has a drawback – the student does not know the subject very well (he is just starting to explore it), he does not know which aspects are most important and interesting. In this regard, you can give some tips:

  • Do not forget about your graduate leader. It is not prescribed for purely nominal mention on the title page. A graduate leader with much more experience can help to write a thesis plan correctly, choosing the most promising areas of research.
  • Most of the topics offered at universities are repeated (with minor changes) from year to year. You can search for work graduates of past years and look at their plan. You should not engage in direct plagiarism, but it is quite advisable to use other people’s work as a guideline. You cannot be limited to theses – course and dissertation will do.
  • It does not always work out from the first attempt to correctly draw up a plan for a thesis. There is nothing terrible in the changes: the plan is not approved anywhere, everything is in your hands (you just have to remember to coordinate the changes with the manager so that there are no unpleasant surprises for him).

How to formulate points for a thesis plan

There are a lot of examples of theses on the Internet, but far from all the plans are formulated successfully. It may be useful to study the names of paragraphs in serious scientific literature, or at least in textbooks – they give an idea of how the headlines should sound.

Among the general requirements, we note:

No title should repeat the theme of the thesis.

Example 1

If you are writing on the topic “Improving the efficiency of use of working capital”, then the first chapter can be devoted to theoretical aspects of assessing the efficiency of using working capital, the second – analyzing the current state of the situation in the enterprise, and the third – developing a project for improvement. It looks very tempting to call the third chapter the same as the theme sounds – but then a natural question arises as to why we need the first two chapters at all.

Headings should not be interrogative sentences.

Example 2

It is impossible to name the clause: “How is the accounting organized in the enterprise?”, We need to reformulate this question – for example: “The organization of accounting in the enterprise”. Question headers are valid only for journalism.

All titles should be designed in a scientific style, without the use of colloquial vocabulary.