Making the table of contents of the thesis

In all books there is a table of contents, it should be in the thesis. Table of contents as a structural element of the thesis is required by standard: it is allowed to do without it only in very small works, up to 10 pages.

Why do you need the table of contents of the thesis

Example 1

An example of using a table of contents: the head asked you a question in a thesis. You just remember that you wrote about it in the second chapter, you start to search, scroll through the first chapter, lose time, go to the second chapter and start looking for the necessary paragraph. At the same time, you at least know the text. Members of the commission do not know what and in what order they should; they would take even more time to find the right place to work. Not finding any aspect of interest to them, they may decide that there is none at all, that the topic is not sufficiently disclosed.

The table of contents allows to avoid such incidents, facilitating the search for the desired page.

Additional benefits from the table of contents – it gives the opportunity to measure parts of the work. If the first chapter begins on page 5 and ends on the 50th, and the second begins on the 51st and ends on the 58th, this is the reason for the revision, redistribution of the material.

How to write content in the thesis

Before you begin to write a thesis, the student makes a plan. The design of the content is based on this plan; the plan is the first version of the table of contents. The difference of the plan is that it contains only the names of sections, without page numbers.

The plan must be coordinated with the supervisor so that a situation does not arise when the thesis is ready, and the supervisor says that it must contain completely different items.

The table of contents of the thesis can be compiled according to the following model:

  • Introduction
  • 1.Title of the first chapter.
    • 1.1 Name of the first paragraph.
    • 1.2 Name of the second paragraph.
    • 1.3 Name of the third paragraph.
  • 2. Title of the second chapter.
  • 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 The names of the paragraphs included in the second chapter.
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources used.
  • Applications.

If there are more than 2 chapters in the work, each chapter is described in the same way as the first two.

Usually, elements up to the second level are included in the content (if paragraphs are divided into smaller parts – 1.1.1, 1.1.2 – they may not be indicated in the table of contents). Introduction, conclusion and list of references are not numbered.

How to make out the content in the thesis

The important question is how to properly arrange the content in the thesis. Basic requirements for registration:

  • The content is located on the second page (after the title page).
  • Before you write the content of the thesis, you need to make a title – “Table of Contents” or “Content.” A specific variant of the title is chosen by the department, but the use of the word “Table of contents” for complete work is more typical, and the “Content” is for a collection of individual parts.
  • The design of the content of the thesis should be consistent with the design of the main text (font used, line spacing, paragraph indents).
  • The content of the thesis is best done on the model taken at the department.

Example 2

In some universities, they require the use of a placeholder in the form of dots between the name of the item and the page number; in others, the line should be left blank.

  • If in the text of the thesis the headings are written in capital letters, they are also taken out in the content. Selection in italic or bold is not saved in the table of contents.
  • Headings of the second level are most often placed with indention in comparison with the headings of the first level, which facilitates human perception of the text.

Automatic registration of the table of contents in the thesis

Text editors make it easier to compile a table of contents. When using automatically collected table of contents two problems are solved at once:

  • Page numbers are carefully aligned (it’s not necessary to adjust their position in the line using spaces).
  • In case of any changes (both in the name of the item and in the number of the page on which it begins), the table of contents will be updated automatically.

Consider how to write the content of the thesis, using the technical capabilities of MS Word.

As the main text is written, it is necessary to specify the heading style – headings of the first and second level. You can change styles and when the text is ready – the main thing is not to miss anything. When this is done, on the “Links” tab, click the “Table of contents” button and select the most appropriate table of contents from the list of examples.

If none of the standard design examples is appropriate for the content of your thesis, you can create your own template by specifying levels of detail, font and indent settings, line filler, and other parameters. You can also change the font and indents by highlighting the table of contents as plain text.

To update the table of contents after changes, you must click on it with the right mouse button and select the item “Update field”. Two update modes are possible:

  1. Complete update.
  2. Update page numbers only.

If only the page numbers are updated, there may be a mismatch in the title of the paragraph in the content and in the text.

How to write an introduction to the thesis

If you do not take into account the design elements, the introduction is the first section of the thesis. It is from the introduction that members of the attestation commission begin to read the thesis (after which, as a rule, they read the conclusion – and this is limited). The introduction should form a positive impression of the thesis.

The structure of the introduction of the thesis

The structure of the introduction of the thesis are quite clear requirements governing both the composition of the elements and the order of their following.

Definition 1

The main purpose of the introduction is a brief description of the work, the formation of the reader’s understanding of what the thesis is about, what it is about.

Standard components of the introductory part, not depending on the subject of research:

  • The relevance of the problem, which is devoted to the study.
  • The purpose and objectives of the work.
  • The object and subject of the thesis.
  • The hypothesis of the study.
  • Scientific methods used in the development of the topic.
  • Characteristics of the degree of knowledge of the problem.
  • Definition of scientific novelty.
  • Description of practical significance and possibilities of applying the results.
  • Review of sources of literature and primary data.

The volume of injection should not exceed 10% of the total volume – otherwise it will contain too much “water”. At the same time, the prologue should not be reduced too much. On average, a harmonious volume is 3-5 pages with a thesis volume of 50-80 pages.

Relevance of the topic

The first thing that should be in the introduction of the thesis is the justification of relevance. The reader should understand that the theme you choose is related to modernity, it really makes sense to develop it. There are three ways to choose a topic that determine how easiest to write the relevance section in the introduction:

The department gives students a list of topics, and everyone chooses something that interests them. Such topics practically do not change from year to year and are well known to both graduate heads and commission members.

The thesis supervisor offers a topic related to his personal research (the topic of his dissertation, a monograph in preparation, or other work).

The topic is offered by the student himself on the basis of professional activity (it is appropriate for students working in their specialty)

In the first case, you can search for works of past years: many universities publish them on their website (even if the work is not fully laid out, the introduction must be included in the introductory piece). Many topics with minor changes are considered in other universities, so the Internet can be a significant help. Copying the relevance is literally risky in the light of the introduction of checks on borrowing, but it is easier to single out a rational grain and retell in your own words than to invent from scratch.

In the second case, you can ask the manager why he recommends this topic, or read his publications – they should indicate the prospect of studying this topic or its significance in modern conditions.

In the third case, you should rely on your personal experience or ask for help from more experienced colleagues, the boss. The thesis supervisor will help to formulate the relevance in a manner accepted in the scientific community, according to common patterns.

Relevance may be based on changes in the economic or political principles of the functioning of society, on the latest technological advances, on major discoveries or inventions of recent years, as well as on the discourse related to regulations or laws.

Example 1

For example, if a tax reform has occurred in a country, tax issues will be relevant due to the changes that have occurred.

The purpose and objectives of the work

It is important when writing the introduction of the thesis correctly formulate the goal.

Example 2

Examples of goals:

Evaluation of the effectiveness of labor resources in the context of improving the efficiency of the organization.

Improving the management of the investment attractiveness of an industrial enterprise on the basis of optimizing its resource potential.

Improving the strategy of personnel management of the enterprise.

Definition 2

The purpose of the thesis – this is what the result is planned to get after writing a thesis.

As a joke, students say that the purpose of the thesis is to get them a thesis, which then can be attributed to the employer. For the introduction of such a goal (no matter how sincere it may be) is not suitable.

The goal should be based on the theme of the work, almost literally repeat it. At the same time, the verb “study” should be avoided, because most topics imply not only acquaintance with literary sources and the situation at the enterprise, but also the development of any recommendations, the creation of a project, the assessment of its effectiveness.

Example 3

Convenient for the formulation of objectives will be the verbs “improvement”, “efficiency increase” (if it is possible to measure effectiveness), “improvement”, “project development”.

Definition 3

The tasks of the thesis are steps towards achieving the goal.

The easiest way to write tasks is to reformulate the contents of the thesis. Then the number of tasks will coincide with the number of paragraphs (not chapters).

When writing tasks, you can use these verbs:

  • Expand (concept).
  • Describe.
  • Make a classification / classify.
  • To study.
  • To explore.
  • Analyze / analyze.
  • Characterize / characterize.
  • Rate / evaluate.
  • Develop (draft, recommendations).

The object and subject of study

Before you write an introduction to the thesis, you need to understand the differences between the object and the subject of study.

Definition 4

The object is a field of work, and the subject is a constituent part of this field on which attention is concentrated.

The object can be an organization, public relations, phenomena. The subject is reflected in the topic of work.

Example 4

An example of an object is Chinese manufacturing companies, the subject is models and strategies for the internationalization of Chinese companies.

Example 5

For legal subjects, the object is public relations arising in the process of determining the capacity of citizens, the subject of the study is the norms of legislation governing relations in the process of determining the capacity of citizens.


The hypothesis as an element of introduction is not always required, but it will not be superfluous.

Definition 5

A hypothesis is an assumption, an expectation from the results of a study.

The hypothesis may not be confirmed in the course of the experiments (although this situation is relatively rare for graduation projects).

Example 6

The hypothesis may relate to the existence of a connection between phenomena, expectations of the result of actions: “the introduction of a program of non-material motivation will increase productivity in the enterprise”, “the developed program will provide control”, “the use of the proposed exercises will help improve performance among younger students.”

The hypothesis should have a direct connection with the ongoing practical research, carried out experiments, to be verified in the framework of the thesis.

Research methods

Definition 6

Methods are ways to study posed problems.

There are general scientific and special (for a particular science) methods. Before you write this section of the introduction to the thesis, you should determine how the study will be conducted. After performing the main part of the work, the methods can be adjusted. Extra methods should not be included, because the commission may ask where exactly this method was used. Commonly used methods:

  • Synthesis.
  • Analysis.
  • Induction.
  • Deduction.
  • Modeling.
  • Graphic method.
  • Vertical and horizontal analysis.
  • Balance method.
  • Classification.
  • Generalization.
  • Comparison.

The degree of knowledge of the topic and an overview of the sources

Writing a thesis assumes that the student relies on the works of predecessors, and does not invent something from scratch. Some topics are widely covered in the literature, others are new, recently interested in the scientific community. Sometimes a problem is traditionally viewed from a certain angle, while other aspects remain unlit. The task of the author of the thesis is to designate in which section the problem was studied and described in detail, which “white spots” remained, and in what directions the researchers did not come to a common opinion. Interesting can be both actively discussed topic, and a new one, which was previously paid unduly little attention. When writing this part of the introduction, you should refer to specific authors, scientific schools and areas.

The degree of knowledge echoes the review of the sources used – after all, in order to understand how well a topic has been studied, it is necessary to become familiar with the literature. Additionally, in the review of sources, it is necessary to indicate if statistical data were used (by which organization they were prepared), enterprise documentation, normative acts.

Scientific novelty and practical significance

Sections of scientific novelty and practical importance answer the question; what thesis can bring to humanity. Before you write this part of the introduction in the thesis, you need to determine for yourself what your work may be useful for – for pure science or for practical work.

In abstract, theoretical studies, greater emphasis should be placed on scientific novelty (that you came up with something that nobody knew before you). In practice-oriented work, it is more important to demonstrate practical significance.

As a proof of the value of the work, references to patents, registered copyrights, acts of introduction, letters of thanks from the enterprise – the base of pre-thesis practice can be given. External confirmations always adorn the student’s words about the significance of his work.

How to write a thesis

From the first year, students wonder whether it is difficult to write a thesis. Each teacher considers it his duty to say: “If you cannot write a test (essay, coursework), how will you write a thesis?”. As a result, final qualifying work – the most voluminous work of those that students write over the years of study – is surrounded by an aura of inaccessibility. In fact, to write a thesis work itself is quite realistic – if you correctly approach the process.

The choice of topics and the head of the final qualifying work

Before you begin to write a thesis, it is necessary to decide on the topic and the leader. Samples of themes are usually given at the department; you can choose from a ready list or agree on changes. Two approaches are possible at the preparatory stage:

First choose a manager. This may be a teacher of the department, with whom you have developed the warmest relationships over the years of study, with which it will be easier for you to reach a mutual understanding. This may be a teacher, about which as a leader you have heard good reviews from past graduates. Some ambitious students are trying to get to the head of the department, but this choice is quite risky: the head of the department may simply not have enough time to carefully study your thesis. Once an agreement has been reached, a topic should be formulated with the manager.

First choose a topic. The topic may be related to your practical activity (it’s not a secret that many undergraduates, even full-time students, work in their specialty, and it is common among correspondents) or you are just very interested. Then the leader will have to choose from those in whose sphere of scientific interest this topic falls.

Example 1

For example, if your thesis in programming will concern the automation of accounting, it is impractical to negotiate guidance with a teacher who specializes in low-level programming. Similarly, if you are a philologist and want to concentrate on slang in modern Internet communication, an expert in Silver Age poetry can hardly become a useful mentor.

It is very important who leads the thesis. If the manager is not well-versed in the topic or is simply dishonest, you will have to write WRCs yourself, and if he is interested in the topic and he is ready to delve into the work, you will receive strong support and a competent guide in the scientific world.

Preparation of the thesis plan

To write a thesis correctly, you need to determine its structure from the very beginning – to make a plan. The main requirements for the content are determined at the department. As a rule, students are invited to do a thesis work in three parts. The first part is theoretical, the second – methodical, the third – practical. Another variant of the distribution of parts: the first is a theoretical methodological, the second is a review of the current situation, the third is recommendations. For some specialties, another work structure is possible.

Example 2

For example, a thesis work of an engineer along with the actual development (terms of reference, work project) may include a chapter on occupational safety and a business case for development.

You can ask the manager for an example of writing a thesis, or at least a sample of the plan – most likely, he has last year’s work, and he will allow to get acquainted with them. The main thing is not to write off everything verbatim (even if the topic is very similar), but to use information only as a starting point for your own research.

The thesis plan must be coordinated with the supervisor, since it is the plan that determines the content of the material. It would be a shame to write a thesis quickly and with inspiration according to your plan, and then find out that all this is not the case – and slowly and painfully rewrite according to the new content.

Introduction of thesis

Suppose a plan is made. The question arises – how to start writing a thesis. There is no single answer to this question.

You can go in order and start writing a thesis from the introduction, you can leave the introduction at last. In the first case, after writing the main part, the introduction will still have to go back and make adjustments – but at the writing stage, the tasks will be clearly defined, and their solution will be more systematic.

The introduction of the thesis should include a number of mandatory elements:

Justification of relevance. This material may take up about half of the volume of administration. Relevance is the connection of the topic of the thesis with the current state of affairs in society, science and technology.

Example 3

Thus, the optimization of the manufacture of punch cards is completely irrelevant, since they are not currently used. At the same time, the study of long-abolished laws is relevant, since they often form the basis of adopted later (and still in force) or may be useful in reforming the branch of law.

The purpose of the work – what are you going to achieve in the course of writing a thesis (except to obtain a document on higher education). To correctly formulate a goal, you need to clearly understand what it means to write a thesis. If term papers for the most part were purely educational in nature, and in them goals like “to study the process of accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors” were acceptable, then the thesis should first of all demonstrate the completeness of your training, the ability to perform the functions of a specialist. The goal cannot be educational. The goal can begin with the words “optimization”, “improvement”, “identification of patterns”, “model building”, “development of a software product (device)”.

Tasks work. For their writing will need a plan. How many points in the plan – so many tasks? You just need to reformulate the names of the paragraphs, so that they answer the question “what to do?”.

The object and subject of study. The object is the system you are considering, and the subject is from which side you are considering it. For example, the object will be an enterprise, and the subject will be labor productivity in this enterprise.

Research methods. To a large extent determined by the scope of the study, but almost always can be mentioned general scientific methods – deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis.

Review of used literature.

The standard introduction volume is 5% of the total workload (3-5 pages).

The theoretical part of the thesis

The theoretical part of the work is based on the study of literary sources. In this part the student does not create anything of his own – he studies what has been done before him. Since the theses are checked for borrowing, and the requirements for originality are high enough, you simply cannot copy textbooks and articles, you have to write the theory in your own words. A thesis cannot be based solely on textbooks: both monographs and articles in periodicals (specialized journals, collections of conference materials), and electronic sources must be used, and for many areas – legal acts.

The choice of sources is a guarantee of the quality of the theoretical part. Source Requirements:

Modernity. Sometimes rigid formal requirements are established: textbooks are not older than 5 years, articles are not older than 3 years. This approach is not entirely correct. On the one hand, classical works (especially of deceased authors) do not gain from reprints, and you can quote Karl Marx both in the 2018 edition and in the 1956 edition – there will be no difference. On the other hand, in dynamic areas even for 5 years (and taking into account that the textbook is not published instantly, that is, a textbook published 5 years ago was written about 7 years ago) a lot can change. The easiest way in this regard is with the regulations: you need to take from the reference legal systems the current edition (if we are not talking about a historical review of the changes).

Reliability. Inaccurate information is often found on the Internet and in unlicensed journals (as well as collections) – this may be due to both the incompetence and dishonesty of the authors, and the deliberate distortion of the facts. It is better to take material from magazines with a reputation (ideally, those included in the list of HAC).

To write a good thesis, you need to recycle many sources. The list of references should reflect at least 30-40, and most of them usually refer to the theoretical section.

The practical part of the thesis

The theory of the thesis is not limited; it must be a practice. The practice can be divided into two parts:

Inspection of the object “as is”. If in the theoretical student analyzes the sources, then in the practical part there is an analysis of a specific subject.

Example 4

So, for example, for lawyers – this is an analysis of judicial practice, for journalists – an analysis of a specific publication, for accountants – the financial activities of a company.

Development of something new – a project, recommendations, and an assessment of their effect.

Example 5

It is not enough to simply write: “A new law should be adopted”, it is necessary to explain in detail how it should differ fundamentally from the current one, what gaps in the law it will allow to close, what problems to avoid. For economic theses, the most popular criterion is profit: the proposed measures for commercial enterprises, directly or indirectly, should contribute to its increase (through cost reduction or revenue increase). However, for some topics, other criteria may be selected. For engineering surveys, it is usually about improving the existing technology – you need to prove that it really will be something better.


By the 4th course, when it comes time to write a thesis, students usually already know what a conclusion is and how it is written. The conclusion is not significantly different from the conclusion of the course work – except that it has a slightly larger volume. Like the introduction, it should occupy about 5% of the volume of work (perhaps a little more – 7-8%), that is, about 3-6 pages.

In the conclusion summarizes the work, draws conclusions for chapters. The focus should be on the practical part; only the main points can be written out from the theory.

In conclusion, it summarizes how the objectives set in the introduction have been accomplished and the goal achieved. If some problems could not be solved, it should be explained in detail why this happened (although this is usually avoided – if there is too little material on some aspect of the topic, adjust the plan and choose a more illuminated one).

At the very end one can note the practical significance of the research, the possibilities of its application. If the project has been implemented or the copyright certificate (patent) has been drawn up, it can also be mentioned.

List of used sources

References – the most strictly regulated part of the thesis. It is necessary to write a thesis at a university on the basis of a large array of sources — a standard requirement is the use of at least 40 units. Each source should be referenced in the text, and each should be described in the list of references.

Own requirements, how to write a list of references in the thesis, can be formulated and the department. In this case, the sample is issued in the form of guidelines on thesis design. It is at the department that the sources are listed alphabetically or in order of use, whether they are divided into sections (books, articles in periodicals, electronic sources).

How to write a report to the thesis: an example

Thesis is important not only to perform well, but also adequately protect at a meeting of the State Examination Commission. With a bad, crumpled and uncertain report, the impression of even a good job is blurred, and this results in a low rating. Everything is explained simply: for those 10-15 minutes that are given to a graduate student to defend a graduation project or work, it is extremely difficult for members of the attestation commission to create a clear opinion about the level of student training. Therefore, the question of how to write a report for a thesis, an example of which can be taken for review, should be among the priorities in preparing for the defense.

Report structure

How to write a report to the thesis? An example will help to understand. The optimal duration of the report should not exceed 10 minutes, but it would be good to keep up with 8. The sequence of the message depends on the presentation of the graduation project / work, but usually includes:

  1. Introduction (topic, purpose, structure of work).
  2. The volume and content of the main parts.
  3. Detailed description of sections.
  4. Positive aspects of the work, where they can be implemented in practice.
  5. The presence of external positive conclusions about the results.
  6. The main findings and directions for further research.

One of the major shortcomings in the protection is the isolation of the report from the visual-graphic materials presented to the members of the attestation commission. In such cases, they have a well-founded impression of the work being fragmented, the lack of integrity and logic of presentation. Another common mistake of graduate students is that some sections of the project are not sufficiently covered during the report. This may create the impression that the graduate student does not know these particular parts of his own project.

In such cases, it is recommended to highlight particularly obscure aspects of the work, and those sections that the graduate student is familiar with, intentionally skip, provoking questions from members of the attestation commission. Naturally, the answers to them will be the most detailed and deep. This will have a positive impact on the final assessment.

How can you overcome these difficulties

Consultation, how to write a report to the thesis, an example of which is offered at the department, is one of the priority activities of our authors. All of them are experienced specialists in this field of knowledge, and also possess tremendous experience in preparing and presenting the results of thesis design. Therefore, if a graduate student experiences problems with preparing work for the defense, he will always be able to receive qualified and timely assistance.

This requires:

  • Check with the head of the thesis, in what form it is necessary to represent it during the defense. This may be, in particular, the presentation (most modern) form or stands with posters on the subject of the main sections.
  • Provide the author with all materials related to the preparation of the thesis: pre-thesis practice data, baseline data issued by the graduating department, expected outcomes, etc. The quality of the report and protection as a whole depends on the completeness of the initial data on the future project.
  • Coordinate the final form of the conclusions of the thesis work.

If such information is transmitted to the author in a timely manner, and it takes into account all the wishes of the head of the thesis, then successful protection is guaranteed. Indeed, during the preparation of a report on protection, consultations can be regularly held on the preparation of a thesis for protection and on the agreement of individual places of the report with the presentation materials provided.

Speech to defend the coursework

Inexperienced students believe that if you have written a coursework well, then on defense you can relax and do nothing. However, this is fundamentally wrong thinking. More than half of the assessment depends on how you could protect your work.

What is the grade for coursework

An important role in the evaluation is the text of the course. How high will be your score, 50% depends on the work.

The protection text is another 50% of the rating.

Example 1

We need to competently present our coursework, so that the teacher would think: “Perhaps the work is better than I myself expected. It is necessary to put a higher rating. It may turn out the other way around, if you are unsure about a good job, confused with facts, painfully looking for answers to simple questions. It all depends on you.

It should be borne in mind that only the head reads all coursework. Other members of the commission (if the work is defended before the commission) at best will examine it diagonally, focusing on the defensive speech of the course work.

Important points for preparing the perfect speech to defend a coursework

Each school in its own way regulates the time to protect the course work. Speech should not be delayed. Sample requirements: “The protective word for coursework should be 5-7 minutes.” It is bad if the presentation takes only 2 minutes, because during this time it is impossible to present and seriously substantiate the conclusions obtained in the paper. On the other hand, too prolonged speech will also cause a negative assessment: it will show your inability to single out the main thing. We should not forget about the human factor: the commission needs to listen to the speeches of the whole group or even several groups, which can be quite long and not too interesting.

Protective speech need to rehearse at home. Best of all, if you can find a listener, but the recitation will do (exactly out loud to detect time) in front of the mirror.

All key points of your work should be supported by illustrative material. To visualize the most important thing you need to prepare a presentation or handout with tables and graphs. The important point is that each chart should fall at the moment when you talk about it.

On the very protection you have in front of your eyes can and should lie a leaflet-tip with a brief content of the text to protect the course. On it you need to list in order all that you will talk about so as not to get confused. It is desirable that he was a thoroughbred (without strikethrough and arrows what and what goes). Speech should be on average, clear to the ear, pace. If you speak quickly, hoping that the commission will miss most of the information past the ears, then it threatens you with a large number of questions to you after you finish the story.

After each question from the members of the commission, they should be thanked for the question and answered it in a detailed form, so that the teachers understand how well you own the material.

Sample of the beginning of speech to protect the course work

On defense, the first impression is important. At the very beginning you need to come up with a greeting. Everything must be official here.

Example 2

One of the options to start is: “Good afternoon, dear chairman of the commission and distinguished members of the commission!”

Further in the speech to protect the course work you need to identify the topic.

Example 3

An example of the introductory structure: “Today, your attention is represented by a coursework on the topic …”, after which you need to quote the topic exactly as it appears on the title page.

The following points should be indicated: the relevance of the problem, the hypothesis (if it exists), which is the object and subject of research, the goals and objectives of the course work. To sound the above parameters is in the same order in which they are specified in the introduction.

The main and final part of the speech on the defense of coursework

After the introduction, you can begin to voice the main content of the work on chapters. In this part, the following phrases will be useful for linking parts of the text:

  • “When covering the issue …”.
  • “During the study it was established …”.
  • “Analyzing this issue …”.
  • “In connection with the data ….” etc.

If the work includes a practical part, then it is necessary to tell what research was conducted, what methods and tools were used, what conclusions were drawn (in this part of speech specific figures are relevant, accompanied by the demonstration of graphs or tables).

At the end of defensive speech, the hypothesis must be repeated with the result (whether it was refuted or confirmed). It is also necessary to say which tasks from the stated ones were fulfilled (for unfulfilled ones – to explain the reason for non-compliance), to outline the prospects for future research on this issue.

The text of the defense of the course work is completed by the gratitude of the commission.

Example 4

An example of a phrase of thanks: “The report is over, thank you for your attention. I will be glad to answer questions.”

Topics for the final essay

How to approach the choice of the theme of the final essay?

The choice of the topic of the final essay (presentation) is not an easy task. It should be approached with all the responsibility, since it is precisely according to the results of the final essay that access to the USE will take place. Students are tentatively informed of the five main thematic areas for the final essay. Specific topics are kept secret and become known immediately before the exam itself. To prepare, in advance, the teachers publish a list of recommended reading materials, which will be useful for writing future work. A person who does not know most of the works of art and literary material will simply write about.

The choice of the topic of the final essay should be based on a clear idea of ​​what you plan to write about. That is, to know your strengths and do not write about the material that you do not understand. Before writing, you need to identify for yourself what the work will be used as a literary argument that will help to formulate your position in the raised question. Be sure to give one or more examples that best illustrate the problem. Without literary argument, essays will not be evaluated.


When the topic is selected, the idea is formulated, you need to submit the course of your thoughts. And it is better to write all the developments on the draft, so you will have a plan. Divide the essay for yourself conditionally into such parts:

  • problem identification;
  • your attitude to the problem;
  • guidance of arguments and examples (proof or refutation);
  • what conclusion you came to.

Having previously developed a plan, you can proceed to the disclosure of each item. Use for a start a draft where you can always fix or finish something. Perhaps the thoughts will come to you in a chaotic manner, they certainly need to fix. In due course each phrase will take the place in the text and will make a full composition of the composition. Even if you made grammatical and spelling errors, there is a chance to correct them before rewriting to final work.

The writing allows you to unleash your potential, shows your literacy, the quality of your writing; the ability to formulate the essence and problems of the topic, and fully disclose it; the ability to express their own thoughts and experiences.

According to the results of the final essay, a “credit” or “fail” will be issued.

Coursework topics on pedagogy

Teachers love when a student chooses an interesting topic. As a rule, in the list of topics proposed by the department, there are none. Therefore, the student has to torment himself to look for a topic. The problem is that even if you decide to place an order for coursework with us, you should choose a topic yourself. Our authors can write courseworks on absolutely any subject, besides for little money. Therefore, it is much more reasonable and more profitable than if you write a coursework independently. In addition, you do not have to learn the peculiarities of the content of the course and design rules.

But, as we have said, the topic is coming up for you to choose. However, we decided to help you here. Our authors have selected thirty very interesting topics in their opinion that the teacher will definitely appreciate.

  • Features of pedagogical work in primary school.
  • The role of the personality of the teacher in the educational process.
  • Problems of patriotic education at different ages.
  • The role of the game in teaching younger students.
  • Ethical and family education in school.
  • Features of pedagogical work with children with delayed development.
  • Training and education of children with Down syndrome.
  • Features of education of gifted children.
  • The problem of mutual understanding of the teacher and children with deviant behavior.
  • Types of memory. Methods of development of various types of memory.
  • Problems of women’s education.
  • The problem of art education in school.
  • Education systems abroad (any country to choose from).
  • Transition to the Bologna education system. Advantages and disadvantages.
  • School: training or education?
  • Dependence of socialization and place of residence.
  • The impact of urbanization on the process of socialization.
  • Principles of social pedagogy.
  • Ethical and moral aspects of the work of a social teacher.
  • Information storage technologies.
  • Comparative characteristics of education methods.
  • State education standards.
  • Tasks and technologies in pedagogy.
  • Teaching style.
  • The image of the teacher in the learning process.
  • Problems of development of creative thinking in schoolchildren.
  • Principles of pedagogical work.

Goals and objectives of the coursework

Introduction is an important part of the course work that the reviewers pay attention to first. One of the essential elements of it is the formulation of goals and objectives – and here it is important to clearly understand how the goal differs from the task in the coursework.

How to write a goal in a coursework

The goal of the course work is usually one.

Definition 1

The goal is what work is generally done for.

Many students write courseworks on the principle of “just to pass,” but such a statement of purpose will not work. The goal should be connected with the topic of work, with the final result of the research (scientific or practical, and not due to the organization of training).

Coursework may reflect a different approach:

  • For a purely theoretical work (which are usually written in the first courses), you can formulate the goal of the course work as follows: “To study the topic.” This reflects the purely academic orientation of labor.
  • For project works, the goal of coursework is formulated with the help of the verbs “develop” or “design”.

Example 1

For example: “Develop a software product for automating the work of a sales manager”, “Develop an interior design project for a cafe with 30 seats”, “Develop a project for implementing an ERP system in an enterprise”.

  • For works containing recommendations for improving any aspect of the enterprise’s activity, they are the target.

Example 2

Example: “To develop recommendations for improving accounting for settlements with customers”, “Suggest ways to improve the management of current assets”.

How to write tasks in coursework

After you managed to define the goal, you can proceed to writing the tasks of the course work.

Definition 2

Tasks are stages, “steps” on the way to achieving the goal.

If the goal is based on a topic, then the tasks are modified items of the work plan (table of contents).

Example 3

Therefore, the introductory phrase before the tasks often serves as follows: “The objectives of the course work, in accordance with which the structure is built”.

A clear correspondence between the tasks and paragraphs of the main text will later facilitate the writing of the conclusion (which should reflect the solution of the tasks set in the introduction) – it will suffice to put together the conclusions on the paragraphs.

Tasks are associated with certain actions, so their formulation usually begins with a verb (less often with verbal nouns).

Useful Verbs for Formulating Objectives:

  • Familiarize.
  • To study.
  • Systematize.
  • Categorize.
  • Describe.
  • To bring
  • Characterize.
  • Reveal.
  • Estimate.
  • Match.
  • Transfer.
  • To analyze.
  • Develop.
  • To design

Example 4

Here is an example of transforming work plan items into a list of tasks:

  • In terms of: “Legislative basis of accounting”, the task is “Consider the legislative basis of accounting”.
  • In terms of: “The advantages of the simplified taxation system”, the task is “To identify the advantages of the simplified taxation system”.
  • In terms of: “Measures to improve capital productivity,” the task is to “Develop measures to improve capital productivity.”

The number of tasks should coincide with the number of items in the plan (tasks are most often written by second-level items – paragraphs. Chapter titles are not included in the task list, since they serve as a generalization for paragraphs).

Tips, how to write the goal and objectives of the course

Although in the order of the introduction goes to the main part of the work, it is not always convenient to write it first. If the goal can be formulated immediately after receiving the topic of work and the requirements for it (it is usually stated in the guidelines that the work should be purely theoretical, analytical or project-oriented), then it is better not to hurry with writing the tasks.

At a minimum, writing tasks should be postponed until writing and approval by the plan manager in order not to do extra work (if changes are made to the plan, you will have to redo the tasks). But even this does not guarantee that, after writing the main part of the coursework, no corrections will have to be made – sometimes in the course of the study, previously unrecorded aspects of the topic come up, there is a need for additional developments, or there are changes in the subject area that cause the content of the work to change.

None of the tasks should completely repeat the goal, otherwise the question will arise as to why all other tasks are needed. The sequence of tasks is determined by the logic of the study:

  • First you need to study what has already been created on the topic being developed (theoretical chapter). In this case, the issues under consideration are deepened – the most general aspects (basic concepts) are described first, then the narrower ones.
  • Further analyzed “as is” in the subject area.

Example 5

This can be a financial and economic analysis of the enterprise’s activity as a whole and individual areas of its operation, analysis of the applied methods and management structures, analysis of technologies and existing software products – everything depends on the topic and discipline on which the coursework is written.

  • The final stage is the development of something new, one’s own. These tasks complete the list of tasks, and these paragraphs last in the course.

Example 6

This may include both the formulation of proposals and the development of measures, as well as an assessment of their effectiveness (confirmation by calculations that someone will get better from the implementation of the proposals).

Report example

You need to prepare a report, but have you never done so? A ready-made report example is not quite able to help understand the writing process. You need to understand who, why and how the report is written.

What is a report?

The report is a work in which the student briefly and essentially reveals a question, process, biography, etc. Abstracts play an important role in writing the report. This is the basis of the report. The report should be small, this is a maximum of 5 pages.

How to prepare a report?

  1. The first is topic selection

Choose your current topic that interests you. Do not take too broad a topic or a detailed study. You will have to present new interesting facts, and it will be easier to do if people are unfamiliar with it. If your topic is wide, narrow it down to a specific aspect. It will be so much easier.

If you took a topic and cannot find any information at all, do not drag and change the subject.

  1. The second is information gathering

The first source of information now is the Internet. But do not rely only on him. Firstly, there may be unverified facts on the Internet, and secondly, scientists (if you make a report at the university) are incredulous about such a source. Use only official sites. Do not refer to online sources.

Be sure to use several textbooks, scientific papers, articles, etc. There can be a ton of useful information that you will not find anywhere else. Therefore, be sure to go to the library.

You must have several sources of information. If you use one, the teacher will immediately notice it.

  1. Third – Planning

Outline the outline of the report based on the information available. It should be built logically and simply. The facts can be stated in chronological order or any other that will fully and systematically reveal the essence of the issue. Do not pile up the facts. Choose a way to present the material so that the listener is interested. Give interesting information in portions, arguing for each thesis and reinforcing it with facts.

  1. Fourth – Writing

If your report involves the analysis of information, feel free to express your point of view. Add life to the report. Use terminology, but not often and not too much. The speech should be as simple and straightforward as possible so that a person who does not know what you are talking about understands everything at a glance. All complex terms need to be clarified.

After writing the report, prepare a short version. Reading five pages is illogical. Make a brief selection based on theses. This will help you not to get lost on the defense.

Before writing, you can take an example from a teacher to understand how he wants to see it. It sometimes happens that you are expected to be more likely to evaluate and characterize information, and sometimes only facts and quotes from authoritative sources.

The report is written in Times New Roman font, size 14, single line spacing. Fields are set at 2 cm on all sides. At the end, be sure to provide a list of sources used.

Do not delay writing the report. It will take a lot more time than it seems. Moreover, if you do not have something to develop with the topic, you will not have time to change it or consult a teacher.

Relevant Historical Essay Topics

From students of educational institutions increasingly require an essay. The reason for this lies in the structure of the Unified State Examination. One part of the exam includes a similar task.

So that you can complete it successfully, consider how to write an essay on history.

What to avoid when choosing a history essay topic

Do not take the topic of an essay on history, if you are not sure that you can give exact and correct dates on them. Such works, no matter how interesting and informative they were, cannot qualify for a high score. Reliability of facts and numbers is paramount.

Unsuccessful examples of history essays necessarily contain chronological errors. Not able to track the formation of Caesar? Discard the original idea, take as a basis for a different historical person.

Remember that recent history does not have a single interpretation. An event that took place relatively recently may be regarded differently by inspectors. To rely on it in your judgments, to build your argument with the help of it is not worth it. We advise you to choose essay topics on the history of other centuries and eras. This step will save you from disappointment.

Possible topics of essay on history

  1. The origin of the Americans: current theories.
  2. The relationship of nomads and Americans.
  3. Forgotten civilizations that have made a significant contribution to world history.
  4. Causes of the fall of Byzantium: internal factors.
  5. Reasons for the fall of Rome: the role of the last emperor.
  6. Ancient civilizations: what can you learn from their example?

How to make a plan for an essay on history

A story essay plan should include:

  • introduction;
  • problem designation;
  • designation of position on the issue;
  • argumentation of opinion;
  • conclusion

The structure is conditional. Many examples of history essays are limited to 3 points. Some have more.