Report Design

Each student, during his studies, sooner or later has to write reports on various topics. However, it is not enough to select the necessary material and work through it. A student of a university, technical school or college will still need to correctly draw up a document.

Fundamental requirements

What is a competent report design? To type, you will need to use the font Times New Roman. The optimal size is considered to be 12 pt. In this case, you need to print the text after 1.5 intervals. Other features of the design of certification work include the inclusion of field parameters:

  • upper part – 30 mm;
  • right and left parts – 25 mm;
  • bottom – 20 mm.

The title page of the work deserves special attention. The first page of the report is obliged to carry the most complete information. The title page gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the following information:

  • subjects;
  • speaker information;
  • name of company;
  • course and group number;
  • year of writing the work;
  • information about the examining teacher, including his position and degree, if any.

It is important to remember the rules for writing subheadings. They must be typed in lowercase. The letters are used 14 points, the words must be aligned exactly in the center.

At first glance, there are many requirements, but taking them into account is quite simple. If there are doubts about the literacy of the work, it is worth entrusting its creation to professionals. Our authors will do everything promptly and competently.

Key notation

What else implies the correct presentation of the report? This is the correct use of pictures. If attestation student work involves the introduction of illustrations, then the images should be clear. No fragments that are weakly or inconveniently read should not be on them. Illustrations are done in black and white.

Mandatory captions to illustrations. The text under the picture is typed in bold, 10 pt. Each image in the report is assigned its own number. The same goes for tables in the text. For this, approximately the following designation is used: “Table 2”. If the mark is put to illustrate, then the designation takes on the format “Fig. 3 “.


When preparing a report, it is very important to create a special unit dedicated to the bibliographic apparatus. The list of used literature is certainly numbered. As a rule, the order is determined by the citation order in the text of the work. In this case, the report shall indicate the appropriate number in the necessary places. The number is “locked” in square brackets, it looks like this: [6].

The list of used literature itself is formed at the end of the certification work. As a rule, in reports this information block is marked as “Literature”. If the sources used have not been published, then reference to them is considered inadmissible.

Scope of work and its format

Most university teachers indicate that work should not be more than 5 pages. The volume is calculated taking into account the tables and the indicated illustrations. If the report is submitted so that it is subsequently included in the collection, the material is presented in two versions. Work is provided in print format (2 copies) and electronic. For such a document, the RTF format is used. In order for the material to be compact, it must be archived.

An opinion from experts is required to be attached to the material. This addition indicates the possibility of publication of the work. Also, the material must be approved by the project manager. Work must be sealed with the seal of the organization for which it is performed.

Philosophy Essay Topics

Have you been asked to write an essay on philosophy? And you do not even know how to approach this matter? Do not despair! We have prepared for you the information that will be useful when writing this type of work.

An essay is a small essay written in a free, prosaic form and containing the author’s own judgments. For students who are not going to associate their lives with this science, writing an essay on philosophy becomes a very difficult task. Most students have no philosophical experience; modern students are not keen on reading books by famous philosophers. Many attended classes on this subject, which is taught in all institutions of higher education. But few people remember what was discussed at the lectures. But nevertheless, when an essay is asked, it is necessary to concentrate and accomplish this task as accurately as possible.

How to write an essay on philosophy

From the very beginning, you need to decide what you will write about. Themes of the essay on philosophy can be very different:

  • The extensive, generalized topics are quite relevant: “How do I understand philosophy?”, “What is the meaning of life?”, “My view of life”, “The place of philosophy in our world”, “My worldview”, etc. Here you can think about it, and There should be no particular complaints against you – you defend your views on various issues. However, it is problematic and it is eloquent to describe one’s point of view.
  • Another option is to use the opinion of a reputable philosopher, here too the teacher will not be able to challenge anything. For example: “The Teachings of Homer”, “Friedrich Nietzsche and his place in philosophy”, “Plato and his teachings on the state” and so on. The choice is wide and you don’t have to suffer by creating very smart offers. Everything is already written to you – the main thing is to correctly use all this.
  • You can, for example, touch on any problem: “The problem of loneliness”, “The problem of the essence of existence”, “The problem of human relations”. Choose any problem you have an idea about and go ahead.
  • Like the story? Try to touch it in your topic: “The formation of philosophy as a science”, “Ancient Philosophy”, “Philosophy of Renaissance”, “Eastern Philosophy”. This makes it possible to present interesting arguments.

In general, you can consider any topics related to the philosophy in which you understand. Do not be afraid to express your opinion – that is what is expected of you in the composition. Now, consider a plan for an essay on philosophy:

  1. Introduction (description of the problem, some thought, quote, which you will reveal later);
  2. Theses (formulation of thoughts) and arguments (proof of what was said, can be supported by personal experience, heard or read);
  3. Conclusion (summarizes, and summarizes the opinion of the author).

Here are some tips on how to write an essay on philosophy:

  • It is necessary to maintain a logical connection of the text;
  • Expressiveness, emotionality will not be superfluous;
  • It is better to use short, affordable offers;
  • Mandatory subjective interpretation of the selected topic;
  • It is important to attract the reader, to capture his attention;
  • Do not reload the essay with long sentences, incomprehensible definitions.

Stick to the above recommendations, select a topic that you understand and be able to communicate well and go ahead. You must get a decent job.

How to write a journalism essay

Creative tests of applicants who want to connect their lives with journalism, consist of 3 stages. One of them – writing a small essay.

How to write an essay? Journalism requires creativity, but not pathos

A common mistake is the use of flowery phrases. Do not tilt the beautiful syllable. Try to avoid clichés. A business syllable that is not stylistically and emotionally colored is required. And do not exaggerate. Inappropriate contextual hyperbole – a bad bell.

Show your ability to write strictly on the topic. Do not be distracted by extensive reflections, more relevant in the case of work on philosophy. And do not deviate from the chosen course. To please everyone all at once will not work. Even this goal is not worth it. It is not this that is evaluated, but the ability to competently express their own thoughts on the subject matter.

Journalism Essay Topics

Here are the current topics of journalism essay:

  1. Oral and written communication: which skills are more useful?
  2. Predisposition to journalism.
  3. Media like a weapon.
  4. Is creativity important in the profession of a journalist?
  5. The mission of a journalist.

How to write an essay “Journalism is a vocation”

  1. Make sure that you are able to uncover the topic using theses, arguments, quotes and references.
  2. Recall that there is an essay on journalism, how topics are revealed in this type of work.
  3. Think over the composition.
  4. Make a plan.
  5. Write an essay on the draft.
  6. Read it twice.
  7. Make amendments.
  8. Transfer the finished work on the piece.

What awaits you checking essay “Why journalism?”

You should be aware of the events that are now covered in the press. If an applicant or student does not follow the news, he will not be successful in the chosen field. This is the opinion of the university staff.

Realism must be traced in respect of wages, as well as the life of a journalist, filled with burning news, urgent issues and business trips. Irregular working day is not romance, but prose. Are you ready for this? The reviewer will definitely clarify this point at the interview if you do not get a similar essay topic.

Types of essay

Unlike many other types of work, an essay is an artistic composition. Generally speaking, all essays can be divided into 2 types: written by request and written by necessity. The second type is when the essay is written on the instructions of the teacher. Then the student is in some kind of framework in form and content. We wrote about this in the article “What is an essay? “. But regardless of these two types, all essays are divided according to other criteria.

In terms of content, essays are:

  • Philosophical – in them the author expresses a deep personal understanding of the meaning of life and death, etc.
  • Literary-critical – the author analyzes the work with an emphasized subjectivity.
  • Scientifically publicistic – such essays are similar to essay.
  • Artistic – often such essays carry the features of a work of art (short story, story, essay, etc.)

According to the literary form they appear as:

  • Reviews are a deep analysis of a work (book, film, performance, etc.)
  • Notes – a personal appeal in an informal style.
  • Diary pages – reflections on the topic in an informal style.
  • Letters – to a friend, potential reader, politician, artist, etc.

There are also the following types:

  • Descriptive – most often tells the reader how to perform a particular task.
  • Causal – in such essays, the author is trying to figure out why this or that event happened.
  • Comparing – here the author compares two or more objects.
  • Analytical – all thoughts are built on the analysis of something, its analysis.

In fact, the types of essays are vast. To learn to write in this genre, there is no need to learn them all, to understand the structure of the essay, and the like. Sometimes it is much easier to order this work from us. It is cheap and does not take much time. Moreover, you can not worry about uniqueness – all works are checked by anti-plagiarism.

Themes of research papers on physical education

Students of many universities are not required to attend physical education classes. However, somehow you still need to report. That is why students are invited to write essays. This is not always easy to do. But it doesn’t matter if you decide to order an essay from us or write it yourself, you still need to choose a topic.

Before choosing a topic, you most likely have already decided, with the appearance of a research paper, and generally know what a research paper is. We present to you a small list of topics that you can use for your essay on physical education:

  • Physical culture in the system of cultural values.
  • Physical education in high school.
  • The history of the emergence and development of the Olympic Games.
  • Control, self-control in physical education and sports. Prevention of injuries.
  • Morning hygienic gymnastics and its significance. The complex of morning hygienic gymnastics.
  • Healthy lifestyle students.
  • Symbols and attributes of the Olympic Games.
  • Motor mode and its meaning.
  • Physical culture and sport as social phenomena.
  • The role of general developmental exercises in physical education.
  • Sports game volleyball. The history of the emergence and development of the game. Rules of the game.
  • Basketball sports game. The history of the emergence and development of the game. Rules of the game.
  • Forms of independent exercise.
  • Improving physical culture and its forms. The effect of health-improving physical culture on the body.
  • Athletic gymnastics and its impact on the human body.
  • Running as a means of promoting health.
  • Scientific organization of labor: fatigue, mode, physical inactivity, working capacity, physical activity, self-education.
  • Hygienic and natural factors of nature: mode of work and rest; biological rhythms and sleep; the science of body weight and human nutrition.
  • The formation of motor skills.
  • Education of the basic physical qualities of a person (definition of a concept, methods of quality education).
  • The basics of sports training.
  • Physical education in general cultural and vocational training of students.
  • The body, as a single self-developing and self-regulating biological system.
  • Anatomical and morphological features and basic physiological functions of the body.
  • The external environment and its impact on the human body.
  • The functional activity of a person and the relationship of physical and mental activity.
  • Fatigue during physical and mental work. Recovery.
  • Physical culture in the regulation of performance.
  • Adaptation to exercise.
  • Adaptation of athletes to perform specific static loads.

Physics Research Papers Topics

Physics is a practical subject. It is impossible to learn such a science only in theory, it is always necessary to practice. As a consequence of this feature, students are usually given a very small list of topics that can be used for theoretical essay. We decided to help you stand out in the eyes of the teacher and wrote a short list of interesting topics. You just have to go one of two ways: write yourself on the chosen topic, while suffering with the correct design of the research paper and the requirements for the research paper. Or act wiser and just order it from us. We give a twenty-day guarantee for all work, so if something doesn’t suit you, you can request a revision from the author.

  • The speed of light: determination methods.
  • Röderdorf and his experiments.
  • Theory of elasticity.
  • Methods for producing semiconductor wafers.
  • The action of polarizing devices.
  • Loss of heat and electricity during trucking.
  • Propagation of radioactive waves.
  • Ballistic intercontinental missile.
  • The principle of operation of radioactive engines.
  • The manifestation of the laws of friction in everyday life.
  • Maxwell and his electromagnetic theory.
  • The essence and significance of heat treatment.
  • Characterization of torsion fields and technologies.
  • Methods of water softening.
  • Electromagnetic waves and electromagnetic radiation.
  • The principle of operation of batteries.
  • Ball lightning is a unique natural phenomenon.
  • An experimental study of electromagnetic induction.
  • The functioning of power plants.
  • Energy conversion.
  • The use of electricity.
  • Nuclear energy.
  • The action of optical instruments.
  • From water wheels to turbines.
  • The value of the experiments of Nikola Tesla.
  • The sun as a source of energy.
  • Ultrasound and the possibilities of its application.
  • Representation of a picture of the world from the point of view of physics.
  • The phenomenon of the rainbow in terms of physics.
  • The energy of water sources.

Standards of a coursework design in 2019

Course work is the first serious research that students perform. If the control and essays teachers focus on the content, for the course work is not less important and design. However, despite the importance of this type of work, many students do not know the rules for coursework design.

General requirements for coursework design

It is best to take the requirements for registration coursework or test work from the head. A sample or training manual allows you to familiarize yourself with the requirements of a particular department, which may differ from the requirements of the standard, moreover very significantly.

Usually the requirements for the design of coursework determine that the entire text should be written in Times New Roman, 14 pt in font size (12 pt in size is allowed). Align the text to the width. The spacing between the lines is single or one-and-a-half, there are no spacing after and before the paragraphs. The text color is black throughout the job. If you need to highlight some information, you can use the font of another headset.

Fields: upper and lower – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm.

Headings are typed in the same font. They are located in the center or indention, some universities require boldface (although the design of coursework in 2019 does not allow the use of boldface).

Registration of drawings in coursework is carried out according to the following requirements:

  • All pictures should be referenced in the text.
  • The drawing itself is located after the first mention (on the same page or on the next).
  • After the picture is placed the text: the word “Picture”, the number of the picture, a dash, the name of the picture.
  • The numbering of the drawings can be both through and within the section.

The preparation of an electronic document the correct design of the course work is not completed. An example of the requirements for the subsequent stages of registration – printing is solely on the one hand. Paper size – A4. Work must be clean and tidy. On the page should not be more than 2 blots, but in any case it is better to reprint than correct.

Ends with the firmware. The course is usually fastened with a folder.

Registration of the title page

The title page is centered, except for student and supervisor data. This data equals on the right side. The following items should be on the title page:

  • The name of the higher institution (Ministry of Science and Higher Education).
  • The name of the institution where the student is studying (without abbreviations and abbreviations).
  • Faculty and department where the student writes a coursework.
  • The name of the item.
  • Subject (in accordance with the order).
  • Complete student data.
  • Information about the supervisor.
  • City, year, when the work was written.

The title of the work and the topic are sometimes marked in large and bold.

Registration of coursework content

You should build your text according to this scheme: title page – table of contents – introduction – main part – conclusions – list of references – applications. All of these parts must begin on a new page and be numbered correctly.

The title page has a number, but it is not put.

After the title page should be a list of contents, or content (different universities require different names for this element of the course work). The list indicates the structural elements of the course work (introduction, sections and subsections – standards for the coursework designation should highlight such elements, conclusion, list of sources used, applications, if available) and the number of pages on which they start. A placeholder can be used between the element name and the page number (most often in the form of dots).

Making a list of sources and footnotes

The list of references usually causes the most problems. Every sign is important here, so the teacher who conducts the control usually finds so many mistakes. First of all, take the guidelines on the department. This will help you. There should be accurate examples of the design of each type of information source. Follow these examples and everything will be fine. We will consider the main points that can facilitate this work for you.

Arrange all sources in alphabetical order by the name of the author. Regulatory acts, etc. placed in a separate list.

Sometimes students use footnotes in coursework. They are separated by a horizontal bar under the main text of the page. For footnotes use the same font, but smaller and with a smaller interval. The reference in the footnote is repeated in the list of sources. If the source is mentioned on the page two or more times, put the words “ibid.”

Themes of research papers on economics

At the departments there are certain lists of topics that are distributed from year to year to students for writing essays. This happens in all universities and at all faculties. Because of this, teachers do not particularly value student essays on these topics. This is especially true for the economy. Imagine how many times your teacher evaluated essays on such commonplace topics. That is why it is so important to find a unique interesting topic in this specialty. So you immediately distinguish yourself and earn a good reputation.

On our site you can order an essay on absolutely any topic. And ten minutes after you fill out the application, the authors will offer you their services. Therefore, all you need to do to stand out from the group is to choose a topic. Of course, you can write a research paper yourself. Then, in addition to the topic, you will need to study some organizational issues, for example, how to properly draw up a research paper.

We decided to simplify your task and selected a list of topics that can be used for research paper.

  • Economic theories of the Ancient world (Babylon, China, India, Egypt).
  • Economic views of thinkers of Ancient Greece (Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle).
  • The economic situation of canonism (St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas).
  • The essence of mercantilism as a school of economic thought (A. Montretien, T. Man, Colbert).
  • Physiocracy (F. Quesnay, Turgot).
  • Formation and development of the classical school of political economy (A. Smith, D. Ricardo, J.B. Say, T. Maltus and others).
  • Marginal direction of economic theory.
  • The essence of the neoclassical trend of modern economic theory.
  • Keynesian direction of modern economic theory.
  • Institutional and sociological direction of modern economic theory.
  • Interpretation of the subject of economic theory by various schools of economists.
  • Resources and their classification. Economic and non-economic resources.
  • Rarity of goods and production. The content of the main problems of the economy.
  • The problem of production efficiency in a market economy.
  • The struggle for limited resources.
  • Real and personal factors of production, methods for their connection.
  • The essence of ownership as an economic category. The place and role of property relations in the system of economic relations of society.
  • Assignment Types. The evolution of private property.
  • The essence and features of collective (group) assignment. Classification of forms of state ownership.
  • The role and importance of state ownership in the market system of farms.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of private property. Tendencies and prospects of development of private property in the USA.
  • State and municipal ownership.
  • The essence and criteria of typification of economic systems. Characteristic features of pure capitalism, command, traditional and mixed economies.
  • The essence and main features of a socially-oriented model of a market economy.
  • The economic model of Sweden.
  • Japanese economic model.
  • Features of the American economic model.
  • Economic models of new industrial countries.
  • The concept of general economic forms (social forms of management). General characteristics of subsistence farming and commodity production.
  • The importance of the social division of labor in the formation and development of the commodity economy.

Format of references and footnotes in term paper

Term paper, like the abstract, necessarily involves the use of works of reputable scientists – textbooks, monographs, articles. In light of this, it seems logical to make references and footnotes in term paper.

Ways of links in term paper

There are two approaches to how to link in a term paper:

  1. Footnotes in the course can be made out in square brackets.
  2. You can use footnotes, an example of which can be found in any textbook.

The way in which footnotes in the course are drawn up is determined by the department: both of the described variants of making footnotes are permissible.

Footnotes in square brackets do not cause questions at registration: in square brackets after the quotation (direct or indirect) the source number from the list of references is simply indicated.

Example 1

If you need to issue a footnote to the site, nothing more is required, if you need to issue a footnote to an article from a magazine or a book, then after the source number indicates the page from which the quotation is taken: [5, c. 117].

Somewhat more difficult to figure out how to put page references in the term paper.

Footnote rules in term paper

The design of references in term paper is from a technical point of view subject to the following requirements:

  • The font with which you will draw footnotes coincides with the font of the main text.
  • Size, which should be printed footnotes in the course: 2-4 points less than the main text, that is, the standard size – 10-12 pt.

Correctly make footnotes in the term paper on the following plan:

  • Footnote sequence number (can be numbered or restarted on each page).
  • Information about the source.
  • Page number in the source.

Allowed to draw up literature in footnotes inside the text, under the word (bottom of the page) or behind the text (endnotes). Footnotes on the source in term paper are usually made at the bottom of the page.

How to make footnotes

The type of source used determines how to make footnotes to it in the term paper.

Example 2

Example: for the textbook, the author, title, publisher, and city of publication are indicated, and such information cannot be specified for the site.

Usually the first question is how to put footnotes on textbooks, manuals and monographs in term paper.

Example 3

Example: 1 O. Summers. Economic history of the European Union: studies. for universities. – M .: Education, 2016. – p. 307.

Example 4

A shorter description of the source in the footnote is also acceptable. For example, it might look like this: 1 O. Summers. Economic history of the European Union. M., 2016. P. 307.

After the source was mentioned in the footnote, it is possible to make footnotes to it in the term paper even more briefly.

Example 5

At the location of mentions in a row, the text of the second footnote is replaced by the words “Ibid.”

Using the Internet requires making footnotes to electronic resources.

How to make footnotes in term paper

Difficulties can also cause the question of how to put links in the term paper when typing text with footnotes in MS Word. An example of a common mistake: a student manually puts the source numbers in square brackets throughout the text. Then it is enough to make minimal changes in the list of references (add or remove one source) – and all the footnotes no longer correspond to reality.

Software developers have thought out how to conveniently put footnotes in term paper. Examples of useful tools:

  • Tab “Links”, “Insert endnote” – for footnotes placed at the bottom of the page.
  • Tab “Links”, block “Links and references” – for in-text links.
  • Tab “Links”, “Cross-reference” – for links in square brackets to the source number from the bibliographic list.

Dissertation format in 2019

The thesis shows everything that the student has learned in a higher educational institution, allows to realize the acquired knowledge and professional training. Incorrect design can cause non-admission to the protection of even a very good job.

The rules for the design of the thesis are determined by the universities, and they must be registered in the training manual. If in your university your own rules of writing a thesis are not published, you can write a dissertation, based on state standards. Here we analyze what the requirements are for the design of a dissertation in 2019.

Structure requirements

  1. Title page.
  2. List of performers.
  3. Abstract.
  4. Content.
  5. Definitions
  6. Notation and abbreviations.
  7. Introduction
  8. Main part.
  9. Conclusion
  10. List of sources used.
  11. Applications.

The first, that is, the title page, is drawn up in the same way as in all written works. The list of performers for the thesis, as a rule, is limited to one student (although sometimes there are collective works) indicated on the title page.

Definition 1

The abstract is a summary of the content of the thesis without detailed interpretation and comments – only basic factual information and conclusions, including the volume of the report, the number of illustrations, tables, applications, the number of parts, the number of sources used.

The content is as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Chapters.
  3. Paragraphs.
  4. Items.
  5. Sub items
  6. Conclusion
  7. List of sources used.

In front of each item of content should be an indication of the page.

In the introductory part, it is necessary to briefly and succinctly describe the object and subject of research, describe the goals and objectives, research methods, scientific and practical base. The volume of the introduction is 2-3 pages.

Next are chapters. They can be divided into three parts. In the first one, it is necessary to analyze and assess the problem at the moment, how topical it is, what problems have already been revealed, and which of them require further study. This is followed by the scientific research of the author, what goals he set for himself, what methods he used to achieve them. The last chapter is devoted to the results of the study. In conclusion, you should make a conclusion of your research.

References should consist of no less than forty sources; each of them should not be more than 5 years old, otherwise the information may be irrelevant. At the very end of the work there should be an application, that is, a collection of visual materials: graphs, charts, tables, illustrations. Each application is decorated on a separate sheet, and it must contain a link to the text.

Design of title page and table of contents of the thesis

Considering how to get a dissertation, we must dwell on the title page – it is the commission that sees it first. The requirements for the design of the thesis indicate that the title page should contain the following information:

  • The name of the organization on the basis of which the work was done (institute, university, academy), as well as the name of the parent organization (in 2019 for most universities this is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education).
  • Vultures approval and approval.
  • Type of document (thesis, thesis project, final qualifying work). Type of document indicated in capital letters.
  • The title of the thesis.
  • Information about the performer (s) and the head (s) of the thesis, indicating academic degrees and academic titles.
  • City and year in which the report was prepared.

Registration of the content (or table of contents) of the thesis should begin with the title of this section:

  • Table of contents is usually written if parts of the work are logically interconnected (as is most often the case in a thesis work)
  • The content is more typical for works consisting of unrelated parts, but in some universities it is required to use this word in the dissertation.

The content (table of contents) includes an introduction, the names of all sections and subsections, as well as items having their own name, conclusion, list of references and appendix names. Each element is followed by an indication of the page number from which it begins. A placeholder can be used between the section name and the page number, making it easier to read by line (dots or lines).

Registration of the text of the thesis

Standards for thesis design regulate the designation of titles in the dissertation and the design of the main text.

Headings of structural elements (such as “INTRODUCTION”, “CONCLUSION”, “LIST OF USED SOURCES”) are printed in capital letters, aligning the center of the line. There is no dot at the end, underscore is not used.

The main part of the work is divided into sections, subsections and paragraphs (if necessary – with subparagraphs). These parts are numbered in Arabic numerals, and the numbers of the nested elements contain the number of a higher level and the sequence number of the nested element.

Example 1

An example of a dissertation heading: 1 Theoretical aspects of inflation 1.1 History of inflation 1.1.1 Inflation in the XV-XVII centuries 1.1.2 Inflation in the XVIII-XIX centuries 1.2 Approaches to the definition of inflation

Headings should briefly and clearly reflect the information contained in a section or subsection. Items may not have headers. Headings should be typed with a capital letter, without putting a full stop. Headings are printed with indention indentation (they are not aligned to the width, like structural headings).

The main text of the work is prepared in print, printed on white A4 paper (if there are many larger tables and illustrations in the work, use of sheets A3 is allowed) on one side. The font should be black, normal (not bold), with a size of at least 12 pins (1.8 mm) – 14 pins are most often used.

Registration of final qualifying work provides that the sheets remain fields:

  • Right – at least 10 mm.
  • Top and bottom – at least 20 mm.
  • Left – at least 30 mm (it is the largest, because the dissertation is sewn to the left).

Describing how a thesis is made out, there is a certain freedom: you can use different typeface fonts to emphasize attention (the main thing is that their size meets the requirements).

Formulas, illustrations and tables in the thesis

For ease of comparison and clarity in theses used tables. Basic requirements for the design of tables:

  • Above the table on the left is placed its name (in one line with a number after a dash).
  • The table should be mentioned in the text, and placed immediately after the first mention (if it does not fit, it is permissible to transfer to the next page).
  • If the table is placed on two or more pages, the name is written before the first part of it, and on other pages they indicate: “Continuation of the table” and the number.
  • The tables are numbered in Arabic numerals within the section or through numbering for the entire dissertation.
  • Line headings and a graph start with a capital letter, and subtitles – with a capital letter, if they are independent, or lower case, if they continue the title.
  • The font in the table may be less than in the main text.
  • Tables are usually limited to lines. Inside the tables, you can delimit the line, but you cannot delimit, if the table is well read without them.

In the illustration, as well as in the table, you need to refer to the text, and place them after the first mention (on the same page or the next). Numbering for illustrations may be end-to-end or within a section. After the picture is placed its name, divided by the number of the dash: “Figure 1 – Graph of temperature changes.”

Formulation in the dissertation subject to the following requirements:

  • Formulas stand out from the text on a separate line.
  • Above and below the formulas are left on the free line.
  • Under the formula you need to put an explanation of the symbols used and the coefficients in the order mentioned in the formula.
  • Formulas are numbered end-to-end. The number is indicated in parentheses with right alignment.