Evaluation criteria for the final essay

What are the criteria for evaluating the final essay?

The final essay is included in the final school exams. With further admission to universities, the results of the final essay play an important role for the applicant. On our site you will find a detailed description of the criteria for evaluating the essay, which will help to prevent mistakes while writing it.

Creative writing essay-reasoning

Writing-reasoning is a work that is creative. It will require you to be able to analyze, reason, direct arguments and, of course, convince. Your position and opinion should be clearly articulated in the subject concerned. Here there is an opportunity to fully express your creative potential and erudition, to express the depth of thoughts.

For schools, the criteria for evaluating the final essay represent a “pass” or “fail”. During the admission, universities, universities will evaluate your work, but in points (from 0 to 10).

Five criteria for evaluating the essay

The evaluation of essays is influenced by the presence of not only spelling and grammatical, but also punctuation, stylistic, logical, speech errors.

The fulfillment of the task requires the expanded position of the author, the expression of his point of view and his own opinion in the question raised. At the same time, it is necessary to use as an example fragments of a literary or journalistic work that is related to the issue raised. There are five criteria for evaluating an essay on literature:

  • Relevance to the topic. This criterion determines how the topic corresponds to the content of the essay. The student is required to express his opinion in the question raised, having built theses that need to be proved or disproved during the essay.
  • The argument. To argue his position, the student must be able to correctly use the literary material that will support the construction of the analysis. If the literary material is touched only superficially and does not form the basis for analysis, or was not involved at all in the essay, there is every chance of getting a “Fail”.
  • The logic of reasoning and composition. It is necessary to observe the structure of the essay, which consists of theses, arguments and conclusions. Here, the student’s ability to state his thought logically is assessed, without disturbing the integrity and consistency of the composition of the work.
  • The quality of speech. This criterion assesses the quality of student writing. Namely, the way he is able to competently and constructively express his thought, the ability to use various terms, rich vocabulary, applies the correct stylistic and speech design.
  • Grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors made in the text are evaluated.

Making the table of contents of the coursework

Some teachers are very fond of accuracy, so often reduce the grade only because of blots in the design. One of the problematic places in the design is the table of contents. Table of contents and title page – this is the first thing that sees the person who took the work in hand.

Table of Contents or Coursework Content

Many students confuse these two concepts. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary blots, one should know what the differences are in order to correctly write the coursework.

Definition 1

The content is when the sections in the work are not related to each other (for example, in the collection of tasks). Table of Contents – when the chapters relate to one another.

Thus, it is clear that in the course you need to write “Table of Contents.”

Example 1

However, there are coursework consisting of different parts (for example, in accounting, the teacher can offer to prepare answers to several theoretical questions and solve a cross-cutting problem for a fictional enterprise) – then the content of the coursework is required.

The table of contents includes a list of all sections of the course work with the indication of the pages, starting with the introduction.

How to make content in the course work

Here are some general tips on how to arrange the content in the coursework:

The table of contents should be located on the second page immediately after the title page.

Example 2

Sometimes teachers need to make a summary of course work – a kind of brief description containing some formal information. In this case, the table of contents is moved to the third page.

  • The answer to the question that includes the content of the course work is unequivocal: introduction, chapters and paragraphs of the main part, conclusion, list of references and applications. Table of contents in the course work should not include other elements, for example, the title page and abstract.
  • Chapter titles should be a complete thought. Before you make a table of contents in the course work, you should make sure that the titles of chapters and paragraphs are declarative sentences. Interrogative sentences in headlines are more typical of a journalistic, not a scientific style.

Example 3

Examples of the names of paragraphs in the content of the course work: “The concept of monetary policy” (and not “What is monetary policy?”), “Types of monetary policy” (and not “What is the monetary policy?”).

The table of contents should reflect the whole concept of the course, its entire plan.

  • After the names of the sections do not put a point. This is provided for by the requirements for formatting the contents of the coursework (in the same way as the full stop is not put after the heading placed in the text of the work).
  • Correct coursework provides for alignment of text on the pattern: the names of the elements – on the left (it is possible to indent to reflect the structure – headings of the second level with greater indentation than the headings of the first level), and page names – on the right.
  • There are controversial issues in how to arrange the table of contents of the course work.

Example 4

Some universities require the use of a placeholder (usually dots) between the name of the structural element and the page number for ease of reading the table of contents, others insist that the place should remain empty.

Registration of automatically collected table of contents of course work

By the way the content of the course looks like, one can draw conclusions about the level of ownership of its author by a text editor.

The developers of popular text editors — MS Word, OpenOffice.Org Writer and the like — have figured out how to arrange the coursework with minimal effort. But not only students, but teachers also do not always know about these opportunities, and continue to carry out the design of the content in the course manual.

The advantages of automatic table of contents:

  • Titles of chapters and paragraphs will look exactly the same as in the text. The program will not make typos and errors when copying.
  • There are no problems with alignment of titles on the left, and page numbers on the right. The lines of the beginning and end of the table of contents will be perfectly straight.
  • Synchronized text and table of contents. If you made changes to the name of the element, or it moved to another page – this will be reflected in the corresponding change in the table of contents. The correctness of the page numbers is checked by the program.

Therefore, deciding how to make a table of contents in the course, give preference to the use of automated tools.

How to make out the coursework in MS Word

In order to make an automatically collected table of contents in the course work, preliminary work should be carried out. The easiest way to do this is at the stage of writing the text, but if you forget about it, you can later.

In order for the text editor to understand which parts of the text are headings (used in the table of contents), it is necessary to define text styles. In MS Word there are standard heading styles – Heading 1, Heading 2 – but they do not meet the usual requirements for coursework (bold, italic, color). You can change these styles to the requirements of the university or create your own heading styles.

When the desired style is set for all headings, it remains to go to the Links tab and select the Table of Contents tool.

You can choose the proposed template for auto-assembled table of contents or set your own parameters – a list of the levels of headings included in the table of contents, font of the text of the table of contents, indentation, placeholder, and some others.

Essay for entering the MBA

Inspectors will expect from you a clearly reasoned position, a logical connection between the parts of the work, a good syllable and the ability to add features of the author to the text. The facelessness of the essay, stereotyped, universal will lead to the fact that you consider it unworthy to be credited candidate.

Requirements for an essay for admission to MBA

The essay is characterized by the absence of a strict framework. You must follow only 2 rules.

  1. The volume of the finished work should not exceed the permissible limit of 1000 words. Remove weak phrases, leave only the most thoughtful expressions. Try to avoid long and difficult to read sentences. Reduce available.
  2. Work must have a structure. Prepare a plan and do not depart from it when writing.

Topics essay for admission to MBA

Possible options:

  • What brought you the last two years? What changes can you notice?
  • Why did you choose this school?
  • Why do you need a degree?
  • Mistakes that could teach you.
  • Persons you imitate.
  • Social activities: what can she teach?
  • Ethics of a businessman: what is unacceptable?
  • What are your goals?
  • Motivation and success: the relationship of concepts.

Features of writing an essay for admission to the MBA

Negative impact on the assessment:

  • errors;
  • sharp transition between parts;
  • unconfirmed information;
  • detailed description of illegal methods of obtaining financial benefits;
  • slang;
  • vernacular statements;
  • insults and negative statements towards companies, systems, states, famous people, teachers.

Will contribute to the successful delivery:

  • originality of the introductory part;
  • exact use of quotes;
  • knowledge of numbers, current and recent statistics;
  • ability to analyze data;
  • competent written speech;
  • absence of cliché phrases;
  • humor;
  • multiple proofreading of the text.

What to do if you have been denied once

  • Try to disengage from failure.
  • Work on a possible topic in more detail.

Sample of a coursework design

After writing a coursework it must be brought into the appropriate form. For coursework, as a scientific work, strict, well-defined design rules are set. You must do everything according to the rules, otherwise you will not pass the normal control, and you will not be signed to the work. So there is no other way out. We decided to help you a little and talk about the rules of registration.

Familiarize yourself with how to properly design coursework: a sample and an explanation.

The correct order of the course

Each part of the course work has its place. The established order cannot be changed. Yes, and a logical presentation of the topic otherwise it will not work out.

Let’s start with the first page. The first is the title page. It indicates the name of the educational institution, department, the name of the work, its topic. Below are the full data of the student (course, group, form of study, surname, name, patronymic) and data of the supervisor (academic title and name). At the bottom of the sheet in the center of the city and year.

After the title page is the content. In the correct order are listed all items of work with an indication of the page. The introduction, conclusions and references are also indicated.

Next comes the introduction. In the introduction, the main points should be highlighted in bold. The words “subject”, “object”, “research methods”, “tasks”, etc. must start with a new paragraph. Then comes the main part and conclusion. At the end is a list of references and applications.

The exchange rate is about 25-30 pages.

Basic design requirements

  • The work is printed on white A4 paper on one side.
  • All pages, except the title page, should be numbered. Start with the second page under the number “2”. The numbering is set in Arabic numerals. The number is placed in the center of the sheet from the bottom or top right.
  • Standard text font – Times New Roman, size 14 pt. Sometimes it is allowed 12 pt., but this is a deviation. This can be done only if the teacher permits.
  • Line spacing expose one and a half.
  • The fields also have a standard format: 2 cm below, 2 cm above, 3 cm on the left, 1 cm on the right.
  • Each paragraph begins with an indent. Standard is 1.5 pt. Maybe a little less.
  • Section titles are written in the center of the sheet. Stand out in bold. There is no need to put a point at the end.
  • All sections begin with a new page. This does not apply to subsections of the main sections. For example, section 1 of the main part begins with a new page. And 2 subsections 1 of the section is not.
  • Your main source of information is the guidelines published by your department. This is the document that will be used to verify you.
  • Used tables must be signed. The word table and number are written on the top left, the table name is also indicated there.
  • Images are signed below and are also numbered.
  • Usually, large tables, charts, graphs and images are placed in applications. Applications must have a number. Usually they are numbered. The word “application” and the number are bold.
  • Applications also have a page number, but are not included in the main content.

Adhere to the necessary volumes, do everything according to the rules, and everything will turn out well! Remember that design is the look, the face of your work. Let it be beautiful!

If you do not like to do this business, and design coursework: the sample did not help, and something does not converge, please contact us. This work will not make up for our labor specialists. We will easily carry out any assignments related to the writing or execution of coursework and its complementary documents. You get an excellent job very quickly!

Relevance to term paper

When you write an introduction to your term paper, first and foremost you have a task – to justify the relevance of the topic. If the topic is irrelevant, then there is no point in writing a work.

How to determine the relevance of the term paper

The method of determining the relevance of the research in term paper depends on the method of selecting a topic. The easiest way is if you had at least some choice. Then you can build on the reasons why you stopped on this topic, from what it interested you.

Example 1

It often happens that the topics are distributed by the teacher. The list of topics does not change from year to year, and their actual relevance is highly controversial – but in the introduction you need to write something connected and convincing.

The relevance of the research in the term paper can be expressed in different ways, for example:

What benefit will society bring your research.

What are the benefits you personally get from the study of this topic?

What may be due to the relevance in the term paper

Analysis of examples of writing relevance in the term paper allows us to identify several main factors:

The novelty of the subject of study. Relatively recently, virtual money appeared. They are actively discussed, but so far there is little research about them, so their study is relevant.

The transformation of the subject matter. When an education reform is carried out, the study of the principles of building an education system or educational standards is important because of their novelty. Just do not write about the “transition to a market economy” – for 30 years of transition, this phrase has become annoying cliché.

Scientific discussion. If different scientific schools have different views on a problem, there are heated debates, it is important to study the opinions of different parties and form your point of view.

Practical significance. In the financial analysis of economic activity in recent years there have been no revolutionary changes, but any economist should be able to conduct it; it is necessary for the successful functioning of companies – therefore, the educational analysis is relevant.

Connection with modernity. This argument is convenient to use for historical topics, especially when you can find a parallel.

How to write relevance in term paper

Typically, an introduction begins with a few general sentences describing the topic, after which the relevance is described.

Example 2

You can directly write: “The relevance of the topic of work due to the fact that …”, and bring the factors of relevance.

If you cannot figure out what your work is useful for at least someone, you can search for term papers, dissertations or dissertations on related topics and borrow arguments on the relevance of the research topic from them. A brief justification of relevance is in scientific articles, access to which is easy to get in electronic libraries. The main thing is not to use outdated materials. If the legal article of twenty years ago to justify the relevance indicates recent changes, today they are already “long-standing” and are hardly interesting to anyone.

The practical part of the dissertation

This part of the thesis is the most important component of the entire project. Without it, a positive assessment is impossible to achieve. The work, consisting only of the theoretical part of the dissertation, may receive a “D”, but will be evaluated as textbook rewriting. If you do not have enough time and energy for such a difficult job, you can be content with a satisfactory assessment, or you can just order a job from us. It is simple and inexpensive. You yourself set the price, and the authors are fighting for your order. The final artist is determined only by you and communicate with him directly. And for those who like to do everything on their own, we offer the basic rules for writing the practical part.

Features of writing the practical part

The practical part should be logically related to the theoretical. All theoretical positions must be demonstrated practically.

The basis of the practical part is the data on the object of study. For a lawyer, this is the data of court practice, for a journalist it is several issues of a journal, for an accountant, the reporting of a firm.

Their analysis is the content of this part of the work.

The analysis identifies problems and develops ways to solve it.


The practical part of the graduation project includes 3 subsections:

  • project development and its justification;
  • the results that the student expects;
  • development of problem solving methods.

How to make these structural parts, read the article “How to make a dissertation?”.


To carry out an analysis of the enterprise, court practice, journal, financial statements or whatever, it is necessary to develop a methodology. For different spheres of life there are many different research methods that can be found in textbooks, dissertations and the Internet. However, it may happen that for this work there is simply no specific method of analysis. Then you need to develop it yourself. In this matter, it is best to work together with a supervisor or to entrust this to a professional on our website.


In the conclusion of this part of the work should write the conclusions to which the student came during the analysis of the object of study. It is best to begin the comments and conclusions with the words: “so”, “respectively”, “in this way”, etc.

These are the main elements of the practical part of the thesis. Here the student shows what he has learned over the years of study, proves his worth as a specialist, shows exceptional abilities. In this part of the dissertation is best to invest maximum effort. It is her that the attestation commission studies in detail. If there is no analysis, formulation of the problem and ways to solve it, the dissertation turns into a regular essay.

The economic part of the graduation project

Student time is far from carefree, as the time comes when you have to take a lot of written work. The logical conclusion of any study is a thesis, the writing of which requires a lot of time, effort and certain knowledge. An integral part of such work for students is the economic part of the graduation project, consisting of a set of calculations, formulas and other accurate information. Moreover, this section will need to be written not only to students engaged in economic specialties, but also engineering, marketing, information and other faculties. So how to write the economic part correctly, and what important nuances in the process of its creation should be taken into account?

The main subtleties of writing the economic part

Writing the economic part of the thesis is quite difficult, since we are talking about accurate calculations and data. Therefore, it will be very important for each student to learn the basic rules and requirements that apply to this work.

The basic rules for writing the economic part include the following:

  • The main goal of the economic part is to confirm the technical solutions described in the thesis, which substantiate the economic necessity and expediency of the enterprise’s activities. A student must not only learn something new while practicing, but also independently draw up his own strategy based on concrete figures and formulas.
  • Also, the economic part must necessarily have a conclusion, which will contain a concise comparative analysis of the technical and economic indicators obtained in the course of writing the work, as well as their comparison with other company data.
  • Like any other section of the thesis, the economic part has its clearly defined volumes. So, it should consist of 10-12 pages of a settlement and explanatory part, and also 1 sheet of a graphic one. At the same time, as well as the thesis, this section must be executed in printed form on A4 sheets.
  • It is not recommended to make a separate introduction for this part. It will be correct to provide at the beginning of the economic part a brief economic and technical description of the enterprise. Such an introduction should take no more than half a page.
  • Registration of the economic part should be carried out taking into account all the guidelines for a particular specialization.

These are just the most basic rules for writing such a section. In fact, the requirements for the preparation of the economic part are much greater. That is why the student should pay attention to the work turned out correct and high-quality, and the teacher did not send it for revision.

When should you trust professionals?

Not all students have enough knowledge to cope with writing a thesis. And many young people, trying to combine study with work, simply do not have free time to do it. For whatever reason, you may have to deal with the problems of composing written papers, our company’s specialists will help in solving this problem qualitatively and very quickly.

We have all the necessary technical base, as well as many years of experience, which allows us to cope with writing term papers, dissertations and other types of written work. Moreover, if necessary, we are ready to make separate sections of work that the student simply did not have time to complete. The economic part, introduction, review – all this is within our qualified specialists.

Speech to defend the dissertation

To get a high score for a dissertation, it’s not enough just to write a good job. The commission determining the assessment does not read the dissertation completely – it is mainly oriented towards the student’s speech, the student’s protective speech. And here it is important as the content of speech, and its presentation.

The structure of the protective speech dissertation

The specific content of the speech to the defense of the thesis is determined by the direction, theme and content of the dissertation itself. But you can select universal elements that are valid for any graduation project.

First of all, you must contact the members of the state commission, to express your respect for them.

Example 1

The opening speech to the thesis work is usually template: “Dear chairman of the commission and respected members of the commission!”

The prologue. It is necessary to characterize the topic of work.

Relevance of the topic. This stage is devoted to the connection of the topic with the present, its importance at the present time, debatableness, insufficient research. It should be obvious to the commission that studying the topic is important for science or practice. Next, indicate the purpose of the work, tasks, subject and object of study.

Characteristics of the structure. You can mention how many parts includes the thesis, which is devoted to each of them.

The main content of the thesis. In the course of writing, theoretical material was studied, some research, calculations, comparisons were carried out, recommendations were worked out – all this needs to be told. It is advisable to adhere to the same order as in the text of the work.

Findings. In the end, you need to summarize all of the above, to assess the applicability and effectiveness of the recommendations developed.

The final word. On the defense of the dissertation, it is customary to thank the members of the commission for their attention.

How to write a speech to the thesis

Find a high-quality sample of speech to defend the thesis is quite difficult. If the thesis project itself is stored for a long time in the archives of the university, and the electronic versions of last year’s works are usually with the supervisor, then the text of the speech is not even submitted for checking in printed form.

A speech is made in a form that is convenient for the graduate himself. If the report requires the demonstration of drawings or other graphic information, then in the text of the report the graduate student provides the necessary pauses or remarks.

Example 2

Examples of phrases used to emphasize the commission’s attention to graphic information:

“As you can see on the chart, …”.

“The diagram shows …”.

“The histogram presented on the slide clearly demonstrates that …”

By the time the speech is prepared, the student already has all the necessary material – the thesis itself. Dissertation speech on defense may be based on introduction and conclusion.

Example 3

An example of the use of these parts: the introduction contains the relevance, purpose and objectives of the work, a review of the structure; in conclusion, the most important conclusions on the thesis work have already been highlighted.

How to prepare a speech for the protection of a dissertation

When writing a speech for protection, it is necessary to take into account that there are purely formal requirements.

Time. The commission should have time to listen to a lot of students, so the time for a protective speech is regulated. You do not need to speak longer than 5-7 minutes (you need to bear in mind that some time will be spent on questions of the commission).

Intonation. The subjective impression of the commission largely determines how the defense of the thesis will proceed. Therefore, the speech should be lively, not monotonous, with moderate gestures.

Style. The main purpose of the speech is to achieve an understanding of the commission. Therefore, it is not necessary to overburden the language with complex constructions and terminology. At the same time, it should be remembered that the commission is professionals in the same specialty, and not people unfamiliar with the topic, and not simplify speech to the limit. The use of common language and conversational elements is unacceptable.

Cribs Students usually have a question whether it is possible to read a speech at the dissertation defense. The story makes a better impression than reading. But you still need a sheet with a speech for thesis. Examples of students who have forgotten the excitement about the important points of their dissertation teach not to neglect the opportunity to look at the printout – although it makes sense to put the presentation on the slides and use them as a legitimate clue.

Pronouns. As with the writing of the dissertation itself, it is unacceptable to use first-person singular pronouns when preparing a protective word for a thesis work.

Questions After the end of the prepared speech, the commission asks questions – it is an integral part of the defense. To this must be prepared.

Pre-defense. It is better not to be arrogant and to neglect the possibility of rehearsal presented by the university. At the pre-dissertation defense speech is pronounced before classmates, supervisor and commission members. You can not only practice your speech pronunciation, but also remember what questions are asked at the pre-passport dissertation.

Sample speech to the thesis

Thesis is the logical conclusion of your educational process in the university and the first serious scientific work. Therefore, it is necessary to approach its writing very responsibly. Work on a thesis is very important. But it is equally important to be able to present it beautifully and competently on defense in front of the members of the State Attestation Commission. This is what your opening speech is for. If you do not know how to compose it correctly, find a sample speech for a thesis.

Where can I find a sample of speech to the thesis

To do this, you can use:

  • methodical recommendations of the department where you will defend;
  • using a teacher who oversees your project on the instructions of the department;
  • using the Internet;
  • using friends who have already defended.

What should the opening speech look like

Before proceeding to the drafting of the introductory report, remember that it is designed for a maximum of 10-15 minutes. The equivalent of a Word document is 5-6 sheets of A4. That is, the retelling of one page of text should take no more than 2 minutes.

Sometimes at the direction of the department opening speech is reduced to 5 minutes. This should be foreseen in order to know what exactly you can omit in your report, and what you should pay attention to. It follows that you must clearly know what is important in your speech and what is secondary.

There is a certain procedure for the compilation of the introductory word by the authors – graduate students. Sample speech to the thesis work here will be most welcome. It includes:

  • appeal to members of the commission with the presentation of the thesis topic;
  • connection to the reason for choosing this topic and explaining its relevance;
  • an indication of goals and objectives in the thesis work (must comply with the goals and objectives specified in the introductory part);
  • substantiation of the subject and object of research and their chronology;
  • an explanation of the construction of the work in the first two sections of the graduation project, which, as a rule, characterizes the theoretical and practical parts of the work;
  • as a justification, recommendations are made, these or other proposals aimed at increasing the efficiency of work, reasonable conclusions are drawn;
  • recommendations are given on the scope of the results obtained;
  • if after the submission to the defense of the graduation project, papers were published on its subject, a brief description is given indicating how they are coordinated with the work done and the conclusions made;
  • if in the process of working on the thesis project there were comments from the reviewer or the project manager, it is reported about the work done to eliminate the deficiencies;
  • in conclusion, the prospects for further study of the topic are given, and specific tasks for its research are indicated.

Here is a thesis by you already written and approved by a reviewer for protection. Ready and opening speech. It remains only the most important thing – to perfectly protect your work. To do this, rehearse your speech. And here you will again come to the aid of a sample of speech to the thesis. He will help you tune in to win. It would be great if the day before, knowing what audience the defense will be in, you will come there and, imagining that you are in front of the commission members, introduce yourself, loudly and clearly pronounce the title of the topic of the graduation project, voice the key points of your work, the conclusions made, and Finally, and very importantly, the final word. Remember that in your speech the beginning of the report and its end will be most remembered.

If you, nevertheless, have difficulties with writing a speech, contact our specialists. They can quickly and accurately help you. Successes!

Arguments in a social studies essay

Social science is a whole complex of various disciplines that form a complete picture of society and the laws of the existence of the social world as a whole.

Social science is formed from the close connection between such sciences as philosophy, sociology, political science, economics, law – this whole complex is not considered separately, but as a whole. To understand such a complex subject, it is necessary to be able to conduct multi-level analysis, think logically and, of course, read as much literature as possible.

Social Studies Essay

Many of the schoolchildren and graduates are faced with writing an essay on social studies – in the form of homework, or on a single state exam. This is one of the most difficult tasks. The essay is a small prose essay. It is written in free form.

Structure of the essay:

  1. Introduction (quote, raised problem and its relevance);
  2. Brief theses expressing the thoughts of the author (the meaning of the above is described, a subjective point of view is given);
  3. Reinforcement of thoughts with arguments (arguments);
  4. Conclusion (conclusion).

When writing a text, it is necessary to clearly and correctly formulate your thoughts, to logically distinguish cause-effect relationships, to differentiate information, to give examples from your own life, to be able to argue all your conclusions. It is with the last of the above that many people have problems.

Essay Arguments

Arguments in an essay on social studies are those facts, incidents from life, quotations of scientists, scientific evidence that can confirm the thesis. For credibility, each statement must be supported by two arguments.

It is necessary to properly present the argument:

  • You can start examples from your own life like this: “I remember very well how a similar case happened in my life …”, “despite the absence of vast life experience, there was a similar situation in my life…”;
  • Argument from the lives of others: “I remember one story that my father told me (grandmother, friend, acquaintance, etc.) …”;
  • The reference to authority: “an eminent writer (philosopher, scientist, artist, etc.) stated that …”;
  • The experience from the books: “remember an example from a great work …”;

To successfully write an essay, express your own point of view with the help of various introductory phrases: I think, I think, my opinion about, I will allow myself to express, in my opinion, most likely, and so on.

We hope this information will help you in writing a qualitative essay on social studies.