Introduction to the research paper

A research paper is not as large as a diploma or a term paper, but it is still a scientific work, and for scientific works an introduction is an obligatory element. Therefore, the question is whether an introduction is needed in the research paper, the answer is unequivocal: necessary.

What should be in the introduction of the research paper

We list what you need to write in the introduction of the research paper:

  • Justification of the relevance of the topic. This is an explanation of why it makes sense to research the chosen topic.

Example 1

Most often, the topic for the essay is given by the teacher in a forced manner (at best, providing the opportunity to choose from the list), and the topics do not change for years. Nevertheless, in any topic you can find something interesting and useful.

  • This is what the author of the work plans to achieve as a result of its implementation. To be completely honest, the goal of most research papers is to get a mark on the classification or intermediate certification, but this is not at all what can be written in the introduction of the research paper. The correct goal is to study, analyze, compare, systematize something.
  • Tasks of work. They represent steps towards a goal. Tasks are associated with the points of the research paper plan: each point is a separate task.
  • The object and subject of the study is not necessary (the introduction to the research paper may not include them if the sample issued by the teacher does not have these items).
  • Overview of sources. In this part of the introduction, the research paper should write about the works of which authors were used. It is not necessary to list the entire list of references; it is enough to mention a few of the most significant sources.

Thus, the introduction to the research paper contains the same points as in other scientific works, adjusted for the secondary nature of the work (in this regard, it makes no sense to indicate research methods, scientific novelty).

How to draw up an introduction to the research paper

Introduction of the research paper is written on a separate sheet following the content.

The first line is the heading – “Introduction”.

The design of the introduction as a whole coincides with the design of the rest of the research paper: as the text of the chapters is written, the introduction to the research paper is also written:

  • The introduction page is numbered (usually its number 3: the first is the title page on which the number is not put, the second is the table of contents).
  • The margins of the introduction page are the same as on the other pages.
  • The title is drawn in the same way as the headings of other structural parts of the research paper (center alignment or paragraph indentation can be used, highlighting the title in capital letters is permissible).
  • The text of the introduction is written in the same way as the text of the paragraphs. The standard for research papers is 14 Times New Roman font with one and a half line spacing and indentation of the red line 1.25 cm.
  • The names of the points of introduction do not stand out in bold or italics.

How to start an introduction to the research paper

Many students are faced with the problem of how to start a research paper. Introduction is the first text section (the title page and the table of contents are made using examples or templates, and the introduction requires a creative approach). Let’s give some tips on how to write an introduction to the research paper:

  • Read on the Internet what the introduction looks like in other essays. Even if the topic does not exactly match yours, you can borrow general starting phrases: “In modern conditions, the importance is increasing …”, “In recent years, there has been a trend …”.
  • The first sentences should lead the reader to the relevance of the topic of work, but not yet to describe it. It is necessary to use more general characteristics, to consider a wider field.

Example 2

So, if the essay is devoted to value added tax, you can write several proposals on the taxation system as a whole, and only then move on to the role of the tax in question.

How to make an introduction to the research paper

By studying how the introductions are written in the research paper, one can identify typical phrases, the use of which will facilitate the task. Here are the design patterns that will tell you how to write an introduction to the research paper. Examples of phrases to justify relevance:

  • The interest of researchers in this topic is due to the fact that …
  • The relevance of the topic of work is due to the fact that …
  • The problem … seems relevant in connection with …
  • Questions … play an important role in …

It is even easier to solve the problem of how to write a goal and tasks in the introduction of a research paper. Sample wording:

  • The aim of this work is …
  • The purpose of the essay is …
  • To achieve the goal, it seems necessary to solve the following tasks: …
  • In accordance with the stated goal, the tasks are formulated as follows: …

Moreover, the goal practically repeats the topic of work, and the tasks correspond exactly to the chapters of the essay (each chapter represents a solution to a specific task). To get the wording of the tasks, you need to add the verbs to the titles of the chapters:

  • To study.
  • To systematize.
  • To characterize.
  • To consider.
  • To analyze.
  • To classify.
  • Compare.

When writing an introduction, it is necessary to adhere to a scientific style, using the pronoun “I” and colloquial (slang) words is unacceptable.

How to make an introduction to the research paper easier

There are several secrets to simplify the introduction:

  • Find a thesis or dissertation on a related topic. In these works, relevance is substantiated very qualitatively and voluminously, it will not be difficult to select a few sentences and retell them in your own words (so that the originality of the work when checking for anti-plagiarism is high).
  • Do not rush to write an introduction. After the main part of the work is written, it is much easier to do than at the very beginning. The topic will already be familiar to you, you will be able to come up with your own ideas about what’s interesting in it (perhaps, when selecting material, you will encounter some scientific disputes or information about active changes and transformations of the subject of research). There will be clarity with the tasks and with the sources used.

An example of a report on the protection of the thesis

After you have written your thesis, received all the signatures and prepared everything completely, the last thing remains – protection.

On defense, you must read the report and answer questions from the commission and students.

To make your work a little easier, we offer an example of a report to defend a thesis, as well as recommendations for the presentation.

What does the report consist of?

In essence, the report on protection consists of the introduction and conclusions of your thesis. But first things first.

You build your report as follows:

  • Opening speech. You should greet the commission and its chairman. Be sure to use the word “respected”. Then you introduce yourself and name the topic of your thesis.
  • The content of the work. You read part of the introduction of the thesis: describe the relevance of the work, the object, subject, goals and objectives. Dwell on the problematics.
  • The report should include information on the main sources used, research methods, work structure. Prepare this information, but be prepared to be asked to skip these items.
  • Further you, using the conclusions of the thesis, describe the information and announce the conclusions. You must reveal the essence of the work, without going into details. Use visual materials: video, graphics, slides, drawings. This will add you points when grading.
  • At the end you sum up. Describe whether the goals are achieved. The report should be finished with the words “The report is finished. Thank you for attention”.
  • You will be asked questions, so prepare just in case information that you think might be of interest to the commission.

How to read a report on the protection of the thesis

It is very important not only what you say, but also how. After hearing more than a dozen reports, the commission perceives for the most part a voice, not data.

Speech should be clear, intelligible, concise. Be sure to say so.

Read from the sheet is not recommended. You can pry, but do not stand, buried in a piece of paper.

Do not make long pauses, but it’s not worth jabbering. Share your text evenly. You have about ten minutes. Do not make the report short, as this will create a feeling of insignificance of the study, but it is not necessary to delay. Optimally – 8 minutes.

Use demo materials. Speaking of what you are showing, do not stand a pillar – use a pointer, a pen or, in extreme cases, hand to point to the right place. This gives the impression of confidence and correctness of the speaker.

Be sure to practice reading the report at home. This is especially true for difficult to pronounce terms and turns.

You will be asked questions. Do not be afraid and do not get lost. Try to predict what questions may be and prepare this information. Answer needs to be short and to the point. If you do not know at all what to say, or if you are asked about something that has not been considered, do not be afraid to answer “this question does not concern the topic of my thesis.” It is better if you explain why it does not concern.

Be very polite. Give thanks for each question. After the end of the thesis defense, it is accepted to thank the supervisor for their help and participation, as well as the commission and all those present for their attention.


An example of a report to defend a thesis is easy to find. But writing it correctly is not so easy. If you are unable to write a good thesis report, contact us! Qualified specialists will prepare for you an excellent report according to all requirements!

Review of a scientific article

Undergraduate and graduate students for successful certification publish articles. Although the review should be written by managers or third-party reviewers, they often do not want to spend their time on it, and then the student himself is forced to figure out how to write a review of the article.

Appointment of a review of a scientific article

If an article is scheduled for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, it must be accompanied by a review of a person who has a degree in a specialty related to the subject of the article. This is a kind of “quality mark”. In some journals, a review is required for all articles without exception, in others, only for those written by undergraduate and graduate students (if the author himself has a scientific degree, the review is not requested).

Definition 1

A review is not a fully independent work, but a kind of secondary product created on the basis of the article under review.

To write a competent review, you must:

  • Carefully read the article under review.
  • Find and study a sample of a review of a scientific article (it is better for the journal of the attestation commission, since they place stricter requirements on the reviews, and the quality of such a sample will be higher).
  • Following the example of a review on an article of the attestation commission, make your review (containing an assessment of the article you need).

What should contain a review of a scientific article

In essence, the review is a review. The review can be written on any work – a book, a play, a film. The review of a scientific article has several distinctive features:

  • The style of the review should correspond to the style of the article — be scientific, not artistic.
  • A scientific article is reviewed before publication and contains an opinion on whether to publish it at all.

Although the rules for writing reviews of articles on standards are not defined, there are generally accepted basic components of the review:

  • Thesis analysis of the article. A person who has not read the article should understand what it is, what position the author holds.
  • Evaluation of novelty – is something new proposed in the article, or are the existing points of view systematized, or are others’ surveys repeated.
  • Evaluation of the quality of the content of the article, the depth of research material.
  • Evaluation of compliance with the requirements for registration – the requirements for registration are different for different journals, so the reviewer must take into account where the publication is planned.
  • The present and relevance of the article (and the materials used in it).

Example 1

If an article on jurisprudence (not of a historical nature) is based on legislation that is no longer in force, it will not be of value.

  • The significance of the article for science and practice.
  • Final assessment – whether to publish an article or refuse to publish.

Sample article review plan

The review of the scientific work can be written according to the following plan:

  • Information about the author of the article, its title.
  • Thesis coverage of the article.
  • Evaluation of the relevance of the chosen topic (you can rely on the justification of relevance from the article itself).
  • Assess whether scientific research is meaningful. If their significance is recognized, then specifically – where can be applied in practice, what prospects for further research open up.
  • Opinion on the expediency of accepting an article for publication.
  • Information about the reviewer – surname, name, patronymic, academic degree and academic title, place of work and position.

According to this plan, writing a review of an article in the journal of the attestation commission can be carried out. It is important that the review should be objective, indicating both the strengths of the article and its shortcomings.

Remark 1

If the review does not mention a single negative point, it may cause suspicion either in the reviewer’s bias or in his negligence.

Typical review volume is about 4,000 characters without spaces.

Phrase templates for article reviews

The review of the article (especially the attestation commission) should be stylistically literate. To comply with the scientific style of the text, it is advisable to use such turns:

  1. In this article, the author highlights the problem …
  2. The problem considered by the author …
  3. During the review of the work under review …
  4. Work done at a high level …
  5. The author demonstrated a deep study …
  6. From the reviewed work follows …
  7. The author of the article under review draws conclusions …
  8. This article is an example …
  9. The need to write an article on issues … caused by the state …
  10. The author of the article applied non-standard and innovative research methods …
  11. The position expressed by the author is controversial …
  12. The theoretical significance of the article is that …
  13. The practical significance of the article is due to the fact that …
  14. The author set forth in some detail …
  15. The author rightly notes that …
  16. The list of sources used by the author contains …
  17. The article is recommended for publication in the journal …

A sample of the response of the head of the thesis

Despite the fact that in the process of working on a thesis, the curator is considered the main assistant and adviser to the student, at the end of the process this person will make a review of the thesis. The strength of this document can in no case be diminished, since it, like defensive speech, plays a huge role in the final assessment, and often, based on this document, the attestation commission assesses.

Who should write a review?

Of course, the formation of a review is the direct responsibility of the curator, but it is not uncommon for the student to shoulder this task. Someone explains this by saying that the author is better versed in his work, which means that the feedback provided by him will be able to show it in a more favorable light. Of course, if the curator refuses to write a review with his own hands, then you should not go for confrontation and insist on your own, since the manager may write a bad review and recommend a low rating or simply not accept the work. Nevertheless, even if you agreed to handwritten a review, you should remember that it is necessary to write it from the point of view of the curator, which means that the sample of the review of the head of the thesis is obligatory for familiarization.

Review Content

In essence, a standard sample of the thesis supervisor’s review provides a general description of the project and the recommended grade. As a rule, the review should be brief and concise and take no more than two A4 pages. Despite the small volume, the structure of the review can be divided into three parts:

  1. The introductory part, which indicates the name and surname of the author, the topic of the work, as well as its relevance, key problems and tasks that the author solved during the writing of the thesis.
  2. The main part deals with the individual elements of the project, identifies the main advantages and disadvantages of the thesis, and in general provides a description of the work in terms of its novelty and level of writing.
  3. Conclusion or conclusion, which summarizes all of the above, as well as provides a reasoned justification for the assessment of the thesis in general. In fact, in this part the curator decides whether to allow the student to protect or not.

Naturally, if you are lucky with the curator, and he takes an active part in the process of working on the thesis, then he should give an indicative review and assessment orally no later than six weeks before the defense. This is necessary so that you have time to correct the mistakes made. The final review must be filed in writing for work, and the student may no longer be provided for review. As practice shows, the ideal is the situation in which the curator writes a review of the thesis with the student. In this case, it turns out to be complete and can submit work from the most advantageous side.

Ready review

Despite the fact that the sample of the supervisor’s response to a thesis found on the Internet is not a problem, we strongly discourage you from using ready-made reviews. The fact is that each work, regardless of the topic or specialty, is unique in its own way, which means that the downloaded template will not be able to characterize it fully. Moreover, remember that the other members of the attestation commission will definitely study this review, which means that the risk of identifying a template is extremely high. Based on this, the only acceptable option would be to contact our company. Our authors have extensive experience in writing reviews and reviews for any type of work and projects and guarantee complete uniqueness and individual approach.

Application design in term paper

Term paper along with the mandatory parts may include additional, added at the request of the author. These optional parts include applications.

Why insert the application in the course

Term paper with applications has several advantages over term paper without applications. Examples of cases when applications are useful:

  • The volume exceeds the set. As a rule, managers impose rather specific requirements on the volume of term paper, and the restriction is made both from above and from below (in other words, not only the minimum but also the maximum amount is indicated).

Example 1

Excess volume is regarded as the student’s inability to choose the most important and leads to a decrease in the score. At the same time, there is a loophole for students: the volume of applications is not included in the scope of work, applications can be as large as desired. This allows you to make some extra fragments from the main part, where instead of placing the material itself, you simply make references to applications.

  • In the term paper can be developed a project, build a drawing. Applications allow you to use not only A4 sheets accepted in the main part, but also larger ones. Also in the application is placed the source code of programs (which is typed in a font that is convenient for the perception of the code, and not accepted for regular text Times New Roman).
  • Making a link to the application in the course is appropriate in the event that they fit a large array of “raw” data.

Example 2

For different disciplines, these data may be of a different nature: the results of experimental measurements, financial statements, primary accounting documents, contracts, court rulings. The main part in this case is only a generalization, analysis of these data, and not themselves.

What can be done in the course application

Applications may contain materials that are related to the term paper being done, but which for one reason or another cannot be included in the main part.

You do not need to add to the application materials related to the term paper very distantly related.

Example 3

So, if the term paper is devoted to calculations with suppliers and contractors, the annex may include a contract with the supplier of the analyzed company (to illustrate what conditions for the calculations it contains), the invoice, the act, and similar source documents for work performed, services rendered, invoices for goods.

It seems appropriate and the inclusion of the financial statements of the company, which was used to analyze the financial situation. And the inclusion of an employment contract with employees will naturally raise the question of why it is needed.

Applications may contain:

  • Formulas, intermediate mathematical calculations and proofs.
  • Auxiliary digital data in tabular form.
  • Description of instruments and apparatus used in experiments and trials.
  • Protocols of experiments and tests.
  • Auxiliary illustrations.
  • Techniques and instructions.
  • Acts of implementation.

Application design in the course

The basic requirements for how to properly arrange the application in the course:

  • The rules for the design of applications in the term paper involve the placement of applications after the list of references (at the very end of the course).
  • Be sure to have a link to each application in the course.
  • The order in which you need to specify the application in the course, is determined by the order of their mention in the text.
  • Each application begins with a new page, and it is necessary to sign (headline) all applications in the course.
  • The numbering of applications in the term paper is carried out using capital letters of the alphabet. A common question is whether a single application is numbered in a term paper. It is referred to as “Appendix A”.

Technical issues of application design

Designing applications created (like the main text of the work) using text editors is usually not a problem. Application headers are made in the same heading style as the heading of the course — this allows you to include them in the automatically generated table of contents.

Difficulties arise in how to design applications obtained in finished form. For example, in an enterprise a student may be given copies of financial statements. In this case, there are two ways:

  • Sign at the top of the application header black pen. Use the same pen to number the pages.
  • Scan the available sheets and paste the resulting images into a text editor, after preparing the headings.

Example 4

If the volume of the application is not very large, and the quality of the printout is satisfactory, the second option is preferable – such applications look neater and allow adjustments if necessary. If, however, when scanning and printing the application loses readability, you can use the first method.

An example of research methods in term paper

When writing a course student, one has to formulate many different tasks, goals, objects, objects, methods, etc. We will talk about the latter in more detail. Research methods – this is how you will approach the study of the topic of their work. It is important to correctly formulate research methods, since the assessment of the entire study will depend on it. An example of research methods in the term paper, as well as explanations are given below.

Definition of the “research method”

This is a combination of ways to get new information, knowledge, ways to solve the tasks.

The method also includes systematization, evaluation of new information.

What are the methods

Methods are generally divided into two groups:

  • Theoretical (scientific data processing)
  • Empirical (practical data processing)

We can distinguish the following theoretical methods that you can use:

  • Logical statements – theory
  • Assertion requiring proof – hypothesis
  • Clear statement is law
  • Thoughtful statements – idealization
  • The result of the thinking process is formalization.
  • The study of phenomena – reflection
  • The transition of study from the general to the particular and vice versa – deduction and induction
  • The study of one side of the object in order to identify its properties – abstraction
  • The process of combining objects into groups – classification

The following empirical methods can be distinguished, which you can use:

  • Actions to prove the hypothesis – an experiment
  • The perception of subjects for the purpose of description – observation
  • Quantitative Study – Measurement

There are several other methods that students use when writing papers:

  • The division of the subject into parts for the purpose of general study – analysis
  • Combining individual characteristics to create a solid description – synthesis
  • Creating conclusions about the subject on the basis of similarity with other subjects – analogy
  • Creating an artificial model to demonstrate its functions – modeling

How to choose the right methods for your term paper?

Of all the existing methods, you should choose a few that will be suitable for your research. So what will the choice be based on?

When choosing methods, consider first of all that they must be useful and adequate to the object and subject of work, and also allow to perform the tasks assigned.

Do not use outdated methods. Use more modern.

You need to understand where the research method will lead you. Will he get the desired result?

In the work you will use more than one method. All of them must be interconnected, all must create a whole work, support each other.

You can use examples of research methods in your term paper to see which ones are right for you. Sometimes it happens that a student, without knowing it, studies the subject using a certain method, but does not indicate it in the introduction. After writing the work, review them again and add, if necessary.

You can also use the methodological recommendations of the department to write term papers. It indicates the most used methods. This will help with the wording.

If you have difficulties with the definition of research methods or writing the work as a whole – contact our specialists. They have extensive writing experience and sufficient qualifications to prepare excellent term paper. We will be happy to assist you!

Doctoral dissertation: requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission

The requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for a doctoral dissertation are very stringent. But in the end, the applicant receives the academic title of Doctor of Sciences. It is important not only to conduct a study, but also to do it 100% well. In order for the work to comply with all norms and rules, you will have to try very hard. So, what should the doctoral dissertation on the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission contain?

Work structure

There are no clear requirements for the structure of the work, but usually it looks like this:

  • title page;
  • content;
  • introduction;
  • the main text of the study;
  • conclusion;
  • explanation of terms;
  • bibliography;
  • applications.

Most importantly, follow the logical sequence of chapters.

How to write a work

In order for the work to be properly built, it is important to be able to organize your own thoughts. First you need to clearly articulate the name. After all, the name itself is the first thing that members of the Higher Attestation Commission will hear from the candidate. The name is a guideline for the candidate, and the more accurately it is formulated, the easier it will be to limit the scope of research.

Before conducting a scientific research, it is necessary to carefully study the works of other scientists, because the task of the candidate is to develop new methods for solving the problem. In a word, research must be unique.

Next, we should describe in detail the author’s research methodology, indicate what the result was as a result. The more accurately goals and objectives were identified at the beginning of the work, the more specific will be the conclusion, that is, the result of scientific work. The volume of the whole text, excluding the title page, bibliography, content and applications, should be at least 200 sheets.

The final work should be written in scientific language. At the same time, it should be understood not only by scientists, but also by a wider audience. To make the study easier to perceive, it must be supplemented with diagrams, tables, formulas, graphs.


It is important to state your thoughts logically and consistently. You cannot go far from the topic, the text should contain information strictly on the topic. In addition, the work should be written in your own words, you cannot copy information from other sources. If extracts from sources are found, they should be issued in the form of citations. Probably not worth mentioning that the text should not contain grammatical errors, colloquial expressions.

The main requirement of the Higher Attestation Commission is at least twenty articles published in journals and approved by the Higher Attestation Commission. Without such publications, protection will not be possible. After drawing up the review, it is necessary to correct all the shortcomings and controversial issues that the reviewer highlighted.

Doctoral dissertation is a huge work, and not every candidate as a result of his work receives a degree. It is necessary to spend a lot of time and effort on the development of new methods, carefully study all scientific materials on the topic.

Not everyone can cope with the task, and it is almost impossible to find an artist for such a difficult job. But there is a way out – the specialists of our company have successful experience in writing scientific papers in various fields. Our staff in a short time will compose a unique literate text written in a scientific and accessible language. In the end, a full-fledged doctoral dissertation will be obtained – the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission, the structure of the text, the consistency and consistency of the text will be observed 100%, regardless of the topic and complexity of the work.

How will your language skills help you find a dream job, and what you need to do for this?

If you like foreign languages and dream about a job that will suit your language skills, we suggest you read an article on how to find and get the “same” job.

  1. So, first, combine your knowledge of the language with a specific subject of specialization

If you are going to use the language in a particular field, linguistic education alone can not help: the language must be linked to the knowledge of the subject to be worked on. Adam Marshall, executive director of the British Chamber of Commerce, says: “Many companies view the language as part of a broad base of necessary skills – very few people hire only on the basis of language skills. Purely linguistic education is often considered less valuable than what is combined with other subjects and skills.”

  1. Set career goals in advance

Do not leave such questions at the end of training, when it’s time to submit a resume for work. Darren Paffe, a teacher of Spanish and an employment officer at the University of Southampton, I’m sure that thinking about employment is necessary throughout the training period. Thus, you will clearly see the tasks of the upcoming studies. Adam Marshall adds that “from the very beginning it is necessary to see the potential return on the costs of training.”

  1. “Sell” your experience of studying abroad

The experience of studying in a foreign country will help you to get ahead in the face of other job seekers. “Show what” soft skills “you have acquired during your life abroad: this includes understanding the specifics of intercultural communication, and being independent and adaptable to solving non-standard issues,” suggests Jack Porteus, a language and culture adviser in the UK.

In addition, it is important to show how the skills that helped you speak freely in a foreign language are used in a professional environment. These include multitasking and rapid perception of information.

  1. You do not need to speak as freely as a native speaker

Many employers do not seek to find a person who speaks at the level of the carrier. If there is such an item in the requirements – let it not frighten you! Many employers are enough that you are able to communicate on a specific topic. If they see that you can potentially develop language skills, you will be accepted.

  1. But do not exaggerate your language abilities in the summary

Do not overestimate the level of your knowledge. Marshall believes that honesty is the best policy. If you have the basic knowledge, and you can show them at the interview, but the company gets maximum benefit from you, the language requires additional practice, – report it. The employer your honesty is likely to impress.

  1. And tell me about your experience working with the language

Lizzie Fain, the founder of the thirdyearabroad and globalgraduates programs that help young people find work in international companies, advises: “you probably wrote in the summary of the level of language proficiency. But did they add information that they already worked on this language 5 days a week? And that your language skills helped in attracting new customers? Do not forget to mention this fact. ”

  1. Look for companies focused on the international market

If you are looking for an application for your language skills, consider international companies. In American companies operating in the domestic market, your language is most likely not in demand. “Companies focused on the international market, understand the importance of owning foreign languages and check the relevant skills at the interview stage”.

  1. Look for work on the Internet correctly

Do not drive into the search word “languages” – the choice will be narrow. Conduct research first – what is in demand today? In which area do you need specialists? Where would you like to work? Do not think that the set of your skills is in great demand – see for yourself what business needs. Perhaps the candidacy will be suitable.

  1. Expect the unexpected

Finally, we offer to be ready for unexpected suggestions: language can take you, in the truest sense, very far. For example, Japan is a key player in the export market of the fashion industry. Knowledge of the Japanese language, along with effective communication and other skills and knowledge, can be in demand anywhere in the world. Popular today and the German language: in sales, marketing and even the gaming industry. Be open to new opportunities!

How Does the Temperament Influence the Study of English?

One of the urgent problems of modern pedagogy is the study of the motivational means of influencing the human psyche with the aim of forming certain skills and skills in the conditions of a modified picture of the world.

In our opinion, the operative implementation of pedagogical projects and the solution of methodological problems are possible within the framework of language courses where the structure of instruction is flexible and not limited to curricula, work programs, approved textbooks and selected contingent of pupils of certain age groups and intellectual abilities.

Such a contingent is conventionally referred to as people between the ages of 20 and 40 According to research at this stage of their development, the person activates abstract thinking, integrates the verbal and logical functions of the intellect, and increases the level of creative activity. At the first stage of early adulthood, a person has the ability to self-posing problems, and the second – to solve problems organizational way, in a team with other participants. In addition, the context of solving problems is expanding, and the interests of society as a whole are taken into account.

Along with the awareness of responsibility for their actions, a person has an increased understanding of the contradictions that are solved through the integration of the ideal and reality, and the structuring of the system of correlation between themselves and the surrounding world continues.

As we see, all modifications are related to the requirements of the psychological characteristics of students of language courses.

Thus, the purpose of this study is to prepare a theoretical platform for adapting the immersion method to the cognitive features of members of early adulthood.

The general principles of the immersion method intersect with certain provisions of the immersion method and the direct method of teaching foreign languages (M. Berlitz), namely: the impact on students through suggestion rather than logical conviction, reliance on intuition, imitation, mechanical repetition, verbal speech, material, the use of audio and video materials, careful selection of language material. In order to exclude the use of the native language, the methods of demonstrating objects (concrete vocabulary), mental associations (abstract vocabulary), and examples and visual aids (grammar) are used from the educational process.

At the first stage of early adulthood human attention is distinguished by selectivity, intensity, and mobility. In its development, attention at this stage is ahead of memory and thinking. Stability and concentration of attention in the representatives of early adulthood can provide methods that stimulate active mental activity. It is in this phase of development that a person’s attention is focused on aspects of professional or vital interest. Possessing a “crystallized” intellect, adult students prefer performing tasks that require the use of life experience and a general level of knowledge. Attention in early adulthood is maximally concentrated at the time of assignments requiring the exchange of vital observations.

Given this peculiarity, we propose to conduct classes at an advanced stage of language learning exclusively in the form of a colloquial club with little involvement of new lexical and idiomatic material and correction of some grammatical skills,

not sufficiently learned in the early stages. Thus, linguistic phenomena are not explained in isolation, but are presented purely in the context, inductively. Students formulate their ideas on the basis of the proposed lexical and idiomatic units applied to each topic of the club.

In the period of early adulthood, according to observations of psychologists, human memory is characterized by a certain stability. Against the background of a decline in eidetic memory, there is an increase in the level of verbal memory. It is the first phase of early adulthood that is favorable for the effective assimilation of information by verbal means. The concept of transformational exercises developed by us is based precisely on the multiphase execution of training exercises – independently, in pairs, front. At the same time, the student fulfills the role of both the learner and the instructor, which according to the “educational pyramid” raises the percentage of memorized information to 90%, and ensures the transfer of the fixed information to long-term memory.

The most reliable in the memory of a person is fixed information related to actions, emotional load, a circle of knowledge and interests. Based on this, the mnemotechnics immersion method will include a game episode of each lesson.

In order to strengthen the functions of involuntary memory, we have created, tested and implemented in the educational process a sightseeing club and a cookery club.

From various classifications we selected such types of games and communicative tasks: tic-tac-toe, domino, bingo, board games, e.g. Snakes and Ladder), jigsaw, guesser, collaborative crossword, interview, quiz, Venn diagram, description of pictures, viewing comic videos and their commentary, guessing the heard sounds, “taboo” (guessing the word), jeopardy, “match-up” (finding correspondences), verbal association, expert game.

Several classes at the level we are conducting as part of the students’ role as a guide-guide. We have developed special routes for historical places of the city with text support from the students themselves. The program of the walking tour includes a preliminary stage of memorizing the text by heart (the student is also provided with an audio file), its reproduction during the walk itself, and video recording of speeches.

So, the psychological approach in the immersion method is:

  • Individualization of training (taking into account the temperament and character of an adult student);
  • reliance on instinctive motivation, subconsciously dominant in early adulthood (prevention, endorphinization, socialization, informatization);
  • selection and training of language material that is modern and idiomatic;
  • cognitive features: the specifics of thinking, attention and memory in an adult (incorporation).

Online education how it was and where to go?

Online education as a phenomenon began with the fact that people simply projected the experience from offline and transferred it to the Internet. So there were consultations in Skype, the first webinars, encyclopedic articles. Online was a tool, and no one had the understanding that the distance learning methodology could be different from the academic environment. This applies, in the first place, to professional additional education, where there is a lot of independent and practical work.

Any full-time lesson is a live communication of students among themselves, and the teacher reacts promptly to changes or comments – adjusts the program or lecture on the go. In online practice, the approaches and approaches to group learning are very different from the approaches tested over the years. Therefore, online programs have to be constantly changed or transformed – only so the methodology remains relevant, and students receive knowledge that can apply, and not simply put on the shelf.

This is especially true for asynchronous education, that is, recording sessions where a large amount of materials for self-study is expected. In this case, the materials must be thoroughly worked out. If you give such a material, you need to be sure that everything is built consistently and logically.

Skills, Not Knowledge

On any topic on the Internet you can find tons of materials – I do not want to learn! The value of educational platforms is that they issue strictly necessary information. The issue of cutting off unnecessary – the most acute in the methodical study of programs.

It is not enough to tell a person about something, now in the price of practice and specific real skills. Online education should be integrated. A student should not just watch a webinar, but also practice to consolidate skills, test yourself on a real project. And the purpose of the platform is to help in the search for such a project.

A person of the future is not just learning, but doing it regularly. But if you do not update the product line, do not upgrade knowledge, then students will not return.

Own Technologies

Previously, all online training looked trite: here is a lecturer, he reads from paper, sometimes he drinks water, and we recorded it on video and dumped it on the site, the bay on YouTube. Now new players immediately develop their own LMS – learning management systems. And these systems need to be constantly updated – what worked two years ago is already outdated.

Of course, you can not invest in technology and use what is. Here is an online broadcast via YouTube. And tomorrow the channel was banned and that’s all. Or consultation through Skype, which at one point can simply shut down, and you can not affect it – will not you go kick programmers from Microsoft? It is necessary to develop the project not for the sake of development, but for updating approaches to education.

A look into the future

If we talk about the futuristic future, then I see it like this: a huge amount of information is available to a person. All education is reduced to obtaining a certificate or diploma from a special organization that tests knowledge and applied skills. Do you want to be an engineer? Choose the best institution, but confirm the knowledge in the certified center. Do you dream of becoming a doctor? The marketer? The artist? Learn where you like best. And already certified centers will confirm their skills and will repeatedly check how they have mastered. Probably there will be several such centers around the world. Pass the test, take a diploma and rejoice.

Now every platform issues its own diplomas, which, in fact, just paper. To improve the situation, we have been licensed for several months and from day to day we will be able to issue diplomas of the established type. Of course, this is extra red tape, but so the student will receive confirmation of the received skill.

Perhaps, everything will be completely different, but it seems to me that educational platforms should work in these directions:

  • skills, not knowledge;
  • training support;
  • assistance in finding a job;
  • Confirmation of skills.

And most importantly – that the training was useful for your students.