Essay for entering the MBA

Inspectors will expect from you a clearly reasoned position, a logical connection between the parts of the work, a good syllable and the ability to add features of the author to the text. The facelessness of the essay, stereotyped, universal will lead to the fact that you consider it unworthy to be credited candidate.

Requirements for an essay for admission to MBA

The essay is characterized by the absence of a strict framework. You must follow only 2 rules.

  1. The volume of the finished work should not exceed the permissible limit of 1000 words. Remove weak phrases, leave only the most thoughtful expressions. Try to avoid long and difficult to read sentences. Reduce available.
  2. Work must have a structure. Prepare a plan and do not depart from it when writing.

Topics essay for admission to MBA

Possible options:

  • What brought you the last two years? What changes can you notice?
  • Why did you choose this school?
  • Why do you need a degree?
  • Mistakes that could teach you.
  • Persons you imitate.
  • Social activities: what can she teach?
  • Ethics of a businessman: what is unacceptable?
  • What are your goals?
  • Motivation and success: the relationship of concepts.

Features of writing an essay for admission to the MBA

Negative impact on the assessment:

  • errors;
  • sharp transition between parts;
  • unconfirmed information;
  • detailed description of illegal methods of obtaining financial benefits;
  • slang;
  • vernacular statements;
  • insults and negative statements towards companies, systems, states, famous people, teachers.

Will contribute to the successful delivery:

  • originality of the introductory part;
  • exact use of quotes;
  • knowledge of numbers, current and recent statistics;
  • ability to analyze data;
  • competent written speech;
  • absence of cliché phrases;
  • humor;
  • multiple proofreading of the text.

What to do if you have been denied once

  • Try to disengage from failure.
  • Work on a possible topic in more detail.

Arguments in a social studies essay

Social science is a whole complex of various disciplines that form a complete picture of society and the laws of the existence of the social world as a whole.

Social science is formed from the close connection between such sciences as philosophy, sociology, political science, economics, law – this whole complex is not considered separately, but as a whole. To understand such a complex subject, it is necessary to be able to conduct multi-level analysis, think logically and, of course, read as much literature as possible.

Social Studies Essay

Many of the schoolchildren and graduates are faced with writing an essay on social studies – in the form of homework, or on a single state exam. This is one of the most difficult tasks. The essay is a small prose essay. It is written in free form.

Structure of the essay:

  1. Introduction (quote, raised problem and its relevance);
  2. Brief theses expressing the thoughts of the author (the meaning of the above is described, a subjective point of view is given);
  3. Reinforcement of thoughts with arguments (arguments);
  4. Conclusion (conclusion).

When writing a text, it is necessary to clearly and correctly formulate your thoughts, to logically distinguish cause-effect relationships, to differentiate information, to give examples from your own life, to be able to argue all your conclusions. It is with the last of the above that many people have problems.

Essay Arguments

Arguments in an essay on social studies are those facts, incidents from life, quotations of scientists, scientific evidence that can confirm the thesis. For credibility, each statement must be supported by two arguments.

It is necessary to properly present the argument:

  • You can start examples from your own life like this: “I remember very well how a similar case happened in my life …”, “despite the absence of vast life experience, there was a similar situation in my life…”;
  • Argument from the lives of others: “I remember one story that my father told me (grandmother, friend, acquaintance, etc.) …”;
  • The reference to authority: “an eminent writer (philosopher, scientist, artist, etc.) stated that …”;
  • The experience from the books: “remember an example from a great work …”;

To successfully write an essay, express your own point of view with the help of various introductory phrases: I think, I think, my opinion about, I will allow myself to express, in my opinion, most likely, and so on.

We hope this information will help you in writing a qualitative essay on social studies.

Arguments in English Essay

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the English language in the modern world. It is taught in all schools and higher education institutions. Knowledge of English broadens the mind and opens many doors. Every educated person should own it. However, this is not at all easy – and it will take a lot of effort to achieve a result.

People around the world learn the language for various reasons – for traveling, work and business, to communicate with residents of foreign countries, to read books and various publications in the original language.

Each person in the process of learning may be faced with the need to write an essay on the English language. This article will help you understand the main aspects of this work.

English essay structure

An essay is an essay written in prose, usually of small size and contains its own thoughts, arguments, and considerations of the author. The topic can be chosen any, and the text is presented in free form. Although this is a creative and individual work, the structure in the English essay is:

  • Brief theses (thoughts, judgments of the author);
  • Arguments that reinforce theses.

In addition, the essay contains an introduction (in fact, this is a statement of the problem, and also a topic is indicated) and a conclusion in which conclusions are drawn.

The arguments in the English essay are facts cited from books, scientific literature, personal experience, or simply heard. Their main task is to confirm the theses. Here are some examples of phrases that can be used for argumentation:

  • “I presume …” (I admit);
  • “Thus …” (so that);
  • “Let us start by considering …” (let me start by considering);
  • “Therefore …” (because …);
  • “They suppose” (they assume that …);
  • “I am convinced that …” (I am sure that … “;
  • “We can to begin with …” (we can start with);
  • “Believed that …” (it is believed that);
  • “The most common argument against this is that …” (the more likely fact against this is);

There are a lot of such phrases and they help to correctly enter the necessary facts into the text.

It is very difficult to start sentences, for this there are the most common phrases for writing an essay in English, here are a few of them for example: It is said (it is believed that …), as a result of … (as a result …), indeed, … ((in reality, …), besides, … (among other things, …), in addition to, … (in addition to, …), as far as I can judge, … (as far as I can believe, …), however, … (besides …), to my mind, … (in my opinion …) and others.

They are a kind of a foothold and help to correctly arrange your work.

Argumentative essay: how to write correctly

Argumentative essay. How to prepare and what you need to know?

Writing an essay-discourse on a topic chosen by the author gives argument to reason, persuade and convey a certain thought to the reader. The writing is based on thesis statements, which need to be convincingly (argued) with the use of literary works. The conclusion is written at the end.

The basis of the evidence base is the work of art with which the author of the work should be well acquainted. Without knowing the material, it will be difficult to prove anything. The text should reflect the problem, how the writer sees it, how it relates to this issue. The evidence in the essay-discourse on the statements of the writer or the heroes of his work can be cited as a partial citation. You should avoid retelling the text.

Everything goes according to plan

In order not to get confused in one’s own thoughts and to state them correctly, one needs to draw up a detailed plan before starting writing. It must contain:

  • theses;
  • arguments;
  • findings.

The beginning of the argumentative essay can begin with a brief introduction that introduces the reader to the topic. For this, a couple of sentences are enough. After the topic go to the question (problems). In this part of the argumentative essay it is necessary to explain the thought of the writer from a single literary source, which, in your opinion, best reflects the problematic of the topic. The author of the work of reasoning understands the meaning of the writer’s statement in its own way. Therefore, he reflects his understanding of this thought in the form of a thesis.

In the argumentative essay it is important to see exactly your point of view, so you should not pay full attention to the position of the writer. In his work you only find confirmation of your convictions. The validity of your statements are confirmed by literary arguments. They require at least two, preferably with examples. These arguments should be convincing, detailed and fully reflect your point of view in this matter. You can also make arguments, referring to personal experience. Each argument needs to be written from the new paragraph.

The output summarizes all of the above. The conclusion returns the reader to the problem, answers the questions that the author of the essay set himself at the very beginning.

Of course, one should not make grammatical and spelling errors in the text. Distortion of facts, names, dates is also considered unacceptable.

Essay writing techniques

The basic techniques of writing essay-reasoning

Writing in the form of reasoning is an opportunity to convince the reader of a particular issue. How to write an essay-reasoning on the text, as well as to get acquainted with literary techniques, we will describe in this article.

Writing-reasoning involves the presentation of the author of his thoughts on a given topic. In this case, the idea should be concise, competent. To write an essay-reasoning person must be well acquainted with the material in order to skillfully defend their point of view in this matter. The author expresses his position and argues it, gives examples. Before you write an essay, it is important to familiarize yourself with its basic rules.

How to start a writing-reasoning?

The structure of the composition looks like this:

  • thesis;
  • arguments (including examples);
  • findings.

The introductory part should be started with a description of the problem that rises in the text, its relevance, to familiarize the reader with key concepts. The introduction contains abstracts that require evidence, and the position of the author. You can use quotes from works of authoritative sources, if they are directly related to the text. Or start with rhetorical questions that will lead to the disclosure in the essay-reasoning of the meaning of the main topic.

Correctly argue your thoughts

When the thought and judgments are formulated, in the main part we turn to the arguments that the author suggests in order to confirm the theses suggested above. You should not retell the work on which write an essay, it is absolutely useless. Here only your reasoning and point of view are important. The number of induced evidence (arguments) must be at least two. Their main function is to convince the reader. In turn, the arguments must be supported by at least one example for each. These can be examples from fiction, from the lives of famous people or from your personal experience. Consider for writing essay-reasoning examples of expressing the author’s own position. It can begin with the following phrases:

  • “I will give one example …”;
  • “Let us recall the statements …”;
  • “This can be proved as follows …”.
  • “Firstly Secondly”.

Conclusions as thought completion

After the main part go to the conclusion. The conclusion should contain short, but succinct results of all the above stated by you. It should not contradict the above theses and arguments. In conclusion, it is better not to make categorical conclusions, but only to put forward our assumptions and forecasts, encouraging the reader to think independently.

Essay writing plan

What is the composition plan for?

Students of schools to pass the exam, which must be prepared in advance. Special training requires writing essays on selected topics. To do this, it will be useful to make a plan for presenting your own thoughts in order to realize your creative idea and not to miss important details.

Plan of writing on the history. Main steps

If you need to write an essay on history, the plan should look like this:

  • It is necessary to highlight at least two events related to the period to be considered.
  • Historical figures. Tell about two historical figures whose role and activities are associated with the event. Be sure to indicate the years of life, position held, important achievements.
  • The role and influence of events. Using the facts and opinions of historians, to assess the historical gap under consideration, to establish a causal connection between events.

It is recommended to use in the course of writing historical terms and concepts that characterize a specific period.

Concrete essay writing plan

Many consider writing a plan a waste of time, however, it is not! A well-written blueprint will allow you to relate your thoughts and logically state them.

Writing requires compliance with the plan:

  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion.

The introduction serves as a reason for the forthcoming reasoning, introduces the reader to the topic, formulates the question (problem) and its relevance. Here you need to say a few words about the writer and his work.

The main part fully reveals the essence of the problem, which of the authors was affected, how he described it and what he focused on. After determining the position of the author, you should designate your personal position. You can agree or disagree with the author’s opinion. If your and the author’s position coincide, then you should independently find the facts from the literature that will confirm your thought. The following are the arguments in the form of theses that require a reasoned response (evidence), using art material as a support. To do this, it is necessary to know the work well in order to apply it correctly in the text of your essay and to prevent the distortion of information about events or characters. You can use quotes from the work with comments to them. Comments are especially important because they help to understand the problem more deeply, to see the author’s interest in it.

The conclusion should be brief, summarizing and contain the answer to the main question of the essay. He can repeat the thoughts of the author in a generalized form. The ending should correspond to the introduction and the main part.

Before writing, making a specific essay plan for literature, you have every chance to pass the exam successfully.

Tips for writing a motivational essay

A graduate school who seeks to enroll in a foreign university or a large domestic university, is obliged to collect and submit a package of documents for consideration by the commission. It must also include a motivation letter. Moreover, the importance of such an essay is unreachable.

It is not uncommon for a strong student who has performed well on exams to be rejected by the university administration for enrollment due to a poorly written motivation letter.

Work Tips

Be sure to include:

  • why choose this profession;
  • proven veils about the school;
  • what motivates you to cultivate, what gives you the strength to go forward;
  • What are your goals?
  • what was achieved in sports and creativity;
  • why are you a good student;
  • your features, abilities and opportunities for which you should be credited.

Motivational essay: an example of how NOT to do

We give an excerpt from the work, which cannot be rated highly:

“Hello! My name is Mary, I recently turned 16 years old.

I applied to many educational institutions, but I was only able to pass on points. Thank you for having such a low threshold. You inspired me to learn, move forward and improve myself. The teachers at the school did not succeed. They could not prove the importance of education, to my deepest regret. All that I have achieved, I have achieved myself. Without the help of teachers.

Everything is different with you. As soon as I entered the audience, I immediately realized that I wanted to study here for the next 4 years. Maybe then I even go to the magistracy. I think I have enough strength to overcome all the difficulties and hardships on the student’s path.

Why did I like the audience? Why do I mention her again and again? Because it is very spacious, bright and very cozy. Immediately it is clear that you care about your students. Such an approach is dear to me.”

Motivational essay, an example of how not to do: analysis

  • Dialogue to build with the reader should be mandatory, but primitivism is not appropriate. The first 2 sentences should be formulated differently.
  • The theme of the work, the problematic should be indicated in the introduction. This is not. The meaning of the message is not clear, what goals the author pursues, what he is trying to convey to the reader.
  • You should not mention other universities in the work, if you are not ready to conduct a comparative analysis and do not strive to devote all the work to this.
  • Universities pride themselves on the difficulty of selection. It is not necessary to focus on opposing ideas.
  • Talk about your virtues, keep silent about the shortcomings. A low score is a bad recommendation.
  • Do not speak unflattering about their school years and teachers. Remember that teachers will be the examiner.
  • Primitivism of flattery, the inability to make compliments and find the strengths of an educational institution will lead to the fact that the motivational essay, an example of which is given above, will be put aside immediately after reading the second paragraph.
  • Errors in the approvals and the use of words, the meaning of which you do not know, will lead to the refusal of enrollment.

Topics for the final essay

How to approach the choice of the theme of the final essay?

The choice of the topic of the final essay (presentation) is not an easy task. It should be approached with all the responsibility, since it is precisely according to the results of the final essay that access to the USE will take place. Students are tentatively informed of the five main thematic areas for the final essay. Specific topics are kept secret and become known immediately before the exam itself. To prepare, in advance, the teachers publish a list of recommended reading materials, which will be useful for writing future work. A person who does not know most of the works of art and literary material will simply write about.

The choice of the topic of the final essay should be based on a clear idea of ​​what you plan to write about. That is, to know your strengths and do not write about the material that you do not understand. Before writing, you need to identify for yourself what the work will be used as a literary argument that will help to formulate your position in the raised question. Be sure to give one or more examples that best illustrate the problem. Without literary argument, essays will not be evaluated.


When the topic is selected, the idea is formulated, you need to submit the course of your thoughts. And it is better to write all the developments on the draft, so you will have a plan. Divide the essay for yourself conditionally into such parts:

  • problem identification;
  • your attitude to the problem;
  • guidance of arguments and examples (proof or refutation);
  • what conclusion you came to.

Having previously developed a plan, you can proceed to the disclosure of each item. Use for a start a draft where you can always fix or finish something. Perhaps the thoughts will come to you in a chaotic manner, they certainly need to fix. In due course each phrase will take the place in the text and will make a full composition of the composition. Even if you made grammatical and spelling errors, there is a chance to correct them before rewriting to final work.

The writing allows you to unleash your potential, shows your literacy, the quality of your writing; the ability to formulate the essence and problems of the topic, and fully disclose it; the ability to express their own thoughts and experiences.

According to the results of the final essay, a “credit” or “fail” will be issued.

Relevant Historical Essay Topics

From students of educational institutions increasingly require an essay. The reason for this lies in the structure of the Unified State Examination. One part of the exam includes a similar task.

So that you can complete it successfully, consider how to write an essay on history.

What to avoid when choosing a history essay topic

Do not take the topic of an essay on history, if you are not sure that you can give exact and correct dates on them. Such works, no matter how interesting and informative they were, cannot qualify for a high score. Reliability of facts and numbers is paramount.

Unsuccessful examples of history essays necessarily contain chronological errors. Not able to track the formation of Caesar? Discard the original idea, take as a basis for a different historical person.

Remember that recent history does not have a single interpretation. An event that took place relatively recently may be regarded differently by inspectors. To rely on it in your judgments, to build your argument with the help of it is not worth it. We advise you to choose essay topics on the history of other centuries and eras. This step will save you from disappointment.

Possible topics of essay on history

  1. The origin of the Americans: current theories.
  2. The relationship of nomads and Americans.
  3. Forgotten civilizations that have made a significant contribution to world history.
  4. Causes of the fall of Byzantium: internal factors.
  5. Reasons for the fall of Rome: the role of the last emperor.
  6. Ancient civilizations: what can you learn from their example?

How to make a plan for an essay on history

A story essay plan should include:

  • introduction;
  • problem designation;
  • designation of position on the issue;
  • argumentation of opinion;
  • conclusion

The structure is conditional. Many examples of history essays are limited to 3 points. Some have more.

Philosophy Essay Topics

Have you been asked to write an essay on philosophy? And you do not even know how to approach this matter? Do not despair! We have prepared for you the information that will be useful when writing this type of work.

An essay is a small essay written in a free, prosaic form and containing the author’s own judgments. For students who are not going to associate their lives with this science, writing an essay on philosophy becomes a very difficult task. Most students have no philosophical experience; modern students are not keen on reading books by famous philosophers. Many attended classes on this subject, which is taught in all institutions of higher education. But few people remember what was discussed at the lectures. But nevertheless, when an essay is asked, it is necessary to concentrate and accomplish this task as accurately as possible.

How to write an essay on philosophy

From the very beginning, you need to decide what you will write about. Themes of the essay on philosophy can be very different:

  • The extensive, generalized topics are quite relevant: “How do I understand philosophy?”, “What is the meaning of life?”, “My view of life”, “The place of philosophy in our world”, “My worldview”, etc. Here you can think about it, and There should be no particular complaints against you – you defend your views on various issues. However, it is problematic and it is eloquent to describe one’s point of view.
  • Another option is to use the opinion of a reputable philosopher, here too the teacher will not be able to challenge anything. For example: “The Teachings of Homer”, “Friedrich Nietzsche and his place in philosophy”, “Plato and his teachings on the state” and so on. The choice is wide and you don’t have to suffer by creating very smart offers. Everything is already written to you – the main thing is to correctly use all this.
  • You can, for example, touch on any problem: “The problem of loneliness”, “The problem of the essence of existence”, “The problem of human relations”. Choose any problem you have an idea about and go ahead.
  • Like the story? Try to touch it in your topic: “The formation of philosophy as a science”, “Ancient Philosophy”, “Philosophy of Renaissance”, “Eastern Philosophy”. This makes it possible to present interesting arguments.

In general, you can consider any topics related to the philosophy in which you understand. Do not be afraid to express your opinion – that is what is expected of you in the composition. Now, consider a plan for an essay on philosophy:

  1. Introduction (description of the problem, some thought, quote, which you will reveal later);
  2. Theses (formulation of thoughts) and arguments (proof of what was said, can be supported by personal experience, heard or read);
  3. Conclusion (summarizes, and summarizes the opinion of the author).

Here are some tips on how to write an essay on philosophy:

  • It is necessary to maintain a logical connection of the text;
  • Expressiveness, emotionality will not be superfluous;
  • It is better to use short, affordable offers;
  • Mandatory subjective interpretation of the selected topic;
  • It is important to attract the reader, to capture his attention;
  • Do not reload the essay with long sentences, incomprehensible definitions.

Stick to the above recommendations, select a topic that you understand and be able to communicate well and go ahead. You must get a decent job.