Methodology of a dissertation

A dissertation is a long, painstaking job that requires a maximum of time and effort, so it is not the most pleasant thing to rework it several times. To avoid this, you can contact us. Authors on our exchange will begin to respond to your application within ten minutes after publication, and then you will only have to choose the right one. The second way is to make a clear plan of work on the dissertation and strictly follow it. To do this, read on.

Moral training

So, you have chosen a topic, coordinated it with a supervisor. Now you need to adjust yourself to work. Make an approximate work schedule: on this day I have to do it, on the next, etc. After that, you just have to blindly follow the schedule.

Drawing up a final plan

The schedule you made, now you need to make a dissertation plan. It is necessary to determine the structure of the dissertation, the titles of chapters and paragraphs, what applications will be, etc. After that, do not rush to start working. Be sure to meet with the supervisor to approve the plan. If he doesn’t like it, he will help you. Then you will have the final plan of the thesis, which means half the work is done!

Writing a dissertation

Oddly enough, but this is not the most difficult part. You will need a lot of time to gather information, analyze, select and present it. After that, you must set out the research part (and for this you must first conduct a study). And finally, to summarize and draw conclusions. Dissertation is ready!

Defense of the thesis

This is the most interesting. It seems that everything is already behind and the dissertation is ready, but it was not there. Members of the state attestation commission will not read your work completely, so they need to talk about it briefly, and also so that they are interested and entertained a little. There will be useful oratorical skills.

Coursework plan

As usually write coursework? In the best case, the work leaves a month before delivery, or even a couple of days. In this scenario, it is most logical to find the right specialist, who are many on our website and order work from him. We guarantee that the course will be delivered on time and, in addition, we give you 20 days so that you can read it and, if necessary, send it back for revision. Only after that the author will receive money for the order. But if this is not for you, then you can create a work plan that will help organize time and reduce the expenditure of energy.

In fact, a course plan is a description of its logical structure. In it paint important and not so questions, various classifications and divisions. When writing a plan, you need to clearly define how many and what chapters there will be, into how many sub-chapters they will be divided, describe what you need to say in them. The easiest way to number them is to help with the analysis of sources.

Rules when making a plan:

  • Following logic is one of the requirements for course work. It is necessary to ensure that the sections are interconnected and smoothly flow from one to another.
  • The title of the section should clearly correspond to its content. There should not be the same or similar section titles.
  • The name of the section or subsection should consist of one sentence. Not a few.

In conclusion, it is necessary to prescribe the conclusions to which the student came while he was writing a coursework. It will be easier if you make mini-conclusions at the end of each section. And the very conclusion to form one of them.

Sample course plan:

  • Introduction (relevance of the topic, subject and object of research, goal and objectives)
  • Chapter 1 (the title includes the basic terms of the course topic. This includes an overview of the sources on the topic. As well as an explanation of all the necessary terms)
    • 1 (concept of the object under study)
    • 2 (classifications)
    • 3 (historical right)
  • CHAPTER 2 (the name includes an indication of the object and subject of study)
    • 1 (compilation of analysis methodology)
    • 2 (object analysis)
  • CONCLUSION (research findings)

Conclusion of the coursework

The process of writing a coursework concludes. This decisive step must be approached with all the responsibility, because it is by the conclusion that the teacher judges how the goal of the work has been achieved and its tasks have been solved.

The role of the conclusion of the course project

All coursework is written for the sake of the conclusions contained in the report. Conclusion from this point of view is a kind of report on the work done, because in the introduction the student must set goals for which movement takes place by solving the tasks set throughout the study. When the work is written, it is necessary to summarize, summarize what happened to achieve and what is not. You can identify and prospects for further research, the possibility of development of the topic.

When deciding what to write at the conclusion of a coursework, imagine that the reader will become familiar only with this part of your research. He must understand why the study was conducted, how it was carried out (what methods were used), what results were obtained. Therefore, it is important to keep a balance: on the one hand, do not make the conclusion too short (so as not to miss important results), and on the other hand, do not copy unnecessary details into conclusion.

Definition 1

The conclusion is the drawing up into a whole of the conclusions made earlier.

Example 1

In the conclusion such stamps can be used: “so”, “in this way”, “summing up”, “on the basis of the experiment performed”.

The conclusion should be organically linked with all the work, not to look alien. A smooth transition is achieved using the same stylistics as in the main part, and essentially the same content – only compressed.

The structure of the conclusion of the course work

The conclusion is a general result, a section in which the author’s opinion on all the issues considered is presented, the advantages and disadvantages of the used (and rejected) methods are revealed, and ways of solving the problems of the subject area are suggested.

Consider what should be in the conclusion of the course:

Begins the correct conclusion in the course work with the justification of the relevance of the topic.

Next, write the conclusions for the course work – in the order followed by chapters and paragraphs.

In the end – an assessment of the solution of the tasks that were set in the introduction.

Example 2

An example of how to start writing a coursework report (the theme of the work is “The role and importance of the budget in the financial system of a state”): “The structure and content of a country’s financial system is largely determined by the dominant economic system”.

After the introductory phrase, you can write a conclusion made in the first paragraph of the course work.

Example 3

For example: “The United States currently has a mixed form economic system. It combines the features of a free market and centralized managed economy. This also determines the structure of the financial system, in which two blocks can be distinguished: public finance (state and municipal – centralized finance) and finance of business entities (decentralized finance)”.

The following are the conclusions on the remaining sections of the course work. The form and order of the conclusion should correspond to the structure of the main part of the work.

Example 4

The last phrase in the conclusion of the course work can be a cliché: “Thus, all the tasks were solved, the goal is achieved” – in the event that the problems were really solved. If some problems could not be solved, it should be explained what caused the failure.

How to write a conclusion in coursework

Before you write the conclusion in the course, you need to complete the course itself.

Example 5

An example of a problem faced by students who do not comply with this simple rule: the manager makes changes to the text of the work (finding inaccuracy, outdated data, or simply pointing to the need to consider some other aspect of the topic), after which you have to rewrite a substantial part of the conclusion. To avoid double work, it is better to first verify the entire text, and only then deal with the conclusion.

If you are going to write the first in your life coursework, do not neglect the opportunity to learn examples of writing the conclusion of a coursework. The main thing is to choose worthy samples so as not to copy other people’s mistakes into your work.

There is nothing wrong with asking a manager how to write a conclusion in coursework. If he has already read the main part of your research, he will be able to help highlight the main thing – those conclusions that it is advisable to draw into the conclusion of the course work, or at least give a sample.

Examples of errors writing a conclusion on the course work

When writing a conclusion, the following common mistakes should be avoided:

The use of first person singular pronouns.

Example 6

It is unacceptable to write: “I made a conclusion”, “I calculated”, “I learned”. This disrespect for the supervisor – any course work is a joint work of the student and teacher (even if in fact he almost did not participate). The pronoun “we” is permissible, but not recommended. You can write in the conclusion of a coursework impersonal sentences: “Conclusions were made”, “It was established.”

A lot of extra information. In conclusion, there should be only well-formulated basic conclusions from paragraphs.

Missing important information. For each paragraph there should be basic information – otherwise it turns out that you wrote this paragraph in vain without drawing any conclusions from it. In some universities, it is required to indicate directly in the conclusion to which structural part the output relates.

Example 7

An example of writing an opinion on coursework with such restrictions: production.

The lack of consistency and connection with the introduction. In the introduction, tasks, goals, and a hypothesis are set, therefore, all these parameters should be repeated in conclusion, without missing a single item, and making conclusions. Even if some task was not considered (this happens if there is not enough research on this issue), then this should also be indicated in conclusion by explaining the reason. The introduction can be used as a template for writing a conclusion.

Research methods in term paper

In the introduction to the course you need to specify many important points. One of them is the methodology. The student is required to specify which methods he will use when researching a topic. This is not an easy task, and often students cannot cope with this task themselves. In this case, you can contact us. Our experts will write to you the work of any complexity, and you will be able to discuss the price with them personally.

Terminological apparatus

The scientific method is a set of basic ways of obtaining new knowledge and methods for solving problems in any science. The method includes methods for studying phenomena, systematization, adjustment of new and previously acquired knowledge. This definition is given in the textbook “Philosophy of Science and Technology.”

She identifies 2 types of scientific methods:

  • Theoretical scientific method (reflection of internal relations, which are achieved by data processing methods);
  • The empirical scientific method (a specialized form of practice that is closely related to experiment).

What are theoretical methods?

When you write an introduction to a term paper, you need to figure out which methods you are going to use. Of course, after writing all the work, you can add these methods.

  • Theory (a system of logically related statements);
  • Hypothesis (unsaid statement, guess);
  • Law (this is a clear statement that describes the relationship between different concepts);
  • Idealization (creation of mental objects and their changes);
  • Formalization (reflection of the results of thinking);
  • Reflection (research of specific phenomena);
  • Induction and deduction (studying the subject by moving from the particular to the general and vice versa);
  • Abstraction (abstraction from some properties of the object with the purpose of in-depth study of one of its sides);
  • Classification (association of various objects into groups).

What are empirical methods?

  • Experiment (a set of actions performed to test a hypothesis);
  • Scientific research (the process of learning associated with the acquisition of scientific knowledge);
  • Observation (the process of perception of objects of reality, the results of which are recorded in the description);
  • Measurement (determination of quantitative values ​​using special technical devices).

There are also methods used at both levels. This analysis, synthesis, analogy and modeling. Practically all students use these methods when writing their term paper, so you can also add them to the list of methods.

Essay writing plan

What is the composition plan for?

Students of schools to pass the exam, which must be prepared in advance. Special training requires writing essays on selected topics. To do this, it will be useful to make a plan for presenting your own thoughts in order to realize your creative idea and not to miss important details.

Plan of writing on the history. Main steps

If you need to write an essay on history, the plan should look like this:

  • It is necessary to highlight at least two events related to the period to be considered.
  • Historical figures. Tell about two historical figures whose role and activities are associated with the event. Be sure to indicate the years of life, position held, important achievements.
  • The role and influence of events. Using the facts and opinions of historians, to assess the historical gap under consideration, to establish a causal connection between events.

It is recommended to use in the course of writing historical terms and concepts that characterize a specific period.

Concrete essay writing plan

Many consider writing a plan a waste of time, however, it is not! A well-written blueprint will allow you to relate your thoughts and logically state them.

Writing requires compliance with the plan:

  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion.

The introduction serves as a reason for the forthcoming reasoning, introduces the reader to the topic, formulates the question (problem) and its relevance. Here you need to say a few words about the writer and his work.

The main part fully reveals the essence of the problem, which of the authors was affected, how he described it and what he focused on. After determining the position of the author, you should designate your personal position. You can agree or disagree with the author’s opinion. If your and the author’s position coincide, then you should independently find the facts from the literature that will confirm your thought. The following are the arguments in the form of theses that require a reasoned response (evidence), using art material as a support. To do this, it is necessary to know the work well in order to apply it correctly in the text of your essay and to prevent the distortion of information about events or characters. You can use quotes from the work with comments to them. Comments are especially important because they help to understand the problem more deeply, to see the author’s interest in it.

The conclusion should be brief, summarizing and contain the answer to the main question of the essay. He can repeat the thoughts of the author in a generalized form. The ending should correspond to the introduction and the main part.

Before writing, making a specific essay plan for literature, you have every chance to pass the exam successfully.

Any suggestions on how to write my Introductory paragraph?

Any suggestions on how to write my Introductory paragraph?
Subject: Compare and Contrast my culture to another culture.
It can be Religion, Food, Dances, Marriage, etc.

I am comparing Guatemala’s Education (systems and such) with California’s education.


I know this is a pretty “ugh” topic.
But how may I make my intro STRONG?

I just want suggestions.

Well I don’t know much about Guatemala or California’s education system, since I live in Australia, but what you need to make your intro strong is to make it evocative. You don’t want your teacher or marker sitting there thinking “why the hell am I stuck here with these boring papers” you want them to be genuinely interested in your paper. And so I cannot stress enough the importance of the first impression. The first impression the marker will have from your paper will determine whether or not he’s going to give a sh*t about your paper for the next ten minutes. It is vital that you HOOK the reader in your first sentence, and then to maintain it throughout your entire intro.
To hook the reader, you need something to IMMEDIATELY grab their attention, to get them to shift in their seat, fix their glasses and pay more attention. You need to push their buttons. If the comparison in general is going to show something tragic or emotionally distressing, then DISTRESS them. If you’re going to be spiteful or show anger, show it immediately. But be careful not to give too much away, as this will detract from your body. You also don’t want them to know everything, so they’ll WANT to read more and learn more, instead of just blurting out everything and leaving nothing else but repeated words for the audience to read. Here are some from my past papers as examples.

(Discuss your interpretation of the word ‘family’) “Look in any standard dictionary and you’ll find quite a few definitions for the word ‘family’. I have a dictionary of my own. In my dictionary, it is defined as: “a human sanctuary”.

(Is alcohol responsible for the increase in the level of street violence in our city streets?) “alcohol works by replacing the oxygen in our blood with itself, meaning that less oxygen reaches our brain. People cannot think well, and it is hence the culprit of many violent incidents. Alcohol is indeed responsible for the increase in violence in our city streets.”

(How is technology affecting our everyday life?) “the human civilisation has existed for thousands of years now, and its advances in science and ethnology for the first few thousand years was minimal. Since the industrial revolution though, technology has advanced exponentially. Technology is essentially changing our lives.”

See how I don’t start out with the traditional matter-of-fact main argument/ thesis and give the three supportive sentences? Be interesting, evocative, appealing and creative. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it is best to go with the traditional one, but this is usually much more powerful. Just remember:
-First (couple of) sentence(s) must ENGAGE the reader
-you are not obliged to state your body paragraph’s arguments, but in a full essay like yours, it is better that you do.
-make ABSOLUTELY SURE that you EXPLICITLY state your thesis or main point of writing this essay, whether it’s to state what your endeavouring to do, what your hoping to discover/prove, or are outright trying to argue. Your main issue must be clear and coherent.
After all that, I hope it helped. It’s quite a bit to get your head around, but with repetition and practise it will get easier. Good luck!

Tips for writing a motivational essay

A graduate school who seeks to enroll in a foreign university or a large domestic university, is obliged to collect and submit a package of documents for consideration by the commission. It must also include a motivation letter. Moreover, the importance of such an essay is unreachable.

It is not uncommon for a strong student who has performed well on exams to be rejected by the university administration for enrollment due to a poorly written motivation letter.

Work Tips

Be sure to include:

  • why choose this profession;
  • proven veils about the school;
  • what motivates you to cultivate, what gives you the strength to go forward;
  • What are your goals?
  • what was achieved in sports and creativity;
  • why are you a good student;
  • your features, abilities and opportunities for which you should be credited.

Motivational essay: an example of how NOT to do

We give an excerpt from the work, which cannot be rated highly:

“Hello! My name is Mary, I recently turned 16 years old.

I applied to many educational institutions, but I was only able to pass on points. Thank you for having such a low threshold. You inspired me to learn, move forward and improve myself. The teachers at the school did not succeed. They could not prove the importance of education, to my deepest regret. All that I have achieved, I have achieved myself. Without the help of teachers.

Everything is different with you. As soon as I entered the audience, I immediately realized that I wanted to study here for the next 4 years. Maybe then I even go to the magistracy. I think I have enough strength to overcome all the difficulties and hardships on the student’s path.

Why did I like the audience? Why do I mention her again and again? Because it is very spacious, bright and very cozy. Immediately it is clear that you care about your students. Such an approach is dear to me.”

Motivational essay, an example of how not to do: analysis

  • Dialogue to build with the reader should be mandatory, but primitivism is not appropriate. The first 2 sentences should be formulated differently.
  • The theme of the work, the problematic should be indicated in the introduction. This is not. The meaning of the message is not clear, what goals the author pursues, what he is trying to convey to the reader.
  • You should not mention other universities in the work, if you are not ready to conduct a comparative analysis and do not strive to devote all the work to this.
  • Universities pride themselves on the difficulty of selection. It is not necessary to focus on opposing ideas.
  • Talk about your virtues, keep silent about the shortcomings. A low score is a bad recommendation.
  • Do not speak unflattering about their school years and teachers. Remember that teachers will be the examiner.
  • Primitivism of flattery, the inability to make compliments and find the strengths of an educational institution will lead to the fact that the motivational essay, an example of which is given above, will be put aside immediately after reading the second paragraph.
  • Errors in the approvals and the use of words, the meaning of which you do not know, will lead to the refusal of enrollment.

How to write the main part in the research paper?

You were asked to write a research paper. Of course, you don’t want to do this, because you need to spend enough time, and now the Internet is full of essays on various topics. But downloading them is not the best option. All of them are so identical that the teachers have long learned them. So, if you want to get a good grade, either try to write yourself, or contact us. This is not as expensive as on other sites, because you communicate with the authors personally. You just need to register and fill out a job application. The authors themselves will find you as soon as possible. Well, if, after all, you prefer to suffer on your own, then we will tell you how to correctly write the main part of the essay.

How to start?

Oddly enough, but it’s better to start not with the introduction, but with the main part. It will be easier to write an introduction to the research paper when all the work is ready. Therefore, we proceed to the main thing.

At this point, you should have selected materials and read the necessary books. The further operation algorithm is as follows:

  • We break the material into chapters.
  • We determine the main points.
  • We are writing.

The main thing is to observe logic and consistency. To do this, there are certain phrases that will help you keep track of this:

  • This essay is dedicated to …
  • Below is described …
  • Next, we will consider the issue of ….
  • Let’s turn to ….
  • In this way…
  • So….
  • It’s important to note …
  • As stated above …

What to write

In this part of the essay should be information that helps to comprehend the goal and solve certain problems. The essay should be written dividing it into chapters and paragraphs. You should not write all the information in solid text, it will be an essay or essay. Also, do not forget that there must be links to information sources that are listed in the literature at the very end.

All chapters should be subordinate to one idea and line up according to a logical sequence. So, for example, there should be a history of research on this issue, the logic of research, brief conclusions in each chapter.

Research paper themes on psychology

Psychology occupies a special niche in the scientific world: it is able to penetrate much deeper than other areas of knowledge – into the human brain. At the same time, the scientific methods used to study the soul are strikingly different from the usual methods of studying human nature. Due to the irrationality and abstractness of our inner world, this field of knowledge is somewhat contradictory for most people, which is why many consider it a pseudoscience. A student who has decided to begin his career in this area will have to study many sources of information before he is ready to gain new experience. At the initial stages of training, one of the types of scientific work is an essay that helps the student to understand the most difficult questions of the course and understand what psychological research is based on.

Preparation for writing a research paper

Before starting work, the teacher will provide topics of essays on psychology to choose from. It is in your interests to choose a topic to which you would have a personal interest: perhaps some questions are closer to you, or personal experience pushes you to choose a specific topic. So you will be able to process the material with great enthusiasm, and not only dry scientific information, but also your own position will be traced in your essay.

Select one or more sources to familiarize yourself with key points and ideas about your topic. The best resource is considered to be scientific literature compiled by psychologists; from there you can gather the most important information that will prompt you to analyze the problem or make you reconsider your own views. Try to remember the most significant thoughts, but at the same time do not copy what you read into the research paper, but process the information yourself, so that later you can write it in a text document in your own words.

Particular attention should be paid to those positions that do not coincide with your worldview or experience. If something is not completely clear, then you can always turn to directories or clarify the issue by asking the teacher for help. This type of work requires the ability not only to retell the text, but to preserve its entire meaning and expound without loss of structure. Not everyone can handle such a task, but our authors can accomplish it on their own if you turn to them. The work will be done quickly and efficiently!

Themes of essays on psychology

Topics for writing essays on this discipline can be divided into several categories:

  1. Reviews in a historical perspective or in a certain section. For example:
  • The history of the emergence of science, its separation from philosophy;
  • Varieties of approaches, the main schools of psychoanalysis;
  • Psychology and pedagogy: common ground;
  • Psychology of art and art therapy;
  • Modern methods in the work of psychotherapists.
  1. The study of individual categories:
  • Types of temperaments and their features;
  • Feelings and emotions as a result of mental activity;
  • Classification of mental states of a person;
  • Psychology of family relationships;
  • The process of thinking as a unique phenomenon;
  • Consciousness and the unconscious: definition and function;
  • Types of memory and their features.
  1. Other methods or directions in psychotherapy:
  • Fundamentals of psychoanalysis Z. Freud;
  • Dream Analysis by C. Jung;
  • IQ tests as an effective method for determining mental abilities;
  • The technique of J. Piaget on the development of mental abilities in children;
  • Accentuated characters among the representatives of the young generation in the theory of A. Lichko.

To the maximum, the efforts made to write an essay on psychology will allow you to deepen your level of knowledge at the beginning of training and prepare for further studies related to your future profession.

Topics of research papers on philosophy

You studied philosophy over the course of a semester, and now you must write an essay and can not decide on a topic? We will give you some recommendations for choosing the topic of essays on philosophy.

Philosophy is a rather complicated, but interesting subject. What is wonderful here is that you can reason for your pleasure, in no other subject it will be so appropriate. So, how to choose from a long list of possible topics?

Choose what interests you

This is a very important point. If you write about what you do not understand, or you are bored, the essay will be difficult to complete and not at all so informative and interesting.

You can take any general topics like:

  • Philosophy of National Identity
  • Philosophy and religion, forms of dialogue
  • Philosophy and science, general and different, etc.

Or specific theories and philosophers, for example:

  • The concept of consciousness in the works of Husserl
  • The concept of the unconscious in Freud’s teachings
  • Man in the philosophy of Marxism, etc.

Be specific

The topic can be formulated generally, but you must take a specific aspect and reveal it as fully as possible. Philosophy is dangerous in that you can begin to disperse and not say anything specifically. Concentrate and do not pour excess water.

For example, if your topic is Philosophy and Art, select specific theories. You can have 2-3 theories and describe them, trace chronologically the points of contact, etc. Do not write general phrases – this creates the impression that a person does not understand what he writes about at all.

Clearly and accurately refer to philosophers and reputable scientists. Speaking of theories of the same Freud, it is best not only to quote his scientific works, but also other scientists. Reinforce your attitude or thoughts with authority. Use quotes fully and correctly, do not take words out of context.

Such a study seems complete and deep. And show your work from the best side.

Never use encyclopedias as sources, especially electronic ones (like Wikipedia). That is, you can use something, but do not write about it. Quoting should be only from original sources.

Know the terminology

This is a very important point. When preparing an essay on the topic “The Problem of Anthroposociogenesis in Philosophy and Science” you must define what anthroposociogenesis is, understand it and use the terminology on the topic in the essay. It is impossible to write an essay on the topic “Synergetics and the establishment of a new methodology of cognition” and not to understand what synergetics is.

However, do not get carried away. Do not overload the text with long and complex words, especially if you need to defend this essay. Show that you are in the subject, but do not show off. It will come to you sideways. Use only words whose meaning you know.

Possible topics of essays on philosophy

You can choose any of the following topics that you like and prepare a good job using our tips:

  • The influence of Chinese philosophy on the aesthetic views and artistic practice of the Far East
  • The Influence of Taoism on Design Thinking and Design Practice
  • The embodiment of Zen Buddhism in the art of the Far East
  • Poetics of Aristotle. The concept of “mimesis” in the aesthetics of Aristotle
  • Symbols of the Orthodox Church as the embodiment of the worldview of Christians
  • Key Aspects of New Age Empiricism
  • Kant’s doctrine of taste
  • Moral issues in the works of F. Nietzsche and F. Dostoevsky

And many others.

Do you have problems choosing the topic of essays on philosophy or writing it? Is philosophy far from you? You do not understand philosophy at all? We will help you! Our experts will choose an interesting topic and prepare a good essay for you!