The structure of the thesis

Before you begin to write a thesis, you need to do a few things: choose a project theme, collect all the necessary literature and, of course, make a work plan. From it the whole structure of your project will follow. At this stage of work, many students understand that a dissertation is not an easy task and turn to us. We have gathered on the stock exchange authors who are subject to mandatory accreditation, so the work will be performed at the highest level. In addition, we give a twenty-day guarantee, during which you can show the dissertation to your supervisor and return it to us for revision in the event of significant comments.

General provisions

The structure of the thesis should be as follows:

  • Title page
  • Individual task to complete the thesis
  • Content
  • Introduction
  • Main part (usually 3 chapters)
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Applications

As you can see, the structure of the dissertation is very similar to the coursework plan, but there are minor deviations in the form of a more in-depth study of the topic, expanding the main part to three chapters, as well as adding an individual task to the body of the text of the dissertation.

So, let’s look at all the parts in more detail:

  1. Title page

On how to make and issue the title page of the thesis, you should tell in the university, because Each university sets its own standard for this.

  1. Individual task to complete the thesis

This is a purely formal part of the thesis, which indicates the theme of the thesis, the deadline for final delivery, a summary, a list of questions that help to open the topic, a list of illustrative material, the date of assignment.

  1. Content

The content should reflect all the chapters and paragraphs of the thesis with paginated numbering.

  1. Introduction

Because The members of the attestation commission cannot read the whole dissertation work entirely; they only carefully study the introduction. Therefore, it is necessary to write the introduction of the dissertation so that the commission remains enthusiastic about reading. Try to make it as clear and concise as possible. Write on the case.

  1. The main part

The main part is the bulk of the thesis. It should consist of at least three chapters: the first is theoretical, the second should contain an analysis of any data, and the third is the practical part. Before writing the main part, it is necessary to conduct a thorough review of the literature (at least 50 sources). Detailed information on writing the main part of the thesis, read the articles “Theoretical part of the dissertation” and “Practical part of the dissertation.”

  1. Conclusion of the thesis

This part is one of the most important in the dissertation, along with the introduction. It is necessary to summarize the entire work, to draw conclusions about his research. Try to make it as clear and concise as the introduction. Do not write lengthy conclusions and do not “pour water”.

  1. List of references

As in other works, the dissertation must have a list of used literature. To learn how to properly design it, read the article “How to draw up a list of references.”

  1. Applications

At the end of the work submitted applications. This is a variety of charts, graphs, drawings, photographs, diagrams, examples of documents and much more. They must be issued on separate sheets and signed. The main text should contain links to each application.

Thesis Structure Example

At the end of training at the university, each student, without exception, is faced with the problem of writing graduation qualifying work (thesis). Of course, the text of the finished thesis does not arise by itself, but is the result of hard work.

First steps to the cherished thesis

To start somewhere, do the following:

  1. Decide on your interests.
  2. Select a teacher and ask him for an example of a thesis for review.

If certain difficulties arise, due to which you will not be able to cope with the preparation and defense of the thesis (for example, insufficient possession of the chosen topic) or objective circumstances (long-term illness, combining work and study), our specialists can write a job for you, give recommendations to protection by prior arrangement with you. An example of a thesis work will be just the way.

Now comes the most crucial period – work on the text of the work.

As for the topic, it should be formulated according to the principles:

  • conciseness;
  • scientific;
  • relevance.

Components of the thesis

The structure of the graduation thesis standard:

  1. Title page
  2. Introduction
  3. Table of contents
  4. I Chapter
  5. Chapter II
  6. Conclusion
  7. References
  8. Applications

Consider what each part includes.

  1. The title page is a clearly structured page, including information about the name of the university, department, specialty, academic discipline, name of the topic, information about the person who performed the work, the scientific leader (teacher), field for approvals, city, year.
  2. The introduction contains the goals and objectives of the work, the relevance of the topic, methods, techniques, object, subject and materials of the research, hypothesis, review of the key works of the authors.
  3. The table of contents should contain a list of all structural elements with an indication of the page on which the presentation of sections begins.
  4. Chapter I is theoretical. It is a logically complete text, the structure and design resembles a good essay. For this chapter, it is recommended to maximize the use of literature sources and, accordingly, make more footnotes.
  5. Chapter II directly reveals the essence of the whole work and contains an analysis of a specific scientific phenomenon, problems, situations, stated in the name of the topic. The work may be divided into more chapters, for example, 3 or 4. Each chapter of the thesis may be divided into paragraphs. After each chapter, it is necessary to draw preliminary conclusions.
  6. The conclusion is the final part of the work, which sets out the final conclusions on the basis of the above. The logical parts of the conclusion should correspond to the tasks set for the work and have comprehensive conclusions on all chapters.
  7. The list of references is a list of sources. It can be educational, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, databases, articles from scientific collections, newspapers, magazines, almanacs, collected works of authors of fiction and much more. The list of references is made according to certain rules. All parts of the work must have references to the sources named in the list.
  8. The application may be specific research materials and may take various forms (lists, extracts, graphs, charts, photographs, sign products, etc.).

Final qualifying work requires registration strictly according to the state standard. We are talking about the size of margins, indents, paragraphs, size, font, page numbering, features of marking lists, as shown by the example of the thesis. In case of difficulties, you can always get expert help from our specialists.

Thesis on the topic

Thesis on construction, journalism, physics or medicine requires careful formulation. The choice of topics is an important point. He will determine your follow-up actions for half a year. Take it seriously.

How to choose a topic?

You can devote time to what interests you and captures, or get bogged down in a boring and voluminous problem. From this follows the first criterion:

  • The subject should be interesting. By this time, you already have a certain idea about the field of science, on which you will write a thesis. Choose the question or problem that fascinated you. So it will move much faster. Be careful – supervisors love to “entrust” to their students’ parts of their research. If it is not interesting to you – refuse. Thesis is still yours, and you have to process information.
  • The topic should be familiar. To prepare a thesis on a completely unfamiliar topic is at least imprudent. It will be much easier if you start from something.
  • Subject must be relevant. It is not as difficult as it seems. All sciences are developing, new theories are being put forward, respectively, and new ways to apply them. All this is relevant topics. Usually the department offers topics to choose from. All of them are relevant. Also pay attention to the reforms in a particular system, the use of new technologies. Come up with something new – it will be reckoned when grading.
  • The topic should be accurate, but not too extensive. Do not take on too much. If the topic is too large, you simply cannot push it all into the allowable amount, and the work will seem to be incomplete. Take a particular aspect.
  • The topic should be available. That’s the problem. Perhaps the topic is both topical and interesting, but it does not carry a scientific background at all. Leave serious research for a PhD or doctoral thesis. This is just a thesis – the result obtained at the university of knowledge. Do not take on a completely new phenomenon, if not to rely on in terms of authoritative research. Do not try to write about foreign media if you do not have access to them. You should be able to get maximum information.

Writing a thesis on the topic

Now you have chosen a topic. Approve her with your supervisor. He can help to concretize it, or formulate it more beautifully.

The first thing you should do is collect as much information as possible. Refer to all available sources, gather practical material.

Then you must systematize it and prepare a thesis plan.

Start writing when you understand what you are writing for and what. Be systematic. This is a scientific work, and it requires a thorough approach and detailed disclosure of the issue.

Thesis on a topic that relates to the humanities or social sciences requires more creative approach, evaluation and analysis.

But the thesis on the subject of the exact sciences – for the most part calculations and analysis.

If you did everything right, the thesis will be excellent. Be careful and choose the theme correctly.

If you cannot decide on the topic, or the one that you got, you are not interested, please contact us. Our qualified staff will prepare a thesis in “excellent” on any topic from any branch of science. We have gathered the best specialists who will be happy to help you!

Thesis Conclusion

Graduation qualification commission rarely reads the thesis entirely, usually limited to the introduction and conclusion, so you need to carefully consider what to write in the conclusion of the thesis. The conclusion of the thesis is a summing up and the main conclusions, a report on the work done, on which the student took a whole year. Writing a conclusion in a thesis puts an end to a huge study, therefore it is necessary to cover all aspects of the solved problem.

What should contain the conclusion of the graduation project

Before you write the conclusion in the thesis, you should study the formal requirements for the thesis, according to which the conclusion should consist of:

  • Conclusions on the theoretical part.
  • Conclusions on the practical part.
  • Offers new solutions to the problem.

The volume of the conclusion of the thesis should be from three to five pages. It all depends on the volume and content of the work itself. The conclusion of a thesis on a topic that involves the development of something fundamentally new may be more than a conclusion on the thesis, which is a review of other people’s works or a calculation according to a known method. You do not need to specifically stretch it in volume, it will be immediately noticeable and will certainly not please the state attestation commission. Remember, this is your job, and you decide how to make it perfect.

The conclusion is written in the same font with the same intervals and indents as the rest of the thesis. Drawings, graphs and tables in it should not be. For each conclusion a new paragraph is given. After the conclusions, recommendations are made without fail.

How to write a conclusion to the thesis

Tip in the introduction

First of all, refer to your introduction. There you set tasks, indicated goals and methods for solving the problem. In the same order, write and conclusion. Describe only goals as realized or unrealized. As for the methods, here you need to indicate which of them were the most productive, helped in solving the tasks posed, and which, on the contrary, did not have to be used. The conclusion should be a logical continuation of the introduction, where you give answers to all the questions posed, tasks and draw conclusions. The introduction suggests what to write in the WRC opinion.


Do not forget the opening remarks. Take this a few sentences at the very beginning of the conclusion to the thesis, and only then proceed to the conclusions in the thesis.

Example 1

Examples of opening remarks:

  • “An important trend in global development is regional integration.”
  • “The interconnectedness of economic activity at present not only manifests itself much more than before, but also covers almost all countries of the world, becoming global.”

It is desirable that this was a couple of sentences from the theoretical part, retold in their own words.

Correct pronouns

Remember that your work is not entirely yours. The point is that you used someone else’s scientific works, with the help of a supervisor. In addition, most theoretical propositions are not invented by you. Therefore, pronouns from the first person in the conclusions (and indeed in the whole work) are inappropriate.

Example 2

To correctly write a thesis, use expressions such as “we believe”, “we believe”, “we found out”, etc. Another way is to construct impersonal sentences: “it was established,” “it was revealed that …”, “it can be argued that …”.

Short summary

To summarize the conclusion is necessary to one concise conclusion, which will be the logical conclusion to the thesis.

Example 3

A sample of such a conclusion: “In general, it can be noted that the effectiveness of reducing budget expenditures on the development of the national economy is doubtful: with proper distribution of funding, this item of expenditure can significantly increase budget revenues in the future.”

The structure of writing a conclusion for the thesis

As in the introduction, the entry should first be in the conclusion.

Then it is necessary to go to the conclusions of the study, and each conclusion must be considered separately. Schematically, it should look like this: the theory discussed in the first chapter is a conclusion; calculations carried out in the second chapter – conclusion; recommendations developed in the third chapter – conclusion, followed by a summary conclusion. After that, you need to describe what you stated in the introduction, and give comments on each item: describe, confirm or disprove the hypothesis, which goals and objectives and how successfully they were implemented, which did not (if not, indicate the reason), what problems encountered during the study of this topic.

If in the introduction and in the main chapters you have examined and described the problem from different angles, reasoned and made assessments, then in the conclusion it is necessary to draw conclusions in a structured way from the foregoing.

After completing the conclusions on the theoretical chapter, the results of the practical part of the thesis (if any) are formulated. It briefly indicates where and with what the research was conducted, what was revealed in the course of work, what else needs to be done.

Remark 1

There is some controversy in how to write a conclusion in a thesis work. On the one hand, the conclusion should not introduce anything fundamentally new; all its provisions should be based on the main part of the work, on the material presented in the chapters. On the other hand, the conclusion should not be reduced to drawing up literally copied conclusions on paragraphs and chapters; it should be of a more general nature.

At the conclusion of the conclusion, write recommendations for further (more in-depth) analysis of the problem stated in the thesis.

Tips for writing a thesis

It is strongly recommended to write a conclusion only when, when the main part of the thesis has been completely written and approved, and you know that there will be no more corrections in it. In other words, before you write a conclusion to the thesis, check with the supervisor that he is satisfied with everything. This guarantees you that you will not have to rewrite the conclusions once again, because if something changes in the thesis itself, then the conclusion in the thesis work changes accordingly.

Example 4

Example: as a recommendation for improving the financial condition of an enterprise, you suggested improving work with receivables, and the manager suggested replacing it with activating marketing activities. At least a third of the conclusion (all recommendations) will have to be rewritten.

Do not forget to include in the conclusion exact data on the results of your practical work with specific indications of values ​​and parameters. After writing the conclusion, re-read and check the entire thesis to make sure that you have drawn the right conclusions and did not miss anything.

We also advise you to go to the department at your faculty and clarify whether there are any additional rules for your university on how to write the conclusion in the thesis work.

Example 5

An example of such specific requirements: each conclusion should indicate to which part of the work it applies, for example: “In the first paragraph of the first chapter it was established that …”, “According to the results of the second paragraph of the first chapter, we can conclude that …”.

At the department (or with your thesis supervisor) you can also ask for an example of concluding a thesis, which can be conveniently used as a template (especially if the sample work has a similar theme).

How to defend a term paper

Term paper is one of the important methods of testing the practical knowledge of the student. The topic of the term paper is issued at the beginning of the second week of the semester and provides for its implementation during extra-curricular time, through systematic independent work. After writing it will need to submit, or protect. How to protect the term paper and, moreover, to the highest possible rating?

The composition and content of the term paper

In humanitarian and technical universities, the structure of term paper is somewhat different, but in general can be the following sections:

  1. The task for term paper signed by the head and performer, and approved by the head of the department.
  2. The purpose and objectives of the work.
  3. Consistent implementation of the term paper plan, which is presented in the task. For technical disciplines, these are calculations, calculations, computer simulation results. For the humanities – the development of techniques, data analysis, text processing.
  4. Conclusions on the work.
  5. List of used literature.

The explanatory note to the term paper of a technical plan usually has a volume of up to 25-30 pages of text in 1.5-2 spacing, made in Times New Roman 14pt. Mandatory title page, as well as drawings. In the term paper on the technical topic, there are necessarily drawings in the amount of 3-5 sheets of A1 or A0 format, made in AutoCAD graphic editors or Compass-Graph.

Preparation and Protection

Do the job – half the battle, it must still be protected. Protection is most often public. Besides the performer and the supervisor, there are also teachers who lead related courses, and students of the same specialty are often invited to defend themselves. Visiting students of such public defenses is very useful – it becomes immediately clear how to defend a term paper, avoid mistakes when explaining particular sections, and correctly answer questions from teachers.

With the protection of the student uses visual-graphic information, which may be an integral part of the term paper, but can be prepared specifically to protect it. Posters, drawings, graphs, diagrams — with a reasonable number of them, they make it much easier for the performer of term paper. It is important that materials that are not obligatory, the student has the right not to be archived, but to use them further in the learning process.

We create conditions for good protection of term paper.

Some students, working while studying, do not have the opportunity to qualitatively prepare for the defense. In this case, there is a danger of failure of the terms of course design, and this is a guaranteed withdrawal from the scholarship. After all, the assessment for a term paper or a project is differentiated. How to protect the term paper for such students without any problems?

To do this, you can use the services of our specialists who are engaged in the preparation of materials for term papers and projects in various fields of knowledge. The choice of such a specialist should be made in advance, so that the author can thoroughly familiarize himself with the task, perform (if necessary) time-consuming calculations, schedule, prepare conclusions and conclusion.

In addition to the term paper itself, the specialist assumes responsibility in preparing the student for protection. For this, consultations are held, during which the student gets acquainted with the prepared sections of work. It is also important that all sections of the work performed are approved by the head of the course project / work and receive his admission to protection. If such conditions are met, the protection will certainly succeed.

The example of a coursework

Course work is the result of your training throughout the year in an educational institution. This is done so that the student learns to write scientific work, systematize knowledge, learn to conduct research, and draw independent conclusions.

Topics are issued at the department. Sometimes you can choose a topic or suggest your own. For the most part it depends on who your supervisor is. Loyal allow the student to take independent steps.

For writing, it is better to use an example of a coursework or a scheme for writing it. Let’s try to figure out in detail what should be in your coursework.

Coursework scheme

There is a certain system in accordance with which your work should be built. You can not deviate and skip points too. In your coursework will be the following items: title page, content, introduction, main part, practical, conclusions, list of references and applications.

Stages of writing

Collect theoretical information. Library and the Internet are your best friends at this stage. You should study the information in detail and choose what will help you. On the Internet, make sure that the sources are reliable. Write down all the links at once, so it will be easier to work with the design of the list of references.

After collecting the information, write a plan. It is necessary that the presentation was logic, and it was easier to write. You should have 2-3 chapters and subparagraphs.

The course consists of 20-30 pages. Distribute this place correctly. The introduction should take 2-3 pages, conclusions 3-4. The rest of the space should be reserved for the main part. The theoretical part and the practical should be approximately equal. It’s impossible to upload a work with pure theory — it won’t get a good grade.

  1. Introduction Now prepare the introductory part. It indicates the relevance, the subject of research, methods, etc. This data is in the manual. Take it from the manager. You must tell in detail what you will talk about and how you investigated the question. It is important to clearly formulate the subject of study.
  2. Main part. First set out a theory. Logically, gradually and divided into points, present the existing research regarding your topic. After the theory, based on it, analyze the practical data.
  3. Findings. Conclusion is the result of your work. You had assignments to the course. Show that you executed them. Than this work is useful.
  4. List of used literature. Making a list of references usually takes a lot of time from students. Here each point should stand correctly. Check with the last training manual of your department and do everything according to it.
  5. Applications. These are the documents, illustrations and other graphic elements that you used.

Further your work is checked by the supervisor. After his approval, carry the work on the standard control. To pass the normal control, check whether the work is properly framed. You must take into account all the formatting requirements, otherwise the course work will simply not be signed.

After receiving all the signatures, get ready for protection. Make a brief summary of your coursework. Enough 2 pages. Take the introduction and conclusions, as well as the most important theses from the course.

Preparation of a coursework is quite a difficult task, especially at first. It is more difficult than it may seem. If you do not have a tendency to analyze scientific information or time to do this, you can contact us. Our specialists have more than enough qualifications to write a coursework in any field of science. We will gladly facilitate your learning!

The object and subject of the coursework

Course work, like any scientific work, is written on a specific topic. Subject in turn defines such concepts as the object and subject of the course work.

As long as you do not formulate these two values correctly and precisely, writing the work will not be possible.

Let’s try to figure out how to do it.

What is an object?

The object of the course work is a field of knowledge, it is a broad concept (maybe an abstract), which consists of several areas, objects, etc.

An object is always a broader concept than a subject.

For example, an information technology object may include a lot of items and topics. This is the area of knowledge that you will narrow down in formulating the subject of study.

The object means something more, but is formulated briefly.

What is the subject

The subject of the study is a specific concept. It is included in the object of study and indicates exactly what you will talk about in your study.

For example, if we have an information technology object, then the subject may be Multimedia Software.

The subject is specific, but the wording will be broader than the object.

How to determine the object and subject in different specialties

Of course, there are certain differences in the definition of the object and subject in different fields of science. Let’s try to understand a little in this issue.

For example, in psychology, an object is most often a different kind of contradiction that needs to be resolved. This may be a process or relationship, state. In this case, the subject is a definition with whom and how it happens. Select a group of participants by age, occupation, etc.

If we take economics, then the object will be, for example, plant personnel, and the subject will be methods and technologies for stimulating plant personnel.

Select object and subject from subject.

You choose a research topic, or you have already chosen it. The next step is to isolate the object from the topic, and the object from the object.

For example, your topic is “Modern Programming Languages”. Your task is to narrow this area of knowledge to a more specific object. For example, let an object be “object-oriented programming languages”. Now is the subject. For example, “simplifying the solution of JavaScript tasks using jQuery.”

Thus, from a very abstract topic, we get a concrete study. Now you will clearly know on what matter to collect information, and you will not threaten to spray and do not really learn anything.

Subject and object are determined not only for the student. Now, having opened the introduction, the head and the commission on defense will clearly understand what is being discussed, and to what extent the work has been done.

The correct wording will help to direct the study in the right direction. Now your searches will be focused on one thing. It is important to remember that by highlighting these two concepts, you cannot talk about something else. All work should be built around the subject of study.

The object and subject of the course work is a great way to systematize the work, to give it integrity and focus.

If you have difficulty in identifying these or other elements of the backbone of the course work, if you do not want to do it, or if something does not work out – do not despair! You can easily contact our specialists for help. We do not deal with copy-paste – each work is prepared individually, according to all customer requirements. Highly qualified staff allows them to prepare courseworks in any branch of knowledge. You will receive for the course “excellent”!

Topics of essays in sociology

Students of all universities sooner or later face the need to write essays. But especially humanitarian students have to write a lot of them in various subjects, including sociology. Topics of essays in sociology can be given as a teacher of the department, and you can choose yourself. Always check with your teacher. If for some reason you don’t like the topic that you received and you want to write another, contact your teacher with a request to replace it. In principle, the topics of research papers, unlike term papers and dissertations, are not approved by order of the faculty, so the teacher, if desired, can meet you and unilaterally make such a decision. This is where the “human factor” works. If you attend lectures, are active in the classroom, perform all the assigned tasks, then, believe me, the teacher will have no reason to refuse you.

Although sociology is a complex and voluminous subject, essays on it are written according to generally accepted rules and represent an independent written statement of a source on a particular topic. Remember that for the correct writing of the essay you need to use at least four different sources, not counting, of course, the textbook.

What should be the research paper

  1. It must be written correctly.
  2. Must be consistent with the topic under study.
  3. Meet all the standard requirements for writing essays.

With the first paragraph, everything is clear. Which teacher will like a work written with grammatical and syntactical errors, sometimes distorting the meaning of what is written?

We will deal with the second paragraph. How not to stray from the topic, to grasp the essence of the problem under study and, at the same time, to keep within 20-25 pages of printed text? First, when starting work on a research paper, check with the teacher or at the department the topics of essays on sociology and their scope. Secondly, make a plan and follow it when doing the work. When studying literature selected independently, constantly check the plan. This will help you not get lost and get into the essence of the problem, which means to understand it.

If you have previously written essays at school, then you are probably already familiar with the requirements for its design. But in a university, the requirements may vary slightly. Therefore, worry in advance and clarify them at the department.

Requirements for writing an essay

These requirements are standard and include:

  • compliance with the structure of the research paper (the presence of a title (title) sheet, table of contents (contents), introductory part, main, conclusion, list of used literature and other sources, appendix (if necessary));
  • A4 format;
  • Times New Roman font with size 14;
  • line spacing 1.5pt;
  • compliance with field boundaries.

Topics of essays in sociology

The sections of sociology are presented below, topics from which can be offered to you for work:

  • sociology and its history;
  • theoretical sociology;
  • economic sociology;
  • social structure and life in society;
  • personality and sociology;
  • the spiritual life of society;
  • social management, etc.

Getting started, figure out which section your topic relates to, and try to understand it in general. And only after that start studying the main issue.

Compliance with these simple recommendations will help you quickly, and most importantly – correctly, to cope with the work.

Conducting the final essay

The order of the final essay (presentation)

The final essay (presentation), as a rule, takes place at school bases or places, which are determined by the executive authorities in the field of education at the regional level.

Passing this exam means access to state final certification and is mandatory for all high school graduates. Also, graduates who did not receive admission to state attestation last year are allowed to write the final essay. At the end of the writing, the exam participants receive a “Pass” or “Fail”. Applicants to universities can benefit from passing the exam – universities translate the results into points, which will be summed up with the USE grades. As much as possible it will be possible to get 10 points, however each university or institute reserves the right to use its own evaluation criteria.

At the very beginning of the final essay, the members of the commission of the educational organization conduct a briefing on which they tell students about the rules for completing the final essay, stipulate the time for completing the task and where and when it will be possible to find out the results.

Before starting to write the final essay, participants need to fill out a registration form, where the number of the essay topic will be indicated (consists of three numbers).

During the course of the final essay, it is only allowed to have:

  • identification;
  • pen;
  • orthographic dictionary;
  • drafts.

How to start preparing for the final essay?

For preparation, the participants are informed about the five directions of the final essay topics long before the exam. Within the framework of these five areas, the topics for the exam will be announced, which will be the basis of the essay (presentation). A supplement to the preparation and ground for reflection will be a list of proposed literature. This literature will be very useful and can be the basis for writing. Topics of the essay become known 15 minutes before the start of writing.

Texts of no less than will be allowed for review. 3 hours 55 minutes are allocated for work. The results of the final essay will be known 7 days after.

In order to successfully write an essay, it is necessary to prepare carefully in advance, since it is forbidden to use literary texts during its execution. Therefore, do not neglect the recommended literature, but read the necessary works of art. They will help broaden your horizons, replenish your vocabulary, use the right arguments to substantiate your position in the question concerned. The final essay without an example and literary argument will be evaluated at zero points.

English Essay Plan

International English exams are becoming more and more popular with local students. The most common are the TOEFL and IELTS exams, aimed at assessing the level of preparation and knowledge of the language. The obtained certificate opens up many opportunities for you – a successful career, studying in most secondary and higher education institutions in the USA, Great Britain, New Zealand, Canada, Australia and other countries, immigration, training and getting a job abroad.

English Essay as part of the exam

For the exam will take a lot of effort. 4 skills are evaluated, which will show the level of proficiency in English. This reading, writing, listening and speaking. The most difficult work is to write a small essay on a given topic. You are given a statement – you agree or disagree with it and give arguments.

Features of writing an essay:

  • One thought should be traced in every paragraph;
  • It is necessary to formulate thoughts clearly and clearly; it is better to avoid long, overloaded sentences with sentences, because this test does not test the intellect, but knowledge of the English language;
  • Re-read your own text to check for possible repetitions and errors;
  • Maintain integrity and consistency in writing;
  • The volume of the essay is small and must necessarily contain an answer to the question posed.

These tips will help you avoid the most common mistakes. It should also be remembered that the English essay has a structure:

  1. Entry – describes the given problem and your point of view. The beginning of the essay should attract attention, interest – after all, this is the first thing the examiner will read.
  2. Abstracts and supporting arguments. Here it is important to clearly articulate thoughts and confirm them with examples from personal experience, books, stories of friends, etc.
  3. Conclusion – you must submit your opinion on the given problem.

The TOEFL essay plan and the IELTS essay plan are similar and necessarily contain the author’s position, explanation, examples, and judgments. If you understand the scheme – then you do not have all the free time to train in writing these works.