Arguments in English Essay

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the English language in the modern world. It is taught in all schools and higher education institutions. Knowledge of English broadens the mind and opens many doors. Every educated person should own it. However, this is not at all easy – and it will take a lot of effort to achieve a result.

People around the world learn the language for various reasons – for traveling, work and business, to communicate with residents of foreign countries, to read books and various publications in the original language.

Each person in the process of learning may be faced with the need to write an essay on the English language. This article will help you understand the main aspects of this work.

English essay structure

An essay is an essay written in prose, usually of small size and contains its own thoughts, arguments, and considerations of the author. The topic can be chosen any, and the text is presented in free form. Although this is a creative and individual work, the structure in the English essay is:

  • Brief theses (thoughts, judgments of the author);
  • Arguments that reinforce theses.

In addition, the essay contains an introduction (in fact, this is a statement of the problem, and also a topic is indicated) and a conclusion in which conclusions are drawn.

The arguments in the English essay are facts cited from books, scientific literature, personal experience, or simply heard. Their main task is to confirm the theses. Here are some examples of phrases that can be used for argumentation:

  • “I presume …” (I admit);
  • “Thus …” (so that);
  • “Let us start by considering …” (let me start by considering);
  • “Therefore …” (because …);
  • “They suppose” (they assume that …);
  • “I am convinced that …” (I am sure that … “;
  • “We can to begin with …” (we can start with);
  • “Believed that …” (it is believed that);
  • “The most common argument against this is that …” (the more likely fact against this is);

There are a lot of such phrases and they help to correctly enter the necessary facts into the text.

It is very difficult to start sentences, for this there are the most common phrases for writing an essay in English, here are a few of them for example: It is said (it is believed that …), as a result of … (as a result …), indeed, … ((in reality, …), besides, … (among other things, …), in addition to, … (in addition to, …), as far as I can judge, … (as far as I can believe, …), however, … (besides …), to my mind, … (in my opinion …) and others.

They are a kind of a foothold and help to correctly arrange your work.

How to present a research paper?

Sometimes, for the research paper come across topics that are not interesting to you or the audience. This usually produces monotonous long performances that no one listens to. In order that your work would not be wasted, even the most boring essay can be tried to present properly. How to do this?

What do you need?

  • Ready essay
  • Good preparation
  • Perfect knowledge of the issue
  • Mindfulness
  • Determination

Without these five components, you cannot achieve the desired result, so make sure that you have all this before the performance.

Performance Tips

  • Speech seems more lively and laid-back when a speaker speaks in his own words, rather than reading from a piece of paper. Therefore, it’s better for yourself to make notes with the main questions that you will cover than to write down your speech verbatim.
  • Add a visual presentation with pictures, graphs and charts to your presentation. This is always interesting to the public, and it certainly will not “sleep”. By the way, you can order a presentation from us. Our authors know how to make it high-quality and bright, so that any audience can not take their eyes off. As for the price, it will cost you a mere penny.
  • When preparing a speech, after writing a lecture, try to break your speech into small semantic parts. So listening and understanding will be easier, unlike one big solid thought.
  • If you have enough time, try talking to the audience. So you will see that the topic is not indifferent to them, and it will become easier to speak.
  • Remember that half the success depends on how you speak. Simple short phrases are easier to understand, so don’t oversaturate your speech.
  • Despite the fact that it is better to speak simply and clearly, still do not go down to jargon. This is not a meeting with friends, but an official speech.
  • Your words will be believed more readily if you refer to sources from which information was taken. Simply put, just rewrite yourself the list of references for the essay that you wrote, and from time to time refer to it.
  • And finally, remember that if you really understand the topic well, you can definitely tell others about it.

Presentation of the research paper according to the standard 2015

The research paper, like other types of work performed by students, must be delivered in the proper form. The norms that govern the appearance and structure of the essay are most often set by a specific teacher or department, but when there are no strict requirements for the design of work, refer to the highest list of standards.

Compared to term paper or thesis, essay takes less resources and time, with enough effort it can be completed in one or two evenings. And the mistakes made during its compilation do not so critically affect the final score. However, writing a research paper according to the 2015 standards will provide a high assessment of your efforts and improve self-discipline.

Research paper structure

The degree of importance of the essay is unlikely to have an advantage over other types of work, but the official requirements clearly indicate what sections it should consist of, and what is the order of its semantic parts.

The structure of the research paper is as follows:

  1. Title page. It represents information about the topic of the essay, the educational institution and the student who worked on the material. The requirements for the design of the title page are individual for each university or faculty.
  2. Table of contents. If the text of the research paper consists of many parts or chapters, then in this section you need to list their page numbers. For a simple research paper, it is necessary to refer only to the beginning of the main text and to the list of references.
  3. The text of the research paper. It consists of introduction, main part and conclusion. This is described in more detail later in the manual.
  4. When writing a lecture, the use of additional sources is inevitable, and a list of all resources, from books and magazines to websites, should be given at the end of the lecture. First in the list are printed publications, and then all the rest.

If already at this stage of the work you are experiencing difficulties, then it is better to entrust the design of the research paper according to 2015 standards to our authors. They will cope with the task efficiently and in a short time!

How to write a research paper text?

It is important to understand that although the information in the research paper is collected from many sources, fragments of the text from there cannot be simply copied one by one and passed off as a full-fledged work. The approach to creating an essay is the same as when writing an essay: it has an introductory, main and final part.

In the introduction, a theme is formulated, which will be discussed further, and its relevance is substantiated. Here it is necessary to indicate what questions will be answered in the text, and how important they are for modern science. The introductory part should not take more than one or two pages.

The main text is the most capacious and informative part of the essay, so it can take a lot of sheets. The main topic is revealed here, and for this the author uses all available resources: information from sources, quotes and expert opinions, research and experiment results, as well as formulas, charts, tables, statistical and other types of data. If there is a lot of information, and it needs to be structured, then the text should be divided into chapters or subheadings.

Important! Using the illustrations, make sure that they are signed, and the text has a link to each of them, as required by the essay by standards 2015. Visual information should always be associated with the content.

Conclusion is the logical end of the text. Usually, it sums up the results and expresses the author’s attitude to the topic presented.

Font and Page Format Requirements

  • Font Type: Times New Roman.
  • Font size: 14 pt. for plain text, 18 pt. for headings.
  • Line spacing: 1.5-2 units.
  • Page Size: A4.
  • Indentation: top and right – 15 mm, bottom – 30 mm, left – 25 mm.

Also, on all pages (except for the title page and the table of contents) their numbers are placed at the bottom of the sheet. Since the first two are skipped, the main section of your essay will begin on page 3.

Goals and objectives in the research paper

In the introduction of any scientific work, it is necessary to write a goal and tasks. This requirement also applies in the research paper, although its introduction is usually less comprehensive than that of research having a scientific novelty.

What is the difference between the goal and objectives

Writing goals and objectives often causes difficulty in the essays. There are several reasons for this:

  • Research papers begin to be asked already from the first semester of the first year, when students do not yet have experience writing their own research.
  • Most of the research paper is taken from books or other sources already ready-made (maximum – slightly processed to pass the test for plagiarism), and the elements of the introduction have to be written independently.
  • Topics are formulated by teachers in such a way that it is not always possible to easily figure out why such work is needed at all (except for obtaining a formal grade).
  • Often there is confusion between the concepts of goals and objectives.

At the household level, the concepts of goals and objectives are often mixed: if your goal is to wash the dishes, then we can say that you are faced with the task of washing the dishes. To write the goal and objectives in the research paper, you need to clearly distinguish between these terms.

Differences in goals and objectives for the research paper:

  • The goal of the work is most often one, but there are several tasks.
  • Purpose means why the work is written in general, what the author wants to get at the end of his work (what is the result). Tasks more characterize the process, reflecting the stages through which you need to go to achieve the goal.
  • The goal relates to the whole work and is determined by its theme. It is more logical to write tasks in sections (each paragraph is a separate task), then we can talk about structural decomposition, or dividing the research process into stages.

How to write a research paper goal

The purpose of the essay is based on its topic. The wording of the topic can be converted into a goal in two ways:

  1. By adding a verb denoting an action.
  2. By adding a verbal noun that characterizes the result.

The second way seems more justified. The following words may be helpful:

  • Study of.
  • Familiarization.
  • Systematization.
  • Classification
  • Analysis.

Unlike term papers and final qualification works, the essay does not provide for the development of a project or the suggestion of measures; the maximum can be a critical reflection on the views of several areas. More often, the goal is limited to purely educational areas.

Example 1

Here are some examples of goals:

  • R&D: “Monetarist views on inflation”, goal – “Familiarization with monetarist views on inflation”.
  • R&D: “Forms and types of loans in a market economy”, goal – “Classification of forms and types of loans.”

The purpose of the work can (and should) be written before starting work on the main text. This allows you to set a guideline for further activities, to understand what you need to strive for.

How to write tasks in the research paper

There is no clear requirement for how many tasks need to be formulated. However, the generally accepted practice – the number of tasks coincides with the number of sections in the work. Each section (paragraph, paragraph) implements a solution to one of the problems.

Tasks are most conveniently written after a work plan has been drawn up. Then the process of writing tasks comes down to reformulating the points of the plan so that they answer the question “what needs to be done in this part of the work.”

Useful verbs for setting tasks:

  • Reveal (concept).
  • Describe.
  • To characterize.
  • To consider.
  • Give (characterization).
  • To classify.
  • To analyze.
  • Compare.
  • To identify.
  • Identify (pattern, relationship).
  • To identify.
  • To trace.

Example 2

For example, the task list for the essay about the Time of Troubles, consisting of three parts, might look like this:

  1. To analyze the background of the beginning of the Time of Troubles.
  2. Consider the events of the Time of Troubles.
  3. To trace the influence of the events of the Time of Troubles on the subsequent development of the state.

How to set a goal and tasks in the research paper

The goal and objectives are part of the introduction of the research paper. Some specific design of these sections is not required. The goal is written first. From a new paragraph (most often – immediately after describing the relevance of the topic), a sentence is typed: “The purpose of the work is …”, or “The purpose of this work is …”. The word “target” does not need to be bold or in other ways.

After the goal is placed information about the tasks. You can simply write “The tasks of this work:”, or you can indicate the relationship between the tasks and the plan of the research paper itself: “The tasks of this work that determined its structure:”. Tasks are made out in the form of the list (numbered or marked). As with the goal, highlighting the word “tasks” is not required.

When writing goals and objectives, the same font parameters are used as in the main text.

Sample report to the thesis

Writing a report to the defense of the thesis – the final phase of complex, multi-day, painstaking work. The presence of the thesis and its competent defense are the legal basis for assigning the student the appropriate professional qualifications.

The spectacular report is the basis of success.

The report, or the speech delivered by the student on defense, puts a logical point in the learning process. The report can be considered as a kind of presentation of scientific and practical achievements.

The spectacular report is extremely important. Usually, the thesis is read by units, but all those present are listening to the report, especially the members of the commission. The assessment is largely determined by how the student formulates and presents the main provisions developed in the thesis.

The report should interest the listeners, and this is possible only when the information is presented interestingly, consistently, and the student feels free and confident. It is not recommended to read the text of the report; it is better when the content is retold. It is impossible to give a beautiful speech spontaneously, more effectively to prepare thoroughly and in advance. It is good to start with a sample report to the thesis, which will help orient in the preparation.

Report structuring

On the story is usually allocated 7-10 minutes, which corresponds to about 4 pages of printed text (size – 14 with an interval of 1.5). On this volume, and you need to navigate in the preparation of the text.

The content of the report is quite free. The informative part is not regulated by official requirements, but the presence of some elements in its structure is mandatory.


  1. Entry begins with a greeting to the members of the commission.
  2. Information is fed in a compact dosage. Interesting facts and links to reputable sources are welcome.
  3. Be sure to include:
  • thesis topic;
  • name and title of supervisor.
  1. In fact, in the introduction highlights the main provisions of the introductory part of the thesis:
  • the relevance of the topic, its importance for the industry in which the research was conducted;
  • object of study;
  • research methods;
  • targets and goals.

Topic disclosure

A consistent presentation of the chapters of the work is carried out in accordance with the structure of the thesis. In order to correctly describe the contents of the chapters, it is necessary to carefully re-read the text of the work, noting the significant points. It is recommended to pay attention to the conclusions at the end of chapters.

The theoretical part addresses the prerequisites for the need to develop this topic, the rationale for the adopted methods, after which a description of the subject matter is given.

The analytical part briefly describes the real state of affairs, the course of the research and the recorded results. A wonderful help speech will be a presentation with illustrative materials.


This is a summary. The analysis of the obtained results is shown. It is noted what could be the effect of the introduction of development, the prospects for further work in a given direction. It is important to note the importance of the work done.

At the final stage, the commission is thanked for the attention paid.

What if a student does not have time to prepare a report?

It happens that the student managed to finish the writing of the text, has a sample report to the thesis, however, he is sorely lacking time for the final breakthrough – writing the text for the final presentation. In this case, do not worry. Our competent specialists who are professionally engaged in writing student work will come to your aid. The report with the presentation material will be prepared for the deadline in exact accordance with the work done. You will only have to carefully read the report and speak with confidence. In addition to the report itself, our specialists will assist in writing a thesis.

Sample of thesis preparation

Writing a thesis – the crown of all the years of student education in higher education. You were afraid of this moment and went to it for several years of your life. And naturally no one knows from which side to approach the writing of the first great scientific work in life. The model of the thesis is very simple.

Consider writing a thesis on points. Having built a scheme of action, you can quickly navigate.


It all starts with the choice of the head. It must be a competent teacher. It is good if you have already written coursework and other works with him. Even better if you have a good relationship with him.

The head of the thesis should help and guide you. In addition, the grade and deadlines for graduation significantly depend on it.

Choose carefully and better in advance, as many universities practice automatic separation of students according to teachers. Agree in advance and defend your choice.

An important point – the scientific title. The higher it is, the better at protection. On the other hand, the higher the title of manager, the less participation he will be able to take in writing your work. This is not a one hundred percent probability, but a very common practice. Choose you.

Preparing to write a thesis

Choosing a manager, you must decide on the topic of work. The manager should help you formulate it as best as possible and more accurately. Based on the topic, you will build your future work.

Next, you prepare a work plan.

The next stage is the collection of material. Gradually, according to the plan, you should collect a maximum of material from textbooks, monographs, abstracts, etc. Another wealth of information is the Internet. Here you need to be careful and check the data, since no one can vouch for their accuracy.

Collection of practical material. An important part of the thesis is the data that the student received himself. Predegree practice is reserved for this. You should have enough material to build a theory and draw conclusions. This is a very important point in the protection of the thesis.

Writing a thesis

The thesis consists of the following parts:

  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Main part
  • findings
  • Applications
  • References

The introduction should be about 5 pages. It marks the subject of the thesis, relevance, subject, object, goals, objectives, etc.

The main part consists, as a rule, of two sections: theory and practice. Each of them, in turn, may consist of several parts.

In the theoretical section, you should as fully and concisely state the information received from sources regarding the topic of the thesis. The statement of the theory should be structured and logical.

In the practical section you present your own development. Show the obtained practical data and analyze them carefully. All information must be documented (photocopies, images, graphs, tables) in the annexes.

In the conclusions you summarize all the work done, the information collected. It is important to make this part of the thesis well, because attention is paid mostly to the introduction and conclusions. Few people will read your thesis completely.

To issue a thesis

The thesis must be issued in accordance with all standards set forth by the standard. Before signing, you will need to go through normal control. A sample of the thesis and its design can be viewed at your department. It is better to immediately set the necessary parameters in the document, so that later it would not have been long and painful to put it in order.

Writing a thesis in many causes difficulties. If you are not ready to prepare this one yourself, contact us! For you will be prepared competent full-fledged work that you can easily protect and pass.

Sample of synopsis of a thesis

For the orientation of the members of the State Examination Commission in the structure of the protected thesis or project, the performer must include an abstract in the calculation and explanatory note. A sample of the thesis abstract allows members of the State Examination Commission to briefly familiarize themselves with the goals, objectives and positive features of the work.

What is included in the synopsis

The volume of the abstract is usually determined by the issuing department, but usually does not exceed 2 A4 pages (font Times New Roman 14pt, 1.5-2 intervals). The following points are required:

  1. The exact wording of the theme of the project or work, indicating the number of pages of the note and the amount of drawing and graphic documentation.
  2. The structure of the project / work: the number of chapters or sections, the presence or absence of applications (they may, for example, include references to publications on the topic of the thesis, the full text of the programs developed by the graduate, etc.).
  3. Brief description of all sections listed in paragraph 2.
  4. The results of the developments made in the framework of the graduation design, an indication of actually achieved positive results. This may be a positive review of a third-party organization that accepts development for practical use, a copy of a positive decision on the grant of a patent, and sometimes a copy of the patent itself.
  5. The conclusion about the novelty of the solutions presented in the draft and the directions of further work already as a specialist.

Properly and clearly designed sample of the abstract of the thesis, not only can prevent a number of questions during the defense, but also helps the performer to navigate the individual provisions of his report.

But sometimes the possibility of a graduate thesis for the compilation of the abstract is either very limited or not at all. How to proceed? Indeed, without the presence of the abstract, the work is considered to be inappropriate, and the protection in the State Examination Commission cannot be allowed.

How to get rid of the troubles associated with the lack of the synopsis

An experienced specialist of the relevant profile, who is often engaged in the preparation of such documents, can always compile a qualitative sample of the thesis abstract. It is even better if, at the same time as the order of the abstract, you order the thesis itself. There can be many reasons for such a decision: from the lack of free time for the qualitative design of a graduation project (which often happens when a graduate student is already working on a permanent job) to the banal inability to distribute their forces and cope with the processing of initial information.

Referring to a specialist for help, you need to remember that it can only be provided with:

  • timely contact us for advice;
  • the availability of all the starting materials for the thesis, including also the materials of the externship;
  • the exact amount of requirements for the design of the finished work (they are usually reported by the project supervisor from the university);
  • knowledge of the final tasks posed by the thesis project or work.

Having collected all the required source information, the customer contacts one of our authors, which will be recommended by us. Further is already entirely within his competence. A sample of the thesis abstract prepared as a result of the work, as well as all other documents required for successful defense, will receive a thesis from the author in a timely manner and with the required quality. It is important that in the process of cooperation the student will be provided with the necessary advice and available explanations on all difficult issues.

Topics for management coursework

It is not a secret for anyone that the coursework topics offered in the departments are so outdated and hackneyed that the teachers themselves do not approve of their choice. Therefore, the student has to find the problem himself, work on it and invent a topic. It is always very difficult. That is why we decided to make for you a selection of approximate topics for course management.

If you decide to order coursework from us – then the choice of the topic will be the only lice problem and you do not have to sweat over the design of applications in the course or form the table of contents of the course work. Our authors have been working with courseworks for decades and know perfectly well what to write in order to please the teacher.

  • Content theories of motivation: a comparative analysis, practical conclusions
  • Procedural theories of motivation: a comparative analysis, practical conclusions
  • Corporate management: prerequisites, principles, technology of practical implementation
  • Crisis management of an enterprise: conditions and implementation technologies
  • Social management: prerequisites, tasks and implementation technologies
  • Process, system and situational approaches to management
  • Organizational culture as an enterprise management mechanism
  • American model of management
  • Manager Status Evolution
  • Organization Conflict Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Quality control
  • Organizational structure: types, comparative analysis
  • Personnel Management
  • Leadership and Leadership
  • Management principles: comparative analysis and implementation conditions
  • Management methods: comparative analysis and implementation conditions
  • Management functions: interconnection and implementation features
  • Principles of professional ethics: evolution and implementation issues
  • External and internal environment of the organization: the relationship and methods of analysis
  • Management of change and business development (organization)
  • Evolution of management theory
  • Organizational and legal forms of enterprises: a comparative analysis
  • Material and moral incentives for labor: a comparative analysis
  • Function control: tasks and mechanisms
  • Personnel control: tasks, mechanisms, implementation problems
  • Theories of leadership: a comparative analysis, practical conclusions
  • Product strategies: comparative analysis, implementation conditions
  • Portfolio strategies: comparative analysis, implementation conditions
  • Theory and practice of management at the present stage: the main problems and trends

Sample of the introduction of the results of the thesis

Theses, which have an applied nature, must be accompanied by an act or certificate of implementation of the results of the thesis. This document confirms the practical application of your research. What your optimization event, recommendations and suggestions considered and allowed to use in the work. It can be an enterprise, organization or state institution – any place of work where your research is relevant and possible to use.

In fact, this is an optional part of the thesis. But if your school requires it, you will have to arrange it. In addition, a similar document gives weight to your research and automatically raises the grade. A sample of the act of introducing the results of the thesis will be given below.

On the act of implementation must be a seal from the enterprise.

Content of the act of implementation

The act will be based on this scheme:

  • Thesis
  • The data of the author of the thesis
  • Full name of the company
  • A short statement of the problem, which was considered in the thesis and offered options for its solution.
  • List of Open Questions
  • Research results
  • Information on the implementation of the results of the thesis
  • Data on how the results were implemented

The thesis data can be used, implemented, incorporated into the program of the next year, accepted for development, etc.

The act must be signed by the head and sealed.

How to write the act of implementation

The act must contain information that the student participated in the development, the results of these developments are embedded in the work of the enterprise.

As a rule, no one particularly delves into the content of the act. The main thing that he was.

Use the following wording:

Participated in system development / methodology development,

Analyzed the process … And suggested optimization options …

Developed an implementation mechanism … that will increase / decrease …

In the paragraph about the results of the implementation, use the following expressions:

At the enterprise … Student recommendations … Used for … thanks to this, it was implemented … which reduced the costs of …

In the organization … optimization measures were taken into consideration … thanks to this, the volumes increased … / increased in a short time …

If we are talking about pedagogy, you can indicate that the results were used in:

Preparation of guidelines / lesson plans, etc.

With regard to programming, they indicate: it has been used under specific conditions when developing a device, technology, or implemented …

How can I check the act of implementation?

You can check the act of implementation, but hardly anyone will do it. Even if no one is going to put your research into life (and it will be so), take the trouble to make the act as credible as possible.

If no one has any suspicions, no one will believe anything.

Begins the act of introducing the results of the thesis as follows:

Information on the implementation of research results obtained by a 5th year student of the MIT specialty “Organization Management” Nick Bailey in his thesis work “Optimizing the work of the marketing department in the enterprise.”

A sample certificate of implementation of the results of the thesis can be easily found on the Internet. If you have difficulty in preparing this document, please contact us. We will prepare for you an act of implementing the results in a short time. Qualified specialists are ready to do your order!

Medical coursework topics

Medicine is not a particularly creative science, so teachers have to check hundreds of courseworks on the same topics from year to year. Because of this, students suffer the most: the reviewer is not interested in your work, does not try to “pull out” the student, does not delve into the text, etc. Because of this, the score may decrease. Therefore, in order to interest the teacher, you need to find an interesting topic. But how to do that?

Unfortunately, even if you decide to order coursework from us, the authors will take only for a specific order. Of course, it will be made with high quality, and we will give you twenty days of guarantee, so that the author can remake the shortcomings, in which case. You do not have to learn how to write a coursework or how to justify the relevance of the topic of coursework, but you have to choose a topic yourself. We have prepared a list of sample topics that you can use.

  • The need and demand of the population for outpatient medical services
  • Features of the provision of paid services in dental institutions
  • Nursing process in the preoperative period
  • Features of nursing in the treatment of purulent diseases of the lungs
  • Basic patterns of nervous activity
  • Features of rehabilitation in myocardial infarction
  • Assigning endocannel pin
  • Ensuring infectious safety in the emergency room
  • The activities of public organizations for the prevention of drug abuse
  • Mud therapy and its role in the rehabilitation process
  • The organization of paid medical services in the budget health care facilities in the context of CHI
  • Forming graphic skills in children with hearing impairments
  • Physiological and verbal breathing of older preschoolers with erased dysarthria
  • The grounds and procedure for the application of compulsory medical measures
  • The value of minerals and water for the body
  • Prostate morphology
  • Learn basic concepts related to Ibn Sina’s pharmacy
  • Clinical study and treatment methods for young children diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia
  • Atypical pneumonia: etiology, epidemiology, features of pathogenesis. Laboratory diagnosis. Prevention and therapy measures
  • Ways and means of preventing postural disorders in preschool children
  • Nosocomial infections
  • To study the peculiarities of the perception of the disease in alcohol and nicotine addicts
  • Carriage and salmonella secretion in humans
  • To determine the role of a nurse in ensuring the quality of life in patients undergoing treatment with programmed hemodialysis
  • The main problems and features of deontology in pediatrics
  • Headache
  • Study of the rehabilitation period after gynecological operations
  • Therapeutic physical training as a method of rehabilitation of patients with pleurisy
  • Trophoblastic disease