Recent Developments in Marxist Theories of Ideology – Part 1

Recent Developments in Marxist Theories of Ideology – Part 1

Recent Developments in Marxist Theories of Ideology – Part 2

Recent Developments in Marxist Theories of Ideology – Part 3

Recent Developments in Marxist Theories of Ideology – Part 4

Recent Developments in Marxist Theories of Ideology – Part 5

Recent Developments in Marxist Theories of Ideology – Part 6


Discussion of Althusser’s essay, “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses” (1971) has filled the introductory sections of recent Marxist works on ideology. Despite its provisional and underdeveloped character, this essay has served as both a starting place from which to expand and as the position necessary to criticize in order to break new theoretical ground. Aronowitz recently claimed that Althusser’s theory of ideology “is the most advanced point historical materialism has been able to arrive at in the search for a theory adequate to its object: late capitalist society” (1982:120). It has the potential for overcoming the central inadequacies of Marxist theory concerning issues of working class complacency; the failures of existing socialism; the rise of nationalist and religious movements; and the continuing problems of race, sex, and ecology (Aronowitz, 1982:9–12, 68–69, 120–121).

As a primary point of theoretical departure, Althusser’s theory has received increasing amounts of criticism (which we will elaborate in the following sections). In general, the theory is marred by a stagnant functionalism, which overstates the unity of ideology and conceptually displaces subjection to counter-hegemonic ideologies and resulting ideological struggles. It tends to reduce ideologies of race, sex, and nation to class ideologies and does not come to grips with social relations outside of production or the state. The question remains whether the theory’s potential can be reached by expanding it to incorporate new concepts which overcome its limitations or whether the basic conceptual framework should be gutted, saving only those specific concepts which have proven useful.



The key question, which introduces Althusser’s discussion of ideology, is “how is the reproduction of the relations of production secured?”


Critical Sociology

(1971:128). He notes that for this to occur two separate conditions must be met: (1) skills and knowledge required for specific positions in the technical division of labor must be reproduced and (2) the submission of laborers to the “rules of the established order” (1971:127) must also be reproduced.

The answer Althusser provides to this question is that “the legal-political and ideological superstructure” reproduces the relations of production (1971:141). He retains the base/superstructure analogy since it allows him to represent the relative autonomy and reciprocal effectivity of the three different levels or instances in a social formation (economic, political, ideological), while maintaining the determination in the last instance of the economic base. Two components of Althusser’s essay have influenced all subsequent Marxist discussion about ideology: 1) his theory of the microstructure of ideology based on the “creation of subjects” and 2) his analysis of the “Ideological State Apparatuses” (ISAs). Our emphasis is on the former though we will touch upon ISAs. A full investigation of ISAs would require elaboration of Althusser’s theory of the state which is not our subject (and which we find to be a problematic concept).

Althusser begins his discussion of ideology by making a distinction between “ideology in general” and “particular ideologies” (1971:150). The study of particular ideologies is necessarily historical and thus cannot take place outside the context of concrete social formations. Populist ideologies, for example, have in different times and places been associated with fascism, socialism, and competitive capitalism. According to Althusser these particular ideologies always express class position, regardless of their form (1971:150). Althusser’s project is to develop a theory of ideology in general, which he argues “has no history” (1971:151). Ideology in general is an omnihistorical reality defined by its structure and function in the same manner as is Freud’s concept of the unconscious. Ideology in general functions to reproduce the conditions of production. This is done through interrelating subjects such that they come to represent their real conditions of existence to themselves in an imaginary form. This form allows subjects to make sense of their particular lived experiences by making existing social relations seem universal, timeless, and natural (taken-for-granted). The object of ideology is lived experience. Althusser contrasts ideology with science whose object is the structures and patterns of experiences. Scientific practice produces theoretical knowledge while ideological practice only provides “know-how,” that is, practical knowledge and common sense.


Constituting Subjects

The constitution of subjects occurs through interpellation. Interpellation is a process of “hailing” that precedes the birth of the individual (one is born with a name, sex, family, and so on) and continues throughout one’s lifetime (1971:165). Each individual is “always already” a subject who comes to recognize oneself through various ritual practices (such as naming, greeting, praying, voting, etc.) as concrete, distinguishable, and irreplaceable. This recognition, which transforms all individuals into subjects, is the concrete condition for the individuals’ misrecognition of one’s real conditions of existence (or, which is the same thing, the recognition of an imaginary relation to those real relations). Thus, the process of interpellation is a dual process of recognition-misrecognition constitutive of individuals as subjects. The recognition by the individual subject of imaginary relations of harmony, freedom, and individual efficacy entails the simultaneous misrecognition of relations of conflict and exploitation, which characterizes all class societies.

The term subject, in ordinary usage, has a dual meaning. It means 1) a free subjectivity, an independent center of initiatives, author of and responsible for one’s actions and 2) a subjected being, who submits to a higher authority and is therefore stripped of all freedom. The constitution of subjects is always and necessarily relational since it presupposes the existence of a unique “Other Subject” in relation to whom subjects are defined. We are following Althusser in using Subject with a capital “S” to refer to the defining subject and subject with a small “s” to refer to ordinary, constituted subjects.

The “Subject-subject” relation is both symbiotic and asymmetrical. The existence of the Subject is predicated on the constitution of subjects just as the existence of subjects depends on their relation to the Subject. But the relation is asymmetrical in that being a subject through the Subject entails a relation of dominance-subjection in that a subject can only become such by being subjected to the Subject (1971:167). Althusser takes religious ideology as an example, in which “God” is the Subject through which religious subjects are constituted. The relation “Subject-subject” exists within each ideological region (juridical-political, familial, educational, religious, etc.).

Ideology constitutes individuals who will more or less submit to the existing order. The manner in which this subjection is accomplished varies in different types of social formations. In some social formations, individuals may be aware of their subjection but accept it as legitimate or at least inescapable. In capitalist social formations, the emphasis given to the individual as subject in the first sense obscures subjection as subject in the second sense; the individual perceives submission as freely chosen. Hence lies the power of ideology in capitalist social formations: the production of subjects whose imaginary relation to real relations is that of initiators of action. The consequence of subjection is thus the “free” choice of continued subjection. This is the material precondition of the reproduction of capitalist relations of production. We find the most obvious example of this ideology in the fundamental assumption of individual choice in neoclassical economics, where, for instance, the unemployed are seen as choosing leisure over wages.

The consequence of subjection for individual subjects is the guarantee that everything is as it seems to be. Thus, the constitution of individuals as subjects results in the outcome of “subjection-guarantee.” The outcome of this process is that the individual’s imaginary relation to real relations will be materially reproduced.

Cheap healthy meals for college students

Lunch ideas for college students

Eggplant fried in batter

Eggplant fried in batter – this is a great opportunity to quickly and easily make lunch, side dish to meat or fish dishes, ingredient for salads, or a delicious snack.

Cutlets from zucchini

Recipe of cutlets from zucchini to help each owner, which of these zucchini are a dime a dozen. Juicy, thanks to the zucchini, but spicy and flavorful thanks to the fennel and garlic, chicken is a great dish for dinner.

Baked tomatoes

Instead of the usual vegetable slicing serve baked tomatoes is a great side dish and appetizer. They are prepared with thyme and Basil. Recipe baked tomatoes I bought from Sunny Italy.

Scrambled eggs with asparagus

Scrambled eggs with asparagus – a great Breakfast. Asparagus contains minerals and vitamins, and eggs will give you energy for the whole day. Tell and show how to make an omelet with asparagus!

Pilaf in a hurry

Pilaf hastily hereby will not name, but it is also a pilaf on the composition of the ingredients. And the taste is, in General, very close. Recipe pilaf in a hurry helps when there’s no time.

Soup in a hurry

Yeah, don’t be surprised, it is possible – indeed, soup can be cooked in haste. And very tasty the soup turns out, believe me!

Fried pies in a hurry

Delicious homemade pies are made very quickly. Recipe for very busy or for those who like to eat but lazy to cook.

Peasant soup in a hurry

Delicious and easy soup, very inexpensive and prepared quickly. Peasant – because there was no meat and lots of vegetables. Prepare peasant soup in a hurry!

Fast meals for college students

Buns in a hurry

Quick, fragrant and delicious buns for tea. Fill your home with the smell of cinnamon, the coziness and calmness. Recipe buns whip up a very simple and clear – so that everyone will understand.

Meat pie from scratch

Delicious and rich cake will be enjoyed by all, especially men. And most importantly, preparing this meat pie from scratch – you don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort into its preparation.

Chops in a hurry

Juicy and tender chicken dinner for half an hour. Virtually no effort and tasty dish on the table. Tell how to make cutlets in a hurry!

Hodgepodge in a hurry

A delicious and hearty soup is especially good in winter when you need a lot of calories. And this soup goes well after a big party. Give the recipe of the soup in a hurry!

Cheese cake in haste

Guests at the door or in the mood for something tasty and unusual? Prepare a delicious and hearty cheesecake in haste. It’s easy.

Cheese cakes in a hurry

These pancakes is perfect for a quick Breakfast or for finicky kids who don’t like to eat cheese. Hot and fragrant cheese cakes in a hurry to eat everything!

Climbing in haste

When cooking time quite a bit, and I want to cook something non-traditional cook lasagna whip up this recipe. Unusual, tasty and fast!

Pilaf with ground beef

Of course, this recipe cannot be considered “classic”, but the pilaf with meat that doesn’t make it less tasty. The main thing is to cook it! Read the recipe of the pilaf with ground beef with step by step photos!

Pilaf with stewed meat

Well, of course, “risotto” it proudly said, but the dish still turned out tasty. A simple recipe pilaf with stewed meat – for those who longs for romance tours and overnight stays under the open sky.

Salad with garlic and chicken

This delicious and hearty salad is in fact not so much “weight” calories here though, but not too much. So a simple salad recipe with garlic and chicken should be of interest to all who are watching their figure!

Quick pancakes

Tell you how to cook the pancakes. Step-by-step photos will help you to understand the cooking this fabulous Breakfast even for a beginner. Read and cook.

Cheese cakes in a hurry

Cheese scones whip up a delicious and hearty addition to tea. Cook them, and your Breakfast will be much brighter and happier Fortunately they are prepared very simply and quickly.

College meal ideas

Mashed cauliflower

Mashed cauliflower is a bit spicy, then add some garlic. Will go perfectly as a side dish to every hot meal, like meat and fish.

Beets with pickled cucumber

Beet salad and pickle – the perfect complement to your main dish. It is also possible to cook as a separate meal and eat with black bread.

Pizza A Minute

Pizza “Minute” is a great dish for bachelors, students and lazy pizzas are Prepared “a Minute” literally in a jiffy, but the taste hardly distinguish from ordinary pizza. The simplest recipe.

Fast pizza

Quick pizza recipe for those who love pizza but are too lazy to cook it all the rules of Italian cuisine. Simplify the recipe to outrageous, but still get delicious and yummy pizza

Pizza in the pan

Tasty, juicy pizza in a pan in 10 minutes – a perfect dish for lunch or dinner in a hurry. Simple recipe for pizza in a pan is especially good for beginners.

Sausage pizza

The recipe of pizza with sausage. Pizza turns out quite rich and very tasty.

Pizza with tomatoes and sausage

Recipes cooking pizza is a huge variety. Pizza with added tomatoes gets a special sour taste, due to the special flavor of the tomatoes.

Pizza Favorite

Pizza “Favorite” – it’s very impressive, honey and delicious pizza that is well suited for a romantic dinner (for example, in honor of February 14 – Valentine’s day). And beautiful, and very tasty.

Sausages in the microwave

Cook sausage just. But if a little to complicate this commonplace process to cook sausages in the microwave? Let’s try. The recipe for those occasions when the hand – just a microwave.

Sausage rolls in the oven

Sausage rolls in the oven I bought in the school canteen, and indeed before the hot dog could be bought on every corner. For children it was a real treat. Make them in the oven!

Stewed cabbage with sausage

Stewed cabbage with sausages – a very simple dish, but in the German style. If lying around in the fridge sausage and cabbage – take a recipe and feed the family a delicious dish!

The pasta in the oven

The pasta in the oven – a delicious recipe with lots of cheese. But the dish is not vegetarian, as we use pork rinds. The pasta in the oven turn out hearty, beautiful and delicious.

Pasta with meat

How to cook pasta with meat tasty and aesthetically pleasing – this will tell you step-by-step recipe with photos. The pasta will cook with mince in a tomato sauce. Yum!

Pasta with mushrooms

A classic recipe of pasta with mushrooms maybe it does not exist, every woman prepares this dish on its own. I want to tell you like pasta with mushrooms I cook!

Fried pasta

Fried pasta is a delicious culinary stuff, which is quite easy and requires no effort. Fried pasta is for pasta lovers who want to try something new!

Rice and beans

Rice and beans – a dish that can be prepared in minutes. Besides, it was rich and delicious. Great for dinner in working days. You can cook it with “yesterday’s” rice.

Meatballs with peppers

Meatballs with bell peppers you can cook for the whole family for a few days. Soft and chewy with a fragrant paprika and potato

Fried potatoes with garlic

Life situations lead to a dead end when you don’t know what I want – love or fried potatoes Love – it is capricious, it may have to wait, but the potatoes to fry you in half an hour!

Healthy grocery list for college students

For the vast majority of meals you only need:

  • Large can of corn;
  • A head of fresh cabbage;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • Large green Apple;
  • Herbs, salt;
  • Sour cream or light mayonnaise.
  • Fresh cabbage;
  • Small cucumber;
  • Jar of corn;
  • Greens;
  • 200 grams of sausage and even boiled, even smoked;
  • Mayonnaise

Pancakes with apples

Sometimes in the afternoon or Saturday-Sunday brunch wants something sweet, dough, and so good to eat. This dish for me are the pancakes. Especially pancakes with caramel apples.

Chops with tomatoes

Chops with tomatoes

Your attention – a classic recipe of chops with tomatoes. Chops to be tender, rich and juicy, thanks to the tomatoes. Never scorch. Great recipe!

Tomatoes with egg and cheese

Recipe of tomato with egg and cheese will come in handy if you are looking for economical and easy appetizer for the holiday table. The minimum efforts and ingredients and very tasty a tasty snack ready.

Sausages in the microwave

Sausages in the microwave – prepared elementary thing to deal with which is able. A great option for lightning fast cooking a full meal.

Chicken slices in batter

Crispy chicken fingers will please everyone from young to old. This dish is perfect for a family dinner or friendly get-togethers around the TV. To match your favorite sauce.


The present work was an analysis of two important English grammatical categories: tense and aspect. I tried to formulate the history of the development of these categories and systematize the knowledge about them and their main elements that are used for expressing tenses and aspects – the Past Tense and Past Participle of the regular and irregular verbs.

Also in this work I indicated the tendency to increasing the number of regular, and, accordingly, the reduction of irregular verbs in Modern English. I also tried to divide the most common patterns of irregular verbs’ conjugation into 13 groups according to their past forms and Participles. The term “aspect” and its peculiarities were described in the last chapter.

Appendixes attached show the frequency of the usage of English verbs and of irregular verbs patterns.

The system of the English verbs has been in existence for centuries and it is still developing now. The number of verbs in English increased by 20 times and it is still growing. Now there are more than million words in English lexis, and the number of verbs is enormous, too. That is why the examination of the system of the verbs is important in modern linguistics.

Appendix 1.

The most common lexical (notional) verbs in Modern English

and the frequency of their usage

according Saakyan [3]

Appendix 2.

List of Irregular verbs

Group 1. Verbs that have the same form in Infinitive, Past Tense and Past Participle.

burst burst burst
cast cast cast
сost сost сost
cut cut cut
hit hit hit
hurt hurt hurt
let let let
put put put
read read read
set set set
shed shed shed
shut shut shut
split split split
spread spread spread

 Group 2. The Past Tense and Past Participle forms are composed with the help of the flexion “-ought”.

bring brought brought
buy bought bought
catch caught caught
fight fought fought
seek sought sought
teach taught taught
think thought thought

 Group 3. The final consonant “-d” in the stem changes into “-t” in both forms.

bend bent bent
lend lent lent
spend spent spent
send sent sent

 Group 4. The root vowel “-i-“ changes into diphthong “-ou-”.

bind bound bound
find found found
grind ground ground
wind wound wound

 Group 5. The root vowel before “-ng” changes into “-u-“.

cling clung clung
dig dug dug
fling flung flung
hang hung hung
sting stung stung
swing swung swung

Group 6. The long [i:] changes into the short [e].

bleed bled bled
breed bred bred
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
flee fled fled
keep kept kept
kneel knelt knelt
lead led led
leave left left
sleep slept slept
speed sped sped
sweep swept swept
weep wept wept

 Group 7. The verbs save their vowel but accept the consonant “-t” at the end of the stem.

burn burnt burnt
deal dealt dealt
dwell dwelt dwelt
hear heard heard
learn learnt learnt
lean leant leant
leap leapt leapt
mean meant meant
smell smelt smelt
spell spelt spelt
spill spilt spilt

 Group 8. The Past Simple and Participle II forms do not obey the principles of the Groups 1-7, but they still coincide.

lose lost lost
meet met met
get got got
have had had
lay laid laid
light lit lit
make made made
pay paid paid
say said said
sell sold sold
tell told told
shine shone shone
shoot Shot shot
sit sat sat
spit spat spat
stand stood stood
stick stuck stuck
strike struck struck
slide slid slid
win won won

 Group 9. One of the forms coincides with the infinitive.

become became become
come came come
run ran run
beat beat beaten

Group 10. The root vowels change according to the pattern:

“-i- > -a- > -u-“.

begin began begun
drink drank drunk
spring sprang sprung
ring rang rung
swim swam swum
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
shrink shrank shrunk
spin span spun

Group 11. In the Past Simple form the verb changes the root vowel. Participle II has “-n-“ at the end of the stem.

bear bore born
blow blew blown
draw drew drown
fly flew flown
grow grew grown
know knew known
saw sawed sawn
see saw seen
shave shaved shaven
show showed shown
sow sowed sown
wear wore worn
throw threw thrown
swell swelled swollen
swear swore sworn

 Group 12. The Past Simple form does not coincide with the infinitive and with the Participle II. Participle II has “-en-“ at the end of the stem; its root vowel coincides with the infinitive’s root vowel.

arise arose arisen
bite bit bitten
break broke broken
choose chose chosen
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
forbid forbade forbidden
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
freeze froze frozen
give gave given
ride rode ridden
shake shook shaken
speak spoke spoken
strive strove striven
take took taken
wake woke waken
write wrote written

 Group 13. The Past Simple and Participle II forms do not obey the principles of any patterns.

be was been
do did done
go went gone
lie lay lain

Appendix 3.

The division of irregular verbs.

 On the diagrams below we can see the frequency of patterns used for creating the past forms of the irregular verbs. The Groups mentioned are pointed in Appendix 2

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Reading improves spelling

English spelling is full of mysteries and surprises. The spelling of many words defies logic: you just have to remember. And the best way to do this is to read more English literature to the images of words have been stored in memory.

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Pick the adapted books in English for your level (a list of recommended books for levels A2-C1 see later in the article). Choose works on forces: start with short stories, gradually moving to larger literary forms.

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Interesting fact: the famous children’s author Dr. Seuss, which were discussed earlier in our article, wrote his best book (“The cat in the Hat”), using only 220 words. This list of children’s first words, the publisher ordered the author to use them in his work: everything to earn the love of the target audience!

As children’s literature, comics is a great way to start reading in an unfamiliar language. There are many genres of comics: is comics for kids, for adults, entertaining and educational.

One of the proven and effective methods of mastering a new language, recommended by many polyglots read the target language books, already familiar in translation. The same applies to the film adaptations: useful to read scripts, watched movies. Advantages: the context is known, the plot is clear, the meaning of the new words guess the course of the narrative.

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Сontext is king (context is king)! If you grasped the main idea of the narrative, that is enough. Moreover, if you understand all the read most likely, you took the book too low level for myself. Try to find these books, were familiar will be about 70% of the vocabulary (the rest will have to write and learn).

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When reading English, listen to audiobooks

Learning English in which the same combination of letters can be sounded a dozen different ways, it is very important to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of new words. We already wrote about format book + audiobook: reading English book, you hear it in the audio version, voiced by native English speakers. Very useful for learning pronunciation!

How many hours to study for exam

No matter what you are a student, the student who is diligently preparing for each seminar, or a funny little guy who lives on the principle “and so will ride”. At the beginning, ask yourself: “how much free time do you have in college?” and “how long should you study for a test?”. In any case, the word “session” your heart will loudly be given somewhere in the region of potatoes with ketchup.

As a rule, the exam questions you have a month before the test date. During the first week of this month you will be visited by thoughts like: “maybe to teach something?”, “We need to start to prepare, the time will pass quickly”, etc. And in response to your lazy alter ego says, “well, we will finish it, and now you can still do other things”.

How many hours to study for exam

Approximately 8-9 days before the exam you start the countdown. “8? Great, a lot!”. “7? Week? All the time”. “6? At the time!”. “5? What a beautiful number”. “4? So, start learning. Or no, do not start too early”. “3? So, an urgent cry to all his friends on his bitter share. Yes, still have some status cool to post about the session”.

Two days before delivery. You try to remember where you threw the exam questions, and notebook lectures so out of place lost. At 8 PM you with high expectations will begin to look for answers in the Almighty Google. At 12 at night will realize that 40% of the questions you haven’t found a decent answer, but your permanent desire to sleep will take you over the top. By the way, before I go to sleep, carefully, you will convince yourself that tomorrow you will Wake up at 7 in the morning until night so you can teach.

One day before the exam. Morning (in spite of your bright dreams) starts in 11 hours. This is the best day for the whole month. Today you leave the “fresh air”, have been listening to a few albums in the player, pestering phone calls and texts all their friends in other words, do whatever you want, just not to start to prepare. About 7 o’clock in the evening, you understand what to pull on anymore. Frantically fall into the arms of books, notes and the Internet, for every hour you spend in class check social media and noticing at least one classmate, feel the universal happiness. At 4 am, you realize that sleep is useless.

Yesterday I went to bed very late, got up early, yesterday I went to bed very late, I barely slept. I probably the morning had to go to the doctor, and now takes me where I don’t want to.

How to get interest in studies

Prostrate come to the exam, pull a ticket, trying to get out of my head random, school, or a hastily rehearsed last night the knowledge. Going to answer, pass, receive a score, sometimes even very good.

Get home, meet the long-awaited Morpheus, sleep 5-6-7 (underline) hours, wakes up with mixed feelings: where am I, what am I, why am I?

The head should be a thought: “I passed, I got over it, I’m good!” (the analogy with the well-known anecdote about the crow), but you know what just tired. As it should be:

Begin to prepare in advance

To save your nerves (which you are, believe me, more useful) to start the preparation required 2 weeks before the exam. Before starting to teach, it is best to view all the questions and find similarities between them: experience shows that about 20% of the questions are very similar, so the answer to one of them without any consequences “pull” to another.

Write a crib is not just possible, but necessary. Not ready to download from the Internet, namely to write by hand, just like old times. When you are trying to fit on a small piece of paper, 3 pages of printed text, you learn how to choose important. But to use cheat sheets in the exam is optional. And why, after all your mechanical memory is functioning perfectly, and you will read the response without prompts.

Probability theory vs Murphy’s Law

Of course, if you have not learned 2 questions out of 70, according to the theory of probability, chances are good that these questions are in the exam you will come across. But we must not forget about Murphy’s law. The moral: if you are unable to learn all the issues, you should at least read them. Will be very upset if you get exactly the job that you decided to skip, right?

How to study all day

If you have carefully prepared all the preceding days, the day before exam it is better to arrange a well-deserved rest. Spend time to study in nature, meet with friends, read a favorite childhood book in short, get something good. Sleep is also better to go early: you need to sleep well and relax to conquer the “test top”.

How to study for long hours with concentration? The important role played by your mental approach to the exam. Be confident! Smile during the response do not hide your eyes, and try to look into the eyes of the teacher. Watch the hands, they very often give excitement. If you twirl something in your hand or nervously interlock them with each other, it is better to hide the hand under the Desk. Most importantly always keep in mind the idea that you can handle. How could it be otherwise?

How to improve spelling skills

Thanks to the popularity of the online correspondence, you can safely call our time the “era of spelling discoveries.” We’re so anxious to convey to the interlocutor their ideas that completely forget about spelling and sometimes invent new words. This approach can play a cruel joke with you, especially if you are writing a business letter. As they say, the Word helps those who help themselves. In this article we will tell you how to learn the spelling of English words and begin to write competently competent.

How to easily remember the spelling of English words: rules and whether to write correctly in this age of computer technology? But what we think about him? It seems that on the other side of the screen sits a frivolous person. Agree, I would not want to make such an impression on foreign colleague or friend. And sometimes mistakes make a real splash in the network, you can read about it in the article “12 memes in English with hilarious mistakes.” So if you don’t want to see your own pearl in this compilation, listen to our advice.

I want to note that spelling is difficult even for native speakers. That is why in America there are various competitions that are designed to test the literacy of people, such as Spelling bee. This is a competition in which people are called different words, and they must pronounce them letter by letter. Who made the mistake, he is eliminated. At each stage of the competition are given increasingly difficult words until there is one winner. For the first time the competition was held back in 1925 and since then its popularity. Now Spelling bee is conducted in different countries of the world.

Now let’s see what errors we have to fight. According to research conducted in the UK, most spelling errors can be attributed to the following 4 groups:

A 6% error in the suffixes -ful and -ly, for example: beautiful is beautiful, successfully is successfully;

20% is the omission of letters, for example: instead of the restaurant, restarant, goverment instead of the government;

A 28% error in homophones, i.e. words that sound the same but are written differently, for example: no instead of know, to instead of two;

42% other errors – mostly people change the letter places (beleive instead of believe) and forgetting to double the consonant (corect is correct).

Spelling strategies

The Huffington Post published an interesting article about the spelling of the English language. The authors argue that there are important rules of spelling, knowledge of which will help you to write competently.

In English there is a simple rule: I before E except after C. That is, in most cases, we write the combination of letters ie, for example: believe, piece, chief, achieve, friend.

And after the letter C we write ei: receive, deceive, ceiling, receipt, deceive.

Exception: efficient, foreigner, height.

Rule #2 -e at the end of words

If the suffix begins in a vowel, silent -e at the end of the word drops: write + ing writing, dance + ing dancing, translate + or translator, please + ure pleasure.

If the suffix starts in a consonant, -e remains in place: white + ness whiteness, use + ful useful, state + ment statement, care + ful careful.

The exceptions: true + ly truly, notice + able noticeable.

Rule #3 -y at the end of words

If the word ends in a consonant and -y when adding a suffix should replace the -y into -i: party + es parties pity + ful pitiful, happy + ness happiness, defy + ance defiance.

However, if we add -ing, y is retained: try + ing trying, cry crying, copy + ing copying study + ing studying.

If the verb ends in a shock syllable with a short vowel, which stands between two consonants, the final consonant letter is doubled when adding -ing: plan – planning begin – beginning, swim – swimming.

How to improve spelling words in English: simple tips

Learn basic rules of reading

Rules of reading the English language should definitely know, to understand what the letters how it is pronounced. Learning to spell better will be definitely useful. For example, you will know that s can be pronounced like z when between vowels, so think about it, to write noze or still nose.

Learn the rules of the use of unpronounceable letters

Silent letters (silent letters) the trap into which fall almost all learners of English: so I want to write iland instead of island or foreign instead of foreign. Such words in which the letter is written but not pronounced, in English quite a lot. Fortunately, there are certain General rules of their use that make your life easier, here is something we offer to learn.

Engage with special tutorial to help with spelling

Textbooks on spelling is not the most popular benefits, and they are not always easy to find. However, if you are constantly business correspondence and feel that I need to bring up spelling, is to teach according to this manual.

List of writing strategies

“The Complete Guide to English Spelling Rules” by John Fulford is a good compilation of the rules of spelling of the English language without practical exercises.

“The Essential Guide to Spelling, Style, Usage, Grammar and Punctuation” by Anne Stilman the rules of spelling compound words with tests to check understanding of the material.

Use the spell checker

Such services are key allies for budding in the difficult fight against illiteracy. The program will detect and help to correct most errors, but keep in mind the fact that they do not check your text for logic and style, and also will not give you clear information about the compatibility of the English words between them.

The most famous service for spell checker. Checks the text in literacy, highlights the errors and gives a brief comment on each error. You can install a free browser extension that will check the texts of your emails.

This program checks the normal rules of spelling and collocations (only partially). Enter the text in the box, the program will highlight errors. Hover over any misspelled word, in the popup window you’ll see the error and correct spellings.

Running language tool

The principle is the same: enter the text in the box, select the language of the text in the dropdown list and click Check text. The program will highlight errors in different colors. Click on the highlighted word to get a short help about the error and correct the sample writing.

Consider the difference between British and American English

In English, a lot of words that people in the US and the UK write in different ways. This is the confusion: it seems to be the word found in the dictionary, was discharged, and the spellchecker or even Microsoft Word underlines it and impose your own version of writing. For example, instead of color you will be asked to write an American color, and realize the program will replace realize. In this case, it is worth knowing frequent words in the British and American versions are written in different ways.

The article “British and American English: differences in words.”

We have compiled for you a document which contains words and phrases for the topic. You can download it from the link below.

Check with a dictionary

When you write a compound word, do not rely only on your memory, check the spelling in the dictionary. Better to write slowly, but correctly, than fast and wrong. Don’t worry, after a few “sneak peeks” you will remember the word and be confident to write it without any prompting.

Make your own dictionary of good spelling words or use a ready

In the personal dictionary will include the words, the writing of which is causing you difficulties. However, try to view it, read the words, make up sentences with them and learn their spelling. In addition, you can use the ready-made lists of words that are difficult written.

Spelling by sound and structure

Also pay attention to the words that are similar in sound and spelling but have different meanings. Only the correct spelling of these words will allow the interlocutor to understand your thoughts.

Read as often as possible

How to memorize the face of a new acquaintance? Often need to see it. To memorise the spelling of words can and should be the same: try to meet with them often. The easiest way to do it by reading: read articles and books in English. This technique is perhaps the most interesting and unobtrusive, because you remember the spelling automatically while reading, using visual memory.

How to Write a Strong Essay Introduction

If you asking yourself “How to write an introduction paragraph for an essay?”, this post for you. This is a clear paraphrase of the topic plus a brief answer to ALL of the job. In this entry there is no any extra information. If a job is asking an opinion, it is briefly mentioned. If a job is asking for causes and solutions, and those and others mentioned in the introduction.

The entry topic is too General or too specific. For example, if the subject is asked about British pensioners, it is impossible to write about the Europeans or the Russians. If the question is about teenagers, it is impossible to write only about the students.

What do you mean a logical introduction?

This entry, which specifies Your “position” (not to be confused with opinions), which will be seen further throughout the essay. The introduction should be logically associated with all other paragraphs. For example, if you essay about the causes and solutions, as You mention in the introduction only the causes, the essay loses its logic.

What do you mean a concise introduction?

This is a short (2-3 sentences) and clear the entry. I recommend to do the entry compressed, so that You have more space for arguments and examples in the “body”. When the entry is too long, often students have not enough space and time to fully develop their ideas because of what they look like too General and not well understood.

How to write a good introduction for an essay

Step 1

Rephrase the first sentence (or two sentences) of the topic to the task as close as possible to the subject.

Step 2

Briefly answer the questions of the task. That’s all you need to do. Now let’s analyze a few examples of entry.

In the month of January must pass essay, on photography. Don’t forget about it!

Sample essay introduction:

  • Quote from the original text (or other source) related to the issue under consideration.
  • A rhetorical question (a question requiring no answer).

Another intro example for essays:

Why do we need war? Why mankind can not learn the lessons of the past? Problematic issue.

Can the computer replace the book?

Do you need memories? Do you have to remember about the past? Why I love to consider pictures? Typical situation (similar to that shown in the text).

It often happens that. An overview of the issues discussed.

Without the past there wasn’t a real. If we want to remember some moments of life, then turn to the photos. That were best essay introductions, which you can use in your writing.

Psychologists say that addiction to television is the real disease of many members of modern society. Indeed, each of us it is hard to imagine life without TV. What role TV plays in human life? What brings the TV in our house – good or bad?

The impressions of childhood, probably one of the most expensive and important memories in human life. The place is associated with the formation of the personality will forever remain in memory, and we don’t one day think back to this world, colored with bright colors. What role plays in human life the memory of home, of home? On this issue reflects the author of this text.

The good intros for essays should not be very voluminous (2-3 sentences), it must be related to the content of the main part of the sense and style. It is important to remember that the main purpose of joining is to bring the wording of the problem.

Who Needs University Assignment Help?

Being a part of academic institutions, it is hard not to see a steady growth of the writing services industry. The students tend to resort to these services more often as the years pass. The undergraduates and graduates over 25 are too busy with their work and, often, families. The international students often do not have the necessary command of language for creating the degree-level academic content, and finally, lacking experience, some of them may have hard times understanding the instructions partially or wholly. Moreover, the number of papers, which each student has to write on every subject over several years of studentship is impressively large.

The university assignment writers, as a rule, have a good command of the required language; they devote their time solely to accomplishing the top-notch papers, systematically and regularly improving their skills. No wonder that students want to know more about the services they offer.

The educational system is the industry itself, and it is not perfect. The universities accept a huge number of entrants each year, and it is hardly possible to take into account the life and struggles of every single person entering the academic world. For example, there are those who need more attention or time to fit into the system. The rapid growth of writing services is a logical reaction to the pressure put on the students of different ages, nationalities, origin, and academic performance. This phenomenon points out the weaknesses within the educational system of the modern world.

Mature Students At The University

Around 25 % of the Great Britain’s undergraduate entrants now are represented by mature students, and despite increasing tuition fees, many universities observe a very high level of applications of this age category. Many of those who decide to study in a mature age are guided by the willingness to change their career and take other directions in the self-improvement. Some of them have spent a short amount of time after academic institutions living an “ordinary” life. Others, being half way through their lives and job ladders, realize they have missed career chances and life opportunities because they came to understanding that they could be better professionals in other fields, and decide to become students again.

Mature students often face more challenges than their younger counterparts do. Sometimes they need help with university assignments more often than the others. They are usually juggling studying at the University with paid work, personal relationship, including family and children, and financial responsibilities, which add tension to an already demanding study environment. This type of student society has many other concerns regarding their competence in the academic life. They often worry about their ability to fulfill the requirements of certain assignments as they have stepped away from the formal education years ago and thus, can be unfamiliar with some new learning techniques.

Writing assignments for university courses on a regular basis can be rather challenging after being away from education for a while. It is also important to integrate socially for such students because a lot of them have a fear of being isolated and not involved in students’ social life as the majority of students. On the other hand, they can excel if they use their experience from their “adult” life and job, and apply it in the course of studies. As the time management for mature students is even of greater value than for youngsters, a lot of them make a decision to pay for university assignments to meet the deadlines.

International Students

Another type of students that eventually may need more time and extra assistance are international students. For them, it is a big challenge to decide to study abroad; at the same time, it may appear rather exciting. They have to deal with a variety of challenges from searching for a place to live in to coping with the foreign bureaucracy. They also have a hard time being on the same level with others from the language perspective. They can be aware of how to write a report for university assignment but writing it properly, using a foreign language as a native one, may become a real challenge.

International students usually pay higher tuition fees than the locals. This is one more thing that can push them to pay more attention to earning money than studying. Some of them may set priorities and start using university assignment writing services in order to focus on work. This strategy can save some time for a part-time job in order to cover expenses for living and education partially.

Searching For A Writing Service

Nowadays, searching for someone to “do my university assignment” while being stuck with a certain task, is not unusual. While searching for a suitable professional or service, it is important to know exactly how many pages the paper you are assigned should contain, be aware of the deadline for the submission, and be able to word the requirements for the paper explicitly. Such details can guarantee you a top-notch online assignment help.

The writers offering writing services are usually proficient in a specific set of fields and have a degree and a solid experience in writing papers within these fields. They know how to write a good assignment for university according to stylistic requirements, work type, and deadline expectations. They can introduce the example of how the paper should look like, demonstrating how to do the required task in the best way, especially if a student has difficulties with language. If you are a foreign student, an idea to “pay someone to do my university assignment” might be quite natural when encountering some issues with formulating your thoughts and putting them on the paper. A well-written work in such a case can show you how exactly the task of a particular type should be completed, and serve you further as a sample.

The writing service of one’s choice should be available 24/7 so that you might be able to receive help writing university assignments whenever you need it. While choosing the writing service, it is important to take into account other people’s feedbacks and look through the samples provided on the website to evaluate the quality of work you might be provided. To find yourself on the right website, search for “university assignments online” or put in some similar queries. All you have to do to get your homework done is to clarify all the peculiarities connected with the paper and set the most appropriate requirements for the assignment.

Writing Services Around The World

There is a variety of ways to find the most appropriate type of assistance and no matter where the student is, he/she can always gain access to the necessary service and receive help with university assignments. UK or Canada, Europe, or the USA – writing services are available all over the globe. The only thing you need to do is search.

If you need to find a company that is placed in the UK, you can simply look for “university assignment help UK” using any search engine available. Once on the necessary webpage, all you need to do is provide the writer, who will work on the assignment, with the necessary instructions. The requirements you indicate should be clear, consistent, and detailed. You can also provide the writer with samples of the desirable result and the names of the required sources. It is even better if you can supply the sources in pdfs. In this way, you will mitigate the task for the writer raising your chances to receive the quality work that meets your expectations. Note that your guidelines, personal requests, and clarifications play an important role in the writing process.

If you are in Australia, just search for “university assignment help Australia” to find a suitable service in your region. If you are a foreign student, ask the writers in the chosen company to take the language part, so that you can focus on the context of the subject under research, not bothering about grammar, spelling, and other similar issues. It is important to see the holistic picture of the topic being researched; a professional can do the rest. You can notably improve your grade working in tandem with the person who has expertise in the field of study and has extensive knowledge in completing the type of work you need. Resorting to the service you save time for the social activities, sports, friends, traveling, visiting relatives or singing in the band.

At the same time, if you are a mature student, and lack time constantly, you can devote the time allocated to the paper completion to the family and job, instead of spending sleepless nights trying to combine work schedule, family activities, and academic life.

Being a student means being independent in your achievements. Students may have families, parents, friends, or classmates by their side but they will not tell their relatives or friends something like “Do my university assignment for me” as that would be simply wrong and unethical. You may know how to write an assignment for university, but have no spare time to complete it within the set deadline. Also, you might understand the subject, know how to finish the task, but require a sample or an example of the work to get it started. If the outline for the paper is like a map, the example is like a compass, pointing in the right direction. Any decent university assignment example can become a good tool for your research and writing in general. If it is so, you’ll ring the bell at your writing!

Is It Possible to Make Writing Exciting

How to write an interesting article

Writing interesting essays is a useful skill, with which you can make, for example, selling articles directly to magazines, websites or through exchange for copywriters. You can also post interesting articles on your website or blog.

What is the article?

The article refers to the analytical genre. The author of the article raises the problem, analyzing it and offers a solution (making conclusions).

For example, in our article, the problem is to teach the reader to write interesting articles for websites, magazines and Newspapers. In the process we’ll look at how to do it, and will formulate the conclusions of the master class. So, how to make article? Let’s start with structure.

The structure of the article


Phrase that refers to a problem that offers to perform the author. The article title should be concise and clear to attract attention, arouse interest. Work well the headers that contain the question.


As a rule, a single paragraph of text that elaborates on the problem posed by the author and indicates its importance to the reader. If the title attracts the reader’s attention, the introduction should encourage you to read the article to the end.

For example, You write an article on the subject of washing the car with the caption “Should I wash the car in the winter?”

Introduction to the article might look like this: “Many motorists don’t know whether to wash or not the car in the winter. On the one hand is to wash away body dirt with chemicals that are harmful to the body. On the other hand, washing the car in winter can hurt due to the temperature difference between body and water (thermal shock). Let’s see, which hurts the car more.”

The content of the article

Consists of the analysis of the problem from the point of view of the author. You have to bring a different perspective on the problem and choose the most appropriate in Your opinion decision. The content of the article is enlivened with examples from personal experience, comments, quotations.

If the text of the article turns out great, is to break the content into separate parts for each to make a subtitle, as in this article on the topic of how to write a good article.


One paragraph with Your conclusions. For example, in the article about the car wash you can complete the article with the conclusion whether or not to wash the car in winter.

How to make an essay interesting step by step

You have chosen the topic of the article (problem). What to do next? How to make something interesting? It is a good question.

Plan out the article. You can short (as done in the example below), it is possible briefly. The plan reflected what we need to and how to argue their position. At the stage of plan you can come up with the title although some authors prefer to think of the title at the end. Also, at this stage, will be useful to find something interesting to read. That fill you head with thoughts about subject.

An example of a plan for the article:


How to write an article?


The ability to quickly and correctly writing articles is an important skill. It can make good money. How to learn to write articles you will learn from our master class.

The contents

The article

Requirements to the structure of the article (numbered list with examples)

The order of writing (numbered list with examples)


We taught You how to write articles! Write the entry, which referred to the importance of the problem for the reader. Come up with interesting things to write about.

Write the contents according to plan. Use ordered and unordered lists for lists, tables and charts to present information. Writing the conclusion. We will recess for 5 minutes, drink tea or coffee.

Return to text of article. Read it again, fix the wording, ugly phrase to be excluded from the text redundant words. For example, the phrase “very good” can be replaced by the word “good”. A introductory sentence can be removed (by the way, however, and others). Come up with an interesting title.

A couple of tips

Consider different creative ways to start an essay. Figure out on what you readers care about.

Try to write short sentences. Without ownership and verbal participle phrases. Without introductory words and word parasites.

Express thoughts in simple words. Use the pictures to hold the attention of readers.

Using our instructions, You will be able to write an article for a magazine, website or newspaper, make scientific material or interesting post for the blog. Go for it, You will succeed!

Additional reading materials below, You will be able to learn how to write not only articles, but also texts of other genres.

Argumentative Essay: Police Brutality

Recent events in Missouri, in Ferguson raised important issues related to such a problem as abuse of authority by police officers of the United States. On the eve of the tragic events in Ferguson, a Grand jury consisting of 12 jurors completely acquitted the police officer who shot almost in an emphasis of African-American Michael brown. This decision led to a wave of protests and demonstrations, which later escalated into serious clashes with the police, and later with the National Guard of the United States. The case against the police officer collapsed because the Prosecutor proved that Michael brown did not obey police officer Darren Wilson and threatened his life.

Example of police brutality

“At this moment his face was written a searing aggression. I can only describe you as: he was like a demon, so angry he looked,” said Darren Wilson. Also, the officer said that Michael brown punched him and tried to take away his service weapon. All of these readings, coupled with the fact that Darren Wilson for the first time service used the weapon against the person led to acquittal the verdict. But do not forget that Michael brown was only 18 years old and he was not armed.

It should be added that similar cases of use of weapons by police against the citizens of the United States is not isolated cases, they happen quite often. At the same time, similar cases with blacks that are killed by the guards occurs at times more often. It is worth noting that according to American law, the behavior of the police is fully justified because peace officers may use weapons if the suspect is a threat to him or US citizens, and even if the suspect tries to escape, the police have the right to stop him in any way. And this applies not only to an armed suspect, but, as in the case of Michael Brown, all unarmed suspect.

American experiences order did not hesitate to resort to the use of a service weapon and not trying to start negotiations with the suspect, but almost immediately decide to shoot to kill. This is the mindset of the servants of order often leads to numerous cases where weapons were used quite unnecessarily.

In 2013 there was an incident in Santa Rosa, when the police opened fire on a thirteen year old teenager, finding his toy plastic AK-47 for a real one. The guards did not confuse neither the age of the “suspect” nor the fact that he easily coped with the “real” machine. This year in November in Cleveland, Ohio, 12-year-old boy was shot and killed, and this time for a toy gun. (And this is against the backdrop of events in Ferguson in August and November of this year!) This police officer probably also not face charges if they can prove that he provoked the servants of the procedure or did not obey the orders.

Racially motivated police brutality

Another case rocks the American public occurred in 2012. Then 8 police officers fired a total of 46 bullets at a mentally ill African-American, justifying their actions by saying that he was a threat. In all the aforementioned cases of outright abuse of power by American law enforcement, namely U.S. citizens of African-American origin came under attack. And each time, prosecutors began the trial, that said that race didn’t matter and all comes down to the failure to comply with orders “honorable” police officers.

Use of force by police in the United States is also the phenomenon known to many and as in the case of firearms, the guards are never responsible for their actions. The first and probably the most famous case in America associated with the use of force by police officers occurred in 1992 in Los Angeles, when the world saw a video where 5 cops beat unarmed African-American clubs. This case became known that all five of the police were fully justified. And then began mass protests that turned into riots lasted for 3 days and claimed the lives of 53 people. There is no only one example of police brutality on minorities.


This prompted the authorities to begin to act and as a result, 4 of 5 were prosecuted, and the police Department of Los Angeles has experienced a series of reforms. Later, after the officer in plain clothes shot and killed Amadou Diallo in the Bronx, new York, all police Department street crimes have become required wearing a uniform. After another murder, this time trying to escape Timothy Thomas in Cincinnati, Ohio, the police have introduced special courses on the use of non-lethal weapons such as Taser (Taser) on all the machines supplied DVRs, began to discuss with residents areas, urgent problems, etc. And like all problems are de facto had exhausted itself.

However, the main problem remained unresolved, namely, police officers are very difficult to prosecute and in fact they are not accountable to anyone except his superiors. The police unions have a huge impact and if a COP was fired for abuse of power, or for any other reason, he can through the Union to get another police station.

In this issue the important role played by the receipt of a police pension after the service, so if the guard will get fired before retirement age, he is unlikely to find a decent job comparable to the one he lost. So the police, for the most part, facing each other. Another factor for this permissiveness in the police, according to the Dean of the law faculty of the law school of the University of California Erwin Chemerinsky, is the doctrine of the Supreme court of the United States, which opposes the prosecution of the officials responsible.

Unjustified cruelty police officers have repeatedly encouraged the public to action, and the events in Ferguson are a clear proof. But though the representatives of the Republican party and the democratic party declare their intention to reform the US police and to amend the law, in fact they humbly accept what the police are doing only what they are allowed by the state.

The government gave them the full right to detain the criminals at any cost and using any means. And, according to the police, such cases as the Ferguson unit, and means limiting the powers of the police, the state would jeopardize public safety. Similar incidents will continue and no action, and protests will not be able to change the basis of the American system. The police will always be the main instrument of domestic policy of the United States of America. Also, you can find more info in other essays on police brutality all over the Internet.